& elements/edit.html,
'name_singular' => 'deployment zone',
'table' => 'deploy_zone',
'post_url' => popurl(1).'process/deploy_zone-fixed.html',
'viewall_dir' => 'browse',
'labels' => {
'description' => 'Description',
'agentnum' => 'Agent',
'dbaname' => 'Business name (if different from agent)',
'technology' => 'Technology',
'adv_speed_up' => 'Upstream',
'adv_speed_down' => 'Downstream',
'cir_speed_up' => 'Upstream',
'cir_speed_down' => 'Downstream',
'is_consumer' => 'Consumer/mass market',
'is_business' => 'Business/government',
'blocknum' => '',
'active_date' => 'Active since',
'fields' => [
{ field => 'zonetype',
type => 'hidden',
value => 'B'
{ field => 'is_broadband',
type => 'hidden',
value => 'Y',
{ field => 'active_date',
type => 'fixed-date',
value => time,
{ field => 'agentnum',
type => 'select-agent',
disable_empty => 1,
viewall_right => 'Edit FCC report configuration for all agents',
{ field => 'technology',
type => 'select',
options => [ map { @$_ } values(%$media_types) ],
labels => $technology_labels,
{ field => 'is_consumer', type => 'checkbox', value=>'Y' },
{ field => 'is_business', type => 'checkbox', value=>'Y' },
{ type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
value => 'Advertised maximum speed (Mbps)' },
{ type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
value => 'Contractually guaranteed speed (Mbps)' },
{ type => 'tablebreak-tr-title', value => 'Census blocks'},
{ field => 'blocknum',
type => 'deploy_zone_block',
o2m_table => 'deploy_zone_block',
m2_label => ' ',
m2_error_callback => $m2_error_callback,
my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
die "access denied"
unless $curuser->access_right([
'Edit FCC report configuration',
'Edit FCC report configuration for all agents',
my $technology_labels = FS::part_pkg_fcc_option->technology_labels;
my $media_types = FS::part_pkg_fcc_option->media_types;
delete $media_types->{'Mobile Wireless'}; # cause this is the fixed zone page
my $m2_error_callback = sub {
my ($cgi, $deploy_zone) = @_;
my @blocknums = grep {
/^blocknum\d+/ and length($cgi->param($_.'_censusblock'))
} $cgi->param;
sort { $a->censusblock <=> $b->censusblock }
map {
my $k = $_;
blocknum => scalar($cgi->param($k)),
zonenum => $deploy_zone->zonenum,
censusblock => scalar($cgi->param($k.'_censusblock')),
censusyear => scalar($cgi->param($k.'_censusyear')),
} @blocknums;