<%= header('Edit Configuration', menubar( 'Main Menu' => $p ) ) %> <% my $conf = new FS::Conf; my @config_items = $conf->config_items; %>
<% foreach my $section ( qw(required billing username password UI session shell mail apache BIND ), '', 'deprecated') { %> <% foreach my $nav_section ( qw(required billing username password UI session shell mail apache BIND ), '', 'deprecated') { %> <% if ( $section eq $nav_section ) { %> [<%= ucfirst($nav_section || 'unclassified') %>] <% } else { %> [<%= ucfirst($nav_section || 'unclassified') %>] <% } %> <% } %>
<%= table("#cccccc", 2) %> <%= ucfirst($section || 'unclassified') %> configuration options <% foreach my $i (grep $_->section eq $section, @config_items) { %> <% my $n = 0; foreach my $type ( ref($i->type) ? @{$i->type} : $i->type ) { #warn $i->key unless defined($type); %> <% if ( $type eq '' ) { %> no type <% } elsif ( $type eq 'textarea' ) { %> <% } elsif ( $type eq 'checkbox' ) { %> exists($i->key) ? ' CHECKED' : '' %>> <% } elsif ( $type eq 'text' ) { %> <% } elsif ( $type eq 'select' || $type eq 'selectmultiple' ) { %> <% } elsif ( $type eq 'editlist' ) { %>

<%= itable() %> <% if ( defined $i->editlist_parts ) { %> <% my $pnum=0; foreach my $part ( @{$i->editlist_parts} ) { %> <% if ( $part->{type} eq 'text' ) { %> "> <% } elsif ( $part->{type} eq 'immutable' ) { %> <%= $part->{value} %>" value="<%= $part->{value} %>"> <% } elsif ( $part->{type} eq 'select' ) { %> <% } else { %> unknown type <%= $part->type %> <% } %> <% $pnum++; } %> <% } else { %> <% } %> <% } else { %> unknown type <%= $type %> <% } %> <% $n++; } %> <%= $i->key %> - <%= $i->description %> <% } %>
You may need to restart Apache and/or freeside-queued for configuration changes to take effect.

<% } %>