package FS::part_export::phone_http; use base qw( FS::part_export::http ); use Tie::IxHash; tie our %options, 'Tie::IxHash', 'method' => { label =>'Method', type =>'select', #options =>[qw(POST GET)], options =>[qw(POST)], default =>'POST' }, 'url' => { label => 'URL', default => 'http://', }, 'ssl_no_verify' => { label => 'Skip SSL certificate validation', type => 'checkbox', }, 'insert_data' => { label => 'Insert data', type => 'textarea', default => join("\n", ), }, 'delete_data' => { label => 'Delete data', type => 'textarea', default => join("\n", ), }, 'replace_data' => { label => 'Replace data', type => 'textarea', default => join("\n", ), }, 'suspend_data' => { label => 'Suspend data', type => 'textarea', default => join("\n", ), }, 'unsuspend_data' => { label => 'Unsuspend data', type => 'textarea', default => join("\n", ), }, 'success_regexp' => { label => 'Success Regexp', default => '', }, ; %info = ( 'svc' => 'svc_phone', 'desc' => 'Send an HTTP or HTTPS GET or POST request, for phone number services.', 'options' => \%options, 'no_machine' => 1, 'notes' => <<'END' Send an HTTP or HTTPS GET or POST to the specified URL on account addition, modification and deletion.

Each "Data" option takes a list of name value pairs on successive lines.

If "Success Regexp" is specified, the response from the server will be tested against it to determine if the export succeeded.

END ); 1;