% include( 'elements/process.html',
#'debug' => 1,
'table' => 'part_pkg',
'agent_virt' => 1,
'agent_null_right' => \@agent_null_right,
'redirect' => $redirect_callback,
'viewall_dir' => 'browse',
'viewall_ext' => 'cgi',
'edit_ext' => 'cgi',
'precheck_callback' => $precheck_callback,
'args_callback' => $args_callback,
'process_m2m' => \@process_m2m,
my $customizing = ( ! $cgi->param('pkgpart') && $cgi->param('pkgnum') );
my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
my $edit_global = 'Edit global package definitions';
my $customize = 'Customize customer package';
die "access denied"
unless $curuser->access_right('Edit package definitions')
|| $curuser->access_right($edit_global)
|| ( $customizing && $curuser->access_right($customize) );
my @agent_null_right = ( $edit_global );
push @agent_null_right, $customize if $customizing;
my $precheck_callback = sub {
my( $cgi ) = @_;
my $conf = new FS::Conf;
foreach (qw( setuptax recurtax disabled )) {
$cgi->param($_, '') unless defined $cgi->param($_);
return 'Must select a tax class'
if $cgi->param('taxclass') eq '(select)';
my @agents = ();
foreach ($cgi->param('agent_type')) {
push @agents, $1 if $1;
return "At least one agent type must be specified."
unless scalar(@agents)
|| ( $cgi->param('clone') && $cgi->param('clone') =~ /^\d+$/ )
|| ( !$cgi->param('pkgpart') && $conf->exists('agent-defaultpkg') )
|| $cgi->param('disabled')
|| $cgi->param('agentnum');
return '';
my $custnum = '';
my $args_callback = sub {
my( $cgi, $new ) = @_;
my @args = ( 'primary_svc' => scalar($cgi->param('pkg_svc_primary')) );
$cgi->param('plan') =~ /^(\w+)$/ or die 'unparsable plan';
my $plan = $1;
tie my %plans, 'Tie::IxHash', %{ FS::part_pkg::plan_info() };
my $href = $plans{$plan}->{'fields'};
my $error = '';
my $options = $cgi->param($plan."__OPTIONS");
my @options = split(',', $options);
my %options =
map { my $optionname = $_;
my $param = $plan."__$optionname";
my $parser = exists($href->{$optionname}{parse})
? $href->{$optionname}{parse}
: sub { shift };
my $value = join(', ', &$parser($cgi->param($param)));
my $check = $href->{$optionname}{check};
if ( $check && ! &$check($value) ) {
$value = join(', ', $cgi->param($param));
$error ||= "Illegal ".
($href->{$optionname}{name}||$optionname). ": $value";
( $optionname => $value );
foreach ( split(',', $cgi->param('taxproductnums') ) ) {
my $value = $cgi->param("taxproductnum_$_");
$error ||= "Illegal taxproductnum_$_: $value"
unless ( $value =~ /^\d*$/ );
$options{"usage_taxproductnum_$_"} = $value;
foreach ( split(',', $cgi->param('report_option') ) ) {
$error ||= "Illegal optional report class: $_" unless ( $_ =~ /^\d*$/ );
$options{"report_option_$_"} = 1;
$options{$_} = scalar( $cgi->param($_) )
for (qw( setup_fee recur_fee ));
push @args, 'options' => \%options;
my %pkg_svc = map { $_ => scalar($cgi->param("pkg_svc$_")) }
map { $_->svcpart }
qsearch('part_svc', {} );
push @args, 'pkg_svc' => \%pkg_svc;
# cust_pkg and custnum_ref (inserts only)
unless ( $cgi->param('pkgpart') ) {
push @args, 'cust_pkg' => scalar($cgi->param('pkgnum')),
'custnum_ref' => \$custnum;
warn "args: ".join('/', @args). "\n";
my $redirect_callback = sub {
#my( $cgi, $new ) = @_;
return '' unless $custnum;
my $show = $curuser->default_customer_view =~ /^(jumbo|packages)$/
? ''
: ';show=packages';
#my $frag = "cust_pkg$pkgnum"; #hack for IE ignoring real #fragment
#can we link back to the specific customized package? it would be nice...
popurl(3). "view/cust_main.cgi?custnum=$custnum$show;dummy=";
#these should probably move to @args above and be processed by part_pkg.pm...
$cgi->param('tax_override') =~ /^([\d,]+)$/;
my (@tax_overrides) = (grep "$_", split (",", $1));
my @process_m2m = (
'link_table' => 'part_pkg_taxoverride',
'target_table' => 'tax_class',
'params' => \@tax_overrides,
{ 'link_table' => 'part_pkg_link',
'target_table' => 'part_pkg',
'base_field' => 'src_pkgpart',
'target_field' => 'dst_pkgpart',
'hashref' => { 'link_type' => 'svc', 'hidden' => '' },
'params' => [ map $cgi->param($_),
grep /^svc_dst_pkgpart/, $cgi->param
map {
my $hidden = $_;
{ 'link_table' => 'part_pkg_link',
'target_table' => 'part_pkg',
'base_field' => 'src_pkgpart',
'target_field' => 'dst_pkgpart',
'hashref' => { 'link_type' => 'bill', 'hidden' => $hidden },
'params' => [ map { $cgi->param($_) }
grep { my $param = "bill_dst_pkgpart__hidden";
my $digit = '';
(($digit) = /^bill_dst_pkgpart(\d+)/ ) &&
$cgi->param("$param$digit") eq $hidden;
} ( '', 'Y' ),
foreach my $override_class ($cgi->param) {
next unless $override_class =~ /^tax_override_(\w+)$/;
my $class = $1;
my (@tax_overrides) = (grep "$_", split (",", $1))
if $cgi->param($override_class) =~ /^([\d,]+)$/;
push @process_m2m, {
'link_table' => 'part_pkg_taxoverride',
'target_table' => 'tax_class',
'hashref' => { 'usage_class' => $class },
'params' => [ @tax_overrides ],
my $conf = new FS::Conf;
if ( $cgi->param('pkgpart') || ! $conf->exists('agent_defaultpkg') ) {
my @agents = ();
foreach ($cgi->param('agent_type')) {
push @agents, $1 if $1;
push @process_m2m, {
'link_table' => 'type_pkgs',
'target_table' => 'agent_type',
'params' => \@agents,