% include('elements/edit.html',
'name_singular' => 'customer contacts', #yes, we're editing all of them
'table' => 'cust_main',
'post_url' => popurl(1). 'process/cust_main-contacts.html',
'labels' => { 'custnum' => ' ', #XXX supress this line entirely, its being redundant
'contactnum' => ' ', #'Contact',
#'locationnum' => ' ',
'fields' => [
{ 'field' => 'contactnum',
'type' => 'contact',
'colspan' => 6,
'custnum' => $custnum,
'm2m_method' => 'cust_contact',
'm2m_dstcol' => 'contactnum',
'm2_label' => ' ', #'Contact',
'm2_error_callback' => $m2_error_callback,
#'new_callback' => $new_callback,
#'edit_callback' => $edit_callback,
#'error_callback' => $error_callback,
'agent_virt' => 1,
'menubar' => [], #remove "view all" link
#XXX it would be nice if this could instead be after the error but before
# the table
'html_init' => include('/elements/small_custview.html',
$conf->config('countrydefault') || 'US',
1, #no balance
my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
my $conf = new FS::Conf;
my $custnum;
if ( $cgi->param('error') ) {
$custnum = scalar($cgi->param('custnum'));
die "access denied"
unless $curuser->access_right(($custnum ? 'Edit' : 'New'). ' customer'); #contacts?
} elsif ( $cgi->keywords ) { #editing
$custnum = ($cgi->keywords)[0];
die "access denied"
unless $curuser->access_right('Edit customer');
} else { #new customer
#this doesn't really work here, we're an edit only
die "guru meditation #32";
die "access denied"
unless $curuser->access_right('New customer');
#my $new_callback = sub {
# my( $cgi, $prospect_main, $fields_listref, $opt_hashref ) = @_;
#my $edit_callback = sub {
# my( $cgi, $prospect_main, $fields_listref, $opt_hashref ) = @_;
#my $error_callback = sub {
# my( $cgi, $prospect_main, $fields_listref, $opt_hashref ) = @_;
my $m2_error_callback = sub {
my($cgi, $object) = @_;
#process_o2m fields in process/cust_main-contacts.html
my @fields = qw( first last title comment );
my @gfields = ( '', map "_$_", @fields );
map {
if ( /^contactnum(\d+)$/ ) {
my $num = $1;
if ( grep $cgi->param("contactnum$num$_"), @gfields ) {
my $x = new FS::contact {
'contactnum' => scalar($cgi->param("contactnum$num")),
map { $_ => scalar($cgi->param("contactnum${num}_$_")) } @fields,
} else {
} else {