% include('/elements/header.html', "Tax Rate Listing", menubar(
'Edit tax rates' => $p. "edit/cust_main_county.cgi",
)) %>
Click on expand country to specify a country's tax rates by state.
Click on expand state to specify a state's tax rates by county.
%my $conf = new FS::Conf;
%my $enable_taxclasses = $conf->exists('enable_taxclasses');
%if ( $enable_taxclasses ) {
Click on expand taxclasses to specify tax classes
% }
<% table() %>
Country |
State |
County |
Taxclass (per-package classification) |
Tax name (printed on invoices) |
Tax |
Exemption |
%my @regions = sort { $a->country cmp $b->country
% or $a->state cmp $b->state
% or $a->county cmp $b->county
% or $a->taxclass cmp $b->taxclass
% } qsearch('cust_main_county',{});
%my $sup=0;
%#foreach $cust_main_county ( @regions ) {
%for ( my $i=0; $i<@regions; $i++ ) {
% my $cust_main_county = $regions[$i];
% my $hashref = $cust_main_county->hashref;
<% $hashref->{country} %> |
% my $j;
% if ( $sup ) {
% $sup--;
% } else {
% #lookahead
% for ( $j=1; $i+$j<@regions; $j++ ) {
% last if $hashref->{country} ne $regions[$i+$j]->country
% || $hashref->{state} ne $regions[$i+$j]->state
% || $hashref->{tax} != $regions[$i+$j]->tax
% || $hashref->{exempt_amount} != $regions[$i+$j]->exempt_amount
% || $hashref->{setuptax} ne $regions[$i+$j]->setuptax
% || $hashref->{recurtax} ne $regions[$i+$j]->recurtax;
% }
% my $newsup=0;
% if ( $j>1 && $i+$j+1 < @regions
% && ( $hashref->{state} ne $regions[$i+$j+1]->state
% || $hashref->{country} ne $regions[$i+$j+1]->country
% )
% && ( ! $i
% || $hashref->{state} ne $regions[$i-1]->state
% || $hashref->{country} ne $regions[$i-1]->country
% )
% ) {
% $sup = $j-1;
% } else {
% $j = 1;
% }
? ' BGCOLOR="#ffffff">'. $hashref->{state}
: qq! BGCOLOR="#cccccc">(ALL) !.
qq!expand country!
% if ( $j>1 ) {
collapse state
% }
% }
% # $sup=$newsup;
{county} ) {
BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $hashref->{county} %>
% } else {
% if ( $hashref->{state} ) {
expand state
% }
% }
{taxclass} ) {
BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $hashref->{taxclass} %>
% } else {
% if ( $enable_taxclasses ) {
expand taxclasses
% }
% }
{taxname} ) {
BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $hashref->{taxname} %>
% } else {
% }
<% $hashref->{tax} %>% |
% if ( $hashref->{exempt_amount} > 0 ) {
$<% sprintf("%.2f", $hashref->{exempt_amount} ) %> per month
% }
% if ( $hashref->{setuptax} =~ /^Y$/i ) {
Setup fee
% }
% if ( $hashref->{recurtax} =~ /^Y$/i ) {
Recurring fee
% }
% }
<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>