package FS::part_pkg::voip_inbound; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $DEBUG %info); use Date::Format; use Tie::IxHash; use FS::Conf; use FS::Record qw(qsearchs qsearch); use FS::part_pkg::recur_Common; use FS::cdr; use FS::part_pkg::recur_Common; @ISA = qw(FS::part_pkg::recur_Common); $DEBUG = 0; tie my %temporalities, 'Tie::IxHash', 'upcoming' => "Upcoming (future)", 'preceding' => "Preceding (past)", ; tie my %granularity, 'Tie::IxHash', FS::rate_detail::granularities(); %info = ( 'name' => 'VoIP flat rate pricing of CDRs for inbound calls', 'shortname' => 'VoIP/telco CDR rating (inbound)', 'inherit_fields' => [ 'global_Mixin' ], 'fields' => { #false laziness w/ 'recur_temporality' => { 'name' => 'Charge recurring fee for period', 'type' => 'select', 'select_options' => \%temporalities, }, 'cutoff_day' => { 'name' => 'Billing Day (1 - 28) for prorating or '. 'subscription', 'default' => '1', }, 'add_full_period'=> { 'name' => 'When prorating first month, also bill '. 'for one full period after that', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, 'recur_method' => { 'name' => 'Recurring fee method', 'type' => 'select', 'select_options' => \%FS::part_pkg::recur_Common::recur_method, }, 'min_charge' => { 'name' => 'Charge per minute', }, 'sec_granularity' => { 'name' => 'Granularity', 'type' => 'select', 'select_options' => \%granularity, }, 'default_prefix' => { 'name' => 'Default prefix optionally prepended to customer DID numbers when searching for CDR records', 'default' => '+1', }, 'disable_tollfree' => { 'name' => 'Disable automatic toll-free processing', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, 'use_amaflags' => { 'name' => 'Do not charge for CDRs where the amaflags field is not set to "2" ("BILL"/"BILLING").', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, 'use_disposition' => { 'name' => 'Do not charge for CDRs where the disposition flag is not set to "ANSWERED".', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, 'use_disposition_taqua' => { 'name' => 'Do not charge for CDRs where the disposition is not set to "100" (Taqua).', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, 'use_carrierid' => { 'name' => 'Do not charge for CDRs where the Carrier ID is not set to: ', }, 'use_cdrtypenum' => { 'name' => 'Do not charge for CDRs where the CDR Type is not set to: ', }, 'skip_dcontext' => { 'name' => 'Do not charge for CDRs where the dcontext is set to any of these (comma-separated) values:', }, 'skip_dstchannel_prefix' => { 'name' => 'Do not charge for CDRs where the dstchannel starts with:', }, 'skip_dst_length_less' => { 'name' => 'Do not charge for CDRs where the destination is less than this many digits:', }, 'skip_lastapp' => { 'name' => 'Do not charge for CDRs where the lastapp matches this value', }, 'use_duration' => { 'name' => 'Calculate usage based on the duration field instead of the billsec field', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, #false laziness w/ 'output_format' => { 'name' => 'CDR invoice display format', 'type' => 'select', 'select_options' => { FS::cdr::invoice_formats() }, 'default' => 'default', #XXX test }, 'usage_section' => { 'name' => 'Section in which to place usage charges (whether separated or not)', }, 'summarize_usage' => { 'name' => 'Include usage summary with recurring charges when usage is in separate section', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, 'usage_mandate' => { 'name' => 'Always put usage details in separate section', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, #eofalse 'bill_every_call' => { 'name' => 'Generate an invoice immediately for every call. Useful for prepaid.', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, #XXX also have option for an external db # 'cdr_location' => { 'name' => 'CDR database location' # 'type' => 'select', # 'select_options' => \%cdr_location, # 'select_callback' => { # 'external' => { # 'enable' => [ 'datasrc', 'username', 'password' ], # }, # 'internal' => { # 'disable' => [ 'datasrc', 'username', 'password' ], # } # }, # }, # 'datasrc' => { 'name' => 'DBI data source for external CDR table', # 'disabled' => 'Y', # }, # 'username' => { 'name' => 'External database username', # 'disabled' => 'Y', # }, # 'password' => { 'name' => 'External database password', # 'disabled' => 'Y', # }, }, 'fieldorder' => [qw( recur_temporality recur_method cutoff_day add_full_period min_charge sec_granularity default_prefix disable_tollfree use_amaflags use_disposition use_disposition_taqua use_carrierid use_cdrtypenum skip_dcontext skip_dstchannel_prefix skip_dst_length_less skip_lastapp use_duration output_format usage_mandate summarize_usage usage_section bill_every_call ) ], 'weight' => 40, ); sub calc_setup { my($self, $cust_pkg ) = @_; $self->option('setup_fee'); } sub calc_recur { my $self = shift; my($cust_pkg, $sdate, $details, $param ) = @_; my $charges = 0; $charges += $self->calc_usage(@_); $charges += $self->calc_recur_Common(@_); $charges; } sub calc_cancel { my $self = shift; my($cust_pkg, $sdate, $details, $param ) = @_; $self->calc_usage(@_); } #false laziness w/voip_sqlradacct calc_recur resolve it if that one ever gets used again sub calc_usage { my $self = shift; my($cust_pkg, $sdate, $details, $param ) = @_; #my $last_bill = $cust_pkg->last_bill; my $last_bill = $cust_pkg->get('last_bill'); #->last_bill falls back to setup return 0 if $self->option('recur_temporality', 1) eq 'preceding' && ( $last_bill eq '' || $last_bill == 0 ); my $spool_cdr = $cust_pkg->cust_main->spool_cdr; my %included_min = (); my $charges = 0; # my $downstream_cdr = ''; my $disable_tollfree = $self->option('disable_tollfree'); my $ignore_unrateable = $self->option('ignore_unrateable', 'Hush!'); my $use_duration = $self->option('use_duration'); my $output_format = $self->option('output_format', 'Hush!') || 'default'; #for check_chargable, so we don't keep looking up options inside the loop my %opt_cache = (); eval "use Text::CSV_XS;"; die $@ if $@; my $csv = new Text::CSV_XS; foreach my $cust_svc ( grep { $_->part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_phone' } $cust_pkg->cust_svc ) { my $svc_phone = $cust_svc->svc_x; foreach my $cdr ( $svc_phone->get_cdrs( 'for_update' => 1, 'status' => '', # unprocessed only 'default_prefix' => $self->option('default_prefix'), 'inbound' => 1, ) ) { if ( $DEBUG > 1 ) { warn "rating inbound CDR $cdr\n". join('', map { " $_ => ". $cdr->{$_}. "\n" } keys %$cdr ); } my $granularity = length($self->option('sec_granularity')) ? $self->option('sec_granularity') : 60; my $seconds = $use_duration ? $cdr->duration : $cdr->billsec; $seconds += $granularity - ( $seconds % $granularity ) if $seconds # don't granular-ize 0 billsec calls (bills them) && $granularity; # 0 is per call my $minutes = sprintf("%.1f",$seconds / 60); $minutes =~ s/\.0$// if $granularity == 60; # count whole minutes, convert to integer $minutes = 1 unless $granularity; # per call my $charge = sprintf('%.2f', ( $self->option('min_charge') * $minutes ) + 0.00000001 ); #so 1.00005 rounds to 1.0001 next if !$charge; $charges += $charge; my @call_details = ($cdr->downstream_csv( 'format' => $output_format, 'charge' => $charge, 'minutes' => $minutes, 'granularity' => $granularity, ) ); push @$details, [ 'C', $call_details[0], $charge, $cdr->calltypenum, #classnum $self->phonenum, $seconds, '', #regionname, not set for inbound calls ]; my $error = $cdr->set_status_and_rated_price( 'done', $charge, $cust_svc->svcnum, 'inbound' => 1 ); die $error if $error; } #$cdr } # $cust_svc unshift @$details, [ 'C', FS::cdr::invoice_header($output_format), '', '', '', '', '', ] if @$details; $charges; } #returns a reason why not to rate this CDR, or false if the CDR is chargeable sub check_chargable { my( $self, $cdr, %flags ) = @_; #should have some better way of checking these options from a hash #or something my @opt = qw( use_amaflags use_disposition use_disposition_taqua use_carrierid use_cdrtypenum skip_dcontext skip_dstchannel_prefix skip_dst_length_less skip_lastapp ); foreach my $opt (grep !exists($flags{option_cache}->{$_}), @opt ) { $flags{option_cache}->{$opt} = $self->option($opt, 1); } my %opt = %{ $flags{option_cache} }; return 'amaflags != 2' if $opt{'use_amaflags'} && $cdr->amaflags != 2; return 'disposition != ANSWERED' if $opt{'use_disposition'} && $cdr->disposition ne 'ANSWERED'; return "disposition != 100" if $opt{'use_disposition_taqua'} && $cdr->disposition != 100; return "carrierid != $opt{'use_carrierid'}" if length($opt{'use_carrierid'}) && $cdr->carrierid ne $opt{'use_carrierid'} #ne otherwise 0 matches '' && ! $flags{'da_rewrote'}; return "cdrtypenum != $opt{'use_cdrtypenum'}" if length($opt{'use_cdrtypenum'}) && $cdr->cdrtypenum ne $opt{'use_cdrtypenum'}; #ne otherwise 0 matches '' return "dcontext IN ( $opt{'skip_dcontext'} )" if $opt{'skip_dcontext'} =~ /\S/ && grep { $cdr->dcontext eq $_ } split(/\s*,\s*/, $opt{'skip_dcontext'}); my $len_prefix = length($opt{'skip_dstchannel_prefix'}); return "dstchannel starts with $opt{'skip_dstchannel_prefix'}" if $len_prefix && substr($cdr->dstchannel,0,$len_prefix) eq $opt{'skip_dstchannel_prefix'}; my $dst_length = $opt{'skip_dst_length_less'}; return "destination less than $dst_length digits" if $dst_length && length($cdr->dst) < $dst_length; return "lastapp is $opt{'skip_lastapp'}" if length($opt{'skip_lastapp'}) && $cdr->lastapp eq $opt{'skip_lastapp'}; #all right then, rate it ''; } sub is_free { 0; } # This equates svc_phone records; perhaps svc_phone should have a field # to indicate it represents a line sub calc_units { my($self, $cust_pkg ) = @_; my $count = scalar(grep { $_->part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_phone' } $cust_pkg->cust_svc); $count; } 1;