package FS::report_batch; use base qw( FS::Record ); use strict; use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs dbdef ); use FS::msg_template; use FS::cust_main; use FS::Misc::DateTime qw(parse_datetime); use FS::Mason qw(mason_interps); use URI::Escape; use HTML::Defang; # 3.x only use FS::queue; use FS::Misc qw(send_email generate_email); use Storable qw(thaw); use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64); our $DEBUG = 0; =head1 NAME FS::report_batch - Object methods for report_batch records =head1 SYNOPSIS use FS::report_batch; $record = new FS::report_batch \%hash; $record = new FS::report_batch { 'column' => 'value' }; $error = $record->insert; $error = $new_record->replace($old_record); $error = $record->delete; $error = $record->check; =head1 DESCRIPTION An FS::report_batch object represents an order to send a batch of reports to their respective customers or other contacts. FS::report_batch inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported: =over 4 =item reportbatchnum primary key =item reportname The name of the report, which will be the same as the file name (minus any directory names). There's an enumerated set of these; you can't use just any report. =item send_date The date the report was sent. =item agentnum The agentnum to limit the report to, if any. =item sdate The start date of the report period. =item edate The end date of the report period. =item usernum The user who ordered the report. =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new HASHREF Creates a new report batch. To add the record to the database, see L<"insert">. =cut sub table { 'report_batch'; } =item insert Adds this record to the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =item delete Deletes this record from the database. =item replace OLD_RECORD Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =item check Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid record. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert and replace methods. =cut sub check { my $self = shift; my $error = $self->ut_numbern('reportbatchnum') || $self->ut_text('reportname') || $self->ut_numbern('agentnum') || $self->ut_numbern('sdate') || $self->ut_numbern('edate') || $self->ut_numbern('usernum') ; return $error if $error; $self->set('send_date', time); $self->SUPER::check; } =back =head1 SUBROUTINES =over 4 =item process_send_report JOB, PARAMS Takes a hash of PARAMS, determines all contacts who need to receive a report, and sends it to them. On completion, creates and stores a report_batch record. JOB is a queue job to receive status messages. PARAMS can include: - reportname: the name of the report (listed in the C<%sendable_reports> hash). Required. - msgnum: the L to use for this report. Currently the content of the template is ignored, but the subject line and From/Bcc addresses are still used. Required. - agentnum: the agent to limit the report to. - beginning, ending: the date range to run the report, as human-readable dates (I unix timestamps). =cut # trying to keep this data-driven, with parameters that tell how the report is # to be handled rather than callbacks. # - path: where under the document root the report is located # - domain: which table to query for objects on which the report is run. # Each record in that table produces one report. # - cust_main: the method on that object that returns its linked customer (to # which the report will be sent). If the table has a 'custnum' field, this # can be omitted. our %sendable_reports = ( 'sales_commission_pkg' => { 'name' => 'Sales commission per package', 'path' => '/search/sales_commission_pkg.html', 'domain' => 'sales', 'cust_main' => 'sales_cust_main', }, ); sub process_send_report { my $job = shift; my $param = shift; $param = thaw(decode_base64($param)) unless ref($param); my $msgnum = $param->{'msgnum'}; my $template = FS::msg_template->by_key($msgnum) or die "msg_template $msgnum not found\n"; my $reportname = $param->{'reportname'}; my $info = $sendable_reports{$reportname} or die "don't know how to send report '$reportname'\n"; # the most important thing: which report is it? my $path = $info->{'path'}; # find all targets for the report: # - those matching the agentnum if there is one. # - those that aren't disabled. my $domain = $info->{domain}; my $dbt = dbdef->table($domain); my $hashref = {}; if ( $param->{'agentnum'} and $dbt->column('agentnum') ) { $hashref->{'agentnum'} = $param->{'agentnum'}; } if ( $dbt->column('disabled') ) { $hashref->{'disabled'} = ''; } my @records = qsearch($domain, $hashref); my $num_targets = scalar(@records); return if $num_targets == 0; my $sent = 0; my $outbuf; my ($fs_interp) = mason_interps('standalone', 'outbuf' => \$outbuf); # if generating the report fails, we want to capture the error and exit, # not send it. $fs_interp->error_mode('fatal'); $fs_interp->error_format('brief'); # we have to at least have an RT::Handle require RT; RT::LoadConfig(); RT::Init(); # hold onto all the reports until we're sure they generated correctly. my %cust_main; my %report_content; # grab the stylesheet ### note: if we need the ability to support different stylesheets, this ### is the place to put it in eval { $fs_interp->exec('/elements/freeside.css') }; die "couldn't load stylesheet via Mason: $@\n" if $@; my $stylesheet = $outbuf; my $pkey = $dbt->primary_key; foreach my $rec (@records) { $job->update_statustext(int( 100 * $sent / $num_targets )); my $pkey_val = $rec->get($pkey); # e.g. sales.salesnum # find the customer we're sending to, and their email my $cust_main; if ( $info->{'cust_main'} ) { my $cust_method = $info->{'cust_main'}; $cust_main = $rec->$cust_method; } elsif ( $rec->custnum ) { $cust_main = FS::cust_main->by_key($rec->custnum); } else { warn "$pkey = $pkey_val has no custnum; not sending report\n"; next; } my @email = $cust_main->invoicing_list_emailonly; if (!@email) { warn "$pkey = $pkey_val has no email destinations\n" if $DEBUG; next; } # params to send to the report (as if from the user's browser) my @report_param = ( # maybe list these in $info agentnum => $param->{'agentnum'}, beginning => $param->{'beginning'}, ending => $param->{'ending'}, $pkey => $pkey_val, _type => 'html-print', ); # build a query string my $query_string = ''; while (@report_param) { $query_string .= uri_escape(shift @report_param) . '=' . uri_escape(shift @report_param); $query_string .= ';' if @report_param; } warn "$path?$query_string\n\n" if $DEBUG; # run the report! $FS::Mason::Request::QUERY_STRING = $query_string; $FS::Mason::Request::FSURL = ''; $outbuf = ''; eval { $fs_interp->exec($path) }; die "creating report for $pkey = $pkey_val: $@" if $@; # make some adjustments to the report my $html_defang; $html_defang = HTML::Defang->new( url_callback => sub { 1 }, # strip all URLs (they're not accessible) tags_to_callback => [ 'body' ], # and after the BODY tag... tags_callback => sub { my $isEndTag = $_[4]; $html_defang->add_to_output("\n\n") unless $isEndTag; }, ); $outbuf = $html_defang->defang($outbuf); $cust_main{ $cust_main->custnum } = $cust_main; $report_content{ $cust_main->custnum } = $outbuf; } # foreach $rec $job->update_statustext('Sending reports...'); foreach my $custnum (keys %cust_main) { # create an email message with the report as body # change this when backporting to 3.x my %message = $template->prepare( cust_main => $cust_main{$custnum}, object => $cust_main{$custnum}, msgtype => 'report', ); $message{'html_body'} = $report_content{$custnum}; my $error = send_email(generate_email(%message)); if ( $error ) { my $queue = FS::queue->new({ job => 'FS::Misc::process_send_email', custnum => $custnum, status => 'failed', statustext => $error, }); $queue->insert(%message); } } my $self = FS::report_batch->new({ reportname => $param->{'reportname'}, agentnum => $param->{'agentnum'}, sdate => parse_datetime($param->{'beginning'}), edate => parse_datetime($param->{'ending'}), usernum => $job->usernum, msgnum => $param->{'msgnum'}, }); my $error = $self->insert; warn "error recording completion of report: $error\n" if $error; } # 3.x stub sub agent { my $self = shift; qsearchs('agent', { agentnum => $self->agentnum }); } sub access_user { my $self = shift; qsearchs('access_user', { usernum => $self->usernum }); } sub msg_template { my $self = shift; qsearchs('msg_template', { msgnum => $self->msgnum }); } =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut 1;