ADDITIONAL DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY (instead use MySQL replication or point icradius_secrets to the external database) - your ICRADIUS machines or FreeRADIUS (with MySQL authentication) machines, one per line. Machines listed in this file will have the radcheck table exported to them. Each line should contain four items, separted by whitespace: machine name, MySQL database name, MySQL username, and MySQL password. For example: "radius.isp.tld radius_db radius_user passw0rd"
useradd -d $dir -m -s $shell -u $uid $username
is the default. If the file exists but is empty, cp -pr /etc/skel $dir; chown -R $uid.$gid $dir
is the default instead. Otherwise the contents of the file are treated as a double-quoted perl string, with the following variables available: $username
, $uid
, $gid
, $dir
, and $shell
userdel $username
is the default. If the file exists but is empty, rm -rf $dir
is the default instead. Otherwise the contents of the file are treated as a double-quoted perl string, with the following variables available: $username
and $dir
[ -d $old_dir ] && mv $old_dir $new_dir || ( chmod u+t $old_dir; mkdir $new_dir; cd $old_dir; find . -depth -print | cpio -pdm $new_dir; chmod u-t $new_dir; chown -R $uid.$gid $new_dir; rm -rf $old_dir )
is the default. Otherwise the contents of the file are treated as a double-quoted perl string, with the following variables available: $old_dir
, $new_dir
, $uid
and $gid
[ -e homedir/.qmail-domain-default ] || { touch homedir/.qmail-domain-default; chown uid.gid homedir/.qmail-domain-default; }is run.
file to ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys
on the remote machine(s).
option to ssh-keygen, and append the created
to ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys2
on the remote machine(s).
PermitRootLogin without-password
(meaning with keys only) in your sshd_config
file on the remote machine(s).