package FS::quotation; use base qw( FS::Template_Mixin FS::cust_main_Mixin FS::otaker_Mixin FS::Record ); use strict; use Tie::RefHash; use FS::CurrentUser; use FS::UID qw( dbh myconnect ); use FS::Maketext qw( emt ); use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs ); use FS::Conf; use FS::cust_main; use FS::cust_pkg; use FS::quotation_pkg; use FS::quotation_pkg_tax; use FS::type_pkgs; use List::MoreUtils; our $DEBUG = 0; use Data::Dumper; =head1 NAME FS::quotation - Object methods for quotation records =head1 SYNOPSIS use FS::quotation; $record = new FS::quotation \%hash; $record = new FS::quotation { 'column' => 'value' }; $error = $record->insert; $error = $new_record->replace($old_record); $error = $record->delete; $error = $record->check; =head1 DESCRIPTION An FS::quotation object represents a quotation. FS::quotation inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported: =over 4 =item quotationnum primary key =item prospectnum prospectnum =item custnum custnum =item _date _date =item disabled disabled =item usernum usernum =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new HASHREF Creates a new quotation. To add the quotation to the database, see L<"insert">. Note that this stores the hash reference, not a distinct copy of the hash it points to. You can ask the object for a copy with the I method. =cut sub table { 'quotation'; } sub notice_name { 'Quotation'; } sub template_conf { 'quotation_'; } sub has_sections { 1; } =item insert Adds this record to the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =item delete Delete this record from the database. =item replace OLD_RECORD Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =item check Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid quotation. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert and replace methods. =cut sub check { my $self = shift; my $error = $self->ut_numbern('quotationnum') || $self->ut_foreign_keyn('prospectnum', 'prospect_main', 'prospectnum' ) || $self->ut_foreign_keyn('custnum', 'cust_main', 'custnum' ) || $self->ut_numbern('_date') || $self->ut_enum('disabled', [ '', 'Y' ]) || $self->ut_numbern('usernum') ; return $error if $error; $self->_date(time) unless $self->_date; $self->usernum($FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->usernum) unless $self->usernum; return 'prospectnum or custnum must be specified' if ! $self->prospectnum && ! $self->custnum; $self->SUPER::check; } =item prospect_main =item cust_main =item cust_bill_pkg =cut sub cust_bill_pkg { #actually quotation_pkg objects shift->quotation_pkg(@_); } =item total_setup =cut sub total_setup { my $self = shift; sprintf('%.2f', $self->_total('setup') + $self->_total('setup_tax')); } =item total_recur [ FREQ ] =cut sub total_recur { my $self = shift; #=item total_recur [ FREQ ] #my $freq = @_ ? shift : ''; sprintf('%.2f', $self->_total('recur') + $self->_total('recur_tax')); } sub _total { my( $self, $method ) = @_; my $total = 0; $total += $_->$method() for $self->quotation_pkg; sprintf('%.2f', $total); } sub email { my $self = shift; my $opt = shift || {}; if ($opt and !ref($opt)) { die ref($self). '->email called with positional parameters'; } my $conf = $self->conf; my $from = delete $opt->{from}; # this is where we set the From: address $from ||= $conf->config('quotation_from', $self->cust_or_prospect->agentnum ) || $conf->invoice_from_full( $self->cust_or_prospect->agentnum ); $self->SUPER::email( { 'from' => $from, %$opt, }); } sub email_subject { my $self = shift; my $subject = $self->conf->config('quotation_subject') #, $self->cust_main->agentnum) || 'Quotation'; #my $cust_main = $self->cust_main; #my $name = $cust_main->name; #my $name_short = $cust_main->name_short; #my $invoice_number = $self->invnum; #my $invoice_date = $self->_date_pretty; eval qq("$subject"); } =item cust_or_prosect =cut sub cust_or_prospect { my $self = shift; $self->custnum ? $self->cust_main : $self->prospect_main; } =item cust_or_prospect_label_link HTML links to either the customer or prospect. Returns a list consisting of two elements. The first is a text label for the link, and the second is the URL. =cut sub cust_or_prospect_label_link { my( $self, $p ) = @_; if ( my $custnum = $self->custnum ) { my $display_custnum = $self->cust_main->display_custnum; my $target = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->default_customer_view eq 'jumbo' ? '#quotations' : ';show=quotations'; ( emt("View this customer (#[_1])",$display_custnum) => "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?custnum=$custnum$target" ); } elsif ( my $prospectnum = $self->prospectnum ) { ( emt("View this prospect (#[_1])",$prospectnum) => "${p}view/prospect_main.html?$prospectnum" ); } else { #die? ( '', '' ); } } sub _items_sections { my $self = shift; my %opt = @_; my $escape = $opt{escape}; # the only one we care about my %subtotals = (); # package frequency => subtotal my $disable_total = 0; foreach my $pkg ($self->quotation_pkg) { my $part_pkg = $pkg->part_pkg; my $recur_freq = $part_pkg->freq; ($subtotals{0} ||= 0) += $pkg->setup + $pkg->setup_tax; ($subtotals{$recur_freq} ||= 0) += $pkg->recur + $pkg->recur_tax; #this is a shitty hack based on what's in part_pkg/ at the moment # but its good enough for the 99% common case of preventing totals from # displaying for prorate packages $disable_total = 1 if $part_pkg->plan =~ /^(prorate|torrus|agent$)/ || $part_pkg->option('recur_method') eq 'prorate' || ( $part_pkg->option('sync_bill_date') && $self->custnum && $self->cust_main->billing_pkgs #num_billing_pkgs when we have it ); } my @pkg_freq_order = keys %{ FS::Misc->pkg_freqs }; my @sections; my $no_recurring = 0; foreach my $freq (keys %subtotals) { next if $subtotals{$freq} == 0; my $weight = List::MoreUtils::first_index { $_ eq $freq } @pkg_freq_order; my $desc; if ( $freq eq '0' ) { if ( scalar(keys(%subtotals)) == 1 ) { # there are no recurring packages $no_recurring = 1; $desc = $self->mt('Charges'); } else { $desc = $self->mt('Setup Charges'); } } else { # recurring $desc = $self->mt('Recurring Charges') . ' - ' . ucfirst($self->mt(FS::Misc->pkg_freqs->{$freq})) } push @sections, { 'description' => &$escape($desc), 'sort_weight' => $weight, 'category' => $freq, 'subtotal' => sprintf('%.2f',$subtotals{$freq}), }; } unless ( $disable_total || $no_recurring ) { my $total = 0; $total += $_ for values %subtotals; push @sections, { 'description' => 'First payment', 'sort_weight' => 0, 'category' => 'Total category', #required but what's it used for? 'subtotal' => sprintf('%.2f',$total) }; } return \@sections, []; } =item enable_previous =cut sub enable_previous { 0 } =item convert_cust_main If this quotation already belongs to a customer, then returns that customer, as an FS::cust_main object. Otherwise, creates a new customer (FS::cust_main object and record, and associated) based on this quotation's prospect, then orders this quotation's packages as real packages for the customer. If there is an error, returns an error message, otherwise, returns the newly-created FS::cust_main object. =cut sub convert_cust_main { my $self = shift; my $cust_main = $self->cust_main; return $cust_main if $cust_main; #already converted, don't again my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; $cust_main = $self->prospect_main->convert_cust_main; unless ( ref($cust_main) ) { # eq 'FS::cust_main' ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $cust_main; } $self->prospectnum(''); $self->custnum( $cust_main->custnum ); my $error = $self->replace || $self->order; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; $cust_main; } =item order [ HASHREF ] This method is for use with quotations which are already associated with a customer. Orders this quotation's packages as real packages for the customer. If there is an error, returns an error message, otherwise returns false. If HASHREF is passed, it will be filled with a hash mapping the C of each quoted package to the C of the package as ordered. =cut sub order { my $self = shift; my $pkgnum_map = shift || {}; tie my %all_cust_pkg, 'Tie::RefHash'; foreach my $quotation_pkg ($self->quotation_pkg) { my $cust_pkg = FS::cust_pkg->new; $pkgnum_map->{ $quotation_pkg->quotationpkgnum } = $cust_pkg; foreach (qw(pkgpart locationnum start_date contract_end quantity waive_setup)) { $cust_pkg->set( $_, $quotation_pkg->get($_) ); } # currently only one discount each my ($pkg_discount) = $quotation_pkg->quotation_pkg_discount; if ( $pkg_discount ) { $cust_pkg->set('discountnum', $pkg_discount->discountnum); } $all_cust_pkg{$cust_pkg} = []; # no services } my $error = $self->cust_main->order_pkgs( \%all_cust_pkg ); foreach my $quotationpkgnum (keys %$pkgnum_map) { # convert the objects to just pkgnums my $cust_pkg = $pkgnum_map->{$quotationpkgnum}; $pkgnum_map->{$quotationpkgnum} = $cust_pkg->pkgnum; } $error; } =item charge One-time charges, like FS::cust_main::charge() =cut #super false laziness w/cust_main::charge sub charge { my $self = shift; my ( $amount, $setup_cost, $quantity, $start_date, $classnum ); my ( $pkg, $comment, $additional ); my ( $setuptax, $taxclass ); #internal taxes my ( $taxproduct, $override ); #vendor (CCH) taxes my $no_auto = ''; my $cust_pkg_ref = ''; my ( $bill_now, $invoice_terms ) = ( 0, '' ); my $locationnum; if ( ref( $_[0] ) ) { $amount = $_[0]->{amount}; $setup_cost = $_[0]->{setup_cost}; $quantity = exists($_[0]->{quantity}) ? $_[0]->{quantity} : 1; $start_date = exists($_[0]->{start_date}) ? $_[0]->{start_date} : ''; $no_auto = exists($_[0]->{no_auto}) ? $_[0]->{no_auto} : ''; $pkg = exists($_[0]->{pkg}) ? $_[0]->{pkg} : 'One-time charge'; $comment = exists($_[0]->{comment}) ? $_[0]->{comment} : '$'. sprintf("%.2f",$amount); $setuptax = exists($_[0]->{setuptax}) ? $_[0]->{setuptax} : ''; $taxclass = exists($_[0]->{taxclass}) ? $_[0]->{taxclass} : ''; $classnum = exists($_[0]->{classnum}) ? $_[0]->{classnum} : ''; $additional = $_[0]->{additional} || []; $taxproduct = $_[0]->{taxproductnum}; $override = { '' => $_[0]->{tax_override} }; $cust_pkg_ref = exists($_[0]->{cust_pkg_ref}) ? $_[0]->{cust_pkg_ref} : ''; $bill_now = exists($_[0]->{bill_now}) ? $_[0]->{bill_now} : ''; $invoice_terms = exists($_[0]->{invoice_terms}) ? $_[0]->{invoice_terms} : ''; $locationnum = $_[0]->{locationnum}; } else { $amount = shift; $setup_cost = ''; $quantity = 1; $start_date = ''; $pkg = @_ ? shift : 'One-time charge'; $comment = @_ ? shift : '$'. sprintf("%.2f",$amount); $setuptax = ''; $taxclass = @_ ? shift : ''; $additional = []; } local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $part_pkg = new FS::part_pkg ( { 'pkg' => $pkg, 'comment' => $comment, 'plan' => 'flat', 'freq' => 0, 'disabled' => 'Y', 'classnum' => ( $classnum ? $classnum : '' ), 'setuptax' => $setuptax, 'taxclass' => $taxclass, 'taxproductnum' => $taxproduct, 'setup_cost' => $setup_cost, } ); my %options = ( ( map { ("additional_info$_" => $additional->[$_] ) } ( 0 .. @$additional - 1 ) ), 'additional_count' => scalar(@$additional), 'setup_fee' => $amount, ); my $error = $part_pkg->insert( options => \%options, tax_overrides => $override, ); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } my $pkgpart = $part_pkg->pkgpart; #DIFF my %type_pkgs = ( 'typenum' => $self->cust_or_prospect->agent->typenum, 'pkgpart' => $pkgpart ); unless ( qsearchs('type_pkgs', \%type_pkgs ) ) { my $type_pkgs = new FS::type_pkgs \%type_pkgs; $error = $type_pkgs->insert; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } #except for DIFF, eveything above is idential to cust_main version #but below is our own thing pretty much (adding a quotation package instead # of ordering a customer package, no "bill now") my $quotation_pkg = new FS::quotation_pkg ( { 'quotationnum' => $self->quotationnum, 'pkgpart' => $pkgpart, 'quantity' => $quantity, #'start_date' => $start_date, #'no_auto' => $no_auto, 'locationnum'=> $locationnum, } ); $error = $quotation_pkg->insert; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; #} elsif ( $cust_pkg_ref ) { # ${$cust_pkg_ref} = $cust_pkg; } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; return ''; } =item disable Disables this quotation (sets disabled to Y, which hides the quotation on prospects and customers). If there is an error, returns an error message, otherwise returns false. =cut sub disable { my $self = shift; $self->disabled('Y'); $self->replace(); } =item enable Enables this quotation. If there is an error, returns an error message, otherwise returns false. =cut sub enable { my $self = shift; $self->disabled(''); $self->replace(); } =item estimate Calculates current prices for all items on this quotation, including discounts and taxes, and updates the quotation_pkg records accordingly. =cut sub estimate { my $self = shift; my $conf = FS::Conf->new; my %pkgnum_of; # quotationpkgnum => temporary pkgnum my $me = "[quotation #".$self->quotationnum."]"; # for debug messages my @return_bill = ([]); my $error; ###### BEGIN TRANSACTION ###### local $@; local $SIG{__DIE__}; eval { my $temp_dbh = myconnect(); local $FS::UID::dbh = $temp_dbh; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $fake_self = FS::quotation->new({ $self->hash }); # if this is a prospect, make them into a customer for now # XXX prospects currently can't have service locations my $cust_or_prospect = $self->cust_or_prospect; my $cust_main; if ( $cust_or_prospect->isa('FS::prospect_main') ) { $cust_main = $cust_or_prospect->convert_cust_main; die "$cust_main (simulating customer signup)\n" unless ref $cust_main; $fake_self->set('prospectnum', ''); $fake_self->set('custnum', $cust_main->custnum); } else { $cust_main = $cust_or_prospect; } # order packages $error = $fake_self->order(\%pkgnum_of); die "$error (simulating package order)\n" if $error; my @new_pkgs = map { FS::cust_pkg->by_key($_) } values(%pkgnum_of); # simulate the first bill my %bill_opt = ( 'estimate' => 1, 'pkg_list' => \@new_pkgs, 'time' => time, # an option to adjust this? 'return_bill' => $return_bill[0], 'no_usage_reset' => 1, ); $error = $cust_main->bill(%bill_opt); die "$error (simulating initial billing)\n" if $error; # pick dates for future bills my %next_bill_pkgs; foreach (@new_pkgs) { my $bill = $_->get('bill'); next if !$bill; push @{ $next_bill_pkgs{$bill} ||= [] }, $_; } my $i = 1; foreach my $next_bill (keys %next_bill_pkgs) { $bill_opt{'time'} = $next_bill; $bill_opt{'return_bill'} = $return_bill[$i] = []; $bill_opt{'pkg_list'} = $next_bill_pkgs{$next_bill}; $error = $cust_main->bill(%bill_opt); die "$error (simulating recurring billing cycle $i)\n" if $error; $i++; } $temp_dbh->rollback; }; return $@ if $@; ###### END TRANSACTION ###### my %quotationpkgnum_of = reverse %pkgnum_of; if ($DEBUG) { warn "pkgnums:\n".Dumper(\%pkgnum_of); warn Dumper(\@return_bill); } # Careful: none of the foreign keys in here are correct outside the sandbox. # We have a translation table for pkgnums; all others are total lies. my %quotation_pkg; # quotationpkgnum => quotation_pkg foreach my $qp ($self->quotation_pkg) { $quotation_pkg{$qp->quotationpkgnum} = $qp; $qp->set($_, 0) foreach qw(unitsetup unitrecur); $qp->set('freq', ''); # flush old tax records foreach ($qp->quotation_pkg_tax) { $error = $_->delete; return "$error (flushing tax records for pkgpart ".$qp->part_pkg->pkgpart.")" if $error; } } my %quotation_pkg_tax; # quotationpkgnum => tax name => quotation_pkg_tax obj my %quotation_pkg_discount; # quotationpkgnum => quotation_pkg_discount obj for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@return_bill); $i++) { my $this_bill = $return_bill[$i]->[0]; if (!$this_bill) { warn "$me billing cycle $i produced no invoice\n"; next; } my @nonpkg_lines; my %cust_bill_pkg; foreach my $cust_bill_pkg (@{ $this_bill->get('cust_bill_pkg') }) { my $pkgnum = $cust_bill_pkg->pkgnum; $cust_bill_pkg{ $cust_bill_pkg->billpkgnum } = $cust_bill_pkg; if ( !$pkgnum ) { # taxes/fees; come back to it push @nonpkg_lines, $cust_bill_pkg; next; } my $quotationpkgnum = $quotationpkgnum_of{$pkgnum}; my $qp = $quotation_pkg{$quotationpkgnum}; if (!$qp) { # XXX supplemental packages could do this (they have separate pkgnums) # handle that special case at some point warn "$me simulated bill returned a package not on the quotation (pkgpart ".$cust_bill_pkg->pkgpart.")\n"; next; } if ( $i == 0 ) { # then this is the first (setup) invoice $qp->set('start_date', $cust_bill_pkg->sdate); $qp->set('unitsetup', $qp->unitsetup + $cust_bill_pkg->unitsetup); # pkgpart_override is a possibility } else { # recurring invoice (should be only one of these per package, though # it may have multiple lineitems with the same pkgnum) $qp->set('unitrecur', $qp->unitrecur + $cust_bill_pkg->unitrecur); } # discounts if ( $cust_bill_pkg->get('discounts') ) { my $discount = $cust_bill_pkg->get('discounts')->[0]; if ( $discount ) { # discount records are generated as (setup, recur). # well, not always, sometimes it's just (recur), but fixing this # is horribly invasive. my $qpd = $quotation_pkg_discount{$quotationpkgnum} ||= qsearchs('quotation_pkg_discount', { 'quotationpkgnum' => $quotationpkgnum }); if (!$qpd) { #can't happen warn "$me simulated bill returned a discount but no discount is in effect.\n"; } if ($discount and $qpd) { if ( $i == 0 ) { $qpd->set('setup_amount', $discount->amount); } else { $qpd->set('recur_amount', $discount->amount); } } } } # end of discount stuff } # create tax records foreach my $cust_bill_pkg (@nonpkg_lines) { my $itemdesc = $cust_bill_pkg->itemdesc; if ($cust_bill_pkg->feepart) { warn "$me simulated bill included a non-package fee (feepart ". $cust_bill_pkg->feepart.")\n"; next; } my $links = $cust_bill_pkg->get('cust_bill_pkg_tax_location') || $cust_bill_pkg->get('cust_bill_pkg_tax_rate_location') || []; # breadth-first unrolled recursion: # take each tax link and any tax-on-tax descendants, and merge them # into a single quotation_pkg_tax record for each pkgnum/taxname # combination while (my $tax_link = shift @$links) { my $target = $cust_bill_pkg{ $tax_link->taxable_billpkgnum } or die "$me unable to resolve tax link\n"; if ($target->pkgnum) { my $quotationpkgnum = $quotationpkgnum_of{$target->pkgnum}; # create this if there isn't one yet my $qpt = $quotation_pkg_tax{$quotationpkgnum}{$itemdesc} ||= FS::quotation_pkg_tax->new({ quotationpkgnum => $quotationpkgnum, itemdesc => $itemdesc, setup_amount => 0, recur_amount => 0, }); if ( $i == 0 ) { # first invoice $qpt->set('setup_amount', $qpt->setup_amount + $tax_link->amount); } else { # subsequent invoices # this isn't perfectly accurate, but that's why it's an estimate $qpt->set('recur_amount', $qpt->recur_amount + $tax_link->amount); $qpt->set('setup_amount', sprintf('%.2f', $qpt->setup_amount - $tax_link->amount)); $qpt->set('setup_amount', 0) if $qpt->setup_amount < 0; } } elsif ($target->feepart) { # do nothing; we already warned for the fee itself } else { # tax on tax: the tax target is another tax item. # since this is an estimate, I'm just going to assign it to the # first of the underlying packages. (RT#5243 is why we can't have # nice things.) my $sublinks = $target->cust_bill_pkg_tax_rate_location; if ($sublinks and $sublinks->[0]) { $tax_link->set('taxable_billpkgnum', $sublinks->[0]->taxable_billpkgnum); push @$links, $tax_link; #try again } else { warn "$me unable to assign tax on tax; ignoring\n"; } } } # while my $tax_link } # foreach my $cust_bill_pkg } foreach my $quotation_pkg (values %quotation_pkg) { $error = $quotation_pkg->replace; return "$error (recording estimate for ".$quotation_pkg->part_pkg->pkg.")" if $error; } foreach my $quotation_pkg_discount (values %quotation_pkg_discount) { $error = $quotation_pkg_discount->replace; return "$error (recording estimated discount)" if $error; } foreach my $quotation_pkg_tax (map { values %$_ } values %quotation_pkg_tax) { $error = $quotation_pkg_tax->insert; return "$error (recording estimated tax for ".$quotation_pkg_tax->itemdesc.")" if $error; } return; } =back =head1 CLASS METHODS =over 4 =item search_sql_where HASHREF Class method which returns an SQL WHERE fragment to search for parameters specified in HASHREF. Valid parameters are =over 4 =item _date List reference of start date, end date, as UNIX timestamps. =item invnum_min =item invnum_max =item agentnum =item charged List reference of charged limits (exclusive). =item owed List reference of charged limits (exclusive). =item open flag, return open invoices only =item net flag, return net invoices only =item days =item newest_percust =back Note: validates all passed-in data; i.e. safe to use with unchecked CGI params. =cut sub search_sql_where { my($class, $param) = @_; #if ( $DEBUG ) { # warn "$me search_sql_where called with params: \n". # join("\n", map { " $_: ". $param->{$_} } keys %$param ). "\n"; #} my @search = (); #agentnum if ( $param->{'agentnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { push @search, "( prospect_main.agentnum = $1 OR cust_main.agentnum = $1 )"; } # #refnum # if ( $param->{'refnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { # push @search, "cust_main.refnum = $1"; # } #prospectnum if ( $param->{'prospectnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { push @search, "quotation.prospectnum = $1"; } #custnum if ( $param->{'custnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { push @search, "cust_bill.custnum = $1"; } #_date if ( $param->{_date} ) { my($beginning, $ending) = @{$param->{_date}}; push @search, "quotation._date >= $beginning", "quotation._date < $ending"; } #quotationnum if ( $param->{'quotationnum_min'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { push @search, "quotation.quotationnum >= $1"; } if ( $param->{'quotationnum_max'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { push @search, "quotation.quotationnum <= $1"; } # #charged # if ( $param->{charged} ) { # my @charged = ref($param->{charged}) # ? @{ $param->{charged} } # : ($param->{charged}); # # push @search, map { s/^charged/cust_bill.charged/; $_; } # @charged; # } my $owed_sql = FS::cust_bill->owed_sql; #days push @search, "quotation._date < ". (time-86400*$param->{'days'}) if $param->{'days'}; #agent virtualization my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser; #false laziness w/search/quotation.html push @search,' ( '. $curuser->agentnums_sql( table=>'prospect_main' ). ' OR '. $curuser->agentnums_sql( table=>'cust_main' ). ' ) '; join(' AND ', @search ); } =item _items_pkg Return line item hashes for each package on this quotation. =cut sub _items_pkg { my ($self, %options) = @_; my $escape = $options{'escape_function'}; my $locale = $self->cust_or_prospect->locale; my $preref = $options{'preref_callback'}; my $section = $options{'section'}; my $freq = $section->{'category'}; my @pkgs = $self->quotation_pkg; my @items; die "_items_pkg called without section->{'category'}" unless defined $freq; my %tax_item; # taxname => hashref, will be aggregated AT DISPLAY TIME # like we should have done in the first place foreach my $quotation_pkg (@pkgs) { my $part_pkg = $quotation_pkg->part_pkg; my $setuprecur; my $this_item = { 'pkgnum' => $quotation_pkg->quotationpkgnum, 'description' => $quotation_pkg->desc($locale), 'ext_description' => [], 'quantity' => $quotation_pkg->quantity, }; if ($freq eq '0') { # setup/one-time $setuprecur = 'setup'; if ($part_pkg->freq ne '0') { # indicate that it's a setup fee on a recur package (cust_bill does # this too) $this_item->{'description'} .= ' Setup'; } } else { # recur for this frequency next if $freq ne $part_pkg->freq; $setuprecur = 'recur'; } $this_item->{'unit_amount'} = sprintf('%.2f', $quotation_pkg->get('unit'.$setuprecur)); $this_item->{'amount'} = sprintf('%.2f', $this_item->{'unit_amount'} * $quotation_pkg->quantity); next if $this_item->{'amount'} == 0; if ( $preref ) { $this_item->{'preref_html'} = &$preref($quotation_pkg); } push @items, $this_item; my $discount = $quotation_pkg->_item_discount(setuprecur => $setuprecur); if ($discount) { $_ = &{$escape}($_) foreach @{ $discount->{ext_description} }; push @items, $discount; } # each quotation_pkg_tax has two amounts: the amount charged on the # setup invoice, and the amount on the recurring invoice. foreach my $qpt ($quotation_pkg->quotation_pkg_tax) { my $this_tax = $tax_item{$qpt->itemdesc} ||= { 'pkgnum' => 0, 'description' => $qpt->itemdesc, 'ext_description' => [], 'amount' => 0, }; $this_tax->{'amount'} += $qpt->get($setuprecur.'_amount'); } } # foreach $quotation_pkg foreach my $taxname ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys (%tax_item) ) { my $this_tax = $tax_item{$taxname}; $this_tax->{'amount'} = sprintf('%.2f', $this_tax->{'amount'}); next if $this_tax->{'amount'} == 0; push @items, $this_tax; } return @items; } sub _items_tax { (); } =back =head1 BUGS =head1 SEE ALSO L, schema.html from the base documentation. =cut 1;