package FS::part_export::snmp; =head1 FS::part_export::snmp This export sends SNMP SETs to a router using the Net::SNMP package. It requires the following custom fields to be defined on a router. If any of the required custom fields are not present, then the export will exit quietly. =head1 Required custom fields =over 4 =item snmp_address - IP address (or hostname) of the router/agent =item snmp_comm - R/W SNMP community of the router/agent =item snmp_version - SNMP version of the router/agent =back =head1 Optional custom fields =over 4 =item snmp_cmd_insert - SNMP SETs to perform on insert. See L =item snmp_cmd_replace - SNMP SETs to perform on replace. See L =item snmp_cmd_delete - SNMP SETs to perform on delete. See L =item snmp_cmd_suspend - SNMP SETs to perform on suspend. See L =item snmp_cmd_unsuspend - SNMP SETs to perform on unsuspend. See L =back =head1 Formatting The values for the snmp_cmd_* fields should be formatted as follows: ||[||||[...]] =over 4 =item OID - SNMP object ID (ex. If the OID string starts with a '.', then the Private Enterprise OID ( is prepended. =item Data Type - SNMP data types understood by L, as well as HEX_STRING for convenience. ex. INTEGER, OCTET_STRING, IPADDRESS, ... =item expr - Expression to be eval'd by freeside. By default, the expression is double quoted and eval'd with all FS::svc_broadband fields available as scalars (ex. $svcnum, $ip_addr, $speed_up). However, if the expression contains a non-escaped double quote, the expression is eval'd without being double quoted. In this case, the expression must be a block of valid perl code that returns the desired value. You must escape non-delimiter pipes ("|") with a backslash. =back =head1 Examples This is an example for exporting to a Trango Access5830 AP. Newlines inserted for clarity. =over 4 =item snmp_cmd_delete -|INTEGER|50|||INTEGER|1| =item snmp_cmd_insert -|INTEGER|50|||HEX_STRING|join("",$radio_addr =~ /[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/g)|||INTEGER|1| =item snmp_cmd_replace -|INTEGER|50|||INTEGER|1|||INTEGER|50|||HEX_STRING|join("",$new_radio_addr =~ /[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/g)|||INTEGER|1| =back =cut use strict; use vars qw(@ISA %info $me $DEBUG); use Tie::IxHash; use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs); use FS::part_export; use FS::part_export::router; @ISA = qw(FS::part_export::router); tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash', (); %info = ( 'svc' => 'svc_broadband', 'desc' => 'Sends SNMP SETs to an SNMP agent.', 'options' => \%options, 'notes' => 'Requires Net::SNMP. See the documentation for FS::part_export::snmp for required virtual fields and usage information.', ); $me= '[' . __PACKAGE__ . ']'; $DEBUG = 1; sub _field_prefix { 'snmp'; } sub _req_router_fields { map { $_[0]->_field_prefix . '_' . $_ } (qw(address comm version)); } sub _get_cmd_sub { my ($self, $svc_broadband, $router) = (shift, shift, shift); return(ref($self) . '::snmp_cmd'); } sub _prepare_args { my ($self, $action, $router) = (shift, shift, shift); my ($svc_broadband) = shift; my $old; my $field_prefix = $self->_field_prefix; if ($action eq 'replace') { $old = shift; } my $raw_cmd = $router->getfield("${field_prefix}_cmd_${action}"); unless ($raw_cmd) { warn "[debug]$me router custom field '${field_prefix}_cmd_$action' " . "is not defined." if $DEBUG; return ''; } my $args = [ '-hostname' => $router->getfield($field_prefix.'_address'), '-version' => $router->getfield($field_prefix.'_version'), '-community' => $router->getfield($field_prefix.'_comm'), ]; my @varbindlist = (); foreach my $snmp_cmd ($raw_cmd =~ m/(.*?[^\\])(?:\|\||$)/g) { warn "[debug]$me snmp_cmd is '$snmp_cmd'" if $DEBUG; my ($oid, $type, $expr) = $snmp_cmd =~ m/(.*?[^\\])(?:\||$)/g; if ($oid =~ /^([\d\.]+)$/) { $oid = $1; $oid = ($oid =~ /^\./) ? '' . $oid : $oid; } else { return "Invalid SNMP OID '$oid'"; } if ($type =~ /^([A-Z_\d]+)$/) { $type = $1; } else { return "Invalid SNMP ASN.1 type '$type'"; } if ($expr =~ /^(.*)$/) { $expr = $1; } else { return "Invalid expression '$expr'"; } { no strict 'vars'; no strict 'refs'; if ($action eq 'replace') { ${"old_$_"} = $old->getfield($_) foreach $old->fields; ${"new_$_"} = $svc_broadband->getfield($_) foreach $svc_broadband->fields; $expr = ($expr =~/[^\\]"/) ? eval($expr) : eval(qq("$expr")); } else { ${$_} = $svc_broadband->getfield($_) foreach $svc_broadband->fields; $expr = ($expr =~/[^\\]"/) ? eval($expr) : eval(qq("$expr")); } return $@ if $@; } push @varbindlist, ($oid, $type, $expr); } push @$args, ('-varbindlist', @varbindlist); return('', $args); } sub snmp_cmd { eval "use Net::SNMP;"; die $@ if $@; my %args = (); my @varbindlist = (); while (scalar(@_)) { my $key = shift; if ($key eq '-varbindlist') { push @varbindlist, @_; last; } else { $args{$key} = shift; } } my $i = 0; while ($i*3 < scalar(@varbindlist)) { my $type_index = ($i*3)+1; my $type_name = $varbindlist[$type_index]; # Implementing HEX_STRING outselves since Net::SNMP doesn't. Ewwww! if ($type_name eq 'HEX_STRING') { my $value_index = $type_index + 1; $type_name = 'OCTET_STRING'; $varbindlist[$value_index] = pack('H*', $varbindlist[$value_index]); } my $type = eval "Net::SNMP::$type_name"; if ($@ or not defined $type) { warn $@ if $DEBUG; die "snmp_cmd error: Unable to lookup type '$type_name'"; } $varbindlist[$type_index] = $type; } continue { $i++; } my ($snmp, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(%args); die "snmp_cmd error: $error" unless($snmp); my $res = $snmp->set_request('-varbindlist' => \@varbindlist); unless($res) { $error = $snmp->error; $snmp->close; die "snmp_cmd error: " . $error; } $snmp->close; return ''; } =head1 BUGS Plenty, I'm sure. =cut 1;