package FS::pay_batch; use strict; use vars qw( @ISA $DEBUG %import_info %export_info $conf ); use Time::Local; use Text::CSV_XS; use FS::Record qw( dbh qsearch qsearchs ); use FS::Conf; use FS::cust_pay; use FS::agent; use Date::Parse qw(str2time); use Business::CreditCard qw(cardtype); use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; use IO::Scalar; use FS::Misc qw(send_email); # for error notification use List::Util qw(sum); @ISA = qw(FS::Record); =head1 NAME FS::pay_batch - Object methods for pay_batch records =head1 SYNOPSIS use FS::pay_batch; $record = new FS::pay_batch \%hash; $record = new FS::pay_batch { 'column' => 'value' }; $error = $record->insert; $error = $new_record->replace($old_record); $error = $record->delete; $error = $record->check; =head1 DESCRIPTION An FS::pay_batch object represents an payment batch. FS::pay_batch inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported: =over 4 =item batchnum - primary key =item agentnum - optional agent number for agent batches =item payby - CARD or CHEK =item status - O (Open), I (In-transit), or R (Resolved) =item download - time when the batch was first downloaded =item upload - time when the batch was first uploaded =item title - unique batch identifier For incoming batches, the combination of 'title', 'payby', and 'agentnum' must be unique. =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new HASHREF Creates a new batch. To add the batch to the database, see L<"insert">. Note that this stores the hash reference, not a distinct copy of the hash it points to. You can ask the object for a copy with the I method. =cut # the new method can be inherited from FS::Record, if a table method is defined sub table { 'pay_batch'; } =item insert Adds this record to the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =cut # the insert method can be inherited from FS::Record =item delete Delete this record from the database. =cut # the delete method can be inherited from FS::Record =item replace OLD_RECORD Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =cut # the replace method can be inherited from FS::Record =item check Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid batch. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert and replace methods. =cut # the check method should currently be supplied - FS::Record contains some # data checking routines sub check { my $self = shift; my $error = $self->ut_numbern('batchnum') || $self->ut_enum('payby', [ 'CARD', 'CHEK' ]) || $self->ut_enum('status', [ 'O', 'I', 'R' ]) || $self->ut_foreign_keyn('agentnum', 'agent', 'agentnum') || $self->ut_alphan('title') ; return $error if $error; if ( $self->title ) { my @existing = grep { !$self->batchnum or $_->batchnum != $self->batchnum } qsearch('pay_batch', { payby => $self->payby, agentnum => $self->agentnum, title => $self->title, }); return "Batch already exists as batchnum ".$existing[0]->batchnum if @existing; } $self->SUPER::check; } =item agent Returns the L object for this batch. =cut sub agent { qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $_[0]->agentnum }); } =item cust_pay_batch Returns all L objects for this batch. =cut sub cust_pay_batch { qsearch('cust_pay_batch', { 'batchnum' => $_[0]->batchnum }); } =item rebalance =cut sub rebalance { my $self = shift; } =item set_status =cut sub set_status { my $self = shift; $self->status(shift); $self->download(time) if $self->status eq 'I' && ! $self->download; $self->upload(time) if $self->status eq 'R' && ! $self->upload; $self->replace(); } # further false laziness %import_info = %export_info = (); foreach my $INC (@INC) { warn "globbing $INC/FS/pay_batch/*.pm\n" if $DEBUG; foreach my $file ( glob("$INC/FS/pay_batch/*.pm")) { warn "attempting to load batch format from $file\n" if $DEBUG; $file =~ /\/(\w+)\.pm$/; next if !$1; my $mod = $1; my ($import, $export, $name) = eval "use FS::pay_batch::$mod; ( \\%FS::pay_batch::$mod\::import_info, \\%FS::pay_batch::$mod\::export_info, \$FS::pay_batch::$mod\::name)"; $name ||= $mod; # in case it's not defined if( $@) { # in FS::cdr this is a die, not a warn. That's probably a bug. warn "error using FS::pay_batch::$mod (skipping): $@\n"; next; } if(!keys(%$import)) { warn "no \%import_info found in FS::pay_batch::$mod (skipping)\n"; } else { $import_info{$name} = $import; } if(!keys(%$export)) { warn "no \%export_info found in FS::pay_batch::$mod (skipping)\n"; } else { $export_info{$name} = $export; } } } =item import_results OPTION => VALUE, ... Import batch results. Options are: I - open filehandle of results file. I - an L module I - an L object for a batch gateway. This takes precedence over I. =cut sub import_results { my $self = shift; my $param = ref($_[0]) ? shift : { @_ }; my $fh = $param->{'filehandle'}; my $job = $param->{'job'}; $job->update_statustext(0) if $job; my $format = $param->{'format'}; my $info = $import_info{$format} or die "unknown format $format"; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $filetype = $info->{'filetype'}; # CSV, fixed, variable my @fields = @{ $info->{'fields'}}; my $formatre = $info->{'formatre'}; # for fixed my $parse = $info->{'parse'}; # for variable my @all_values; my $begin_condition = $info->{'begin_condition'}; my $end_condition = $info->{'end_condition'}; my $end_hook = $info->{'end_hook'}; my $skip_condition = $info->{'skip_condition'}; my $hook = $info->{'hook'}; my $approved_condition = $info->{'approved'}; my $declined_condition = $info->{'declined'}; my $close_condition = $info->{'close_condition'}; my $csv = new Text::CSV_XS; local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $reself = $self->select_for_update; if ( $reself->status ne 'I' and !$conf->exists('batch-manual_approval') ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "batchnum ". $self->batchnum. "no longer in transit"; } my $total = 0; my $line; if ($filetype eq 'XML') { eval "use XML::Simple"; die $@ if $@; my @xmlkeys = @{ $info->{'xmlkeys'} }; # for XML my $xmlrow = $info->{'xmlrow'}; # also for XML # Do everything differently. my $data = XML::Simple::XMLin($fh, KeepRoot => 1); my $rows = $data; # $xmlrow = [ RootKey, FirstLevelKey, SecondLevelKey... ] $rows = $rows->{$_} foreach( @$xmlrow ); if(!defined($rows)) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "can't find rows in XML file"; } $rows = [ $rows ] if ref($rows) ne 'ARRAY'; foreach my $row (@$rows) { push @all_values, [ @{$row}{@xmlkeys}, $row ]; } } else { while ( defined($line=<$fh>) ) { next if $line =~ /^\s*$/; #skip blank lines if ($filetype eq "CSV") { $csv->parse($line) or do { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "can't parse: ". $csv->error_input(); }; push @all_values, [ $csv->fields(), $line ]; }elsif ($filetype eq 'fixed'){ my @values = ( $line =~ /$formatre/ ); unless (@values) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "can't parse: ". $line; }; push @values, $line; push @all_values, \@values; } elsif ($filetype eq 'variable') { my @values = ( eval { $parse->($self, $line) } ); if( $@ ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $@; }; push @values, $line; push @all_values, \@values; } else { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "Unknown file type $filetype"; } } } my $num = 0; foreach (@all_values) { if($job) { $num++; $job->update_statustext(int(100 * $num/scalar(@all_values))); } my @values = @$_; my %hash; my $line = pop @values; foreach my $field ( @fields ) { my $value = shift @values; next unless $field; $hash{$field} = $value; } if ( defined($begin_condition) ) { if ( &{$begin_condition}(\%hash, $line) ) { undef $begin_condition; } else { next; } } if ( defined($end_condition) and &{$end_condition}(\%hash, $line) ) { my $error; $error = &{$end_hook}(\%hash, $total, $line) if defined($end_hook); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } last; } if ( defined($skip_condition) and &{$skip_condition}(\%hash, $line) ) { next; } my $cust_pay_batch = qsearchs('cust_pay_batch', { 'paybatchnum' => $hash{'paybatchnum'}+0 } ); unless ( $cust_pay_batch ) { return "unknown paybatchnum $hash{'paybatchnum'}\n"; } my $custnum = $cust_pay_batch->custnum, my $payby = $cust_pay_batch->payby, &{$hook}(\%hash, $cust_pay_batch->hashref); my $new_cust_pay_batch = new FS::cust_pay_batch { $cust_pay_batch->hash }; my $error = ''; if ( &{$approved_condition}(\%hash) ) { foreach ('paid', '_date', 'payinfo') { $new_cust_pay_batch->$_($hash{$_}) if $hash{$_}; } $error = $new_cust_pay_batch->approve($hash{'paybatch'} || $self->batchnum); $total += $hash{'paid'}; } elsif ( &{$declined_condition}(\%hash) ) { $error = $new_cust_pay_batch->decline; } if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } # purge CVV when the batch is processed if ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ ) { my $payinfo = $hash{'payinfo'} || $cust_pay_batch->payinfo; if ( ! grep { $_ eq cardtype($payinfo) } $conf->config('cvv-save') ) { $new_cust_pay_batch->cust_main->remove_cvv; } } } # foreach (@all_values) my $close = 1; if ( defined($close_condition) ) { # Allow the module to decide whether to close the batch. # $close_condition can also die() to abort the whole import. $close = eval { $close_condition->($self) }; if ( $@ ) { $dbh->rollback; die $@; } } if ( $close ) { my $error = $self->set_status('R'); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; ''; } use MIME::Base64; use Storable 'thaw'; use Data::Dumper; sub process_import_results { my $job = shift; my $param = thaw(decode_base64(shift)); $param->{'job'} = $job; warn Dumper($param) if $DEBUG; my $gatewaynum = delete $param->{'gatewaynum'}; if ( $gatewaynum ) { $param->{'gateway'} = FS::payment_gateway->by_key($gatewaynum) or die "gatewaynum '$gatewaynum' not found\n"; delete $param->{'format'}; # to avoid confusion } my $file = $param->{'uploaded_files'} or die "no files provided\n"; $file =~ s/^(\w+):([\.\w]+)$/$2/; my $dir = '%%%FREESIDE_CACHE%%%/cache.' . $FS::UID::datasrc; open( $param->{'filehandle'}, '<', "$dir/$file" ) or die "unable to open '$file'.\n"; my $error; if ( $param->{gateway} ) { $error = FS::pay_batch->import_from_gateway(%$param); } else { my $batchnum = delete $param->{'batchnum'} or die "no batchnum specified\n"; my $batch = FS::pay_batch->by_key($batchnum) or die "batchnum '$batchnum' not found\n"; $error = $batch->import_results($param); } unlink $file; die $error if $error; } =item import_from_gateway [ OPTIONS ] Import results from a L, using Business::BatchPayment, and apply them. GATEWAY must use the Business::BatchPayment namespace. This is a class method, since results can be applied to any batch. The 'batch-reconsider' option determines whether an already-approved or declined payment can have its status changed by a later import. OPTIONS may include: - gateway: the L, required - filehandle: a file name or handle to use as a data source. - job: an L object to update with progress messages. =cut sub import_from_gateway { my $class = shift; my %opt = @_; my $gateway = $opt{'gateway'}; my $conf = FS::Conf->new; # unavoidable duplication with import_batch, for now local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $job = delete($opt{'job'}); $job->update_statustext(0) if $job; my $total = 0; return "import_from_gateway requires a payment_gateway" unless eval { $gateway->isa('FS::payment_gateway') }; my %proc_opt = ( 'input' => $opt{'filehandle'}, # will do nothing if it's empty # any other constructor options go here ); my @item_errors; my $mail_on_error = $conf->config('batch-errors_to'); if ( $mail_on_error ) { # construct error trap $proc_opt{'on_parse_error'} = sub { my ($self, $line, $error) = @_; push @item_errors, " '$line'\n$error"; }; } my $processor = $gateway->batch_processor(%proc_opt); my @batches = $processor->receive; my $num = 0; my $total_items = sum( map{$_->count} @batches); # whether to allow items to change status my $reconsider = $conf->exists('batch-reconsider'); # mutex all affected batches my %pay_batch_for_update; my %bop2payby = (CC => 'CARD', ECHECK => 'CHEK'); BATCH: foreach my $batch (@batches) { my %incoming_batch = ( 'CARD' => {}, 'CHEK' => {}, ); ITEM: foreach my $item ($batch->elements) { my $cust_pay_batch; # the new batch entry (with status) my $pay_batch; # the freeside batch it belongs to my $payby; # CARD or CHEK my $error; # follow realtime gateway practice here # though eventually this stuff should go into separate fields... my $paybatch = $gateway->gatewaynum . '-' . $gateway->gateway_module . ':' . $item->authorization . ':' . $item->order_number; if ( $batch->incoming ) { # This is a one-way batch. # Locate the customer, find an open batch correct for them, # create a payment. Don't bother creating a cust_pay_batch # entry. my $cust_main; if ( defined($item->customer_id) and $item->customer_id =~ /^\d+$/ and $item->customer_id > 0 ) { $cust_main = FS::cust_main->by_key($item->customer_id) || qsearchs('cust_main', { 'agent_custid' => $item->customer_id } ); if ( !$cust_main ) { push @item_errors, "Unknown customer_id ".$item->customer_id; next ITEM; } } else { push @item_errors, "Illegal customer_id '".$item->customer_id."'"; next ITEM; } # it may also make sense to allow selecting the customer by # invoice_number, but no modules currently work that way $payby = $bop2payby{ $item->payment_type }; my $agentnum = ''; $agentnum = $cust_main->agentnum if $conf->exists('batch-spoolagent'); # create a batch if necessary $pay_batch = $incoming_batch{$payby}->{$agentnum} ||= FS::pay_batch->new({ status => 'R', # pre-resolve it payby => $payby, agentnum => $agentnum, upload => time, title => $batch->batch_id, }); if ( !$pay_batch->batchnum ) { $error = $pay_batch->insert; die $error if $error; # can't do anything if this fails } if ( !$item->approved ) { $error ||= "payment rejected - ".$item->error_message; } if ( !defined($item->amount) or $item->amount <= 0 ) { $error ||= "no amount in item $num"; } my $payinfo; if ( $item->check_number ) { $payby = 'BILL'; # right? $payinfo = $item->check_number; } elsif ( $item->assigned_token ) { $payinfo = $item->assigned_token; } # create the payment my $cust_pay = FS::cust_pay->new( { custnum => $cust_main->custnum, _date => $item->payment_date->epoch, paid => sprintf('%.2f',$item->amount), payby => $payby, invnum => $item->invoice_number, batchnum => $pay_batch->batchnum, paybatch => $paybatch, payinfo => $payinfo, } ); $error ||= $cust_pay->insert; eval { $cust_main->apply_payments }; $error ||= $@; if ( $error ) { push @item_errors, 'Payment for customer '.$item->customer_id."\n$error"; } } else { # This is a request/reply batch. # Locate the request (the 'tid' attribute is the paybatchnum). my $paybatchnum = $item->tid; $cust_pay_batch = FS::cust_pay_batch->by_key($paybatchnum); if (!$cust_pay_batch) { push @item_errors, "paybatchnum $paybatchnum not found"; next ITEM; } $payby = $cust_pay_batch->payby; my $batchnum = $cust_pay_batch->batchnum; if ( $batch->batch_id and $batch->batch_id != $batchnum ) { warn "batch ID ".$batch->batch_id. " does not match batchnum ".$cust_pay_batch->batchnum."\n"; } # lock the batch and check its status $pay_batch = FS::pay_batch->by_key($batchnum); $pay_batch_for_update{$batchnum} ||= $pay_batch->select_for_update; if ( $pay_batch->status ne 'I' and !$reconsider ) { $error = "batch $batchnum no longer in transit"; } if ( $cust_pay_batch->status ) { my $new_status = $item->approved ? 'approved' : 'declined'; if ( lc( $cust_pay_batch->status ) eq $new_status ) { # already imported with this status, so don't touch next ITEM; } elsif ( !$reconsider ) { # then we're not allowed to change its status, so bail out $error = "paybatchnum ".$item->tid. " already resolved with status '". $cust_pay_batch->status . "'"; } } if ( $error ) { push @item_errors, "Payment for customer ".$cust_pay_batch->custnum."\n$error"; next ITEM; } my $new_payinfo; # update payinfo, if needed if ( $item->assigned_token ) { $new_payinfo = $item->assigned_token; } elsif ( $payby eq 'CARD' ) { $new_payinfo = $item->card_number if $item->card_number; } else { #$payby eq 'CHEK' $new_payinfo = $item->account_number . '@' . $item->routing_code if $item->account_number; } $cust_pay_batch->set('payinfo', $new_payinfo) if $new_payinfo; # set "paid" pseudo-field (transfers to cust_pay) to the actual amount # paid, if the batch says it's different from the amount requested if ( defined $item->amount ) { $cust_pay_batch->set('paid', $item->amount); } else { $cust_pay_batch->set('paid', $cust_pay_batch->amount); } # set payment date to when it was processed $cust_pay_batch->_date($item->payment_date->epoch) if $item->payment_date; # approval status if ( $item->approved ) { # follow Billing_Realtime format for paybatch $error = $cust_pay_batch->approve($paybatch); $total += $cust_pay_batch->paid; } else { $error = $cust_pay_batch->decline($item->error_message); } if ( $error ) { push @item_errors, "Payment for customer ".$cust_pay_batch->custnum."\n$error"; next ITEM; } } # $batch->incoming $num++; $job->update_statustext(int(100 * $num/( $total_items ) ), 'Importing batch items') if $job; } #foreach $item } #foreach $batch (input batch, not pay_batch) # Format an error message if ( @item_errors ) { my $error_text = join("\n\n", "Errors during batch import: ".scalar(@item_errors), @item_errors ); if ( $mail_on_error ) { my $subject = "Batch import errors"; #? my $body = "Import from gateway ".$gateway->label."\n".$error_text; send_email( to => $mail_on_error, from => $conf->config('invoice_from'), subject => $subject, body => $body, ); } else { # Bail out. $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; die $error_text; } } # Auto-resolve (with brute-force error handling) foreach my $pay_batch (values %pay_batch_for_update) { my $error = $pay_batch->try_to_resolve; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } $dbh->commit if $oldAutoCommit; return; } =item try_to_resolve Resolve this batch if possible. A batch can be resolved if all of its entries have status. If the system options 'batch-auto_resolve_days' and 'batch-auto_resolve_status' are set, and the batch's download date is at least (batch-auto_resolve_days) before the current time, then it can be auto-resolved; entries with no status will be approved or declined according to the batch-auto_resolve_status setting. =cut sub try_to_resolve { my $self = shift; my $conf = FS::Conf->new;; return if $self->status ne 'I'; my @unresolved = qsearch('cust_pay_batch', { batchnum => $self->batchnum, status => '' } ); if ( @unresolved and $conf->exists('batch-auto_resolve_days') ) { my $days = $conf->config('batch-auto_resolve_days'); # can be zero # either 'approve' or 'decline' my $action = $conf->config('batch-auto_resolve_status') || ''; return unless length($days) and length($action) and time > ($self->download + 86400 * $days) ; my $error; foreach my $cpb (@unresolved) { if ( $action eq 'approve' ) { # approve it for the full amount $cpb->set('paid', $cpb->amount) unless ($cpb->paid || 0) > 0; $error = $cpb->approve($self->batchnum); } elsif ( $action eq 'decline' ) { $error = $cpb->decline('No response from processor'); } return $error if $error; } } $self->set_status('R'); } =item prepare_for_export Prepare the batch to be exported. This will: - Set the status to "in transit". - If batch-increment_expiration is set and this is a credit card batch, increment expiration dates that are in the past. - If this is the first download for this batch, adjust payment amounts to not be greater than the customer's current balance. If the customer's balance is zero, the entry will be removed. Use this within a transaction. =cut sub prepare_for_export { my $self = shift; my $conf = FS::Conf->new; my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser; my $first_download; my $status = $self->status; if ($status eq 'O') { $first_download = 1; my $error = $self->set_status('I'); return "error updating pay_batch status: $error\n" if $error; } elsif ($status eq 'I' && $curuser->access_right('Reprocess batches')) { $first_download = 0; } elsif ($status eq 'R' && $curuser->access_right('Redownload resolved batches')) { $first_download = 0; } else { die "No pending batch.\n"; } my @cust_pay_batch = sort { $a->paybatchnum <=> $b->paybatchnum } $self->cust_pay_batch; # handle batch-increment_expiration option if ( $self->payby eq 'CARD' ) { my ($cmon, $cyear) = (localtime(time))[4,5]; foreach (@cust_pay_batch) { my $etime = str2time($_->exp) or next; my ($day, $mon, $year) = (localtime($etime))[3,4,5]; if( $conf->exists('batch-increment_expiration') ) { $year++ while( $year < $cyear or ($year == $cyear and $mon <= $cmon) ); $_->exp( sprintf('%4u-%02u-%02u', $year + 1900, $mon+1, $day) ); } my $error = $_->replace; return $error if $error; } } if ($first_download) { #remove or reduce entries if customer's balance changed foreach my $cust_pay_batch (@cust_pay_batch) { my $balance = $cust_pay_batch->cust_main->balance; if ($balance <= 0) { # then don't charge this customer my $error = $cust_pay_batch->delete; return $error if $error; } elsif ($balance < $cust_pay_batch->amount) { # reduce the charge to the remaining balance $cust_pay_batch->amount($balance); my $error = $cust_pay_batch->replace; return $error if $error; } # else $balance >= $cust_pay_batch->amount } } #if $first_download ''; } =item export_batch [ format => FORMAT | gateway => GATEWAY ] Export batch for processing. FORMAT is the name of an L module, in which case the configuration options are in 'batchconfig-FORMAT'. Alternatively, GATEWAY can be an L object set to a L module. =cut sub export_batch { my $self = shift; my %opt = @_; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $batch; my $gateway = $opt{'gateway'}; if ( $gateway ) { # welcome to the future my $fh = IO::Scalar->new(\$batch); $self->export_to_gateway($gateway, 'file' => $fh); return $batch; } my $format = $opt{'format'} || $conf->config('batch-default_format') or die "No batch format configured\n"; my $info = $export_info{$format} or die "Format not found: '$format'\n"; &{$info->{'init'}}($conf) if exists($info->{'init'}); my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $error = $self->prepare_for_export; die $error if $error; my $batchtotal = 0; my $batchcount = 0; my @cust_pay_batch = $self->cust_pay_batch; my $delim = exists($info->{'delimiter'}) ? $info->{'delimiter'} : "\n"; my $h = $info->{'header'}; if (ref($h) eq 'CODE') { $batch .= &$h($self, \@cust_pay_batch). $delim; } else { $batch .= $h. $delim; } foreach my $cust_pay_batch (@cust_pay_batch) { $batchcount++; $batchtotal += $cust_pay_batch->amount; $batch .= &{$info->{'row'}}($cust_pay_batch, $self, $batchcount, $batchtotal). $delim; } my $f = $info->{'footer'}; if (ref($f) eq 'CODE') { $batch .= &$f($self, $batchcount, $batchtotal). $delim; } else { $batch .= $f. $delim; } if ($info->{'autopost'}) { my $error = &{$info->{'autopost'}}($self, $batch); if($error) { $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; die $error; } } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; return $batch; } =item export_to_gateway GATEWAY OPTIONS Given L GATEWAY, export the items in this batch to that gateway via Business::BatchPayment. OPTIONS may include: - file: override the default transport and write to this file (name or handle) =cut sub export_to_gateway { my ($self, $gateway, %opt) = @_; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $error = $self->prepare_for_export; die $error if $error; my %proc_opt = ( 'output' => $opt{'file'}, # will do nothing if it's empty # any other constructor options go here ); my $processor = $gateway->batch_processor(%proc_opt); my @items = map { $_->request_item } $self->cust_pay_batch; my $batch = Business::BatchPayment->create(Batch => batch_id => $self->batchnum, items => \@items ); $processor->submit($batch); $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; ''; } sub manual_approve { my $self = shift; my $date = time; my %opt = @_; my $paybatch = $opt{'paybatch'} || $self->batchnum; my $usernum = $opt{'usernum'} || die "manual approval requires a usernum"; my $conf = FS::Conf->new; return 'manual batch approval disabled' if ( ! $conf->exists('batch-manual_approval') ); return 'batch already resolved' if $self->status eq 'R'; return 'batch not yet submitted' if $self->status eq 'O'; local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $payments = 0; foreach my $cust_pay_batch ( qsearch('cust_pay_batch', { batchnum => $self->batchnum, status => '' }) ) { my $new_cust_pay_batch = new FS::cust_pay_batch { $cust_pay_batch->hash, 'paid' => $cust_pay_batch->amount, '_date' => $date, 'usernum' => $usernum, }; my $error = $new_cust_pay_batch->approve($paybatch); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback; return 'paybatchnum '.$cust_pay_batch->paybatchnum.": $error"; } $payments++; } $self->set_status('R'); $dbh->commit; return; } sub _upgrade_data { # Set up configuration for gateways that have a Business::BatchPayment # module. eval "use Class::MOP;"; if ( $@ ) { warn "Moose/Class::MOP not available.\n$@\nSkipping pay_batch upgrade.\n"; return; } my $conf = FS::Conf->new; for my $format (keys %export_info) { my $mod = "FS::pay_batch::$format"; if ( $mod->can('_upgrade_gateway') and $conf->exists("batchconfig-$format") ) { local $@; my ($module, %gw_options) = $mod->_upgrade_gateway; my $gateway = FS::payment_gateway->new({ gateway_namespace => 'Business::BatchPayment', gateway_module => $module, }); my $error = $gateway->insert(%gw_options); if ( $error ) { warn "Failed to migrate '$format' to a Business::BatchPayment::$module gateway:\n$error\n"; next; } # test whether it loads my $processor = eval { $gateway->batch_processor }; if ( !$processor ) { warn "Couldn't load Business::BatchPayment module for '$format'.\n"; # if not, remove it so it doesn't hang around and break things $gateway->delete; } else { # remove the batchconfig-* warn "Created Business::BatchPayment gateway '".$gateway->label. "' for '$format' batch processing.\n"; $conf->delete("batchconfig-$format"); # and if appropriate, make it the system default for my $payby (qw(CARD CHEK)) { if ( ($conf->config("batch-fixed_format-$payby") || '') eq $format ) { warn "Setting as default for $payby.\n"; $conf->set("batch-gateway-$payby", $gateway->gatewaynum); $conf->delete("batch-fixed_format-$payby"); } } } # if $processor } #if can('_upgrade_gateway') and batchconfig-$format } #for $format ''; } =back =head1 BUGS status is somewhat redundant now that download and upload exist =head1 SEE ALSO L, schema.html from the base documentation. =cut 1;