package FS::SelfService::XMLRPC; =head1 NAME FS::SelfService::XMLRPC - Freeside XMLRPC accessible self-service API =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION Use this API to implement your own client "self-service" module vi XMLRPC. Each routine described in L is available vi XMLRPC as the method FS.SelfService.XMLRPC.B. All values are passed to the selfservice-server in a struct of strings. The return values are in a struct as strings, arrays, or structs as appropriate for the values described in L. =head1 BUGS =head1 SEE ALSO L, L,L =cut use strict; use vars qw($DEBUG $AUTOLOAD); use XMLRPC::Lite; # for XMLRPC::Data use FS::SelfService; $DEBUG = 0; $FS::SelfService::DEBUG = $DEBUG; #false laziness w/ our %typefix_skin_info = ( 'logo' => 'base64', 'title_left_image' => 'base64', 'title_right_image' => 'base64', 'menu_top_image' => 'base64', 'menu_body_image' => 'base64', 'menu_bottom_image' => 'base64', ); our %typefix = ( 'invoice_pdf' => { 'invoice_pdf' => 'base64', }, 'legacy_invoice_pdf' => { 'invoice_pdf' => 'base64', }, 'skin_info' => \%typefix_skin_info, 'payment_only_skin_info' => \%typefix_skin_info, 'login_info' => \%typefix_skin_info, 'logout' => \%typefix_skin_info, 'access_info' => \%typefix_skin_info, 'reset_passwd' => \%typefix_skin_info, 'check_reset_passwd' => \%typefix_skin_info, 'process_reset_passwd' => \%typefix_skin_info, 'invoice_logo' => { 'logo' => 'base64', }, 'login_banner_image' => { 'image' => 'base64', }, 'quotation_print' => { 'document' => 'base64' }, ); sub AUTOLOAD { my $call = $AUTOLOAD; $call =~ s/^FS::SelfService::XMLRPC:://; if (exists($FS::SelfService::autoload{$call})) { shift; #discard package name; $call = "FS::SelfService::$call"; no strict 'refs'; my $return = &{$call}(@_); if ( exists($typefix{$call}) ) { my $typefix = $typefix{$call}; foreach my $field ( grep exists($return->{$_}), keys %$typefix ) { my $type = $typefix->{$field}; $return->{$field} = XMLRPC::Data->value($return->{$field}) ->type($type); } } $return; }else{ die "No such procedure: $call"; } } package SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon; # yuck use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h); no warnings 'redefine'; sub handle { my $self = shift->new; local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; ACCEPT: while (my $c = $self->accept) { my $kid = 0; do { $kid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG); warn "found kid $kid"; } while $kid > 0; my $pid = fork; next ACCEPT if $pid; if ( not defined $pid ) { warn "fork() failed: $!"; $c = undef; } else { while (my $r = $c->get_request) { $self->request($r); $self->SUPER::handle; $c->send_response($self->response); } # replaced ->close, thanks to Sean Meisner # shutdown() doesn't work on AIX. close() is used in this case. Thanks to Jos Clijmans UNIVERSAL::isa($c, 'shutdown') ? $c->shutdown(2) : $c->close(); $c->close; } exit; } } 1;