Open up the root of the Freeside document tree in your web
browser. For example, if you created the Freeside document tree in
/home/httpd/html/freeside, and your web browser's DocumentRoot is
/home/httpd/html, open https://your_host/freeside/. Replace
"your_host" with the name or network address of your web server.
Select Configuration from the main menu and update your configuration values.
Go to View/Edit service definitions on the main menu, and
Add a new service definition with Tablesvc_acct.
Select your domain in the domsvc Modifier. Set Fixed to define
a service locked-in to this domain, or Default to define a service
which may select from among this domain and the customer's domains.
Create at least POP (Point of Presence) by selecting
View/Edit POPs from the main menu.
If you are not doing dialup, set slipip to fixed and blank for all your
Service Definitions which have Table svc_acct.
If you are using Freeside to keep track of sales taxes, define tax
information for your locales by clicking on the View/Edit locales and tax
rates on the main menu.
If you would like Freeside to notify your customers when their credit
cards and other billing arrangements are about to expire, arrange for
freeside-expiration-alerter to be run daily by cron or similar
facility. The message it sends can be configured from the
Configuration choice of the main menu as alerter_template.