package FS::SelfService; use strict; use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK $DEBUG $skip_uid_check $dir $socket %autoload $tag ); use Exporter; use Socket; use FileHandle; #use IO::Handle; use IO::Select; use Storable 2.09 qw(nstore_fd fd_retrieve); $VERSION = '0.03'; @ISA = qw( Exporter ); $DEBUG = 0; $dir = "/usr/local/freeside"; $socket = "$dir/selfservice_socket"; $socket .= '.'.$tag if defined $tag && length($tag); #maybe should ask ClientAPI for this list %autoload = ( 'passwd' => 'passwd/passwd', 'chfn' => 'passwd/passwd', 'chsh' => 'passwd/passwd', 'login_info' => 'MyAccount/login_info', 'login' => 'MyAccount/login', 'logout' => 'MyAccount/logout', 'customer_info' => 'MyAccount/customer_info', 'edit_info' => 'MyAccount/edit_info', #add to ss cgi! 'invoice' => 'MyAccount/invoice', 'invoice_logo' => 'MyAccount/invoice_logo', 'list_invoices' => 'MyAccount/list_invoices', #? 'cancel' => 'MyAccount/cancel', #add to ss cgi! 'payment_info' => 'MyAccount/payment_info', 'payment_info_renew_info' => 'MyAccount/payment_info_renew_info', 'process_payment' => 'MyAccount/process_payment', 'process_payment_order_pkg' => 'MyAccount/process_payment_order_pkg', 'process_payment_change_pkg' => 'MyAccount/process_payment_change_pkg', 'process_payment_order_renew' => 'MyAccount/process_payment_order_renew', 'process_prepay' => 'MyAccount/process_prepay', 'realtime_collect' => 'MyAccount/realtime_collect', 'list_pkgs' => 'MyAccount/list_pkgs', #add to ss (added?) 'list_svcs' => 'MyAccount/list_svcs', #add to ss (added?) 'list_svc_usage' => 'MyAccount/list_svc_usage', 'port_graph' => 'MyAccount/port_graph', 'list_cdr_usage' => 'MyAccount/list_cdr_usage', 'list_support_usage' => 'MyAccount/list_support_usage', 'order_pkg' => 'MyAccount/order_pkg', #add to ss cgi! 'change_pkg' => 'MyAccount/change_pkg', 'order_recharge' => 'MyAccount/order_recharge', 'renew_info' => 'MyAccount/renew_info', 'order_renew' => 'MyAccount/order_renew', 'cancel_pkg' => 'MyAccount/cancel_pkg', #add to ss cgi! 'suspend_pkg' => 'MyAccount/suspend_pkg', #add to ss cgi! 'charge' => 'MyAccount/charge', #? 'part_svc_info' => 'MyAccount/part_svc_info', 'provision_acct' => 'MyAccount/provision_acct', 'provision_phone' => 'MyAccount/provision_phone', 'provision_external' => 'MyAccount/provision_external', 'unprovision_svc' => 'MyAccount/unprovision_svc', 'myaccount_passwd' => 'MyAccount/myaccount_passwd', 'create_ticket' => 'MyAccount/create_ticket', 'get_ticket' => 'MyAccount/get_ticket', 'did_report' => 'MyAccount/did_report', 'signup_info' => 'Signup/signup_info', 'skin_info' => 'MyAccount/skin_info', 'access_info' => 'MyAccount/access_info', 'domain_select_hash' => 'Signup/domain_select_hash', # expose? 'new_customer' => 'Signup/new_customer', 'capture_payment' => 'Signup/capture_payment', 'agent_login' => 'Agent/agent_login', 'agent_logout' => 'Agent/agent_logout', 'agent_info' => 'Agent/agent_info', 'agent_list_customers' => 'Agent/agent_list_customers', 'check_username' => 'Agent/check_username', 'suspend_username' => 'Agent/suspend_username', 'unsuspend_username' => 'Agent/unsuspend_username', 'mason_comp' => 'MasonComponent/mason_comp', 'call_time' => 'PrepaidPhone/call_time', 'call_time_nanpa' => 'PrepaidPhone/call_time_nanpa', 'phonenum_balance' => 'PrepaidPhone/phonenum_balance', #izoom #'bulk_processrow' => 'Bulk/processrow', #conflicts w/Agent one# 'check_username' => 'Bulk/check_username', #sg 'ping' => 'SGNG/ping', 'decompify_pkgs' => 'SGNG/decompify_pkgs', 'previous_payment_info' => 'SGNG/previous_payment_info', 'previous_payment_info_renew_info' => 'SGNG/previous_payment_info_renew_info', 'previous_process_payment' => 'SGNG/previous_process_payment', 'previous_process_payment_order_pkg' => 'SGNG/previous_process_payment_order_pkg', 'previous_process_payment_change_pkg' => 'SGNG/previous_process_payment_change_pkg', 'previous_process_payment_order_renew' => 'SGNG/previous_process_payment_order_renew', ); @EXPORT_OK = ( keys(%autoload), qw( regionselector regionselector_hashref location_form expselect popselector domainselector didselector ) ); $ENV{'PATH'} ='/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:/bin'; $ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/sh'; $ENV{'IFS'} = " \t\n"; $ENV{'CDPATH'} = ''; $ENV{'ENV'} = ''; $ENV{'BASH_ENV'} = ''; #you can add BEGIN { $FS::SelfService::skip_uid_check = 1; } #if you grant appropriate permissions to whatever user my $freeside_uid = scalar(getpwnam('freeside')); die "not running as the freeside user\n" if $> != $freeside_uid && ! $skip_uid_check; -e $dir or die "FATAL: $dir doesn't exist!"; -d $dir or die "FATAL: $dir isn't a directory!"; -r $dir or die "FATAL: Can't read $dir as freeside user!"; -x $dir or die "FATAL: $dir not searchable (executable) as freeside user!"; foreach my $autoload ( keys %autoload ) { my $eval = "sub $autoload { ". ' my $param; if ( ref($_[0]) ) { $param = shift; } else { #warn scalar(@_). ": ". join(" / ", @_); $param = { @_ }; } $param->{_packet} = \''. $autoload{$autoload}. '\'; simple_packet($param); }'; eval $eval; die $@ if $@; } sub simple_packet { my $packet = shift; warn "sending ". $packet->{_packet}. " to server" if $DEBUG; socket(SOCK, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "socket: $!"; connect(SOCK, sockaddr_un($socket)) or die "connect to $socket: $!"; nstore_fd($packet, \*SOCK) or die "can't send packet: $!"; SOCK->flush; #shoudl trap: Magic number checking on storable file failed at blib/lib/ (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Storable/ line 337, at /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1/FS/ line 71 #block until there is a message on socket # my $w = new IO::Select; # $w->add(\*SOCK); # my @wait = $w->can_read; warn "reading message from server" if $DEBUG; my $return = fd_retrieve(\*SOCK) or die "error reading result: $!"; die $return->{'_error'} if defined $return->{_error} && $return->{_error}; warn "returning message to client" if $DEBUG; $return; } =head1 NAME FS::SelfService - Freeside self-service API =head1 SYNOPSIS # password and shell account changes use FS::SelfService qw(passwd chfn chsh); # "my account" functionality use FS::SelfService qw( login customer_info invoice cancel payment_info process_payment ); my $rv = login( { 'username' => $username, 'domain' => $domain, 'password' => $password, } ); if ( $rv->{'error'} ) { #handle login error... } else { #successful login my $session_id = $rv->{'session_id'}; } my $customer_info = customer_info( { 'session_id' => $session_id } ); #payment_info and process_payment are available in 1.5+ only my $payment_info = payment_info( { 'session_id' => $session_id } ); #!!! process_payment example #!!! list_pkgs example #!!! order_pkg example #!!! cancel_pkg example # signup functionality use FS::SelfService qw( signup_info new_customer ); my $signup_info = signup_info; $rv = new_customer( { 'first' => $first, 'last' => $last, 'company' => $company, 'address1' => $address1, 'address2' => $address2, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'zip' => $zip, 'country' => $country, 'daytime' => $daytime, 'night' => $night, 'fax' => $fax, 'payby' => $payby, 'payinfo' => $payinfo, 'paycvv' => $paycvv, 'paystart_month' => $paystart_month 'paystart_year' => $paystart_year, 'payissue' => $payissue, 'payip' => $payip 'paydate' => $paydate, 'payname' => $payname, 'invoicing_list' => $invoicing_list, 'referral_custnum' => $referral_custnum, 'agentnum' => $agentnum, 'pkgpart' => $pkgpart, 'username' => $username, '_password' => $password, 'popnum' => $popnum, #OR 'countrycode' => 1, 'phonenum' => $phonenum, 'pin' => $pin, } ); my $error = $rv->{'error'}; if ( $error eq '_decline' ) { print_decline(); } elsif ( $error ) { reprint_signup(); } else { print_success(); } =head1 DESCRIPTION Use this API to implement your own client "self-service" module. If you just want to customize the look of the existing "self-service" module, see XXXX instead. =head1 PASSWORD, GECOS, SHELL CHANGING FUNCTIONS =over 4 =item passwd =item chfn =item chsh =back =head1 "MY ACCOUNT" FUNCTIONS =over 4 =item login HASHREF Creates a user session. Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys: =over 4 =item username Username =item domain Domain =item password Password =back Returns a hash reference with the following keys: =over 4 =item error Empty on success, or an error message on errors. =item session_id Session identifier for successful logins =back =item customer_info HASHREF Returns general customer information. Takes a hash reference as parameter with a single key: B Returns a hash reference with the following keys: =over 4 =item name Customer name =item balance Balance owed =item open Array reference of hash references of open inoices. Each hash reference has the following keys: invnum, date, owed =item small_custview An HTML fragment containing shipping and billing addresses. =item The following fields are also returned first last company address1 address2 city county state zip country daytime night fax ship_first ship_last ship_company ship_address1 ship_address2 ship_city ship_state ship_zip ship_country ship_daytime ship_night ship_fax payby payinfo payname month year invoicing_list postal_invoicing =back =item edit_info HASHREF Takes a hash reference as parameter with any of the following keys: first last company address1 address2 city county state zip country daytime night fax ship_first ship_last ship_company ship_address1 ship_address2 ship_city ship_state ship_zip ship_country ship_daytime ship_night ship_fax payby payinfo paycvv payname month year invoicing_list postal_invoicing If a field exists, the customer record is updated with the new value of that field. If a field does not exist, that field is not changed on the customer record. Returns a hash reference with a single key, B, empty on success, or an error message on errors =item invoice HASHREF Returns an invoice. Takes a hash reference as parameter with two keys: session_id and invnum Returns a hash reference with the following keys: =over 4 =item error Empty on success, or an error message on errors =item invnum Invoice number =item invoice_text Invoice text =back =item list_invoices HASHREF Returns a list of all customer invoices. Takes a hash references with a single key, session_id. Returns a hash reference with the following keys: =over 4 =item error Empty on success, or an error message on errors =item invoices Reference to array of hash references with the following keys: =over 4 =item invnum Invoice ID =item _date Invoice date, in UNIX epoch time =back =back =item cancel HASHREF Cancels this customer. Takes a hash reference as parameter with a single key: B Returns a hash reference with a single key, B, which is empty on success or an error message on errors. =item payment_info HASHREF Returns information that may be useful in displaying a payment page. Takes a hash reference as parameter with a single key: B. Returns a hash reference with the following keys: =over 4 =item error Empty on success, or an error message on errors =item balance Balance owed =item payname Exact name on credit card (CARD/DCRD) =item address1 Address line one =item address2 Address line two =item city City =item state State =item zip Zip or postal code =item payby Customer's current default payment type. =item card_type For CARD/DCRD payment types, the card type (Visa card, MasterCard, Discover card, American Express card, etc.) =item payinfo For CARD/DCRD payment types, the card number =item month For CARD/DCRD payment types, expiration month =item year For CARD/DCRD payment types, expiration year =item cust_main_county County/state/country data - array reference of hash references, each of which has the fields of a cust_main_county record (see L). Note these are not FS::cust_main_county objects, but hash references of columns and values. =item states Array reference of all states in the current default country. =item card_types Hash reference of card types; keys are card types, values are the exact strings passed to the process_payment function =cut #this doesn't actually work yet # #=item paybatch # #Unique transaction identifier (prevents multiple charges), passed to the #process_payment function =back =item process_payment HASHREF Processes a payment and possible change of address or payment type. Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys: =over 4 =item session_id Session identifier =item amount Amount =item save If true, address and card information entered will be saved for subsequent transactions. =item auto If true, future credit card payments will be done automatically (sets payby to CARD). If false, future credit card payments will be done on-demand (sets payby to DCRD). This option only has meaning if B is set true. =item payname Name on card =item address1 Address line one =item address2 Address line two =item city City =item state State =item zip Zip or postal code =item country Two-letter country code =item payinfo Card number =item month Card expiration month =item year Card expiration year =cut #this doesn't actually work yet # #=item paybatch # #Unique transaction identifier, returned from the payment_info function. #Prevents multiple charges. =back Returns a hash reference with a single key, B, empty on success, or an error message on errors. =item process_payment_order_pkg Combines the B and B functions in one step. If the payment processes sucessfully, the package is ordered. Takes a hash reference as parameter with the keys of both methods. Returns a hash reference with a single key, B, empty on success, or an error message on errors. =item process_payment_change_pkg Combines the B and B functions in one step. If the payment processes sucessfully, the package is ordered. Takes a hash reference as parameter with the keys of both methods. Returns a hash reference with a single key, B, empty on success, or an error message on errors. =item process_payment_order_renew Combines the B and B functions in one step. If the payment processes sucessfully, the renewal is processed. Takes a hash reference as parameter with the keys of both methods. Returns a hash reference with a single key, B, empty on success, or an error message on errors. =item list_pkgs Returns package information for this customer. For more detail on services, see L. Takes a hash reference as parameter with a single key: B Returns a hash reference containing customer package information. The hash reference contains the following keys: =over 4 =item custnum Customer number =item error Empty on success, or an error message on errors. =item cust_pkg HASHREF Array reference of hash references, each of which has the fields of a cust_pkg record (see L) as well as the fields below. Note these are not the internal FS:: objects, but hash references of columns and values. =over 4 =item part_pkg fields All fields of part_pkg for this specific cust_pkg (be careful with this information - it may reveal more about your available packages than you would like users to know in aggregate) =cut #XXX pare part_pkg fields down to a more secure subset =item part_svc An array of hash references indicating information on unprovisioned services available for provisioning for this specific cust_pkg. Each has the following keys: =over 4 =item part_svc fields All fields of part_svc (be careful with this information - it may reveal more about your available packages than you would like users to know in aggregate) =cut #XXX pare part_svc fields down to a more secure subset =back =item cust_svc An array of hash references indicating information on the customer services already provisioned for this specific cust_pkg. Each has the following keys: =over 4 =item label Array reference with three elements: The first element is the name of this service. The second element is a meaningful user-specific identifier for the service (i.e. username, domain or mail alias). The last element is the table name of this service. =back =item svcnum Primary key for this service =item svcpart Service definition (see L) =item pkgnum Customer package (see L) =item overlimit Blank if the service is not over limit, or the date the service exceeded its usage limit (as a UNIX timestamp). =back =back =item list_svcs Returns service information for this customer. Takes a hash reference as parameter with a single key: B Returns a hash reference containing customer package information. The hash reference contains the following keys: =over 4 =item custnum Customer number =item svcs An array of hash references indicating information on all of this customer's services. Each has the following keys: =over 4 =item svcnum Primary key for this service =item label Name of this service =item value Meaningful user-specific identifier for the service (i.e. username, domain, or mail alias). =back Account (svc_acct) services also have the following keys: =over 4 =item username Username =item email username@domain =item seconds Seconds remaining =item upbytes Upload bytes remaining =item downbytes Download bytes remaining =item totalbytes Total bytes remaining =item recharge_amount Cost of a recharge =item recharge_seconds Number of seconds gained by recharge =item recharge_upbytes Number of upload bytes gained by recharge =item recharge_downbytes Number of download bytes gained by recharge =item recharge_totalbytes Number of total bytes gained by recharge =back =back =item order_pkg Orders a package for this customer. Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys: =over 4 =item session_id Session identifier =item pkgpart Package to order (see L). =item svcpart Service to order (see L). Normally optional; required only to provision a non-svc_acct service, or if the package definition does not contain one svc_acct service definition with quantity 1 (it may contain others with quantity >1). A svcpart of "none" can also be specified to indicate that no initial service should be provisioned. =back Fields used when provisioning an svc_acct service: =over 4 =item username Username =item _password Password =item sec_phrase Optional security phrase =item popnum Optional Access number number =back Fields used when provisioning an svc_domain service: =over 4 =item domain Domain =back Fields used when provisioning an svc_phone service: =over 4 =item phonenum Phone number =item pin Voicemail PIN =item sip_password SIP password =back Fields used when provisioning an svc_external service: =over 4 =item id External numeric ID. =item title External text title. =back Returns a hash reference with a single key, B, empty on success, or an error message on errors. The special error '_decline' is returned for declined transactions. =item change_pkg Changes a package for this customer. Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys: =over 4 =item session_id Session identifier =item pkgnum Existing customer package. =item pkgpart New package to order (see L). =back Returns a hash reference with a single key, B, empty on success, or an error message on errors. =item renew_info Provides useful info for early renewals. Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys: =over 4 =item session_id Session identifier =back Returns a hash reference. On errors, it contains a single key, B, with the error message. Otherwise, contains a single key, B, pointing to an array refernce of hash references. Each hash reference contains the following keys: =over 4 =item bill_date (Future) Bill date. Indicates a future date for which billing could be run. Specified as a integer UNIX timestamp. Pass this value to the B function. =item bill_date_pretty (Future) Bill date as a human-readable string. (Convenience for display; subject to change, so best not to parse for the date.) =item amount Base amount which will be charged if renewed early as of this date. =item renew_date Renewal date; i.e. even-futher future date at which the customer will be paid through if the early renewal is completed with the given B. Specified as a integer UNIX timestamp. =item renew_date_pretty Renewal date as a human-readable string. (Convenience for display; subject to change, so best not to parse for the date.) =item pkgnum Package that will be renewed. =item expire_date Expiration date of the package that will be renewed. =item expire_date_pretty Expiration date of the package that will be renewed, as a human-readable string. (Convenience for display; subject to change, so best not to parse for the date.) =back =item order_renew Renews this customer early; i.e. runs billing for this customer in advance. Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys: =over 4 =item session_id Session identifier =item date Integer date as returned by the B function, indicating the advance date for which to run billing. =back Returns a hash reference with a single key, B, empty on success, or an error message on errors. =item cancel_pkg Cancels a package for this customer. Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys: =over 4 =item session_id Session identifier =item pkgpart pkgpart of package to cancel =back Returns a hash reference with a single key, B, empty on success, or an error message on errors. =back =head1 SIGNUP FUNCTIONS =over 4 =item signup_info HASHREF Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys: =over 4 =item session_id - Optional agent/reseller interface session =back Returns a hash reference containing information that may be useful in displaying a signup page. The hash reference contains the following keys: =over 4 =item cust_main_county County/state/country data - array reference of hash references, each of which has the fields of a cust_main_county record (see L). Note these are not FS::cust_main_county objects, but hash references of columns and values. =item part_pkg Available packages - array reference of hash references, each of which has the fields of a part_pkg record (see L). Each hash reference also has an additional 'payby' field containing an array reference of acceptable payment types specific to this package (see below and L). Note these are not FS::part_pkg objects, but hash references of columns and values. Requires the 'signup_server-default_agentnum' configuration value to be set, or an agentnum specified explicitly via reseller interface session_id in the options. =item agent Array reference of hash references, each of which has the fields of an agent record (see L). Note these are not FS::agent objects, but hash references of columns and values. =item agentnum2part_pkg Hash reference; keys are agentnums, values are array references of available packages for that agent, in the same format as the part_pkg arrayref above. =item svc_acct_pop Access numbers - array reference of hash references, each of which has the fields of an svc_acct_pop record (see L). Note these are not FS::svc_acct_pop objects, but hash references of columns and values. =item security_phrase True if the "security_phrase" feature is enabled =item payby Array reference of acceptable payment types for signup =over 4 =item CARD credit card - automatic =item DCRD credit card - on-demand - version 1.5+ only =item CHEK electronic check - automatic =item DCHK electronic check - on-demand - version 1.5+ only =item LECB Phone bill billing =item BILL billing, not recommended for signups =item COMP free, definitely not recommended for signups =item PREPAY special billing type: applies a credit (see FS::prepay_credit) and sets billing type to BILL =back =item cvv_enabled True if CVV features are available (1.5+ or 1.4.2 with CVV schema patch) =item msgcat Hash reference of message catalog values, to support error message customization. Currently available keys are: passwords_dont_match, invalid_card, unknown_card_type, and not_a (as in "Not a Discover card"). Values are configured in the web interface under "View/Edit message catalog". =item statedefault Default state =item countrydefault Default country =back =item new_customer HASHREF Creates a new customer. Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys: =over 4 =item first first name (required) =item last last name (required) =item ss (not typically collected; mostly used for ACH transactions) =item company Company name =item address1 (required) Address line one =item address2 Address line two =item city (required) City =item county County =item state (required) State =item zip (required) Zip or postal code =item daytime Daytime phone number =item night Evening phone number =item fax Fax number =item payby CARD, DCRD, CHEK, DCHK, LECB, BILL, COMP or PREPAY (see L (required) =item payinfo Card number for CARD/DCRD, account_number@aba_number for CHEK/DCHK, prepaid "pin" for PREPAY, purchase order number for BILL =item paycvv Credit card CVV2 number (1.5+ or 1.4.2 with CVV schema patch) =item paydate Expiration date for CARD/DCRD =item payname Exact name on credit card for CARD/DCRD, bank name for CHEK/DCHK =item invoicing_list comma-separated list of email addresses for email invoices. The special value 'POST' is used to designate postal invoicing (it may be specified alone or in addition to email addresses), =item referral_custnum referring customer number =item agentnum Agent number =item pkgpart pkgpart of initial package =item username Username =item _password Password =item sec_phrase Security phrase =item popnum Access number (index, not the literal number) =item countrycode Country code (to be provisioned as a service) =item phonenum Phone number (to be provisioned as a service) =item pin Voicemail PIN =back Returns a hash reference with the following keys: =over 4 =item error Empty on success, or an error message on errors. The special error '_decline' is returned for declined transactions; other error messages should be suitable for display to the user (and are customizable in under Configuration | View/Edit message catalog) =back =item regionselector HASHREF | LIST Takes as input a hashref or list of key/value pairs with the following keys: =over 4 =item selected_county Currently selected county =item selected_state Currently selected state =item selected_country Currently selected country =item prefix Specify a unique prefix string if you intend to use the HTML output multiple time son one page. =item onchange Specify a javascript subroutine to call on changes =item default_state Default state =item default_country Default country =item locales An arrayref of hash references specifying regions. Normally you can just pass the value of the I field returned by B. =back Returns a list consisting of three HTML fragments for county selection, state selection and country selection, respectively. =cut #false laziness w/FS::cust_main_county (this is currently the "newest" version) sub regionselector { my $param; if ( ref($_[0]) ) { $param = shift; } else { $param = { @_ }; } $param->{'selected_country'} ||= $param->{'default_country'}; $param->{'selected_state'} ||= $param->{'default_state'}; my $prefix = exists($param->{'prefix'}) ? $param->{'prefix'} : ''; my $countyflag = 0; my %cust_main_county; # unless ( @cust_main_county ) { #cache #@cust_main_county = qsearch('cust_main_county', {} ); #foreach my $c ( @cust_main_county ) { foreach my $c ( @{ $param->{'locales'} } ) { #$countyflag=1 if $c->county; $countyflag=1 if $c->{county}; #push @{$cust_main_county{$c->country}{$c->state}}, $c->county; #$cust_main_county{$c->country}{$c->state}{$c->county} = 1; $cust_main_county{$c->{country}}{$c->{state}}{$c->{county}} = 1; } # } $countyflag=1 if $param->{selected_county}; my $script_html = < function opt(what,value,text) { var optionName = new Option(text, value, false, false); var length = what.length; what.options[length] = optionName; } function ${prefix}country_changed(what) { country = what.options[what.selectedIndex].text; for ( var i = what.form.${prefix}state.length; i >= 0; i-- ) what.form.${prefix}state.options[i] = null; END #what.form.${prefix}state.options[0] = new Option('', '', false, true); foreach my $country ( sort keys %cust_main_county ) { $script_html .= "\nif ( country == \"$country\" ) {\n"; foreach my $state ( sort keys %{$cust_main_county{$country}} ) { my $text = $state || '(n/a)'; $script_html .= qq!opt(what.form.${prefix}state, "$state", "$text");\n!; } $script_html .= "}\n"; } $script_html .= <= 0; i-- ) what.form.${prefix}county.options[i] = null; END foreach my $country ( sort keys %cust_main_county ) { $script_html .= "\nif ( country == \"$country\" ) {\n"; foreach my $state ( sort keys %{$cust_main_county{$country}} ) { $script_html .= "\nif ( state == \"$state\" ) {\n"; #foreach my $county ( sort @{$cust_main_county{$country}{$state}} ) { foreach my $county ( sort keys %{$cust_main_county{$country}{$state}} ) { my $text = $county || '(n/a)'; $script_html .= qq!opt(what.form.${prefix}county, "$county", "$text");\n!; } $script_html .= "}\n"; } $script_html .= "}\n"; } } $script_html .= < END my $county_html = $script_html; if ( $countyflag ) { $county_html .= qq!'; } else { $county_html .= qq!!; } my $state_html = qq!'; my $country_html = ''; if ( scalar( keys %cust_main_county ) > 1 ) { $country_html = qq('; } else { $country_html = qq('; } ($county_html, $state_html, $country_html); } sub regionselector_hashref { my ($county_html, $state_html, $country_html) = regionselector(@_); { 'county_html' => $county_html, 'state_html' => $state_html, 'country_html' => $country_html, }; } =item location_form HASHREF | LIST Takes as input a hashref or list of key/value pairs with the following keys: =over 4 =item session_id Current customer session_id =item no_asterisks Omit red asterisks from required fields. =item address1_label Label for first address line. =back Returns an HTML fragment for a location form (address, city, state, zip, country) =cut sub location_form { my $param; if ( ref($_[0]) ) { $param = shift; } else { $param = { @_ }; } my $session_id = delete $param->{'session_id'}; my $rv = mason_comp( 'session_id' => $session_id, 'comp' => '/elements/location.html', 'args' => [ %$param ], ); #hmm. $rv->{'error'} || $rv->{'output'}; } #=item expselect HASHREF | LIST # #Takes as input a hashref or list of key/value pairs with the following keys: # #=over 4 # #=item prefix - Specify a unique prefix string if you intend to use the HTML output multiple time son one page. # #=item date - current date, in yyyy-mm-dd or m-d-yyyy format # #=back =item expselect PREFIX [ DATE ] Takes as input a unique prefix string and the current expiration date, in yyyy-mm-dd or m-d-yyyy format Returns an HTML fragments for expiration date selection. =cut sub expselect { #my $param; #if ( ref($_[0]) ) { # $param = shift; #} else { # $param = { @_ }; #my $prefix = $param->{'prefix'}; #my $prefix = exists($param->{'prefix'}) ? $param->{'prefix'} : ''; #my $date = exists($param->{'date'}) ? $param->{'date'} : ''; my $prefix = shift; my $date = scalar(@_) ? shift : ''; my( $m, $y ) = ( 0, 0 ); if ( $date =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-\d{2}$/ ) { #PostgreSQL date format ( $m, $y ) = ( $2, $1 ); } elsif ( $date =~ /^(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2}-)?(\d{4}$)/ ) { ( $m, $y ) = ( $1, $3 ); } my $return = qq!!; my @t = localtime; my $thisYear = $t[5] + 1900; for ( ($thisYear > $y && $y > 0 ? $y : $thisYear) .. ($thisYear+10) ) { $return .= qq!