% $field;
% $html .= "- $desc" if $desc;
% $html .= " | ";
% $flag = '' if ref($def) && $def->{type} eq 'disabled';
% $html .= qq!!;
% if ( ref($def) && $def->{type} eq 'disabled' ) {
% $html .= 'No default';
% } else {
% $html .= qq!';
% $html .= join("\n",
% '',
% );
% }
% $html .= qq! | !;
% my $disabled = $flag ? ''
% : 'DISABLED STYLE="background-color: #dddddd"';
% if ( ! ref($def) || $def->{type} eq 'text' ) {
% my $nodisplay = ' STYLE="display:none"';
% my $is_inv = ( $flag =~ /^[MA]$/ );
% $html .=
% qq!';
% $html .= include('/elements/select-table.html',
% 'element_name' => "${layer}__${field}_classnum",
% 'element_etc' => ( $is_inv
% ? $disabled
% : $nodisplay
% ),
% 'table' => 'inventory_class',
% 'name_col' => 'classname',
% 'value' => $value,
% 'empty_label' => 'Select inventory class',
% );
% } elsif ( $def->{type} eq 'select' ) {
% $html .= qq!';
% } elsif ( $def->{type} eq 'radius_usergroup_selector' ) {
% #XXX disable the RADIUS usergroup selector? ugh it sure does need
% #an overhaul, people have dum group problems because of it
% $html .= FS::svc_acct::radius_usergroup_selector(
% [ split(',', $value) ], "${layer}__${field}" );
% } elsif ( $def->{type} eq 'disabled' ) {
% $html .=
% qq!!;
% } else {
% $html .= 'unknown type'. $def->{type};
% }
% $html .= " |
% } #foreach my $field (@fields) {
% $part_svc->svcpart('') if $clone; #undone
% $html .= "";
% $html .= include('/elements/progress-init.html',
% $layer, #form name
% [ qw(svc svcpart disabled exportnum), @fields ],
% 'process/part_svc.cgi',
% $p.'browse/part_svc.cgi',
% $layer,
% );
% $html .= '