package FS::part_export::shellcommands_withdomain; use vars qw(@ISA %info); use Tie::IxHash; use FS::part_export::shellcommands; @ISA = qw(FS::part_export::shellcommands); tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash', 'user' => { label=>'Remote username', default=>'root' }, 'useradd' => { label=>'Insert command', #default=>'' }, 'useradd_stdin' => { label=>'Insert command STDIN', type =>'textarea', #default=>"$_password\n$_password\n", }, 'userdel' => { label=>'Delete command', #default=>'', }, 'userdel_stdin' => { label=>'Delete command STDIN', type =>'textarea', #default=>'', }, 'usermod' => { label=>'Modify command', default=>'', }, 'usermod_stdin' => { label=>'Modify command STDIN', type =>'textarea', #default=>"$_password\n$_password\n", }, 'usermod_pwonly' => { label=>'Disallow username, domain, uid, dir and RADIUS group changes', type =>'checkbox', }, 'usermod_nousername' => { label=>'Disallow just username changes', type =>'checkbox', }, 'suspend' => { label=>'Suspension command', default=>'', }, 'suspend_stdin' => { label=>'Suspension command STDIN', default=>'', }, 'unsuspend' => { label=>'Unsuspension command', default=>'', }, 'unsuspend_stdin' => { label=>'Unsuspension command STDIN', default=>'', }, 'crypt' => { label => 'Default password encryption', type=>'select', options=>[qw(crypt md5)], default => 'crypt', }, ; %info = ( 'svc' => 'svc_acct', 'desc' => 'Real-time export via remote SSH (vpopmail, ISPMan)', 'options' => \%options, 'notes' => <<'END' Run remote commands via SSH. username@domain (rather than just usernames) are considered unique (also see shellcommands). You probably want this if the commands you are running will accept a domain as a parameter, and will allow the same username with different domains. You will need to setup SSH for unattended operation.

Use these buttons for some useful presets: The following variables are available for interpolation (prefixed with new_ or old_ for replace operations): END ); 1;