#!/usr/bin/perl package HTML::Mason; use strict; use warnings; use FS::Mason qw( mason_interps ); #use vars qw($r); # Bring in ApacheHandler, necessary for mod_perl integration. # Uncomment the second line (and comment the first) to use # Apache::Request instead of CGI.pm to parse arguments. use HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler; # use HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler (args_method=>'mod_perl'); ###use Module::Refresh;### # Create Mason objects my( $fs_interp, $rt_interp ) = mason_interps('apache'); my $ah = new HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler ( interp => $fs_interp, request_class => 'FS::Mason::Request', args_method => 'CGI', #(and FS too) ); # Activate the following if running httpd as root (the normal case). # Resets ownership of all files created by Mason at startup. # #chown (Apache->server->uid, Apache->server->gid, $interp->files_written); sub handler { #($r) = @_; my $r = shift; # If you plan to intermix images in the same directory as # components, activate the following to prevent Mason from # evaluating image files as components. # #return -1 if $r->content_type && $r->content_type !~ m|^text/|i; ###Module::Refresh->refresh;### #$r->content_type('text/html; charset=utf-8'); $r->content_type('text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'); #eorar my $headers = $r->headers_out; $headers->{'Cache-control'} = 'no-cache'; #$r->no_cache(1); $headers->{'Expires'} = '0'; # $r->send_http_header; if ( $r->filename =~ /\/rt\// ) { #RT $ah->interp($rt_interp); local $SIG{__WARN__}; local $SIG{__DIE__}; RT::Init(); # We don't need to handle non-text, non-xml items return -1 if defined( $r->content_type ) && $r->content_type !~ m!(^text/|\bxml\b)!io; } else { local $SIG{__WARN__}; local $SIG{__DIE__}; RT::Init() if $RT::VERSION; #for lack of something else #we don't want the RT error handlers under FS undef $SIG{__WARN__} if defined($SIG{__WARN__}); undef $SIG{__DIE__} if defined($SIG{__DIE__} ); $ah->interp($fs_interp); } my %session; my $status; eval { $status = $ah->handle_request($r); }; #!! # if ( $@ ) { # $RT::Logger->crit($@); # } warn $@ if $@; undef %session; #!! # if ($RT::Handle->TransactionDepth) { # $RT::Handle->ForceRollback; # $RT::Logger->crit( #"Transaction not committed. Usually indicates a software fault. Data loss may have occurred" # ); # } $status; } 1;