#!/usr/bin/perl -T #!/usr/bin/perl -Tw use strict; use vars qw( @payby $cgi $init_data $self_url $error $agentnum $ieak_file $ieak_template $signup_html $signup_template $success_html $success_template $collect_html $collect_template $decline_html $decline_template ); use subs qw( print_form print_okay print_decline success_default collect_default decline_default ); use CGI; #use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use Tie::IxHash; use Text::Template; use Business::CreditCard; use HTTP::BrowserDetect; use HTML::Widgets::SelectLayers; use FS::SelfService qw( signup_info new_customer ); #acceptable payment methods # #@payby = qw( CARD BILL COMP ); #@payby = qw( CARD BILL ); #@payby = qw( CARD ); @payby = qw( CARD PREPAY ); $ieak_file = '/usr/local/freeside/ieak.template'; $signup_html = -e 'signup.html' ? 'signup.html' : '/usr/local/freeside/signup.html'; $success_html = -e 'success.html' ? 'success.html' : '/usr/local/freeside/success.html'; $collect_html = -e 'collect.html' ? 'collect.html' : '/usr/local/freeside/collect.html'; $decline_html = -e 'decline.html' ? 'decline.html' : '/usr/local/freeside/decline.html'; if ( -e $ieak_file ) { my $ieak_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($ieak_file) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; $ieak_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted $ieak_txt = $1; $ieak_txt =~ s/\r//g; # don't double \r on old templates $ieak_txt =~ s/\n/\r\n/g; $ieak_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => $ieak_txt ) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; } else { $ieak_template = ''; } $agentnum = ''; if ( -e $signup_html ) { my $signup_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($signup_html) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; $signup_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted $signup_txt = $1; $signup_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => $signup_txt, DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ] ) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; if ( $signup_txt =~ /<\s*INPUT TYPE="?hidden"?\s+NAME="?agentnum"?\s+VALUE="?(\d+)"?\s*\/?\s*>/si ) { $agentnum = $1; } } else { #too much maintenance hassle to keep in this file die "can't find ./signup.html or /usr/local/freeside/signup.html"; #$signup_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING', # SOURCE => &signup_default, # DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ] # ) # or die $Text::Template::ERROR; } if ( -e $success_html ) { my $success_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($success_html) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; $success_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted $success_txt = $1; $success_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => $success_txt, DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ], ) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; } else { $success_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => &success_default, DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ], ) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; } if ( -e $collect_html ) { my $collect_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($collect_html) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; $collect_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted $collect_txt = $1; $collect_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => $collect_txt, DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ], ) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; } else { $collect_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => &collect_default, DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ], ) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; } if ( -e $decline_html ) { my $decline_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($decline_html) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; $decline_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted $decline_txt = $1; $decline_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => $decline_txt, DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ], ) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; } else { $decline_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => &decline_default, DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ], ) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; } $cgi = new CGI; $init_data = signup_info( 'agentnum' => $agentnum || scalar($cgi->param('agentnum')), 'promo_code' => scalar($cgi->param('promo_code')), 'reg_code' => uc(scalar($cgi->param('reg_code'))), ); my $magic = $cgi->param('magic') || ''; my $action = $cgi->param('action') || ''; if ( $magic eq 'process' || $action eq 'process_signup' ) { $error = ''; $cgi->param('agentnum', $agentnum) if $agentnum; $cgi->param('reg_code', uc(scalar($cgi->param('reg_code'))) ); #false laziness w/agent.cgi, identical except for agentnum my $payby = $cgi->param('payby'); if ( $payby eq 'CHEK' || $payby eq 'DCHK' ) { #$payinfo = join('@', map { $cgi->param( $payby. "_payinfo$_" ) } (1,2) ); $cgi->param('payinfo' => scalar($cgi->param($payby. '_payinfo1')). '@'. scalar($cgi->param($payby. '_payinfo2')) ); } else { $cgi->param('payinfo' => scalar($cgi->param( $payby. '_payinfo' ) ) ); } $cgi->param('paydate' => scalar($cgi->param( $payby. '_month' )). '-'. scalar($cgi->param( $payby. '_year' )) ); $cgi->param('payname' => scalar($cgi->param( $payby. '_payname' ) ) ); $cgi->param('paycvv' => defined $cgi->param( $payby. '_paycvv' ) ? scalar($cgi->param( $payby. '_paycvv' )) : '' ); $cgi->param('paytype' => defined $cgi->param( $payby. '_paytype' ) ? scalar($cgi->param( $payby. '_paytype' )) : '' ); $cgi->param('paystate' => defined $cgi->param( $payby. '_paystate' ) ? scalar($cgi->param( $payby. '_paystate' )) : '' ); if ( $cgi->param('invoicing_list') ) { $cgi->param('invoicing_list' => scalar($cgi->param('invoicing_list')). ', POST') if $cgi->param('invoicing_list_POST'); } else { $cgi->param('invoicing_list' => 'POST' ); } #if ( $svc_x eq 'svc_acct' ) { if ( $cgi->param('_password') ne $cgi->param('_password2') ) { $error = $init_data->{msgcat}{passwords_dont_match}; #msgcat $cgi->param('_password', ''); $cgi->param('_password2', ''); } if ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ && $cgi->param('CARD_type') ) { my $payinfo = $cgi->param('payinfo'); $payinfo =~ s/\D//g; $payinfo =~ /^(\d{13,16}|\d{8,9})$/ or $error ||= $init_data->{msgcat}{invalid_card}; #. $self->payinfo; $payinfo = $1; validate($payinfo) or $error ||= $init_data->{msgcat}{invalid_card}; #. $self->payinfo; cardtype($payinfo) eq $cgi->param('CARD_type') or $error ||= $init_data->{msgcat}{not_a}. $cgi->param('CARD_type'); $error ||= 'CVV2 is required' if ! $cgi->param('paycvv') && $init_data->{require_cvv}; } if ($init_data->{emailinvoiceonly} && (length $cgi->param('invoicing_list') < 1)) { $error ||= $init_data->{msgcat}{illegal_or_empty_text}; } my $rv = ''; unless ( $error ) { $rv = new_customer( { ( map { $_ => scalar($cgi->param($_)) } qw( last first ss company address1 address2 city county state zip country daytime night fax stateid stateid_state ship_last ship_first ship_company ship_address1 ship_address2 ship_city ship_county ship_state ship_zip ship_country ship_daytime ship_night ship_fax payby payinfo paycvv paydate payname paystate paytype invoicing_list referral_custnum promo_code reg_code override_ban_warn pkgpart refnum agentnum username sec_phrase _password popnum domsvc mac_addr countrycode phonenum sip_password pin prepaid_shortform ), grep { /^(snarf_|tax_)/ } $cgi->param ), 'payip' => $cgi->remote_host(), } ); $error = $rv->{'error'}; } #eslaf if ( $error eq '_decline' ) { print_decline(); } elsif ( $error eq '_collect' ) { map { $cgi->param($_, $rv->{$_}) } qw( popup_url reference amount ); print_collect($rv); } elsif ( $error ) { #fudge the snarf and tax info no strict 'refs'; ${$_} = $cgi->param($_) foreach grep { /^(snarf_|tax_)/ } $cgi->param; if ( $error =~ /^_duplicate_(card|ach)/ ) { my $what = ($1 eq 'card') ? 'Credit card' : 'Electronic check'; $error = "Warning: $what already used to sign up recently"; $init_data->{'override_ban_warn'} = 1; } print_form(); } else { print_okay( 'pkgpart' => scalar($cgi->param('pkgpart')), %$rv, ); } } elsif ( $magic eq 'success' || $action eq 'success' ) { $cgi->param('username', 'username'); #hmmm temp kludge $cgi->param('_password', 'password'); print_okay( map { /^([\w ]+)$/ ? ( $_ => $1 ) : () } $cgi->param ); #hmmm } elsif ( $magic eq 'decline' || $action eq 'decline' ) { print_decline(); } else { $error = ''; print_form; } sub print_form { $error = "Error: $error" if $error && $error !~ /^Warning:/i; my $r = { $cgi->Vars, %{$init_data}, 'error' => $error, }; $r->{pkgpart} ||= $r->{default_pkgpart}; $r->{referral_custnum} = $r->{'ref'}; #$cgi->delete('ref'); #$cgi->delete('init_popstate'); $r->{self_url} = $cgi->self_url; $r->{prepaid_shortform} = $cgi->param('prepaid_shortform'); print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ), $signup_template->fill_in( PACKAGE => 'FS::SelfService::_signupcgi', HASH => $r ); } sub print_collect { $error = "Error: $error" if $error; my $rv = shift || {}; my $r = { $cgi->Vars, %{$init_data}, %$rv, 'error' => $error, }; $r->{pkgpart} ||= $r->{default_pkgpart}; $r->{referral_custnum} = $r->{'ref'}; $r->{self_url} = $cgi->self_url; print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ), $collect_template->fill_in( PACKAGE => 'FS::SelfService::_signupcgi', HASH => $r ); } sub print_decline { my $r = { %{$init_data}, }; print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ), $decline_template->fill_in( PACKAGE => 'FS::SelfService::_signupcgi', HASH => $r ); } sub print_okay { my %param = @_; my $user_agent = new HTTP::BrowserDetect $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}; my( $username, $password ) = ( '', '' ); my( $countrycode, $phonenum, $sip_password, $pin ) = ( '', '', '', '' ); my $svc_x = $param{signup_service} || 'svc_acct'; #just in case if ( $svc_x eq 'svc_acct' ) { $cgi->param('username') =~ /^(.+)$/ or die "fatal: invalid username got past FS::SelfService::new_customer"; $username = $1; $cgi->param('_password') =~ /^(.+)$/ or die "fatal: invalid password got past FS::SelfService::new_customer"; $password = $1; } elsif ( $svc_x eq 'svc_phone' ) { $countrycode = $param{countrycode}; $phonenum = $param{phonenum}; $sip_password = $param{sip_password}; $pin = $param{pin}; } else { die "unknown signup service $svc_x"; } ( $cgi->param('first'). ' '. $cgi->param('last') ) =~ /^(.*)$/ or die "fatal: invalid email_name got past FS::SelfService::new_customer"; my $email_name = $1; #global for template #my %pop = (); my %popnum2pop = (); foreach ( @{ $init_data->{'svc_acct_pop'} } ) { #push @{ $pop{ $_->{state} }->{ $_->{ac} } }, $_; $popnum2pop{$_->{popnum}} = $_; } my( $ac, $exch, $loc); my $pop = $popnum2pop{$cgi->param('popnum')}; #or die "fatal: invalid popnum got past FS::SelfService::new_customer"; if ( $pop ) { ( $ac, $exch, $loc ) = ( $pop->{'ac'}, $pop->{'exch'}, $pop->{'loc'} ); } else { ( $ac, $exch, $loc ) = ( '', '', ''); #presumably you're not using them. } #global for template my $part_pkg = ( grep { $_->{'pkgpart'} eq $param{'pkgpart'} } @{ $init_data->{'part_pkg'} } )[0]; my $pkg = $part_pkg->{'pkg'}; if ( $ieak_template && $user_agent->windows && $user_agent->ie ) { #send an IEAK config print $cgi->header('application/x-Internet-signup'), $ieak_template->fill_in(); } else { #send a simple confirmation print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ), $success_template->fill_in( HASH => { %{$init_data}, email_name => $email_name, pkg => $pkg, part_pkg => \$part_pkg, signup_service => $svc_x, #for svc_acct username => $username, password => $password, _password => $password, ac => $ac, #for dialup POP exch => $exch, # loc => $loc, # #for svc_phone countrycode => $countrycode, phonenum => $phonenum, sip_password => $sip_password, pin => $pin, }); } } sub success_default { #html to use if you don't specify a success file <<'END';