package FS::part_pkg::torrus_Common; use base qw( FS::part_pkg::prorate ); use List::Util qw(max); our %info = ( 'disabled' => 1 ); #torrus_Common not a usable price plan directly our $DEBUG = 1; sub price_info { my $self = shift; my $str = $self->SUPER::price_info; $str .= " plus usage" if $str; $str; } sub calc_recur { my $self = shift; my($cust_pkg, $sdate, $details, $param ) = @_; my $charges = 0; $charges += $self->calc_usage(@_); $charges += $self->calc_prorate(@_, 1); #$charges -= $self->calc_discount(@_); $charges; } #sub calc_cancel { #somehow trigger an early report? #have to look at getting the discounts to apply to the usage charges sub can_discount { 0; } sub calc_usage { my $self = shift; my($cust_pkg, $sdate, $details, $param ) = @_; my @sdate = localtime($$sdate); #sdate is next bill date, but we want the report from last month my($m, $y) = ($sdate[4], $sdate[5]+1900); if ( $m == 0 ) { $m=12; $y--; } $m = "0$m" if length($m) == 1; my $rep_date = "$y-$m-01"; warn "searching for MonthlyUsage report for $rep_date\n" if $DEBUG; my $rep_sql = " SELECT id FROM reports WHERE rep_date = ? AND reportname = 'MonthlyUsage' and iscomplete = 1 "; my $rep_id = $self->scalar_sql($rep_sql, $rep_date) or return 0; warn "report id $rep_id found\n" if $DEBUG; #abort if ! iscomplete instead? my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$'; my $sql = " SELECT value FROM reportfields WHERE rep_id = $rep_id AND name = ? AND serviceid = ? "; my $total = 0; foreach my $svc_port ( grep $_->table('svc_port'), map $_->svc_x, $cust_pkg->cust_svc ) { my $serviceid = $svc_port->serviceid; warn "searching for $serviceid usage\n" if $DEBUG; my $in = $self->scalar_sql($sql, $self->_torrus_name, $serviceid.'_IN'); my $out = $self->scalar_sql($sql, $self->_torrus_name, $serviceid.'_OUT'); my $max = max($in,$out); warn "$serviceid usage is $max\n" if $DEBUG; my $inc = $self->option($self->_torrus_base);#aggregate instead of per-port? $max -= $inc; next if $max < 0; my $rate = $self->option($self->_torrus_rate); my $amount = sprintf('%.2f', $rate * $max ); $total += $amount; #add usage details to invoice my $l = $self->_torrus_label; my $d = "Last month's usage for $serviceid: ". sprintf('%.2f',$max). $l; $d .= " (". ($max+$inc). "$l - $inc$l included)" if $inc; $d .= " @ $money_char$rate/$l: $money_char$amount"; push @$details, $d; } return sprintf('%.2f', $total ); } 1;