package FS::tax_rate; use strict; use vars qw( @ISA $DEBUG $me %tax_unittypes %tax_maxtypes %tax_basetypes %tax_authorities %tax_passtypes %GetInfoType ); use Date::Parse; use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::Strptime; use Storable qw( thaw ); use IO::File; use File::Temp; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Response; use MIME::Base64; use DBIx::DBSchema; use DBIx::DBSchema::Table; use DBIx::DBSchema::Column; use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs dbh dbdef ); use FS::tax_class; use FS::cust_bill_pkg; use FS::cust_tax_location; use FS::tax_rate_location; use FS::part_pkg_taxrate; use FS::part_pkg_taxproduct; use FS::cust_main; use FS::Misc qw( csv_from_fixed ); @ISA = qw( FS::Record ); $DEBUG = 0; $me = '[FS::tax_rate]'; =head1 NAME FS::tax_rate - Object methods for tax_rate objects =head1 SYNOPSIS use FS::tax_rate; $record = new FS::tax_rate \%hash; $record = new FS::tax_rate { 'column' => 'value' }; $error = $record->insert; $error = $new_record->replace($old_record); $error = $record->delete; $error = $record->check; =head1 DESCRIPTION An FS::tax_rate object represents a tax rate, defined by locale. FS::tax_rate inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported: =over 4 =item taxnum primary key (assigned automatically for new tax rates) =item geocode a geographic location code provided by a tax data vendor =item data_vendor the tax data vendor =item location a location code provided by a tax authority =item taxclassnum a foreign key into FS::tax_class - the type of tax referenced but FS::part_pkg_taxrate eitem effective_date the time after which the tax applies =item tax percentage =item excessrate second bracket percentage =item taxbase the amount to which the tax applies (first bracket) =item taxmax a cap on the amount of tax if a cap exists =item usetax percentage on out of jurisdiction purchases =item useexcessrate second bracket percentage on out of jurisdiction purchases =item unittype one of the values in %tax_unittypes =item fee amount of tax per unit =item excessfee second bracket amount of tax per unit =item feebase the number of units to which the fee applies (first bracket) =item feemax the most units to which fees apply (first and second brackets) =item maxtype a value from %tax_maxtypes indicating how brackets accumulate (i.e. monthly, per invoice, etc) =item taxname if defined, printed on invoices instead of "Tax" =item taxauth a value from %tax_authorities =item basetype a value from %tax_basetypes indicating the tax basis =item passtype a value from %tax_passtypes indicating how the tax should displayed to the customer =item passflag 'Y', 'N', or blank indicating the tax can be passed to the customer =item setuptax if 'Y', this tax does not apply to setup fees =item recurtax if 'Y', this tax does not apply to recurring fees =item manual if 'Y', has been manually edited =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new HASHREF Creates a new tax rate. To add the tax rate to the database, see L<"insert">. =cut sub table { 'tax_rate'; } =item insert Adds this tax rate to the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =item delete Deletes this tax rate from the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =item replace OLD_RECORD Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =item check Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid tax rate. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert and replace methods. =cut sub check { my $self = shift; foreach (qw( taxbase taxmax )) { $self->$_(0) unless $self->$_; } $self->ut_numbern('taxnum') || $self->ut_text('geocode') || $self->ut_textn('data_vendor') || $self->ut_textn('location') || $self->ut_foreign_key('taxclassnum', 'tax_class', 'taxclassnum') || $self->ut_snumbern('effective_date') || $self->ut_float('tax') || $self->ut_floatn('excessrate') || $self->ut_money('taxbase') || $self->ut_money('taxmax') || $self->ut_floatn('usetax') || $self->ut_floatn('useexcessrate') || $self->ut_numbern('unittype') || $self->ut_floatn('fee') || $self->ut_floatn('excessfee') || $self->ut_floatn('feemax') || $self->ut_numbern('maxtype') || $self->ut_textn('taxname') || $self->ut_numbern('taxauth') || $self->ut_numbern('basetype') || $self->ut_numbern('passtype') || $self->ut_enum('passflag', [ '', 'Y', 'N' ]) || $self->ut_enum('setuptax', [ '', 'Y' ] ) || $self->ut_enum('recurtax', [ '', 'Y' ] ) || $self->ut_enum('manual', [ '', 'Y' ] ) || $self->ut_enum('disabled', [ '', 'Y' ] ) || $self->SUPER::check ; } =item taxclass_description Returns the human understandable value associated with the related FS::tax_class. =cut sub taxclass_description { my $self = shift; my $tax_class = qsearchs('tax_class', {'taxclassnum' => $self->taxclassnum }); $tax_class ? $tax_class->description : ''; } =item unittype_name Returns the human understandable value associated with the unittype column =cut %tax_unittypes = ( '0' => 'access line', '1' => 'minute', '2' => 'account', ); sub unittype_name { my $self = shift; $tax_unittypes{$self->unittype}; } =item maxtype_name Returns the human understandable value associated with the maxtype column =cut %tax_maxtypes = ( '0' => 'receipts per invoice', '1' => 'receipts per item', '2' => 'total utility charges per utility tax year', '3' => 'total charges per utility tax year', '4' => 'receipts per access line', '9' => 'monthly receipts per location', ); sub maxtype_name { my $self = shift; $tax_maxtypes{$self->maxtype}; } =item basetype_name Returns the human understandable value associated with the basetype column =cut %tax_basetypes = ( '0' => 'sale price', '1' => 'gross receipts', '2' => 'sales taxable telecom revenue', '3' => 'minutes carried', '4' => 'minutes billed', '5' => 'gross operating revenue', '6' => 'access line', '7' => 'account', '8' => 'gross revenue', '9' => 'portion gross receipts attributable to interstate service', '10' => 'access line', '11' => 'gross profits', '12' => 'tariff rate', '14' => 'account', '15' => 'prior year gross receipts', ); sub basetype_name { my $self = shift; $tax_basetypes{$self->basetype}; } =item taxauth_name Returns the human understandable value associated with the taxauth column =cut %tax_authorities = ( '0' => 'federal', '1' => 'state', '2' => 'county', '3' => 'city', '4' => 'local', '5' => 'county administered by state', '6' => 'city administered by state', '7' => 'city administered by county', '8' => 'local administered by state', '9' => 'local administered by county', ); sub taxauth_name { my $self = shift; $tax_authorities{$self->taxauth}; } =item passtype_name Returns the human understandable value associated with the passtype column =cut %tax_passtypes = ( '0' => 'separate tax line', '1' => 'separate surcharge line', '2' => 'surcharge not separated', '3' => 'included in base rate', ); sub passtype_name { my $self = shift; $tax_passtypes{$self->passtype}; } =item taxline TAXABLES, [ OPTIONSHASH ] Returns a listref of a name and an amount of tax calculated for the list of packages/amounts referenced by TAXABLES. If an error occurs, a message is returned as a scalar. =cut sub taxline { my $self = shift; my $taxables; my %opt = (); if (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') { $taxables = shift; %opt = @_; }else{ $taxables = [ @_ ]; #exemptions would be broken in this case } my $name = $self->taxname; $name = 'Other surcharges' if ($self->passtype == 2); my $amount = 0; if ( $self->disabled ) { # we always know how to handle disabled taxes return { 'name' => $name, 'amount' => $amount, }; } my $taxable_charged = 0; my @cust_bill_pkg = grep { $taxable_charged += $_ unless ref; ref; } @$taxables; warn "calculating taxes for ". $self->taxnum. " on ". join (",", map { $_->pkgnum } @cust_bill_pkg) if $DEBUG; if ($self->passflag eq 'N') { # return "fatal: can't (yet) handle taxes not passed to the customer"; # until someone needs to track these in freeside return { 'name' => $name, 'amount' => 0, }; } if ($self->maxtype != 0 && $self->maxtype != 9) { return $self->_fatal_or_null( 'tax with "'. $self->maxtype_name. '" threshold' ); } if ($self->maxtype == 9) { return $self->_fatal_or_null( 'tax with "'. $self->maxtype_name. '" threshold' ); # "texas" tax } # we treat gross revenue as gross receipts and expect the tax data # to DTRT (i.e. tax on tax rules) if ($self->basetype != 0 && $self->basetype != 1 && $self->basetype != 5 && $self->basetype != 6 && $self->basetype != 7 && $self->basetype != 8 && $self->basetype != 14 ) { return $self->_fatal_or_null( 'tax with "'. $self->basetype_name. '" basis' ); } unless ($self->setuptax =~ /^Y$/i) { $taxable_charged += $_->setup foreach @cust_bill_pkg; } unless ($self->recurtax =~ /^Y$/i) { $taxable_charged += $_->recur foreach @cust_bill_pkg; } my $taxable_units = 0; unless ($self->recurtax =~ /^Y$/i) { if ($self->unittype == 0) { my %seen = (); foreach (@cust_bill_pkg) { $taxable_units += $_->units unless $seen{$_->pkgnum}; $seen{$_->pkgnum}++; } }elsif ($self->unittype == 1) { return $self->_fatal_or_null( 'fee with minute unit type' ); }elsif ($self->unittype == 2) { $taxable_units = 1; }else { return $self->_fatal_or_null( 'unknown unit type in tax'. $self->taxnum ); } } # # XXX insert exemption handling here # # the tax or fee is applied to taxbase or feebase and then # the excessrate or excess fee is applied to taxmax or feemax # $amount += $taxable_charged * $self->tax; $amount += $taxable_units * $self->fee; warn "calculated taxes as [ $name, $amount ]\n" if $DEBUG; return { 'name' => $name, 'amount' => $amount, }; } sub _fatal_or_null { my ($self, $error) = @_; my $conf = new FS::Conf; $error = "fatal: can't yet handle ". $error; my $name = $self->taxname; $name = 'Other surcharges' if ($self->passtype == 2); if ($conf->exists('ignore_incalculable_taxes')) { warn $error; return { name => $name, amount => 0 }; } else { return $error; } } =item tax_on_tax CUST_MAIN Returns a list of taxes which are candidates for taxing taxes for the given customer (see L) =cut sub tax_on_tax { my $self = shift; my $cust_main = shift; warn "looking up taxes on tax ". $self->taxnum. " for customer ". $cust_main->custnum if $DEBUG; my $geocode = $cust_main->geocode($self->data_vendor); # CCH oddness in m2m my $dbh = dbh; my $extra_sql = ' AND ('. join(' OR ', map{ 'geocode = '. $dbh->quote(substr($geocode, 0, $_)) } qw(10 5 2) ). ')'; my $order_by = 'ORDER BY taxclassnum, length(geocode) desc'; my $select = 'DISTINCT ON(taxclassnum) *'; # should qsearch preface columns with the table to facilitate joins? my @taxclassnums = map { $_->taxclassnum } qsearch( { 'table' => 'part_pkg_taxrate', 'select' => $select, 'hashref' => { 'data_vendor' => $self->data_vendor, 'taxclassnumtaxed' => $self->taxclassnum, }, 'extra_sql' => $extra_sql, 'order_by' => $order_by, } ); return () unless @taxclassnums; $extra_sql = "AND (". join(' OR ', map { "taxclassnum = $_" } @taxclassnums ). ")"; qsearch({ 'table' => 'tax_rate', 'hashref' => { 'geocode' => $geocode, }, 'extra_sql' => $extra_sql, }) } =item tax_rate_location Returns an object representing the location associated with this tax (see L) =cut sub tax_rate_location { my $self = shift; qsearchs({ 'table' => 'tax_rate_location', 'hashref' => { 'data_vendor' => $self->data_vendor, 'geocode' => $self->geocode, 'disabled' => '', }, }) || new FS::tax_rate_location; } =back =head1 SUBROUTINES =over 4 =item batch_import =cut sub batch_import { my ($param, $job) = @_; my $fh = $param->{filehandle}; my $format = $param->{'format'}; my %insert = (); my %delete = (); my @fields; my $hook; my @column_lengths = (); my @column_callbacks = (); if ( $format eq 'cch-fixed' || $format eq 'cch-fixed-update' ) { $format =~ s/-fixed//; my $date_format = sub { my $r=''; /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/ && ($r="$3/$2/$1"); $r; }; my $trim = sub { my $r = shift; $r =~ s/^\s*//; $r =~ s/\s*$//; $r }; push @column_lengths, qw( 10 1 1 8 8 5 8 8 8 1 2 2 30 8 8 10 2 8 2 1 2 2 ); push @column_lengths, 1 if $format eq 'cch-update'; push @column_callbacks, $trim foreach (@column_lengths); # 5, 6, 15, 17 esp $column_callbacks[8] = $date_format; } my $line; my ( $count, $last, $min_sec ) = (0, time, 5); #progressbar if ( $job || scalar(@column_callbacks) ) { my $error = csv_from_fixed(\$fh, \$count, \@column_lengths, \@column_callbacks); return $error if $error; } $count *=2; if ( $format eq 'cch' || $format eq 'cch-update' ) { @fields = qw( geocode inoutcity inoutlocal tax location taxbase taxmax excessrate effective_date taxauth taxtype taxcat taxname usetax useexcessrate fee unittype feemax maxtype passflag passtype basetype ); push @fields, 'actionflag' if $format eq 'cch-update'; $hook = sub { my $hash = shift; $hash->{'actionflag'} ='I' if ($hash->{'data_vendor'} eq 'cch'); $hash->{'data_vendor'} ='cch'; my $parser = new DateTime::Format::Strptime( pattern => "%m/%d/%Y", time_zone => 'floating', ); my $dt = $parser->parse_datetime( $hash->{'effective_date'} ); $hash->{'effective_date'} = $dt ? $dt->epoch : ''; $hash->{$_} = sprintf("%.2f", $hash->{$_}) foreach qw( taxbase taxmax ); my $taxclassid = join(':', map{ $hash->{$_} } qw(taxtype taxcat) ); my %tax_class = ( 'data_vendor' => 'cch', 'taxclass' => $taxclassid, ); my $tax_class = qsearchs( 'tax_class', \%tax_class ); return "Error updating tax rate: no tax class $taxclassid" unless $tax_class; $hash->{'taxclassnum'} = $tax_class->taxclassnum; foreach (qw( inoutcity inoutlocal taxtype taxcat )) { delete($hash->{$_}); } my %passflagmap = ( '0' => '', '1' => 'Y', '2' => 'N', ); $hash->{'passflag'} = $passflagmap{$hash->{'passflag'}} if exists $passflagmap{$hash->{'passflag'}}; foreach (keys %$hash) { $hash->{$_} = substr($hash->{$_}, 0, 80) if length($hash->{$_}) > 80; } my $actionflag = delete($hash->{'actionflag'}); $hash->{'taxname'} =~ s/`/'/g; $hash->{'taxname'} =~ s|\\|/|g; return '' if $format eq 'cch'; # but not cch-update if ($actionflag eq 'I') { $insert{ $hash->{'geocode'}. ':'. $hash->{'taxclassnum'} } = { %$hash }; }elsif ($actionflag eq 'D') { $delete{ $hash->{'geocode'}. ':'. $hash->{'taxclassnum'} } = { %$hash }; }else{ return "Unexpected action flag: ". $hash->{'actionflag'}; } delete($hash->{$_}) for keys %$hash; ''; }; } elsif ( $format eq 'extended' ) { die "unimplemented\n"; @fields = qw( ); $hook = sub {}; } else { die "unknown format $format"; } eval "use Text::CSV_XS;"; die $@ if $@; my $csv = new Text::CSV_XS; my $imported = 0; local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; while ( defined($line=<$fh>) ) { $csv->parse($line) or do { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "can't parse: ". $csv->error_input(); }; if ( $job ) { # progress bar if ( time - $min_sec > $last ) { my $error = $job->update_statustext( int( 100 * $imported / $count ). ",Importing tax rates" ); die $error if $error; $last = time; } } my @columns = $csv->fields(); my %tax_rate = ( 'data_vendor' => $format ); foreach my $field ( @fields ) { $tax_rate{$field} = shift @columns; } if ( scalar( @columns ) ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "Unexpected trailing columns in line (wrong format?): $line"; } my $error = &{$hook}(\%tax_rate); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } if (scalar(keys %tax_rate)) { #inserts only, not updates for cch my $tax_rate = new FS::tax_rate( \%tax_rate ); $error = $tax_rate->insert; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "can't insert tax_rate for $line: $error"; } } $imported++; } for (grep { !exists($delete{$_}) } keys %insert) { if ( $job ) { # progress bar if ( time - $min_sec > $last ) { my $error = $job->update_statustext( int( 100 * $imported / $count ). ",Importing tax rates" ); die $error if $error; $last = time; } } my $tax_rate = new FS::tax_rate( $insert{$_} ); my $error = $tax_rate->insert; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; my $hashref = $insert{$_}; $line = join(", ", map { "$_ => ". $hashref->{$_} } keys(%$hashref) ); return "can't insert tax_rate for $line: $error"; } $imported++; } for (grep { exists($delete{$_}) } keys %insert) { if ( $job ) { # progress bar if ( time - $min_sec > $last ) { my $error = $job->update_statustext( int( 100 * $imported / $count ). ",Importing tax rates" ); die $error if $error; $last = time; } } my $old = qsearchs( 'tax_rate', $delete{$_} ); unless ($old) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; $old = $delete{$_}; return "can't find tax_rate to replace for: ". #join(" ", map { "$_ => ". $old->{$_} } @fields); join(" ", map { "$_ => ". $old->{$_} } keys(%$old) ); } my $new = new FS::tax_rate({ $old->hash, %{$insert{$_}}, 'manual' => '' }); $new->taxnum($old->taxnum); my $error = $new->replace($old); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; my $hashref = $insert{$_}; $line = join(", ", map { "$_ => ". $hashref->{$_} } keys(%$hashref) ); return "can't replace tax_rate for $line: $error"; } $imported++; $imported++; } for (grep { !exists($insert{$_}) } keys %delete) { if ( $job ) { # progress bar if ( time - $min_sec > $last ) { my $error = $job->update_statustext( int( 100 * $imported / $count ). ",Importing tax rates" ); die $error if $error; $last = time; } } my $tax_rate = qsearchs( 'tax_rate', $delete{$_} ); unless ($tax_rate) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; $tax_rate = $delete{$_}; return "can't find tax_rate to delete for: ". #join(" ", map { "$_ => ". $tax_rate->{$_} } @fields); join(" ", map { "$_ => ". $tax_rate->{$_} } keys(%$tax_rate) ); } my $error = $tax_rate->delete; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; my $hashref = $delete{$_}; $line = join(", ", map { "$_ => ". $hashref->{$_} } keys(%$hashref) ); return "can't delete tax_rate for $line: $error"; } $imported++; } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; return "Empty file!" unless ($imported || $format eq 'cch-update'); ''; #no error } =item process_batch_import Load a batch import as a queued JSRPC job =cut sub process_batch_import { my $job = shift; my $param = thaw(decode_base64(shift)); my $format = $param->{'format'}; #well... this is all cch specific my $files = $param->{'uploaded_files'} or die "No files provided."; my (%files) = map { /^(\w+):([\.\w]+)$/ ? ($1,$2):() } split /,/, $files; if ($format eq 'cch' || $format eq 'cch-fixed') { my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $error = ''; my $have_location = 0; my @list = ( 'GEOCODE', 'geofile', \&FS::tax_rate_location::batch_import, 'CODE', 'codefile', \&FS::tax_class::batch_import, 'PLUS4', 'plus4file', \&FS::cust_tax_location::batch_import, 'ZIP', 'zipfile', \&FS::cust_tax_location::batch_import, 'TXMATRIX', 'txmatrix', \&FS::part_pkg_taxrate::batch_import, 'DETAIL', 'detail', \&FS::tax_rate::batch_import, ); while( scalar(@list) ) { my ($name, $file, $import_sub) = (shift @list, shift @list, shift @list); unless ($files{$file}) { next if $name eq 'PLUS4'; $error = "No $name supplied"; $error = "Neither PLUS4 nor ZIP supplied" if ($name eq 'ZIP' && !$have_location); next; } $have_location = 1 if $name eq 'PLUS4'; my $fmt = $format. ( $name eq 'ZIP' ? '-zip' : '' ); my $dir = '%%%FREESIDE_CACHE%%%/cache.'. $FS::UID::datasrc; my $filename = "$dir/". $files{$file}; open my $fh, "< $filename" or $error ||= "Can't open $name file: $!"; $error ||= &{$import_sub}({ 'filehandle' => $fh, 'format' => $fmt }, $job); close $fh; unlink $filename or warn "Can't delete $filename: $!"; } if ($error) { $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; die $error; }else{ $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; } }elsif ($format eq 'cch-update' || $format eq 'cch-fixed-update') { my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $error = ''; my @insert_list = (); my @delete_list = (); my @predelete_list = (); my @list = ( 'GEOCODE', 'geofile', \&FS::tax_rate_location::batch_import, 'CODE', 'codefile', \&FS::tax_class::batch_import, 'PLUS4', 'plus4file', \&FS::cust_tax_location::batch_import, 'ZIP', 'zipfile', \&FS::cust_tax_location::batch_import, 'TXMATRIX', 'txmatrix', \&FS::part_pkg_taxrate::batch_import, ); my $dir = '%%%FREESIDE_CACHE%%%/cache.'. $FS::UID::datasrc; while( scalar(@list) ) { my ($name, $file, $import_sub) = (shift @list, shift @list, shift @list); unless ($files{$file}) { my $vendor = $name eq 'ZIP' ? 'cch' : 'cch-zip'; next # update expected only for previously installed location data if ( ($name eq 'PLUS4' || $name eq 'ZIP') && !scalar( qsearch( { table => 'cust_tax_location', hashref => { data_vendor => $vendor }, select => 'DISTINCT data_vendor', } ) ) ); $error = "No $name supplied"; next; } my $filename = "$dir/". $files{$file}; open my $fh, "< $filename" or $error ||= "Can't open $name file $filename: $!"; unlink $filename or warn "Can't delete $filename: $!"; my $ifh = new File::Temp( TEMPLATE => "$name.insert.XXXXXXXX", DIR => $dir, UNLINK => 0, #meh ) or die "can't open temp file: $!\n"; my $dfh = new File::Temp( TEMPLATE => "$name.delete.XXXXXXXX", DIR => $dir, UNLINK => 0, #meh ) or die "can't open temp file: $!\n"; my $insert_pattern = ($format eq 'cch-update') ? qr/"I"\s*$/ : qr/I\s*$/; my $delete_pattern = ($format eq 'cch-update') ? qr/"D"\s*$/ : qr/D\s*$/; while(<$fh>) { my $handle = ''; $handle = $ifh if $_ =~ /$insert_pattern/; $handle = $dfh if $_ =~ /$delete_pattern/; unless ($handle) { $error = "bad input line: $_" unless $handle; last; } print $handle $_; } close $fh; close $ifh; close $dfh; push @insert_list, $name, $ifh->filename, $import_sub; if ( $name eq 'GEOCODE' ) { #handle this whole ordering issue better unshift @predelete_list, $name, $dfh->filename, $import_sub; } else { unshift @delete_list, $name, $dfh->filename, $import_sub; } } while( scalar(@predelete_list) ) { my ($name, $file, $import_sub) = (shift @predelete_list, shift @predelete_list, shift @predelete_list); my $fmt = $format. ( $name eq 'ZIP' ? '-zip' : '' ); open my $fh, "< $file" or $error ||= "Can't open $name file $file: $!"; $error ||= &{$import_sub}({ 'filehandle' => $fh, 'format' => $fmt }, $job); close $fh; unlink $file or warn "Can't delete $file: $!"; } while( scalar(@insert_list) ) { my ($name, $file, $import_sub) = (shift @insert_list, shift @insert_list, shift @insert_list); my $fmt = $format. ( $name eq 'ZIP' ? '-zip' : '' ); open my $fh, "< $file" or $error ||= "Can't open $name file $file: $!"; $error ||= &{$import_sub}({ 'filehandle' => $fh, 'format' => $fmt }, $job); close $fh; unlink $file or warn "Can't delete $file: $!"; } $error ||= "No DETAIL supplied" unless ($files{detail}); open my $fh, "< $dir/". $files{detail} or $error ||= "Can't open DETAIL file: $!"; $error ||= &FS::tax_rate::batch_import({ 'filehandle' => $fh, 'format' => $format }, $job); close $fh; unlink "$dir/". $files{detail} or warn "Can't delete $files{detail}: $!" if $files{detail}; while( scalar(@delete_list) ) { my ($name, $file, $import_sub) = (shift @delete_list, shift @delete_list, shift @delete_list); my $fmt = $format. ( $name eq 'ZIP' ? '-zip' : '' ); open my $fh, "< $file" or $error ||= "Can't open $name file $file: $!"; $error ||= &{$import_sub}({ 'filehandle' => $fh, 'format' => $fmt }, $job); close $fh; unlink $file or warn "Can't delete $file: $!"; } if ($error) { $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; die $error; }else{ $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; } }else{ die "Unknown format: $format"; } } =item process_download_and_reload Download and process a tax update as a queued JSRPC job after wiping the existing wipable tax data. =cut sub process_download_and_reload { my $job = shift; my $param = thaw(decode_base64($_[0])); my $format = $param->{'format'}; #well... this is all cch specific my ( $count, $last, $min_sec, $imported ) = (0, time, 5, 0); #progressbar $count = 100; if ( $job ) { # progress bar my $error = $job->update_statustext( int( 100 * $imported / $count ) ); die $error if $error; } my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $error = ''; my $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM part_pkg_taxoverride JOIN tax_class ". "USING (taxclassnum) WHERE data_vendor = '$format'"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute or die "Unexpected error executing statement $sql: ". $sth->errstr; die "Don't (yet) know how to handle part_pkg_taxoverride records." if $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0]; # really should get a table EXCLUSIVE lock here #remember disabled taxes my %disabled_tax_rate = (); foreach my $tax_rate ( qsearch( { table => 'tax_rate', hashref => { disabled => 'Y', data_vendor => $format, }, select => 'geocode, taxclassnum', } ) ) { my $tax_class = qsearchs( 'tax_class', { taxclassnum => $tax_rate->taxclassnum } ); unless ( $tax_class ) { warn "failed to find tax_class ". $tax_rate->taxclassnum; next; } $disabled_tax_rate{$tax_rate->geocode. ':'. $tax_class->taxclass} = 1; } #remember tax products # XXX FIXME this loop only works when cch is the only data provider my %taxproduct = (); my $extra_sql = "WHERE taxproductnum IS NOT NULL OR ". "0 < ( SELECT count(*) from part_pkg_option WHERE ". " part_pkg_option.pkgpart = part_pkg.pkgpart AND ". " optionname LIKE 'usage_taxproductnum_%' AND ". " optionvalue != '' )"; foreach my $part_pkg ( qsearch( { table => 'part_pkg', select => 'DISTINCT pkgpart,taxproductnum', hashref => {}, extra_sql => $extra_sql, } ) ) { warn "working with package part ". $part_pkg->pkgpart. "which has a taxproductnum of ". $part_pkg->taxproductnum. "\n" if $DEBUG; my $part_pkg_taxproduct = $part_pkg->taxproduct(''); $taxproduct{$part_pkg->pkgpart}{''} = $part_pkg_taxproduct->taxproduct if $part_pkg_taxproduct; foreach my $option ( $part_pkg->part_pkg_option ) { next unless $option->optionname =~ /^usage_taxproductnum_(\w)$/; my $class = $1; $part_pkg_taxproduct = $part_pkg->taxproduct($class); $taxproduct{$part_pkg->pkgpart}{$class} = $part_pkg_taxproduct->taxproduct if $part_pkg_taxproduct; } } #wipe out the old data foreach my $tax_rate_location ( qsearch( 'tax_rate_location', { data_vendor => $format, disabled => '', } ) ) { $tax_rate_location->disabled('Y'); my $error = $tax_rate_location->replace; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; die $error; } } local $FS::part_pkg_taxproduct::delete_kludge = 1; my @table = qw( tax_rate part_pkg_taxrate part_pkg_taxproduct tax_class cust_tax_location ); foreach my $table ( @table ) { foreach my $row ( qsearch( $table, { data_vendor => $format } ) ) { my $error = $row->delete; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; die $error; } } } if ( $format eq 'cch' ) { foreach my $cust_tax_location ( qsearch( 'cust_tax_location', { data_vendor => "$format-zip" } ) ) { my $error = $cust_tax_location->delete; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; die $error; } } } #import new data process_download_and_update($job, @_); #restore taxproducts foreach my $pkgpart ( keys %taxproduct ) { warn "restoring taxproductnums on pkgpart $pkgpart\n" if $DEBUG; my $part_pkg = qsearchs('part_pkg', { pkgpart => $pkgpart } ); unless ( $part_pkg ) { $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; die "somehow failed to find part_pkg with pkgpart $pkgpart!\n"; } my %options = $part_pkg->options; my %pkg_svc = map { $_->svcpart => $_->quantity } $part_pkg->pkg_svc; my $primary_svc = $part_pkg->svcpart; my $new = new FS::part_pkg { $part_pkg->hash }; foreach my $class ( keys %{ $taxproduct{$pkgpart} } ) { warn "working with class '$class'\n" if $DEBUG; my $part_pkg_taxproduct = qsearchs( 'part_pkg_taxproduct', { taxproduct => $taxproduct{$pkgpart}{$class}, data_vendor => $format, } ); unless ( $part_pkg_taxproduct ) { $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; die "failed to find part_pkg_taxproduct ($taxproduct{pkgpart}{$class})". " for pkgpart $pkgpart\n"; } if ( $class eq '' ) { $new->taxproductnum($part_pkg_taxproduct->taxproductnum); next; } $options{"usage_taxproductnum_$class"} = $part_pkg_taxproduct->taxproductnum; } my $error = $new->replace( $part_pkg, 'pkg_svc' => \%pkg_svc, 'primary_svc' => $primary_svc, 'options' => \%options, ); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; die $error; } } #disable tax_rates foreach my $key (keys %disabled_tax_rate) { my ($geocode,$taxclass) = split /:/, $key, 2; my @tax_class = qsearch( 'tax_class', { data_vendor => $format, taxclass => $taxclass, } ); if (scalar(@tax_class) > 1) { $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; die "found multiple tax_class records for format $format class $taxclass"; } unless (scalar(@tax_class)) { warn "no tax_class for format $format class $taxclass\n"; next; } my @tax_rate = qsearch('tax_rate', { data_vendor => $format, geocode => $geocode, taxclassnum => $tax_class[0]->taxclassnum, } ); if (scalar(@tax_rate) > 1) { $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; die "found multiple tax_rate records for format $format geocode $geocode". " and taxclass $taxclass ( taxclassnum ". $tax_class[0]->taxclassnum. " )"; } if (scalar(@tax_rate)) { $tax_rate[0]->disabled('Y'); my $error = $tax_rate[0]->replace; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; die $error; } } } #success! $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; } =item process_download_and_update Download and process a tax update as a queued JSRPC job =cut sub process_download_and_update { my $job = shift; my $param = thaw(decode_base64(shift)); my $format = $param->{'format'}; #well... this is all cch specific my ( $count, $last, $min_sec, $imported ) = (0, time, 5, 0); #progressbar $count = 100; if ( $job ) { # progress bar my $error = $job->update_statustext( int( 100 * $imported / $count ) ); die $error if $error; } my $dir = '%%%FREESIDE_CACHE%%%/cache.'. $FS::UID::datasrc. '/taxdata'; unless (-d $dir) { mkdir $dir or die "can't create $dir: $!\n"; } if ($format eq 'cch') { eval "use Text::CSV_XS;"; die $@ if $@; eval "use XBase;"; die $@ if $@; my $conffile = '%%%FREESIDE_CONF%%%/cchconf'; my $conffh = new IO::File "<$conffile" or die "can't open $conffile: $!\n"; my ( $urls, $secret, $states ) = map { /^(.*)$/ or die "bad config line in $conffile: $_\n"; $1 } <$conffh>; $dir .= '/cch'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $error = ''; # really should get a table EXCLUSIVE lock here # check if initial import or update my $sql = "SELECT count(*) from tax_rate WHERE data_vendor='$format'"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute() or die $sth->errstr; my $upgrade = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0]; # create cache and/or rotate old tax data if (-d $dir) { if (-d "$dir.4") { opendir(my $dirh, "$dir.4") or die "failed to open $dir.4: $!\n"; foreach my $file (readdir($dirh)) { unlink "$dir.4/$file" if (-f "$dir.4/$file"); } closedir($dirh); rmdir "$dir.4"; } for (3, 2, 1) { if ( -e "$dir.$_" ) { rename "$dir.$_", "$dir.". ($_+1) or die "can't rename $dir.$_: $!\n"; } } rename "$dir", "$dir.1" or die "can't rename $dir: $!\n"; } else { die "can't find previous tax data\n" if $upgrade; } mkdir "$" or die "can't create $ $!\n"; # fetch and unpack the zip files my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; foreach my $url (split ',', $urls) { my @name = split '/', $url; #somewhat restrictive my $name = pop @name; $name =~ /(.*)/; # untaint that which we trust; $name = $1; open my $taxfh, ">$$name" or die "Can't open $$name: $!\n"; my $res = $ua->request( new HTTP::Request( GET => $url), sub { #my ($data, $response_object) = @_; print $taxfh $_[0] or die "Can't write to $$name: $!\n"; my $content_length = $_[1]->content_length; $imported += length($_[0]); if ( time - $min_sec > $last ) { my $error = $job->update_statustext( ($content_length ? int(100 * $imported/$content_length) : 0 ). ",Downloading data from CCH" ); die $error if $error; $last = time; } }, ); die "download of $url failed: ". $res->status_line unless $res->is_success; close $taxfh; my $error = $job->update_statustext( "0,Unpacking data" ); die $error if $error; $secret =~ /(.*)/; # untaint that which we trust; $secret = $1; system('unzip', "-P", $secret, "-d", "$", "$$name") == 0 or die "unzip -P $secret -d $ $$name failed"; #unlink "$$name"; } # extract csv files from the dbf files foreach my $name ( qw( code detail geocode plus4 txmatrix zip ) ) { my $error = $job->update_statustext( "0,Unpacking $name" ); die $error if $error; warn "opening $$name.dbf\n" if $DEBUG; my $table = new XBase 'name' => "$$name.dbf"; die "failed to access $$name.dbf: ". XBase->errstr unless defined($table); $count = $table->last_record; # approximately; $imported = 0; open my $csvfh, ">$$name.txt" or die "failed to open $$name.txt: $!\n"; my $csv = new Text::CSV_XS { 'always_quote' => 1 }; my @fields = $table->field_names; my $cursor = $table->prepare_select; my $format_date = sub { my $date = shift; $date =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/ && ($date = "$2/$3/$1"); $date; }; while (my $row = $cursor->fetch_hashref) { $csv->combine( map { ($table->field_type($_) eq 'D') ? &{$format_date}($row->{$_}) : $row->{$_} } @fields ); print $csvfh $csv->string, "\n"; $imported++; if ( time - $min_sec > $last ) { my $error = $job->update_statustext( int(100 * $imported/$count). ",Unpacking $name" ); die $error if $error; $last = time; } } $table->close; close $csvfh; } # generate the diff files my @insert_list = (); my @delete_list = (); my @predelete_list = (); my @list = ( 'geocode', \&FS::tax_rate_location::batch_import, 'code', \&FS::tax_class::batch_import, 'plus4', \&FS::cust_tax_location::batch_import, 'zip', \&FS::cust_tax_location::batch_import, 'txmatrix', \&FS::part_pkg_taxrate::batch_import, 'detail', \&FS::tax_rate::batch_import, ); while( scalar(@list) ) { my ( $name, $method ) = ( shift @list, shift @list ); my %oldlines = (); my $error = $job->update_statustext( "0,Comparing to previous $name" ); die $error if $error; warn "processing $$name.txt\n" if $DEBUG; if ($upgrade) { open my $oldcsvfh, "$dir.1/$name.txt" or die "failed to open $dir.1/$name.txt: $!\n"; while(<$oldcsvfh>) { chomp; $oldlines{$_} = 1; } close $oldcsvfh; } open my $newcsvfh, "$$name.txt" or die "failed to open $$name.txt: $!\n"; my $ifh = new File::Temp( TEMPLATE => "$name.insert.XXXXXXXX", DIR => "$", UNLINK => 0, #meh ) or die "can't open temp file: $!\n"; my $dfh = new File::Temp( TEMPLATE => "$name.delete.XXXXXXXX", DIR => "$", UNLINK => 0, #meh ) or die "can't open temp file: $!\n"; while(<$newcsvfh>) { chomp; if (exists($oldlines{$_})) { $oldlines{$_} = 0; } else { print $ifh $_, ',"I"', "\n"; } } close $newcsvfh; if ($name eq 'detail') { for (keys %oldlines) { # one file for rate details print $ifh $_, ',"D"', "\n" if $oldlines{$_}; } } else { for (keys %oldlines) { print $dfh $_, ',"D"', "\n" if $oldlines{$_}; } } %oldlines = (); push @insert_list, $name, $ifh->filename, $method; if ( $name eq 'geocode' ) { unshift @predelete_list, $name, $dfh->filename, $method unless $name eq 'detail'; } else { unshift @delete_list, $name, $dfh->filename, $method unless $name eq 'detail'; } close $dfh; close $ifh; } while( scalar(@predelete_list) ) { my ($name, $file, $method) = (shift @predelete_list, shift @predelete_list, shift @predelete_list); my $fmt = "$format-update"; $fmt = $fmt. ( $name eq 'zip' ? '-zip' : '' ); open my $fh, "< $file" or $error ||= "Can't open $name file $file: $!"; $error ||= &{$method}({ 'filehandle' => $fh, 'format' => $fmt }, $job); close $fh; #unlink $file or warn "Can't delete $file: $!"; } while( scalar(@insert_list) ) { my ($name, $file, $method) = (shift @insert_list, shift @insert_list, shift @insert_list); my $fmt = "$format-update"; $fmt = $fmt. ( $name eq 'zip' ? '-zip' : '' ); open my $fh, "< $file" or $error ||= "Can't open $name file $file: $!"; $error ||= &{$method}({ 'filehandle' => $fh, 'format' => $fmt }, $job); close $fh; #unlink $file or warn "Can't delete $file: $!"; } while( scalar(@delete_list) ) { my ($name, $file, $method) = (shift @delete_list, shift @delete_list, shift @delete_list); my $fmt = "$format-update"; $fmt = $fmt. ( $name eq 'zip' ? '-zip' : '' ); open my $fh, "< $file" or $error ||= "Can't open $name file $file: $!"; $error ||= &{$method}({ 'filehandle' => $fh, 'format' => $fmt }, $job); close $fh; #unlink $file or warn "Can't delete $file: $!"; } if ($error) { $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; die $error; }else{ $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; } rename "$", "$dir" or die "cch tax update processed, but can't rename $ $!\n"; }else{ die "Unknown format: $format"; } } =item browse_queries PARAMS Returns a list consisting of a hashref suited for use as the argument to qsearch, and sql query string. Each is based on the PARAMS hashref of keys and values which frequently would be passed as CVars)> from a form. This conveniently creates the query hashref and count_query string required by the browse and search elements. As a side effect, the PARAMS hashref is untainted and keys with unexpected values are removed. =cut sub browse_queries { my $params = shift; my $query = { 'table' => 'tax_rate', 'hashref' => {}, 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY geocode, taxclassnum', }, my $extra_sql = ''; if ( $params->{data_vendor} =~ /^(\w+)$/ ) { $extra_sql .= ' WHERE data_vendor = '. dbh->quote($1); } else { delete $params->{data_vendor}; } if ( $params->{geocode} =~ /^(\w+)$/ ) { $extra_sql .= ( $extra_sql =~ /WHERE/i ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ). 'geocode LIKE '. dbh->quote($1.'%'); } else { delete $params->{geocode}; } if ( $params->{taxclassnum} =~ /^(\d+)$/ && qsearchs( 'tax_class', {'taxclassnum' => $1} ) ) { $extra_sql .= ( $extra_sql =~ /WHERE/i ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ). ' taxclassnum = '. dbh->quote($1) } else { delete $params->{taxclassnun}; } my $tax_type = $1 if ( $params->{tax_type} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ); delete $params->{tax_type} unless $tax_type; my $tax_cat = $1 if ( $params->{tax_cat} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ); delete $params->{tax_cat} unless $tax_cat; my @taxclassnum = (); if ($tax_type || $tax_cat ) { my $compare = "LIKE '". ( $tax_type || "%" ). ":". ( $tax_cat || "%" ). "'"; $compare = "= '$tax_type:$tax_cat'" if ($tax_type && $tax_cat); @taxclassnum = map { $_->taxclassnum } qsearch({ 'table' => 'tax_class', 'hashref' => {}, 'extra_sql' => "WHERE taxclass $compare", }); } $extra_sql .= ( $extra_sql =~ /WHERE/i ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ). '( '. join(' OR ', map { " taxclassnum = $_ " } @taxclassnum ). ' )' if ( @taxclassnum ); unless ($params->{'showdisabled'}) { $extra_sql .= ( $extra_sql =~ /WHERE/i ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ). "( disabled = '' OR disabled IS NULL )"; } $query->{extra_sql} = $extra_sql; return ($query, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tax_rate $extra_sql"); } # _upgrade_data # # Used by FS::Upgrade to migrate to a new database. # # sub _upgrade_data { # class method my ($self, %opts) = @_; my $dbh = dbh; warn "$me upgrading $self\n" if $DEBUG; my @column = qw ( tax excessrate usetax useexcessrate fee excessfee feebase feemax ); if ( $dbh->{Driver}->{Name} eq 'Pg' ) { eval "use DBI::Const::GetInfoType;"; die $@ if $@; my $major_version = 0; $dbh->get_info( $GetInfoType{SQL_DBMS_VER} ) =~ /^(\d{2})/ && ( $major_version = sprintf("%d", $1) ); if ( $major_version > 7 ) { # ideally this would be supported in DBIx-DBSchema and friends foreach my $column ( @column ) { my $columndef = dbdef->table($self->table)->column($column); unless ($columndef->type eq 'numeric') { warn "updating tax_rate column $column to numeric\n" if $DEBUG; my $sql = "ALTER TABLE tax_rate ALTER $column TYPE numeric(14,8)"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr; warn "updating h_tax_rate column $column to numeric\n" if $DEBUG; $sql = "ALTER TABLE h_tax_rate ALTER $column TYPE numeric(14,8)"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr; } } } elsif ( $dbh->{pg_server_version} =~ /^704/ ) { # ideally this would be supported in DBIx-DBSchema and friends foreach my $column ( @column ) { my $columndef = dbdef->table($self->table)->column($column); unless ($columndef->type eq 'numeric') { warn "updating tax_rate column $column to numeric\n" if $DEBUG; foreach my $table ( qw( tax_rate h_tax_rate ) ) { my $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table RENAME $column TO old_$column"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr; my $def = dbdef->table($table)->column($column); $def->type('numeric'); $def->length('14,8'); my $null = $def->null; $def->null('NULL'); $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table ADD COLUMN ". $def->line($dbh); $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr; $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $column = CAST( old_$column AS numeric )"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr; unless ( $null eq 'NULL' ) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table ALTER $column SET NOT NULL"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr; } $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table DROP old_$column"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr; } } } } else { warn "WARNING: tax_rate table upgrade unsupported for this Pg version\n"; } } else { warn "WARNING: tax_rate table upgrade only supported for Pg 8+\n"; } ''; } =back =head1 BUGS Mixing automatic and manual editing works poorly at present. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, schema.html from the base documentation. =cut 1;