package FS::part_pkg::flat; use base qw( FS::part_pkg::prorate_Mixin FS::part_pkg::discount_Mixin FS::part_pkg ); use strict; use vars qw( %info %usage_recharge_fields @usage_recharge_fieldorder ); use FS::Record qw( qsearch ); use FS::cust_credit_source_bill_pkg; use Tie::IxHash; use List::Util qw( min ); use FS::UI::bytecount; use FS::Conf; tie my %temporalities, 'Tie::IxHash', 'upcoming' => "Upcoming (future)", 'preceding' => "Preceding (past)", ; tie my %contract_years, 'Tie::IxHash', ( '' => '(none)', map { $_*12 => $_ } (1..5), ); %info = ( 'name' => 'Flat rate (anniversary billing)', 'shortname' => 'Anniversary', 'inherit_fields' => [ 'prorate_Mixin', 'usage_Mixin', 'global_Mixin' ], 'fields' => { #false laziness w/ 'recur_temporality' => { 'name' => 'Charge recurring fee for period', 'type' => 'select', 'select_options' => \%temporalities, }, #used in so could add to any price plan 'expire_months' => { 'name' => 'Auto-add an expiration date this number of months out', }, 'adjourn_months'=> { 'name' => 'Auto-add a suspension date this number of months out', }, 'contract_end_months'=> { 'name' => 'Auto-add a contract end date this number of years out', 'type' => 'select', 'select_options' => \%contract_years, }, #used in so could add to any price plan where it made sense 'start_1st' => { 'name' => 'Auto-add a start date to the 1st, ignoring the current month.', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, 'sync_bill_date' => { 'name' => 'Prorate first month to synchronize '. 'with the customer\'s other packages', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, 'prorate_defer_bill' => { 'name' => 'When synchronizing, defer the bill until '. 'the customer\'s next bill date', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, 'prorate_round_day' => { 'name' => 'When synchronizing, round the prorated '. 'period to the nearest full day', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, 'add_full_period' => { 'disabled' => 1 }, # doesn't make sense with sync? 'suspend_bill' => { 'name' => 'Continue recurring billing while suspended', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, 'unsuspend_adjust_bill' => { 'name' => 'Adjust next bill date forward when '. 'unsuspending', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, 'bill_recur_on_cancel' => { 'name' => 'Bill the last period on cancellation', 'type' => 'checkbox', }, 'bill_suspend_as_cancel' => { 'name' => 'Bill immediately upon suspension', #desc? 'type' => 'checkbox', }, 'externalid' => { 'name' => 'Optional External ID', 'default' => '', }, }, 'fieldorder' => [ qw( recur_temporality expire_months adjourn_months contract_end_months start_1st sync_bill_date prorate_defer_bill prorate_round_day suspend_bill unsuspend_adjust_bill bill_recur_on_cancel bill_suspend_as_cancel externalid ), ], 'weight' => 10, ); sub price_info { my $self = shift; my %opt = @_; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$'; my $setup = $opt{cust_pkg} ? $self->base_setup( $opt{cust_pkg} ) : ($self->option('setup_fee') || 0); my $recur = $opt{cust_pkg} ? $self->base_recur( $opt{cust_pkg} ) : ($self->option('recur_fee', 1) || 0); $recur += $self->usageprice_recur( $opt{cust_pkg} ) if $opt{cust_pkg}; my $str = ''; $str = $money_char . $setup . ($recur ? ' setup' : ' one-time') if $setup; $str .= ', ' if ($setup && $recur); $str .= $money_char. $recur. '/'. $self->freq_pretty if $recur; $str; } sub calc_setup { my($self, $cust_pkg, $sdate, $details, $param ) = @_; return 0 if $self->prorate_setup($cust_pkg, $sdate); my $i = 0; my $count = $self->option( 'additional_count', 'quiet' ) || 0; while ($i < $count) { push @$details, $self->option( 'additional_info' . $i++ ); } my $charge = $self->base_setup($cust_pkg, $sdate, $details); my $discount = 0; if ( $charge > 0 ) { $param->{'setup_charge'} = $charge; $discount = $self->calc_discount($cust_pkg, $sdate, $details, $param); delete $param->{'setup_charge'}; } sprintf( '%.2f', ($cust_pkg->quantity || 1) * ($charge - $discount) ); } sub base_setup { my($self, $cust_pkg, $sdate, $details ) = @_; $self->option('setup_fee') || 0; } sub calc_recur { my $self = shift; my($cust_pkg, $sdate, $details, $param ) = @_; #my $last_bill = $cust_pkg->last_bill; my $last_bill = $cust_pkg->get('last_bill'); #->last_bill falls back to setup return 0 if $self->recur_temporality eq 'preceding' && !$last_bill; my $charge = $self->base_recur($cust_pkg, $sdate); # always treat cutoff_day as a list if ( my @cutoff_day = $self->cutoff_day($cust_pkg) ) { $charge = $self->calc_prorate(@_, @cutoff_day); } elsif ( $param->{freq_override} ) { # XXX not sure if this should be mutually exclusive with sync_bill_date. # Given the very specific problem that freq_override is meant to 'solve', # it probably should. $charge *= $param->{freq_override} if $param->{freq_override}; } $charge += $self->usageprice_recur($cust_pkg, $sdate); $cust_pkg->apply_usageprice(); #$sdate for prorating? my $discount = $self->calc_discount($cust_pkg, $sdate, $details, $param); sprintf( '%.2f', ($cust_pkg->quantity || 1) * ($charge - $discount) ); } sub cutoff_day { my $self = shift; my $cust_pkg = shift; if ( $self->option('sync_bill_date',1) ) { my $next_bill = $cust_pkg->cust_main->next_bill_date; if ( defined($next_bill) ) { return (localtime($next_bill))[3]; } } return (); } sub base_recur { my($self, $cust_pkg, $sdate) = @_; $self->option('recur_fee', 1) || 0; } sub base_recur_permonth { my($self, $cust_pkg) = @_; return 0 unless $self->freq =~ /^\d+$/ && $self->freq > 0; sprintf('%.2f', $self->base_recur($cust_pkg) / $self->freq ); } sub usageprice_recur { my($self, $cust_pkg, $sdate) = @_; my $recur = 0; $recur += $_->price foreach $cust_pkg->cust_pkg_usageprice; sprintf('%.2f', $recur); } sub calc_cancel { my $self = shift; my $conf = new FS::Conf; if ( $self->recur_temporality eq 'preceding' and $self->option('bill_recur_on_cancel', 1) ) { # run another recurring cycle return $self->calc_recur(@_); } elsif ( $conf->exists('bill_usage_on_cancel') # should be a package option? and $self->can('calc_usage') ) { # bill for outstanding usage return $self->calc_usage(@_); } 0; } sub calc_remain { my ($self, $cust_pkg, %options) = @_; my $time; if ($options{'time'}) { $time = $options{'time'}; } else { $time = time; } my $next_bill = $cust_pkg->getfield('bill') || 0; return 0 if ! $self->base_recur($cust_pkg, \$time) || ! $next_bill || $next_bill < $time; # Use actual charge for this period, not base_recur (for discounts). # Use sdate < $time and edate >= $time because when billing on # cancellation, edate = $time. my $credit = 0; foreach my $cust_bill_pkg ( qsearch('cust_bill_pkg', { pkgnum => $cust_pkg->pkgnum, sdate => {op => '<' , value => $time}, edate => {op => '>=', value => $time}, recur => {op => '>' , value => 0}, }) ) { # hack to deal with the weird behavior of edate on package cancellation my $edate = $cust_bill_pkg->edate; if ( $self->recur_temporality eq 'preceding' ) { $edate = $self->add_freq($cust_bill_pkg->sdate); } my $amount = ($cust_bill_pkg->recur - $cust_bill_pkg->usage) * ($edate - $time) / ($edate - $cust_bill_pkg->sdate); $credit += $amount; push @{ $options{'cust_credit_source_bill_pkg'} }, new FS::cust_credit_source_bill_pkg { 'billpkgnum' => $cust_bill_pkg->billpkgnum, 'amount' => sprintf('%.2f', $amount), 'currency' => $cust_bill_pkg->cust_bill->currency, } if $options{'cust_credit_source_bill_pkg'}; } sprintf('%.2f', $credit); } sub is_free_options { qw( setup_fee recur_fee ); } sub is_prepaid { 0; } #no, we're postpaid sub can_start_date { my $self = shift; my %opt = @_; return 0 if $self->start_on_hold; ! $self->option('start_1st', 1) && ( ! $self->option('sync_bill_date',1) || ! $self->option('prorate_defer_bill',1) || ! $opt{'num_ncancelled_pkgs'} ); } sub can_discount { 1; } sub can_usageprice { 1; } sub recur_temporality { my $self = shift; $self->option('recur_temporality', 1); } sub usage_valuehash { my $self = shift; map { $_, $self->option($_) } grep { $self->option($_, 'hush') } qw(seconds upbytes downbytes totalbytes); } sub reset_usage { my($self, $cust_pkg, %opt) = @_; warn " resetting usage counters" if defined($opt{debug}) && $opt{debug} > 1; my %values = $self->usage_valuehash; if ($self->option('usage_rollover', 1)) { $cust_pkg->recharge(\%values); }else{ $cust_pkg->set_usage(\%values, %opt); } } 1;