/** * * A JQUERY GOOGLE MAPS LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE LOCATION PICKER * version 1.2 * * Supports multiple maps. Works on touchscreen. Easy to customize markup and CSS. * * To see a live demo, go to: * http://www.wimagguc.com/projects/jquery-latitude-longitude-picker-gmaps/ * * by Richard Dancsi * http://www.wimagguc.com/ * */ (function($) { // for ie9 doesn't support debug console >>> if (!window.console) window.console = {}; if (!window.console.log) window.console.log = function () { }; // ^^^ /* local modification */ window.gMapsLatLonPickerState = {}; $.fn.gMapsLatLonPicker = (function() { var _self = this; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PARAMETERS (MODIFY THIS PART) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _self.params = { defLat : 0, defLng : 0, defZoom : 1, queryLocationNameWhenLatLngChanges: true, queryElevationWhenLatLngChanges: true, mapOptions : { mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, /* local modification */ //mapTypeControl: false, disableDoubleClickZoom: true, zoomControlOptions: true, streetViewControl: false }, strings : { markerText : "Drag this Marker", error_empty_field : "Couldn't find coordinates for this place", error_no_results : "Couldn't find coordinates for this place" } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // VARIABLES USED BY THE FUNCTION (DON'T MODIFY THIS PART) //////////////////////////////////// _self.vars = { ID : null, LATLNG : null, map : null, marker : null, geocoder : null }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PRIVATE FUNCTIONS FOR MANIPULATING DATA //////////////////////////////////////////////////// var setPosition = function(position) { _self.vars.marker.setPosition(position); _self.vars.map.panTo(position); $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpZoom").val( _self.vars.map.getZoom() ); $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpLongitude").val( position.lng() ); $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpLatitude").val( position.lat() ); $(_self.vars.cssID).trigger("location_changed", $(_self.vars.cssID)); if (_self.params.queryLocationNameWhenLatLngChanges) { getLocationName(position); } if (_self.params.queryElevationWhenLatLngChanges) { getElevation(position); } }; // for reverse geocoding var getLocationName = function(position) { var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(position.lat(), position.lng()); _self.vars.geocoder.geocode({'latLng': latlng}, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK && results[1]) { $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpLocationName").val(results[1].formatted_address); } else { $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpLocationName").val(""); } $(_self.vars.cssID).trigger("location_name_changed", $(_self.vars.cssID)); }); }; // for getting the elevation value for a position var getElevation = function(position) { var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(position.lat(), position.lng()); var locations = [latlng]; var positionalRequest = { 'locations': locations }; _self.vars.elevator.getElevationForLocations(positionalRequest, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.ElevationStatus.OK) { if (results[0]) { $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpElevation").val( results[0].elevation.toFixed(3)); } else { $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpElevation").val(""); } } else { $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpElevation").val(""); } $(_self.vars.cssID).trigger("elevation_changed", $(_self.vars.cssID)); }); }; // search function var performSearch = function(string, silent) { if (string == "") { if (!silent) { displayError( _self.params.strings.error_empty_field ); } return; } _self.vars.geocoder.geocode( {"address": string}, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpZoom").val(11); _self.vars.map.setZoom( parseInt($(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpZoom").val()) ); setPosition( results[0].geometry.location ); } else { if (!silent) { displayError( _self.params.strings.error_no_results ); } } } ); }; // error function var displayError = function(message) { alert(message); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var publicfunc = { // INITIALIZE MAP ON DIV ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// init : function(object) { if ( !$(object).attr("id") ) { if ( $(object).attr("name") ) { $(object).attr("id", $(object).attr("name") ); } else { $(object).attr("id", "_MAP_" + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000) ); } } _self.vars.ID = $(object).attr("id"); _self.vars.cssID = "#" + _self.vars.ID + " "; _self.params.defLat = $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpLatitude").val() ? $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpLatitude").val() : _self.params.defLat; _self.params.defLng = $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpLongitude").val() ? $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpLongitude").val() : _self.params.defLng; _self.params.defZoom = $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpZoom").val() ? parseInt($(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpZoom").val()) : _self.params.defZoom; _self.vars.LATLNG = new google.maps.LatLng(_self.params.defLat, _self.params.defLng); _self.vars.MAPOPTIONS = _self.params.mapOptions; _self.vars.MAPOPTIONS.zoom = _self.params.defZoom; _self.vars.MAPOPTIONS.center = _self.vars.LATLNG; _self.vars.map = new google.maps.Map($(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpMap").get(0), _self.vars.MAPOPTIONS); _self.vars.geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); _self.vars.elevator = new google.maps.ElevationService(); _self.vars.marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: _self.vars.LATLNG, map: _self.vars.map, title: _self.params.strings.markerText, draggable: true }); // Set position on doubleclick google.maps.event.addListener(_self.vars.map, 'dblclick', function(event) { setPosition(event.latLng); }); // Set position on marker move google.maps.event.addListener(_self.vars.marker, 'dragend', function(event) { setPosition(_self.vars.marker.position); }); // Set zoom feld's value when user changes zoom on the map google.maps.event.addListener(_self.vars.map, 'zoom_changed', function(event) { $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpZoom").val( _self.vars.map.getZoom() ); $(_self.vars.cssID).trigger("location_changed", $(_self.vars.cssID)); }); // Update location and zoom values based on input field's value $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpUpdateButton").bind("click", function() { var lat = $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpLatitude").val(); var lng = $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpLongitude").val(); var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); _self.vars.map.setZoom( parseInt( $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpZoom").val() ) ); setPosition(latlng); }); // Search function by search button $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpSearchButton").bind("click", function() { performSearch( $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpSearchField").val(), false ); }); // Search function by gllp_perform_search listener $(document).bind("gllp_perform_search", function(event, object) { performSearch( $(object).attr('string'), true ); }); // Zoom function triggered by gllp_perform_zoom listener $(document).bind("gllp_update_fields", function(event) { var lat = $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpLatitude").val(); var lng = $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpLongitude").val(); var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); _self.vars.map.setZoom( parseInt( $(_self.vars.cssID + ".gllpZoom").val() ) ); setPosition(latlng); }); /* local modification */ window.gMapsLatLonPickerState[_self.vars.ID] = { vars : _self.vars, params : _self.params }; } // publicfunc } return publicfunc; }); }(jQuery)); $(document).ready( function() { $(".gllpLatlonPicker").each(function() { $(document).gMapsLatLonPicker().init( $(this) ); }); }); $(document).bind("location_changed", function(event, object) { console.log("changed: " + $(object).attr('id') ); });