% if ( $cust_pkg ) {
<& /elements/tr-fixed.html,
label => 'Amount',
field => 'amount',
value => $money_char . sprintf('%.2f',$part_pkg->option('setup_fee')),
% if ( $conf->exists('invoice-unitprice') ) {
<& /elements/tr-fixed.html,
label => 'Quantity',
field => 'quantity',
value => $cust_pkg->quantity
% }
<& /elements/tr-select-pkg_class.html, 'curr_value' => $classnum &>
% # crudely estimate whether any agent commission credits might exist
% my @events = grep { $_->part_event->action =~ /credit/ }
% $cust_pkg->cust_event;
% if ( scalar @events ) {
<% emt('Adjust commission credits if necessary') %>
% }
% #display the future or past charge date, but don't allow changes
% # XXX we probably _could_ let as-yet unbilled charges be rescheduled, but
% # there's no compelling need yet
% if ( $cust_pkg->setup or $cust_pkg->start_date ) {
% my $label = $cust_pkg->setup ? emt('Billed on') : emt('Will be billed');
% my $field = $cust_pkg->setup ? 'setup' : 'start_date';
<& /elements/tr-fixed-date.html,
label => $label,
value => $cust_pkg->get($field)
% } # else we don't show anything here
% } else { # new one-time charge
<% mt('Amount') |h %> |
<% $money_char %>
% if ( $conf->exists('invoice-unitprice') ) {
<% mt('Quantity') |h %> |
% }
<& /elements/tr-select-pkg_class.html, 'curr_value' => $classnum &>
<% mt('Invoice now') |h %> |
param('bill_now') ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>
onClick = "bill_now_changed(this);"
onChange = "bill_now_changed(this);"
<% mt('with terms') |h %>
<& /elements/select-terms.html,
'curr_value' => scalar($cgi->param('invoice_terms')),
'disabled' => ( $cgi->param('bill_now') ? 0 : 1 ),
%# false laziness w/misc/order_pkg.html
<% mt('Charge date') |h %> |
? 'STYLE = "background-color:#dddddd" DISABLED'
: ''
param('bill_now') ? '' : 'STYLE="display:none"' %>
(<% mt('leave blank to charge immediately') |h %>)
% if ( $cust_main->payby =~ /^(CARD|CHEK)$/ ) {
% my $what = lc(FS::payby->shortname($cust_main->payby));
<% mt("Disable automatic $what charge") |h %> |
% }
<% mt('Tax exempt') |h %> |
param('setuptax') ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>> |
<& /elements/tr-select-taxclass.html, 'curr_value' => $cgi->param('taxclass') &>
<& /elements/tr-select-taxproduct.html, 'label' => emt('Tax product'), 'onclick' => 'parent.taxproductmagic(this);', 'curr_value' => $cgi->param('taxproductnum') &>
<& /elements/tr-select-taxoverride.html, 'onclick' => 'parent.taxoverridemagic(this);', 'curr_value' => $cgi->param('tax_override') &>
% } # if !$cust_pkg
<% mt('Description') |h %> |
<% mt('Optional additional description (also printed on invoice):') |h %> |
% my $row = 0;
% foreach (@description) {
% $row++;
% }