<& /elements/header-popup.html,
'title' => 'Title',
'menubar' => \@menubar,
'etc' => '', #included in
tag, for things like onLoad=
'head' => '', #included before closing tag
'nobr' => 0, #1 for no
after the title
include( '/elements/header.html', 'Title', $menubar, $etc, $head);
<% encode_entities($title) || $title_noescape |n %>
% unless ( $no_jquery ) {
% if ( $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->option('printtofit') ) {
% }
% }
<% $head |n %>
% if ($m->notes('inline_stylesheet')) { # for email delivery
% } else {
% }
% if ( $title || $title_noescape ) {
<% encode_entities($title) || $title_noescape |n %>
% }
% unless ( $nobr ) {
% }
my( $title, $title_noescape, $menubar, $etc, $head ) = ( '', '', '', '', '' );
my( $nobr, $no_jquery ) = ( 0, 0 );
if ( ref($_[0]) ) {
my $opt = shift;
$title = $opt->{title};
$title_noescape = $opt->{title_noescape};
$menubar = $opt->{menubar};
$etc = $opt->{etc};
$head = $opt->{head};
$nobr = $opt->{nobr};
#$nocss = $opt->{nocss};
$no_jquery = exists($opt->{no_jquery}) ? $opt->{no_jquery} : 1; #v3 only, 0 on v4+
} else {
($title, $menubar) = ( shift, shift );
$etc = @_ ? shift : ''; #$etc is for things like onLoad= etc.
$head = @_ ? shift : ''; #$head is for things that go in the section
$etc .= ' BGCOLOR="#f8f8f8"' unless $etc =~ /BGCOLOR/i;
my $conf = new FS::Conf;