<%= $watermark %>
<%= $returnaddress %> ">
<%= emt('Invoice date') %>
<%= $date %>
<%= emt('Invoice #') %>
<%= $invnum %>
<%= emt('Customer #') %>
<%= $custnum %>
  <%= substr(emt($notice_name),0,1) %><%= substr(emt($notice_name),1) %>  
<%= $ship_enable ? ('' ) : '' %>
<%= $payname %>
<%= join('
', grep length($_), $company, $address1, $address2, "$city, $state  $zip", $country, ) %>
'. join('
',grep length($_), ''.emt('Service Address').'', $ship_company, $ship_address1, $ship_address2, "$ship_city, $ship_state $ship_zip", $ship_country, ' ', ' ', ). '
<%= if($barcode_cid) { $OUT .= qq!
!; } elsif($barcode_img) { $OUT .= qq!
!; } %> <%= $terms ? emt('Terms') . ': ' . emt($terms) : '' %>
<%= $po_line %>
<%= $summary %> <%= my $notfirst = 0; my $columncount = $unitprices ? 5 : 3; foreach my $section ( grep { !$summary || $_->{description} ne $finance_section } @sections ) { if ($section->{'pretotal'} && !$summary) { $OUT .= '' if $notfirst++; $OUT .= ''; } unless ($section->{'summarized'}) { if ( $notfirst || $section->{'pretotal'} && !$summary ) { $OUT .= '
'. '

'. uc(substr($section->{'pretotal'},0,1)). ''. uc(substr($section->{'pretotal'},1)). ''. '

'. '

'; $notfirst = 1; } $OUT .= '
'; $OUT .= '

'; my $sectionhead; if ( $section->{'location'} ) { $sectionhead .= $section->{'location'}{'label_prefix'}. ': ' if length($section->{'location'}{'label_prefix'}); $sectionhead = $section->{'location'}{'address1'}; $sectionhead .= ', '.$section->{'location'}{'address2'} if length($section->{'location'}{'address2'}); $sectionhead .= ', ' . $section->{'location'}{'city'} . ', ' . $section->{'location'}{'state'} . ' ' . $section->{'location'}{'zip'}; $OUT .= $sectionhead; } else { $sectionhead = $section->{'description'} || emt('Charges'); $OUT .= ''. substr($sectionhead,0,1). ''. substr($sectionhead,1). ''; } $OUT .= '

'; $OUT .= ''. ''; if ($section->{header_generator}) { my $header = &{$section->{header_generator}}(); $OUT .= $header; $columncount = scalar(my @array = split /<\/th>'; } } $OUT .= ''; my $lastref = 0; foreach my $line ( grep { ( scalar(@sections) > 1 ? $section->{'description'} eq $_->{'section'}->{'description'} : 1 ) } @detail_items ) { if ( $section->{description_generator} ) { $OUT .= ''; } else { my $class = 'invoice_desc_more'; if ( ($line->{'ref'} || 0) ne $lastref ) { # then it's a new package (not a continuation) $class = 'invoice_desc'; } $OUT .= ''; if ( $unitprices ) { $OUT .= ''. ''; } $OUT .= ''; } $OUT .= ''; $lastref = $line->{'ref'} || 0; if ( @{$line->{'ext_description'} } ) { unless ( $section->{description_generator} ) { $OUT .= '{'ext_description'} } ) { $OUT .= ''. ( $section->{'description_generator'} ? '' : '' ). ''. '' } unless ( $section->{description_generator} ) { $OUT .= '
{usage_section} ) { @headings = ( '', 'Description', 'Calls', 'Duration', 'Amount' ); @aligns = ( '', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'right' ); $columncount = 5; } while ( @headings ) { my $heading = shift @headings; $heading = emt($heading) if $heading; my $align = shift @aligns; $OUT .= ' ' . $heading . '
' . $line->{'description'} . ' ' . $line->{'quantity'} . ' ' . $minutes . 'm ' . $seconds . 's' . ' ' . $line->{'amount'} . '
'; $OUT .= ' '. $line->{'description'}. ''. $line->{'unit_amount'}. ''. $line->{'quantity'}. ''. $line->{'amount'}. '
/i ? '' : 'colspan=99' ). '>'. '  '. $ext_desc. '
'; } $OUT .= ''; } } if ($section->{'description'} || $multisection and !$section->{no_subtotal}) { my $style = 'border-top: 3px solid #000000;'. 'border-bottom: 3px solid #000000;'; $OUT .= ''. qq( ); if ($section->{total_generator}) { $OUT .= &{$section->{total_generator}}($section); } else { $OUT .= qq(' : '>' ). $section->{'description'}. ' ' . emt('Total') . ''. qq(). $section->{'subtotal'}. ''; } $OUT .= ''; } } # if !$section->{summarized} if ($section->{'posttotal'}) { $OUT .= ''; $OUT .= '

'. $section->{'posttotal'}. ''. '

'; $OUT .= ''; } } my $style = 'border-top: 3px solid #000000;'; my $linenum = 0; foreach my $line ( @total_items ) { $style .= 'border-bottom: 3px solid #000000;' if ++$linenum == scalar(@total_items) - ( $balance_due_below_line ? 1 : 0 ); $OUT .= ''; if ($section->{total_line_generator}) { $OUT .= &{$section->{total_line_generator}}($line); } else { $OUT .= qq( ). qq('. $line->{'total_item'}. ''. qq(). $line->{'total_amount'}. ''; } $OUT .= ''; $style=''; } %>

<%= my @location_summary_sections = grep { ref $_->{location} && $_->{locationnum} && $_->{description} && $_->{description} ne $finance_section } @sections; if ( $multisection eq 'location' && scalar(@location_summary_sections) > 1 ) { $OUT .= '

'.emt('Summary Of New Charges By Location').'

'; for my $section (@location_summary_sections) { next unless $section->{description}; $OUT .= ' '; } $OUT .= '
'.emt('Location').' '.emt('Amount').'
'.$section->{description}.' '. $section->{subtotal} .'

'; } %> <%= length($summary) ? '' : ( $smallernotes ? ''.$notes.'' : $notes ) %>

><%= $footer %>