package FS::part_fee; use strict; use base qw( FS::o2m_Common FS::Record ); use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs ); use FS::cust_bill_pkg_display; our $DEBUG = 0; our $default_class; =head1 NAME FS::part_fee - Object methods for part_fee records =head1 SYNOPSIS use FS::part_fee; $record = new FS::part_fee \%hash; $record = new FS::part_fee { 'column' => 'value' }; $error = $record->insert; $error = $new_record->replace($old_record); $error = $record->delete; $error = $record->check; =head1 DESCRIPTION An FS::part_fee object represents the definition of a fee Fees are like packages, but instead of being ordered and then billed on a cycle, they are created by the operation of events and added to a single invoice. The fee definition specifies the fee's description, how the amount is calculated (a flat fee or a percentage of the customer's balance), and how to classify the fee for tax and reporting purposes. FS::part_fee inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported: =over 4 =item feepart - primary key =item comment - a description of the fee for employee use, not shown on the invoice =item disabled - 'Y' if the fee is disabled =item classnum - the L that the fee belongs to, for reporting and placement on multisection invoices. Unlike packages, fees I be assigned to a class; they will default to class named "Fees", which belongs to the same invoice section that normally contains taxes. =item taxable - 'Y' if this fee should be considered a taxable sale. Currently, taxable fees will be treated like they exist at the customer's default service location. =item taxclass - the tax class the fee belongs to, as a string, for the internal tax system =item taxproductnum - the tax product family the fee belongs to, for the external tax system in use, if any =item pay_weight - Weight (relative to credit_weight and other package/fee definitions) that controls payment application to specific line items. =item credit_weight - Weight that controls credit application to specific line items. =item agentnum - the agent (L) who uses this fee definition. =item amount - the flat fee to charge, as a decimal amount =item percent - the percentage of the base to charge (out of 100). If both this and "amount" are specified, the fee will be the sum of the two. =item basis - the method for calculating the base: currently one of "charged", "owed", or null. =item minimum - the minimum fee that should be charged =item maximum - the maximum fee that should be charged =item limit_credit - 'Y' to set the maximum fee at the customer's credit balance, if any. =item setuprecur - whether the fee should be classified as 'setup' or 'recur', for reporting purposes. =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new HASHREF Creates a new fee definition. To add the record to the database, see L<"insert">. =cut sub table { 'part_fee'; } =item insert Adds this record to the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =item delete Delete this record from the database. =item replace OLD_RECORD Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =item check Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid example. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert and replace methods. =cut sub check { my $self = shift; $self->set('amount', 0) unless $self->amount; $self->set('percent', 0) unless $self->percent; $default_class ||= qsearchs('pkg_class', { classname => 'Fees' }) or die "default package fee class not found; run freeside-upgrade to continue.\n"; if (!$self->get('classnum')) { $self->set('classnum', $default_class->classnum); } my $error = $self->ut_numbern('feepart') || $self->ut_textn('comment') || $self->ut_flag('disabled') || $self->ut_foreign_keyn('classnum', 'pkg_class', 'classnum') || $self->ut_flag('taxable') || $self->ut_textn('taxclass') || $self->ut_numbern('taxproductnum') || $self->ut_floatn('pay_weight') || $self->ut_floatn('credit_weight') || $self->ut_agentnum_acl('agentnum', [ 'Edit global package definitions' ]) || $self->ut_money('amount') || $self->ut_float('percent') || $self->ut_moneyn('minimum') || $self->ut_moneyn('maximum') || $self->ut_flag('limit_credit') || $self->ut_enum('basis', [ 'charged', 'owed', 'usage' ]) || $self->ut_enum('setuprecur', [ 'setup', 'recur' ]) ; return $error if $error; if ( $self->get('limit_credit') ) { $self->set('maximum', ''); } if ( $self->get('basis') eq 'usage' ) { # to avoid confusion, don't also allow charging a percentage $self->set('percent', 0); } $self->SUPER::check; } =item explanation Returns a string describing how this fee is calculated. =cut sub explanation { my $self = shift; # XXX customer currency my $money_char = FS::Conf->new->config('money_char') || '$'; my $money = $money_char . '%.2f'; my $percent = '%.1f%%'; my $string = ''; if ( $self->amount > 0 ) { $string = sprintf($money, $self->amount); } if ( $self->percent > 0 ) { if ( $string ) { $string .= " plus "; } $string .= sprintf($percent, $self->percent); $string .= ' of the '; if ( $self->basis eq 'charged' ) { $string .= 'invoice amount'; } elsif ( $self->basis('owed') ) { $string .= 'unpaid invoice balance'; } } elsif ( $self->basis eq 'usage' ) { if ( $string ) { $string .= " plus \n"; } # append per-class descriptions $string .= join("\n", map { $_->explanation } $self->part_fee_usage); } if ( $self->minimum or $self->maximum or $self->limit_credit ) { $string .= "\nbut"; if ( $self->minimum ) { $string .= ' at least '.sprintf($money, $self->minimum); } if ( $self->maximum ) { $string .= ' and' if $self->minimum; $string .= ' at most '.sprintf($money, $self->maximum); } if ( $self->limit_credit ) { if ( $self->maximum ) { $string .= ", or the customer's credit balance, whichever is less."; } else { $string .= ' and' if $self->minimum; $string .= " not more than the customer's credit balance"; } } } return $string; } =item lineitem INVOICE Given INVOICE (an L), returns an L object representing the invoice line item for the fee, with linked L record(s) allocating the fee to the invoice or its line items, as appropriate. If the fee is going to be charged on the upcoming invoice (credit card processing fees, postal invoice fees), INVOICE should be an uninserted L object where the 'cust_bill_pkg' property is an arrayref of the non-fee line items that will appear on the invoice. =cut sub lineitem { my $self = shift; my $cust_bill = shift; my $cust_main = $cust_bill->cust_main; my $amount = 0 + $self->get('amount'); my $total_base; # sum of base line items my @items; # base line items (cust_bill_pkg records) my @item_base; # charged/owed of that item (sequential w/ @items) my @item_fee; # fee amount of that item (sequential w/ @items) my @cust_bill_pkg_fee; # link record warn "Calculating fee: ".$self->itemdesc." on ". ($cust_bill->invnum ? "invoice #".$cust_bill->invnum : "current invoice"). "\n" if $DEBUG; my $basis = $self->basis; # $total_base: the total charged/owed on the invoice # %item_base: billpkgnum => fraction of base amount if ( $cust_bill->invnum ) { # calculate the fee on an already-inserted past invoice. This may have # payments or credits, so if basis = owed, we need to consider those. @items = $cust_bill->cust_bill_pkg; if ( $basis ne 'usage' ) { $total_base = $cust_bill->$basis; # "charged", "owed" my $basis_sql = $basis.'_sql'; my $sql = 'SELECT ' . FS::cust_bill_pkg->$basis_sql . ' FROM cust_bill_pkg WHERE billpkgnum = ?'; @item_base = map { FS::Record->scalar_sql($sql, $_->billpkgnum) } @items; $amount += $total_base * $self->percent / 100; } } else { # the fee applies to _this_ invoice. It has no payments or credits, so # "charged" and "owed" basis are both just the invoice amount, and # the line item amounts (setup + recur) @items = @{ $cust_bill->get('cust_bill_pkg') }; if ( $basis ne 'usage' ) { $total_base = $cust_bill->charged; @item_base = map { $_->setup + $_->recur } @items; $amount += $total_base * $self->percent / 100; } } if ( $basis eq 'usage' ) { my %part_fee_usage = map { $_->classnum => $_ } $self->part_fee_usage; foreach my $item (@items) { # cust_bill_pkg objects my $usage_fee = 0; $item->regularize_details; my $details; if ( $item->billpkgnum ) { $details = [ qsearch('cust_bill_pkg_detail', { billpkgnum => $item->billpkgnum }) ]; } else { $details = $item->get('details') || []; } foreach my $d (@$details) { # if there's a usage fee defined for this class... next if $d->amount eq '' # not a real usage detail or $d->amount == 0 # zero charge, probably shouldn't charge fee ; my $p = $part_fee_usage{$d->classnum} or next; $usage_fee += ($d->amount * $p->percent / 100) + $p->amount; # we'd create detail records here if we were doing that } # bypass @item_base entirely push @item_fee, $usage_fee; $amount += $usage_fee; } } # if $basis eq 'usage' if ( $self->minimum ne '' and $amount < $self->minimum ) { warn "Applying mininum fee\n" if $DEBUG; $amount = $self->minimum; } my $maximum = $self->maximum; if ( $self->limit_credit ) { my $balance = $cust_bill->cust_main->balance; if ( $balance >= 0 ) { warn "Credit balance is zero, so fee is zero" if $DEBUG; return; # don't bother doing estimated tax, etc. } elsif ( -1 * $balance < $maximum ) { $maximum = -1 * $balance; } } if ( $maximum ne '' and $amount > $maximum ) { warn "Applying maximum fee\n" if $DEBUG; $amount = $maximum; } # at this point, if the fee is zero, return nothing return if $amount < 0.005; $amount = sprintf('%.2f', $amount); my $cust_bill_pkg = FS::cust_bill_pkg->new({ feepart => $self->feepart, pkgnum => 0, # no sdate/edate, right? setup => 0, recur => 0, }); if ( $maximum and $self->taxable ) { warn "Estimating taxes on fee.\n" if $DEBUG; # then we need to estimate tax to respect the maximum # XXX currently doesn't work with external (tax_rate) taxes # or batch taxes, obviously my $taxlisthash = {}; my $error = $cust_main->_handle_taxes( $taxlisthash, $cust_bill_pkg, location => $cust_main->ship_location ); my $total_rate = 0; # $taxlisthash: tax identifier => [ cust_main_county, cust_bill_pkg... ] my @taxes = map { $_->[0] } values %$taxlisthash; foreach (@taxes) { $total_rate += $_->tax; } if ($total_rate > 0) { my $max_cents = $maximum * 100; my $charge_cents = sprintf('%0.f', $max_cents * 100/(100 + $total_rate)); # the actual maximum that we can charge... $maximum = sprintf('%.2f', $charge_cents / 100.00); $amount = $maximum if $amount > $maximum; } } # if $maximum and $self->taxable # set the amount that we'll charge $cust_bill_pkg->set( $self->setuprecur, $amount ); # create display record my $categoryname = ''; if ( $self->classnum ) { my $pkg_category = $self->pkg_class->pkg_category; $categoryname = $pkg_category->categoryname if $pkg_category; } my $displaytype = ($self->setuprecur eq 'setup') ? 'S' : 'R'; my $display = FS::cust_bill_pkg_display->new({ type => $displaytype, section => $categoryname, # post_total? summary? who the hell knows? }); $cust_bill_pkg->set('display', [ $display ]); # if this is a percentage fee and has line item fractions, # adjust them to be proportional and to add up correctly. if ( @item_base ) { my $cents = $amount * 100; # not necessarily the same as percent my $multiplier = $amount / $total_base; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@items); $i++) { my $fee = sprintf('%.2f', $item_base[$i] * $multiplier); $item_fee[$i] = $fee; $cents -= $fee * 100; } # correct rounding error while ($cents >= 0.5 or $cents < -0.5) { foreach my $fee (@item_fee) { if ( $cents >= 0.5 ) { $fee += 0.01; $cents--; } elsif ( $cents < -0.5 ) { $fee -= 0.01; $cents++; } } } } if ( @item_fee ) { # add allocation records to the cust_bill_pkg for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@items); $i++) { if ( $item_fee[$i] > 0 ) { push @cust_bill_pkg_fee, FS::cust_bill_pkg_fee->new({ cust_bill_pkg => $cust_bill_pkg, base_invnum => $cust_bill->invnum, # may be null amount => $item_fee[$i], base_cust_bill_pkg => $items[$i], # late resolve }); } } } else { # if !@item_fee # then this isn't a proportional fee, so it just applies to the # entire invoice. push @cust_bill_pkg_fee, FS::cust_bill_pkg_fee->new({ cust_bill_pkg => $cust_bill_pkg, base_invnum => $cust_bill->invnum, # may be null amount => $amount, }); } # cust_bill_pkg::insert will handle this $cust_bill_pkg->set('cust_bill_pkg_fee', \@cust_bill_pkg_fee); # avoid misbehavior by usage() and some other things $cust_bill_pkg->set('details', []); return $cust_bill_pkg; } =item itemdesc_locale LOCALE Returns a customer-viewable description of this fee for the given locale, from the part_fee_msgcat table. If the locale is empty or no localized fee description exists, returns part_fee.itemdesc. =cut sub itemdesc_locale { my ( $self, $locale ) = @_; return $self->itemdesc unless $locale; my $part_fee_msgcat = qsearchs('part_fee_msgcat', { feepart => $self->feepart, locale => $locale, }) or return $self->itemdesc; $part_fee_msgcat->itemdesc; } =item tax_rates DATA_PROVIDER, GEOCODE Returns the external taxes (L objects) that apply to this fee, in the location specified by GEOCODE. =cut sub tax_rates { my $self = shift; my ($vendor, $geocode) = @_; return unless $self->taxproductnum; my $taxproduct = FS::part_pkg_taxproduct->by_key($self->taxproductnum); # cch stuff my @taxclassnums = map { $_->taxclassnum } $taxproduct->part_pkg_taxrate($geocode); return unless @taxclassnums; warn "Found taxclassnum values of ". join(',', @taxclassnums) ."\n" if $DEBUG; my $extra_sql = "AND taxclassnum IN (". join(',', @taxclassnums) . ")"; my @taxes = qsearch({ 'table' => 'tax_rate', 'hashref' => { 'geocode' => $geocode, 'data_vendor' => $vendor }, 'extra_sql' => $extra_sql, }); warn "Found taxes ". join(',', map {$_->taxnum} @taxes) ."\n" if $DEBUG; return @taxes; } =item categoryname Returns the package category name, or the empty string if there is no package category. =cut sub categoryname { my $self = shift; my $pkg_class = $self->pkg_class; $pkg_class ? $pkg_class->categoryname : ''; } sub part_pkg_taxoverride {} # we don't do overrides here sub has_taxproduct { my $self = shift; return ($self->taxproductnum ? 1 : 0); } =back =head1 BUGS =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut 1;