package FS::svc_acct; use strict; use vars qw( @ISA $DEBUG $me $conf $dir_prefix @shells $usernamemin $usernamemax $passwordmin $passwordmax $username_ampersand $username_letter $username_letterfirst $username_noperiod $username_nounderscore $username_nodash $username_uppercase $password_noampersand $password_noexclamation $welcome_template $welcome_from $welcome_subject $welcome_mimetype $smtpmachine $radius_password $radius_ip $dirhash @saltset @pw_set ); use Carp; use Fcntl qw(:flock); use Crypt::PasswdMD5; use FS::UID qw( datasrc ); use FS::Conf; use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs fields dbh dbdef ); use FS::svc_Common; use FS::cust_svc; use FS::part_svc; use FS::svc_acct_pop; use FS::cust_main_invoice; use FS::svc_domain; use FS::raddb; use FS::queue; use FS::radius_usergroup; use FS::export_svc; use FS::part_export; use FS::Msgcat qw(gettext); use FS::svc_forward; use FS::svc_www; @ISA = qw( FS::svc_Common ); $DEBUG = 0; #$DEBUG = 1; $me = '[FS::svc_acct]'; #ask FS::UID to run this stuff for us later $FS::UID::callback{'FS::svc_acct'} = sub { $conf = new FS::Conf; $dir_prefix = $conf->config('home'); @shells = $conf->config('shells'); $usernamemin = $conf->config('usernamemin') || 2; $usernamemax = $conf->config('usernamemax'); $passwordmin = $conf->config('passwordmin') || 6; $passwordmax = $conf->config('passwordmax') || 8; $username_letter = $conf->exists('username-letter'); $username_letterfirst = $conf->exists('username-letterfirst'); $username_noperiod = $conf->exists('username-noperiod'); $username_nounderscore = $conf->exists('username-nounderscore'); $username_nodash = $conf->exists('username-nodash'); $username_uppercase = $conf->exists('username-uppercase'); $username_ampersand = $conf->exists('username-ampersand'); $password_noampersand = $conf->exists('password-noexclamation'); $password_noexclamation = $conf->exists('password-noexclamation'); $dirhash = $conf->config('dirhash') || 0; if ( $conf->exists('welcome_email') ) { $welcome_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'ARRAY', SOURCE => [ map "$_\n", $conf->config('welcome_email') ] ) or warn "can't create welcome email template: $Text::Template::ERROR"; $welcome_from = $conf->config('welcome_email-from'); # || 'your-isp-is-dum' $welcome_subject = $conf->config('welcome_email-subject') || 'Welcome'; $welcome_mimetype = $conf->config('welcome_email-mimetype') || 'text/plain'; } else { $welcome_template = ''; $welcome_from = ''; $welcome_subject = ''; $welcome_mimetype = ''; } $smtpmachine = $conf->config('smtpmachine'); $radius_password = $conf->config('radius-password') || 'Password'; $radius_ip = $conf->config('radius-ip') || 'Framed-IP-Address'; }; @saltset = ( 'a'..'z' , 'A'..'Z' , '0'..'9' , '.' , '/' ); @pw_set = ( 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '(', ')', '#', '!', '.', ',' ); sub _cache { my $self = shift; my ( $hashref, $cache ) = @_; if ( $hashref->{'svc_acct_svcnum'} ) { $self->{'_domsvc'} = FS::svc_domain->new( { 'svcnum' => $hashref->{'domsvc'}, 'domain' => $hashref->{'svc_acct_domain'}, 'catchall' => $hashref->{'svc_acct_catchall'}, } ); } } =head1 NAME FS::svc_acct - Object methods for svc_acct records =head1 SYNOPSIS use FS::svc_acct; $record = new FS::svc_acct \%hash; $record = new FS::svc_acct { 'column' => 'value' }; $error = $record->insert; $error = $new_record->replace($old_record); $error = $record->delete; $error = $record->check; $error = $record->suspend; $error = $record->unsuspend; $error = $record->cancel; %hash = $record->radius; %hash = $record->radius_reply; %hash = $record->radius_check; $domain = $record->domain; $svc_domain = $record->svc_domain; $email = $record->email; $seconds_since = $record->seconds_since($timestamp); =head1 DESCRIPTION An FS::svc_acct object represents an account. FS::svc_acct inherits from FS::svc_Common. The following fields are currently supported: =over 4 =item svcnum - primary key (assigned automatcially for new accounts) =item username =item _password - generated if blank =item sec_phrase - security phrase =item popnum - Point of presence (see L) =item uid =item gid =item finger - GECOS =item dir - set automatically if blank (and uid is not) =item shell =item quota - (unimplementd) =item slipip - IP address =item seconds - =item domsvc - svcnum from svc_domain =item radius_I - I =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new HASHREF Creates a new account. To add the account to the database, see L<"insert">. =cut sub table { 'svc_acct'; } =item insert [ , OPTION => VALUE ... ] Adds this account to the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. The additional fields pkgnum and svcpart (see L) should be defined. An FS::cust_svc record will be created and inserted. The additional field I can optionally be defined; if so it should contain an arrayref of group names. See L. The additional field I can optionally be defined; if so it should contain an arrayref of FS::tablename objects. They will have their svcnum fields set and will be inserted after this record, but before any exports are run. Currently available options are: I If I is set (to a scalar jobnum or an array reference of jobnums), all provisioning jobs will have a dependancy on the supplied jobnum(s) (they will not run until the specific job(s) complete(s)). (TODOC: L and L) (TODOC: new exports!) =cut sub insert { my $self = shift; my %options = @_; my $error; local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; $error = $self->check; return $error if $error; if ( $self->svcnum && qsearchs('cust_svc',{'svcnum'=>$self->svcnum}) ) { my $cust_svc = qsearchs('cust_svc',{'svcnum'=>$self->svcnum}); unless ( $cust_svc ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "no cust_svc record found for svcnum ". $self->svcnum; } $self->pkgnum($cust_svc->pkgnum); $self->svcpart($cust_svc->svcpart); } $error = $self->_check_duplicate; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } my @jobnums; $error = $self->SUPER::insert( 'jobnums' => \@jobnums, 'child_objects' => $self->child_objects, %options, ); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } if ( $self->usergroup ) { foreach my $groupname ( @{$self->usergroup} ) { my $radius_usergroup = new FS::radius_usergroup ( { svcnum => $self->svcnum, groupname => $groupname, } ); my $error = $radius_usergroup->insert; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } } #false laziness with sub replace (and cust_main) my $queue = new FS::queue { 'svcnum' => $self->svcnum, 'job' => 'FS::svc_acct::append_fuzzyfiles' }; $error = $queue->insert($self->username); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "queueing job (transaction rolled back): $error"; } my $cust_pkg = $self->cust_svc->cust_pkg; if ( $cust_pkg ) { my $cust_main = $cust_pkg->cust_main; if ( $conf->exists('emailinvoiceauto') ) { my @invoicing_list = $cust_main->invoicing_list; push @invoicing_list, $self->email; $cust_main->invoicing_list(\@invoicing_list); } #welcome email my $to = ''; if ( $welcome_template && $cust_pkg ) { my $to = join(', ', grep { $_ ne 'POST' } $cust_main->invoicing_list ); if ( $to ) { my $wqueue = new FS::queue { 'svcnum' => $self->svcnum, 'job' => 'FS::svc_acct::send_email' }; my $error = $wqueue->insert( 'to' => $to, 'from' => $welcome_from, 'subject' => $welcome_subject, 'mimetype' => $welcome_mimetype, 'body' => $welcome_template->fill_in( HASH => { 'custnum' => $self->custnum, 'username' => $self->username, 'password' => $self->_password, 'first' => $cust_main->first, 'last' => $cust_main->getfield('last'), 'pkg' => $cust_pkg->part_pkg->pkg, } ), ); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "error queuing welcome email: $error"; } if ( $options{'depend_jobnum'} ) { warn "$me depend_jobnum found; adding to welcome email dependancies" if $DEBUG; if ( ref($options{'depend_jobnum'}) ) { warn "$me adding jobs ". join(', ', @{$options{'depend_jobnum'}} ). "to welcome email dependancies" if $DEBUG; push @jobnums, @{ $options{'depend_jobnum'} }; } else { warn "$me adding job $options{'depend_jobnum'} ". "to welcome email dependancies" if $DEBUG; push @jobnums, $options{'depend_jobnum'}; } } foreach my $jobnum ( @jobnums ) { my $error = $wqueue->depend_insert($jobnum); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "error queuing welcome email job dependancy: $error"; } } } } } # if ( $cust_pkg ) $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; ''; #no error } =item delete Deletes this account from the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. The corresponding FS::cust_svc record will be deleted as well. (TODOC: new exports!) =cut sub delete { my $self = shift; return "can't delete system account" if $self->_check_system; return "Can't delete an account which is a (svc_forward) source!" if qsearch( 'svc_forward', { 'srcsvc' => $self->svcnum } ); return "Can't delete an account which is a (svc_forward) destination!" if qsearch( 'svc_forward', { 'dstsvc' => $self->svcnum } ); return "Can't delete an account with (svc_www) web service!" if qsearch( 'svc_www', { 'usersvc' => $self->svcnum } ); # what about records in session ? (they should refer to history table) local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; foreach my $cust_main_invoice ( qsearch( 'cust_main_invoice', { 'dest' => $self->svcnum } ) ) { unless ( defined($cust_main_invoice) ) { warn "WARNING: something's wrong with qsearch"; next; } my %hash = $cust_main_invoice->hash; $hash{'dest'} = $self->email; my $new = new FS::cust_main_invoice \%hash; my $error = $new->replace($cust_main_invoice); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } foreach my $svc_domain ( qsearch( 'svc_domain', { 'catchall' => $self->svcnum } ) ) { my %hash = new FS::svc_domain->hash; $hash{'catchall'} = ''; my $new = new FS::svc_domain \%hash; my $error = $new->replace($svc_domain); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } foreach my $radius_usergroup ( qsearch('radius_usergroup', { 'svcnum' => $self->svcnum } ) ) { my $error = $radius_usergroup->delete; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } my $error = $self->SUPER::delete; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; ''; } =item replace OLD_RECORD Replaces OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. The additional field I can optionally be defined; if so it should contain an arrayref of group names. See L. =cut sub replace { my ( $new, $old ) = ( shift, shift ); my $error; warn "$me replacing $old with $new\n" if $DEBUG; return "can't modify system account" if $old->_check_system; return "Username in use" if $old->username ne $new->username && qsearchs( 'svc_acct', { 'username' => $new->username, 'domsvc' => $new->domsvc, } ); { #no warnings 'numeric'; #alas, a 5.006-ism local($^W) = 0; return "Can't change uid!" if $old->uid != $new->uid; } #change homdir when we change username $new->setfield('dir', '') if $old->username ne $new->username; local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; # redundant, but so $new->usergroup gets set $error = $new->check; return $error if $error; $old->usergroup( [ $old->radius_groups ] ); warn "old groups: ". join(' ',@{$old->usergroup}). "\n" if $DEBUG; warn "new groups: ". join(' ',@{$new->usergroup}). "\n" if $DEBUG; if ( $new->usergroup ) { #(sorta) false laziness with FS::part_export::sqlradius::_export_replace my @newgroups = @{$new->usergroup}; foreach my $oldgroup ( @{$old->usergroup} ) { if ( grep { $oldgroup eq $_ } @newgroups ) { @newgroups = grep { $oldgroup ne $_ } @newgroups; next; } my $radius_usergroup = qsearchs('radius_usergroup', { svcnum => $old->svcnum, groupname => $oldgroup, } ); my $error = $radius_usergroup->delete; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "error deleting radius_usergroup $oldgroup: $error"; } } foreach my $newgroup ( @newgroups ) { my $radius_usergroup = new FS::radius_usergroup ( { svcnum => $new->svcnum, groupname => $newgroup, } ); my $error = $radius_usergroup->insert; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "error adding radius_usergroup $newgroup: $error"; } } } if ( $old->username ne $new->username || $old->domsvc != $new->domsvc ) { $new->svcpart( $new->cust_svc->svcpart ) unless $new->svcpart; $error = $new->_check_duplicate; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } $error = $new->SUPER::replace($old); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error if $error; } if ( $new->username ne $old->username ) { #false laziness with sub insert (and cust_main) my $queue = new FS::queue { 'svcnum' => $new->svcnum, 'job' => 'FS::svc_acct::append_fuzzyfiles' }; $error = $queue->insert($new->username); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "queueing job (transaction rolled back): $error"; } } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; ''; #no error } =item suspend Suspends this account by calling export-specific suspend hooks. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the suspend method of FS::cust_pkg (see L). =cut sub suspend { my $self = shift; return "can't suspend system account" if $self->_check_system; $self->SUPER::suspend; } =item unsuspend Unsuspends this account by by calling export-specific suspend hooks. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the unsuspend method of FS::cust_pkg (see L). =cut sub unsuspend { my $self = shift; my %hash = $self->hash; if ( $hash{_password} =~ /^\*SUSPENDED\* (.*)$/ ) { $hash{_password} = $1; my $new = new FS::svc_acct ( \%hash ); my $error = $new->replace($self); return $error if $error; } $self->SUPER::unsuspend; } =item cancel Called by the cancel method of FS::cust_pkg (see L). If the B configuration option is set, this method will automatically remove any references to the canceled service in the catchall field of svc_domain. This allows packages that contain both a svc_domain and its catchall svc_acct to be canceled in one step. =cut sub cancel { # Only one thing to do at this level my $self = shift; foreach my $svc_domain ( qsearch( 'svc_domain', { catchall => $self->svcnum } ) ) { if($conf->exists('auto_unset_catchall')) { my %hash = $svc_domain->hash; $hash{catchall} = ''; my $new = new FS::svc_domain ( \%hash ); my $error = $new->replace($svc_domain); return $error if $error; } else { return "cannot unprovision svc_acct #".$self->svcnum. " while assigned as catchall for svc_domain #".$svc_domain->svcnum; } } $self->SUPER::cancel; } =item check Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid service. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert and replace methods. Sets any fixed values; see L. =cut sub check { my $self = shift; my($recref) = $self->hashref; my $x = $self->setfixed; return $x unless ref($x); my $part_svc = $x; if ( $part_svc->part_svc_column('usergroup')->columnflag eq "F" ) { $self->usergroup( [ split(',', $part_svc->part_svc_column('usergroup')->columnvalue) ] ); } my $error = $self->ut_numbern('svcnum') #|| $self->ut_number('domsvc') || $self->ut_foreign_key('domsvc', 'svc_domain', 'svcnum' ) || $self->ut_textn('sec_phrase') ; return $error if $error; my $ulen = $usernamemax || $self->dbdef_table->column('username')->length; if ( $username_uppercase ) { $recref->{username} =~ /^([a-z0-9_\-\.\&]{$usernamemin,$ulen})$/i or return gettext('illegal_username'). " ($usernamemin-$ulen): ". $recref->{username}; $recref->{username} = $1; } else { $recref->{username} =~ /^([a-z0-9_\-\.\&]{$usernamemin,$ulen})$/ or return gettext('illegal_username'). " ($usernamemin-$ulen): ". $recref->{username}; $recref->{username} = $1; } if ( $username_letterfirst ) { $recref->{username} =~ /^[a-z]/ or return gettext('illegal_username'); } elsif ( $username_letter ) { $recref->{username} =~ /[a-z]/ or return gettext('illegal_username'); } if ( $username_noperiod ) { $recref->{username} =~ /\./ and return gettext('illegal_username'); } if ( $username_nounderscore ) { $recref->{username} =~ /_/ and return gettext('illegal_username'); } if ( $username_nodash ) { $recref->{username} =~ /\-/ and return gettext('illegal_username'); } unless ( $username_ampersand ) { $recref->{username} =~ /\&/ and return gettext('illegal_username'); } if ( $password_noampersand ) { $recref->{_password} =~ /\&/ and return gettext('illegal_password'); } if ( $password_noexclamation ) { $recref->{_password} =~ /\!/ and return gettext('illegal_password'); } $recref->{popnum} =~ /^(\d*)$/ or return "Illegal popnum: ".$recref->{popnum}; $recref->{popnum} = $1; return "Unknown popnum" unless ! $recref->{popnum} || qsearchs('svc_acct_pop',{'popnum'=> $recref->{popnum} } ); unless ( $part_svc->part_svc_column('uid')->columnflag eq 'F' ) { $recref->{uid} =~ /^(\d*)$/ or return "Illegal uid"; $recref->{uid} = $1 eq '' ? $self->unique('uid') : $1; $recref->{gid} =~ /^(\d*)$/ or return "Illegal gid"; $recref->{gid} = $1 eq '' ? $recref->{uid} : $1; #not all systems use gid=uid #you can set a fixed gid in part_svc return "Only root can have uid 0" if $recref->{uid} == 0 && $recref->{username} !~ /^(root|toor|smtp)$/; $recref->{dir} =~ /^([\/\w\-\.\&]*)$/ or return "Illegal directory: ". $recref->{dir}; $recref->{dir} = $1; return "Illegal directory" if $recref->{dir} =~ /(^|\/)\.+(\/|$)/; #no .. component return "Illegal directory" if $recref->{dir} =~ /\&/ && ! $username_ampersand; unless ( $recref->{dir} ) { $recref->{dir} = $dir_prefix . '/'; if ( $dirhash > 0 ) { for my $h ( 1 .. $dirhash ) { $recref->{dir} .= substr($recref->{username}, $h-1, 1). '/'; } } elsif ( $dirhash < 0 ) { for my $h ( reverse $dirhash .. -1 ) { $recref->{dir} .= substr($recref->{username}, $h, 1). '/'; } } $recref->{dir} .= $recref->{username}; ; } unless ( $recref->{username} eq 'sync' ) { if ( grep $_ eq $recref->{shell}, @shells ) { $recref->{shell} = (grep $_ eq $recref->{shell}, @shells)[0]; } else { return "Illegal shell \`". $self->shell. "\'; ". $conf->dir. "/shells contains: @shells"; } } else { $recref->{shell} = '/bin/sync'; } } else { $recref->{gid} ne '' ? return "Can't have gid without uid" : ( $recref->{gid}='' ); $recref->{dir} ne '' ? return "Can't have directory without uid" : ( $recref->{dir}='' ); $recref->{shell} ne '' ? return "Can't have shell without uid" : ( $recref->{shell}='' ); } # $error = $self->ut_textn('finger'); # return $error if $error; if ( $self->getfield('finger') eq '' ) { my $cust_pkg = $self->svcnum ? $self->cust_svc->cust_pkg : qsearchs('cust_pkg', { 'pkgnum' => $self->getfield('pkgnum') } ); if ( $cust_pkg ) { my $cust_main = $cust_pkg->cust_main; $self->setfield('finger', $cust_main->first.' '.$cust_main->get('last') ); } } $self->getfield('finger') =~ /^([\w \t\!\@\#\$\%\&\(\)\-\+\;\'\"\,\.\?\/\*\<\>]*)$/ or return "Illegal finger: ". $self->getfield('finger'); $self->setfield('finger', $1); $recref->{quota} =~ /^(\w*)$/ or return "Illegal quota"; $recref->{quota} = $1; unless ( $part_svc->part_svc_column('slipip')->columnflag eq 'F' ) { if ( $recref->{slipip} eq '' ) { $recref->{slipip} = ''; } elsif ( $recref->{slipip} eq '0e0' ) { $recref->{slipip} = '0e0'; } else { $recref->{slipip} =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/ or return "Illegal slipip: ". $self->slipip; $recref->{slipip} = $1; } } #arbitrary RADIUS stuff; allow ut_textn for now foreach ( grep /^radius_/, fields('svc_acct') ) { $self->ut_textn($_); } #generate a password if it is blank $recref->{_password} = join('',map($pw_set[ int(rand $#pw_set) ], (0..7) ) ) unless ( $recref->{_password} ); #if ( $recref->{_password} =~ /^((\*SUSPENDED\* )?)([^\t\n]{4,16})$/ ) { if ( $recref->{_password} =~ /^((\*SUSPENDED\* )?)([^\t\n]{$passwordmin,$passwordmax})$/ ) { $recref->{_password} = $1.$3; #uncomment this to encrypt password immediately upon entry, or run #bin/crypt_pw in cron to give new users a window during which their #password is available to techs, for faxing, etc. (also be aware of #radius issues!) #$recref->{password} = $1. # crypt($3,$saltset[int(rand(64))].$saltset[int(rand(64))] #; } elsif ( $recref->{_password} =~ /^((\*SUSPENDED\* )?)([\w\.\/\$\;\+]{13,60})$/ ) { $recref->{_password} = $1.$3; } elsif ( $recref->{_password} eq '*' ) { $recref->{_password} = '*'; } elsif ( $recref->{_password} eq '!' ) { $recref->{_password} = '!'; } elsif ( $recref->{_password} eq '!!' ) { $recref->{_password} = '!!'; } else { #return "Illegal password"; return gettext('illegal_password'). " $passwordmin-$passwordmax ". FS::Msgcat::_gettext('illegal_password_characters'). ": ". $recref->{_password}; } $self->SUPER::check; } =item _check_system Internal function to check the username against the list of system usernames from the I configuration value. Returns true if the username is listed on the system username list. =cut sub _check_system { my $self = shift; scalar( grep { $self->username eq $_ || $self->email eq $_ } $conf->config('system_usernames') ); } =item _check_duplicate Internal function to check for duplicates usernames, username@domain pairs and uids. If the I configuration value is set to B or B, enforces global username or username@domain uniqueness. In all cases, check for duplicate uids and usernames or username@domain pairs per export and with identical I values. =cut sub _check_duplicate { my $self = shift; #this is Pg-specific. what to do for mysql etc? # ( mysql LOCK TABLES certainly isn't equivalent or useful here :/ ) warn "$me locking svc_acct table for duplicate search" if $DEBUG; dbh->do("LOCK TABLE svc_acct IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE") or die dbh->errstr; warn "$me acquired svc_acct table lock for duplicate search" if $DEBUG; my $part_svc = qsearchs('part_svc', { 'svcpart' => $self->svcpart } ); unless ( $part_svc ) { return 'unknown svcpart '. $self->svcpart; } my $global_unique = $conf->config('global_unique-username'); my @dup_user = grep { !$self->svcnum || $_->svcnum != $self->svcnum } qsearch( 'svc_acct', { 'username' => $self->username } ); return gettext('username_in_use') if $global_unique eq 'username' && @dup_user; my @dup_userdomain = grep { !$self->svcnum || $_->svcnum != $self->svcnum } qsearch( 'svc_acct', { 'username' => $self->username, 'domsvc' => $self->domsvc } ); return gettext('username_in_use') if $global_unique eq 'username@domain' && @dup_userdomain; my @dup_uid; if ( $part_svc->part_svc_column('uid')->columnflag ne 'F' && $self->username !~ /^(toor|(hyla)?fax)$/ ) { @dup_uid = grep { !$self->svcnum || $_->svcnum != $self->svcnum } qsearch( 'svc_acct', { 'uid' => $self->uid } ); } else { @dup_uid = (); } if ( @dup_user || @dup_userdomain || @dup_uid ) { my $exports = FS::part_export::export_info('svc_acct'); my %conflict_user_svcpart; my %conflict_userdomain_svcpart = ( $self->svcpart => 'SELF', ); foreach my $part_export ( $part_svc->part_export ) { #this will catch to the same exact export my @svcparts = map { $_->svcpart } $part_export->export_svc; #this will catch to exports w/same exporthost+type ??? #my @other_part_export = qsearch('part_export', { # 'machine' => $part_export->machine, # 'exporttype' => $part_export->exporttype, #} ); #foreach my $other_part_export ( @other_part_export ) { # push @svcparts, map { $_->svcpart } # qsearch('export_svc', { 'exportnum' => $part_export->exportnum }); #} #my $nodomain = $exports->{$part_export->exporttype}{'nodomain'}; #silly kludge to avoid uninitialized value errors my $nodomain = exists( $exports->{$part_export->exporttype}{'nodomain'} ) ? $exports->{$part_export->exporttype}{'nodomain'} : ''; if ( $nodomain =~ /^Y/i ) { $conflict_user_svcpart{$_} = $part_export->exportnum foreach @svcparts; } else { $conflict_userdomain_svcpart{$_} = $part_export->exportnum foreach @svcparts; } } foreach my $dup_user ( @dup_user ) { my $dup_svcpart = $dup_user->cust_svc->svcpart; if ( exists($conflict_user_svcpart{$dup_svcpart}) ) { return "duplicate username: conflicts with svcnum ". $dup_user->svcnum. " via exportnum ". $conflict_user_svcpart{$dup_svcpart}; } } foreach my $dup_userdomain ( @dup_userdomain ) { my $dup_svcpart = $dup_userdomain->cust_svc->svcpart; if ( exists($conflict_userdomain_svcpart{$dup_svcpart}) ) { return "duplicate username\@domain: conflicts with svcnum ". $dup_userdomain->svcnum. " via exportnum ". $conflict_userdomain_svcpart{$dup_svcpart}; } } foreach my $dup_uid ( @dup_uid ) { my $dup_svcpart = $dup_uid->cust_svc->svcpart; if ( exists($conflict_user_svcpart{$dup_svcpart}) || exists($conflict_userdomain_svcpart{$dup_svcpart}) ) { return "duplicate uid: conflicts with svcnum ". $dup_uid->svcnum. " via exportnum ". $conflict_user_svcpart{$dup_svcpart} || $conflict_userdomain_svcpart{$dup_svcpart}; } } } return ''; } =item radius Depriciated, use radius_reply instead. =cut sub radius { carp "FS::svc_acct::radius depriciated, use radius_reply"; $_[0]->radius_reply; } =item radius_reply Returns key/value pairs, suitable for assigning to a hash, for any RADIUS reply attributes of this record. Note that this is now the preferred method for reading RADIUS attributes - accessing the columns directly is discouraged, as the column names are expected to change in the future. =cut sub radius_reply { my $self = shift; my %reply = map { /^(radius_(.*))$/; my($column, $attrib) = ($1, $2); #$attrib =~ s/_/\-/g; ( $FS::raddb::attrib{lc($attrib)}, $self->getfield($column) ); } grep { /^radius_/ && $self->getfield($_) } fields( $self->table ); if ( $self->slipip && $self->slipip ne '0e0' ) { $reply{$radius_ip} = $self->slipip; } %reply; } =item radius_check Returns key/value pairs, suitable for assigning to a hash, for any RADIUS check attributes of this record. Note that this is now the preferred method for reading RADIUS attributes - accessing the columns directly is discouraged, as the column names are expected to change in the future. =cut sub radius_check { my $self = shift; my $password = $self->_password; my $pw_attrib = length($password) <= 12 ? $radius_password : 'Crypt-Password'; ( $pw_attrib => $password, map { /^(rc_(.*))$/; my($column, $attrib) = ($1, $2); #$attrib =~ s/_/\-/g; ( $FS::raddb::attrib{lc($attrib)}, $self->getfield($column) ); } grep { /^rc_/ && $self->getfield($_) } fields( $self->table ) ); } =item domain Returns the domain associated with this account. =cut sub domain { my $self = shift; die "svc_acct.domsvc is null for svcnum ". $self->svcnum unless $self->domsvc; my $svc_domain = $self->svc_domain(@_) or die "no svc_domain.svcnum for svc_acct.domsvc ". $self->domsvc; $svc_domain->domain; } =item svc_domain Returns the FS::svc_domain record for this account's domain (see L). =cut sub svc_domain { my $self = shift; $self->{'_domsvc'} ? $self->{'_domsvc'} : qsearchs( 'svc_domain', { 'svcnum' => $self->domsvc } ); } =item cust_svc Returns the FS::cust_svc record for this account (see L). =cut sub cust_svc { my $self = shift; qsearchs( 'cust_svc', { 'svcnum' => $self->svcnum } ); } =item email Returns an email address associated with the account. =cut sub email { my $self = shift; $self->username. '@'. $self->domain(@_); } =item acct_snarf Returns an array of FS::acct_snarf records associated with the account. If the acct_snarf table does not exist or there are no associated records, an empty list is returned =cut sub acct_snarf { my $self = shift; return () unless dbdef->table('acct_snarf'); eval "use FS::acct_snarf;"; die $@ if $@; qsearch('acct_snarf', { 'svcnum' => $self->svcnum } ); } =item seconds_since TIMESTAMP Returns the number of seconds this account has been online since TIMESTAMP, according to the session monitor (see L). TIMESTAMP is specified as a UNIX timestamp; see L. Also see L and L for conversion functions. =cut #note: POD here, implementation in FS::cust_svc sub seconds_since { my $self = shift; $self->cust_svc->seconds_since(@_); } =item seconds_since_sqlradacct TIMESTAMP_START TIMESTAMP_END Returns the numbers of seconds this account has been online between TIMESTAMP_START (inclusive) and TIMESTAMP_END (exclusive), according to an external SQL radacct table, specified via sqlradius export. Sessions which started in the specified range but are still open are counted from session start to the end of the range (unless they are over 1 day old, in which case they are presumed missing their stop record and not counted). Also, sessions which end in the range but started earlier are counted from the start of the range to session end. Finally, sessions which start before the range but end after are counted for the entire range. TIMESTAMP_START and TIMESTAMP_END are specified as UNIX timestamps; see L. Also see L and L for conversion functions. =cut #note: POD here, implementation in FS::cust_svc sub seconds_since_sqlradacct { my $self = shift; $self->cust_svc->seconds_since_sqlradacct(@_); } =item attribute_since_sqlradacct TIMESTAMP_START TIMESTAMP_END ATTRIBUTE Returns the sum of the given attribute for all accounts (see L) in this package for sessions ending between TIMESTAMP_START (inclusive) and TIMESTAMP_END (exclusive). TIMESTAMP_START and TIMESTAMP_END are specified as UNIX timestamps; see L. Also see L and L for conversion functions. =cut #note: POD here, implementation in FS::cust_svc sub attribute_since_sqlradacct { my $self = shift; $self->cust_svc->attribute_since_sqlradacct(@_); } =item get_session_history TIMESTAMP_START TIMESTAMP_END Returns an array of hash references of this customers login history for the given time range. (document this better) =cut sub get_session_history { my $self = shift; $self->cust_svc->get_session_history(@_); } =item radius_groups Returns all RADIUS groups for this account (see L). =cut sub radius_groups { my $self = shift; if ( $self->usergroup ) { #when provisioning records, export callback runs in before #radius_usergroup records can be inserted... @{$self->usergroup}; } else { map { $_->groupname } qsearch('radius_usergroup', { 'svcnum' => $self->svcnum } ); } } =item clone_suspended Constructor used by FS::part_export::_export_suspend fallback. Document better. =cut sub clone_suspended { my $self = shift; my %hash = $self->hash; $hash{_password} = join('',map($pw_set[ int(rand $#pw_set) ], (0..7) ) ); new FS::svc_acct \%hash; } =item clone_kludge_unsuspend Constructor used by FS::part_export::_export_unsuspend fallback. Document better. =cut sub clone_kludge_unsuspend { my $self = shift; my %hash = $self->hash; $hash{_password} = ''; new FS::svc_acct \%hash; } =item check_password Checks the supplied password against the (possibly encrypted) password in the database. Returns true for a sucessful authentication, false for no match. Currently supported encryptions are: classic DES crypt() and MD5 =cut sub check_password { my($self, $check_password) = @_; #remove old-style SUSPENDED kludge, they should be allowed to login to #self-service and pay up ( my $password = $self->_password ) =~ s/^\*SUSPENDED\* //; #eventually should check a "password-encoding" field if ( $password =~ /^(\*|!!?)$/ ) { #no self-service login return 0; } elsif ( length($password) < 13 ) { #plaintext $check_password eq $password; } elsif ( length($password) == 13 ) { #traditional DES crypt crypt($check_password, $password) eq $password; } elsif ( $password =~ /^\$1\$/ ) { #MD5 crypt unix_md5_crypt($check_password, $password) eq $password; } elsif ( $password =~ /^\$2a?\$/ ) { #Blowfish warn "Can't check password: Blowfish encryption not yet supported, svcnum". $self->svcnum. "\n"; 0; } else { warn "Can't check password: Unrecognized encryption for svcnum ". $self->svcnum. "\n"; 0; } } =item crypt_password Returns an encrypted password, either by passing through an encrypted password in the database or by encrypting a plaintext password from the database. =cut sub crypt_password { my $self = shift; #false laziness w/ #eventually should check a "password-encoding" field if ( length($self->_password) == 13 || $self->_password =~ /^\$(1|2a?)\$/ ) { $self->_password; } else { crypt( $self->_password, $saltset[int(rand(64))].$saltset[int(rand(64))] ); } } =item virtual_maildir Returns $domain/maildirs/$username/ =cut sub virtual_maildir { my $self = shift; $self->domain. '/maildirs/'. $self->username. '/'; } =back =head1 SUBROUTINES =over 4 =item send_email This is the FS::svc_acct job-queue-able version. It still uses FS::Misc::send_email under-the-hood. =cut sub send_email { my %opt = @_; eval "use FS::Misc qw(send_email)"; die $@ if $@; $opt{mimetype} ||= 'text/plain'; $opt{mimetype} .= '; charset="iso-8859-1"' unless $opt{mimetype} =~ /charset/; my $error = send_email( 'from' => $opt{from}, 'to' => $opt{to}, 'subject' => $opt{subject}, 'content-type' => $opt{mimetype}, 'body' => [ map "$_\n", split("\n", $opt{body}) ], ); die $error if $error; } =item check_and_rebuild_fuzzyfiles =cut sub check_and_rebuild_fuzzyfiles { my $dir = $FS::UID::conf_dir. "cache.". $FS::UID::datasrc; -e "$dir/svc_acct.username" or &rebuild_fuzzyfiles; } =item rebuild_fuzzyfiles =cut sub rebuild_fuzzyfiles { use Fcntl qw(:flock); my $dir = $FS::UID::conf_dir. "cache.". $FS::UID::datasrc; #username open(USERNAMELOCK,">>$dir/svc_acct.username") or die "can't open $dir/svc_acct.username: $!"; flock(USERNAMELOCK,LOCK_EX) or die "can't lock $dir/svc_acct.username: $!"; my @all_username = map $_->getfield('username'), qsearch('svc_acct', {}); open (USERNAMECACHE,">$dir/svc_acct.username.tmp") or die "can't open $dir/svc_acct.username.tmp: $!"; print USERNAMECACHE join("\n", @all_username), "\n"; close USERNAMECACHE or die "can't close $dir/svc_acct.username.tmp: $!"; rename "$dir/svc_acct.username.tmp", "$dir/svc_acct.username"; close USERNAMELOCK; } =item all_username =cut sub all_username { my $dir = $FS::UID::conf_dir. "cache.". $FS::UID::datasrc; open(USERNAMECACHE,"<$dir/svc_acct.username") or die "can't open $dir/svc_acct.username: $!"; my @array = map { chomp; $_; } ; close USERNAMECACHE; \@array; } =item append_fuzzyfiles USERNAME =cut sub append_fuzzyfiles { my $username = shift; &check_and_rebuild_fuzzyfiles; use Fcntl qw(:flock); my $dir = $FS::UID::conf_dir. "cache.". $FS::UID::datasrc; open(USERNAME,">>$dir/svc_acct.username") or die "can't open $dir/svc_acct.username: $!"; flock(USERNAME,LOCK_EX) or die "can't lock $dir/svc_acct.username: $!"; print USERNAME "$username\n"; flock(USERNAME,LOCK_UN) or die "can't unlock $dir/svc_acct.username: $!"; close USERNAME; 1; } =item radius_usergroup_selector GROUPS_ARRAYREF [ SELECTNAME ] =cut sub radius_usergroup_selector { my $sel_groups = shift; my %sel_groups = map { $_=>1 } @$sel_groups; my $selectname = shift || 'radius_usergroup'; my $dbh = dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( 'SELECT DISTINCT(groupname) FROM radius_usergroup ORDER BY groupname' ) or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute() or die $sth->errstr; my @all_groups = map { $_->[0] } @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref}; my $html = < function ${selectname}_doadd(object) { var myvalue = object.${selectname}_add.value; var optionName = new Option(myvalue,myvalue,false,true); var length = object.$selectname.length; object.$selectname.options[length] = optionName; object.${selectname}_add.value = ""; } '; $html .= qq!
!. qq!!; $html; } =back =head1 BUGS The $recref stuff in sub check should be cleaned up. The suspend, unsuspend and cancel methods update the database, but not the current object. This is probably a bug as it's unexpected and counterintuitive. radius_usergroup_selector? putting web ui components in here? they should probably live somewhere else... insertion of RADIUS group stuff in insert could be done with child_objects now (would probably clean up export of them too) =head1 SEE ALSO L, edit/part_svc.cgi from an installed web interface, export.html from the base documentation, L, L, L, L, L, L, L), L, schema.html from the base documentation. =cut 1;