%doc> Quick process for toggling no_auto_apply field in cust_pay. Requires paynum and no_auto_apply ('Y' or '') in cgi. Requires 'Apply payment' acl. %doc> % if ($error) {
<% emt($error) %>
% } else {<% emt($message) %>
<% emt('Please wait while the page reloads.') %>
% } <%init> die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Apply payment'); my $paynum = $cgi->param('paynum'); my $noauto = $cgi->param('no_auto_apply'); my $error = ''; my $message = ''; my $cust_pay = qsearchs('cust_pay',{ paynum => $paynum }); if ($cust_pay) { if (($noauto eq 'Y') || (defined($noauto) && (length($noauto) == 0))) { $cust_pay->no_auto_apply($noauto); $error = $cust_pay->replace; $message = $noauto ? q(Payment will not be automatically applied to open invoices, must be applied manually) : q(Payment will be automatically applied to open invoices the next time this customer's payments are processed); } else { $error = 'no_auto_apply not specified'; } } else { $error .= 'Payment could not be found in database'; } %init>