package FS::part_export::netsapiens; use vars qw(@ISA $me %info); use MIME::Base64; use Tie::IxHash; use FS::part_export; use Date::Format qw( time2str ); use Regexp::Common qw/URI/; @ISA = qw(FS::part_export); $me = '[FS::part_export::netsapiens]'; #These export options set default values for the various commands #to create/update objects. Add more options as needed. my %tristate = ( type => 'select', options => [ '', 'yes', 'no' ]); tie my %subscriber_fields, 'Tie::IxHash', 'admin_vmail' => { label=>'VMail Prov.', %tristate }, 'dial_plan' => { label=>'Dial Translation' }, 'dial_policy' => { label=>'Dial Permission' }, 'call_limit' => { label=>'Call Limit' }, 'domain_dir' => { label=>'Dir Lst', %tristate }, ; tie my %registrar_fields, 'Tie::IxHash', 'authenticate_register' => { label=>'Authenticate Registration', %tristate }, 'authentication_realm' => { label=>'Authentication Realm' }, ; tie my %dialplan_fields, 'Tie::IxHash', 'responder' => { label=>'Application' }, #this could be nicer 'from_name' => { label=>'Source Name Translation' }, 'from_user' => { label=>'Source User Translation' }, ; my %features = ( 'for' => 'Forward', 'fnr' => 'Forward Not Registered', 'fna' => 'Forward No Answer', 'fbu' => 'Forward Busy', 'dnd' => 'Do-Not-Disturb', 'sim' => 'Simultaneous Ring', ); my %feature_param = ( 'dnd' => 'n/a', 'sim' => '$phonenum', ); tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash', 'login' => { label=>'NetSapiens tac2 User API username' }, 'password' => { label=>'NetSapiens tac2 User API password' }, 'url' => { label=>'NetSapiens tac2 User URL' }, 'device_login' => { label=>'NetSapiens tac2 Device API username' }, 'device_password' => { label=>'NetSapiens tac2 Device API password' }, 'device_url' => { label=>'NetSapiens tac2 Device URL' }, 'domain' => { label=>'NetSapiens Domain' }, 'domain_no_tld' => { label=>'Omit TLD from domains', type=>'checkbox' }, 'debug' => { label=>'Enable debugging', type=>'checkbox' }, %subscriber_fields, 'features' => { label => 'Default features', type => 'select', multiple => 1, options => [ keys %features ], option_label => sub { $features{$_[0]}; }, }, %registrar_fields, %dialplan_fields, 'did_countrycode' => { label=>'Use country code in DID destination', type =>'checkbox' }, ; %info = ( 'svc' => [qw( svc_phone part_device )], 'desc' => 'Provision phone numbers to NetSapiens', 'options' => \%options, 'no_machine' => 1, 'notes' => <<'END' Requires installation of REST::Client from CPAN. END ); # sub rebless { shift; } sub check_options { my ($self, $options) = @_; my $rex = qr/$RE{URI}{HTTP}{-scheme => qr|https?|}/; # match any "http:" or "https:" URL for my $key (qw/url device_url/) { if ($$options{$key} && ($$options{$key} !~ $rex)) { return "Invalid (URL): " . $$options{$key}; } } return ''; } sub ns_command { my $self = shift; $self->_ns_command('', @_); } sub ns_device_command { my $self = shift; $self->_ns_command('device_', @_); } sub _ns_command { my( $self, $prefix, $method, $command ) = splice(@_,0,4); # kludge to curb excessive paranoia in LWP 6.0+ local $ENV{'PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME'} = 0; eval 'use REST::Client'; die $@ if $@; my $ns = new REST::Client 'host'=>$self->option($prefix.'url'); my @args = ( $command ); if ( $method eq 'PUT' ) { my $content = $ns->buildQuery( { @_ } ); $content =~ s/^\?//; push @args, $content; } elsif ( $method eq 'GET' ) { $args[0] .= $ns->buildQuery( { @_ } ); } warn "$me $method ". $self->option($prefix.'url'). join(', ', @args). "\n" if $self->option('debug'); my $auth = encode_base64( $self->option($prefix.'login'). ':'. $self->option($prefix.'password') ); push @args, { 'Authorization' => "Basic $auth" }; $ns->$method( @args ); $ns; } sub ns_domain { my($self, $svc_phone) = (shift, shift); my $domain = $svc_phone->domain || $self->option('domain'); $domain =~ s/\.\w{2,4}$// if $self->option('domain_no_tld'); $domain; } sub ns_subscriber { my($self, $svc_phone) = (shift, shift); my $domain = $self->ns_domain($svc_phone); my $phonenum = $svc_phone->phonenum; "/domains_config/$domain/subscriber_config/$phonenum"; } sub ns_registrar { my($self, $svc_phone) = (shift, shift); $self->ns_subscriber($svc_phone). '/registrar_config/'. $self->ns_devicename($svc_phone); } sub ns_feature { my($self, $svc_phone, $feature) = (shift, shift, shift); $self->ns_subscriber($svc_phone). "/feature_config/$feature,*,*,*,*"; } sub ns_devicename { my( $self, $svc_phone ) = (shift, shift); my $domain = $self->ns_domain($svc_phone); #my $countrycode = $svc_phone->countrycode; my $phonenum = $svc_phone->phonenum; #"sip:$countrycode$phonenum\@$domain"; "sip:$phonenum\@$domain"; } sub ns_dialplan { my($self, $svc_phone) = (shift, shift); my $countrycode = $svc_phone->countrycode || '1'; my $phonenum = $svc_phone->phonenum; # Only in the dialplan destination, nowhere else if ( $self->option('did_countrycode') ) { $phonenum = $countrycode . $phonenum; } #"/dialplans/DID+Table/dialplan_config/sip:$countrycode$phonenum\@*" "/domains_config/admin-only/dialplans/DID+Table/dialplan_config/sip:$phonenum\@*,*,*,*,*,*,*"; } sub ns_device { my($self, $svc_phone, $phone_device ) = (shift, shift, shift); #my $countrycode = $svc_phone->countrycode; #my $phonenum = $svc_phone->phonenum; "/phones_config/". lc($phone_device->mac_addr); } sub ns_create_or_update { my($self, $svc_phone, $dial_policy) = (shift, shift, shift); my $domain = $self->ns_domain($svc_phone); #my $countrycode = $svc_phone->countrycode; my $phonenum = $svc_phone->phonenum; #deal w/unaudited netsapiens services? my $cust_main = $svc_phone->cust_svc->cust_pkg->cust_main; my( $firstname, $lastname ); if ( $svc_phone->phone_name =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S.*\S)\s*$/ ) { $firstname = $1; $lastname = $2; } else { $firstname = $cust_main->get('first'); $lastname = $cust_main->get('last'); } my ($email) = ($cust_main->invoicing_list_emailonly, ''); my $custnum = $cust_main->custnum; ### # Piece 1 (already done) - User creation ### $phonenum =~ /^(\d{3})/; my $area_code = $1; my $ns = $self->ns_command( 'PUT', $self->ns_subscriber($svc_phone), 'subscriber_login' => $phonenum.'@'.$domain, 'firstname' => $firstname, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'subscriber_pin' => $svc_phone->pin, 'callid_name' => "$firstname $lastname", 'callid_nmbr' => $phonenum, 'callid_emgr' => $phonenum, 'email_address' => $email, 'area_code' => $area_code, 'srv_code' => $custnum, 'date_created' => time2str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time), $self->options_named(keys %subscriber_fields), # allow this to be overridden for suspend ( $dial_policy ? ('dial_policy' => $dial_policy) : () ), ); if ( $ns->responseCode !~ /^2/ ) { return $ns->responseCode. ' '. join(', ', $self->ns_parse_response( $ns->responseContent ) ); } ### # Piece 1.5 - feature creation ### foreach $feature (split /\s+/, $self->option('features') ) { my $param= exists($feature_param{$feature}) ? $feature_param{$feature} : ''; $param = $phonenum if $param eq '$phonenum'; my $nsf = $self->ns_command( 'PUT', $self->ns_feature($svc_phone, $feature), 'control' => 'd', #User Control, disable 'expires' => 'never', #'ts' => '', #? 'parameters' => $param, 'hour_match' => '*', 'time_frame' => '*', 'activation' => 'now', ); if ( $nsf->responseCode !~ /^2/ ) { return $nsf->responseCode. ' '. join(', ', $self->ns_parse_response( $ns->responseContent ) ); } } ### # Piece 2 - sip device creation ### my $ns2 = $self->ns_command( 'PUT', $self->ns_registrar($svc_phone), 'termination_match' => $self->ns_devicename($svc_phone), 'authentication_key'=> $svc_phone->sip_password, 'srv_code' => $custnum, $self->options_named(keys %registrar_fields), ); if ( $ns2->responseCode !~ /^2/ ) { return $ns2->responseCode. ' '. join(', ', $self->ns_parse_response( $ns2->responseContent ) ); } ### # Piece 3 - DID mapping to user ### my $ns3 = $self->ns_command( 'PUT', $self->ns_dialplan($svc_phone), 'to_user' => $phonenum, 'to_host' => $domain, 'plan_description' => "$custnum: $lastname, $firstname", #config? $self->options_named(keys %dialplan_fields), ); if ( $ns3->responseCode !~ /^2/ ) { return $ns3->responseCode. ' '. join(', ', $self->ns_parse_response( $ns3->responseContent ) ); } ''; } sub ns_delete { my($self, $svc_phone) = (shift, shift); # do the create steps in reverse order, though I'm not sure it matters my $ns3 = $self->ns_command( 'DELETE', $self->ns_dialplan($svc_phone) ); if ( $ns3->responseCode !~ /^2/ ) { return $ns3->responseCode. ' '. join(', ', $self->ns_parse_response( $ns3->responseContent ) ); } my $ns2 = $self->ns_command( 'DELETE', $self->ns_registrar($svc_phone) ); if ( $ns2->responseCode !~ /^2/ ) { return $ns2->responseCode. ' '. join(', ', $self->ns_parse_response( $ns2->responseContent ) ); } my $ns = $self->ns_command( 'DELETE', $self->ns_subscriber($svc_phone) ); if ( $ns->responseCode !~ /^2/ ) { return $ns->responseCode. ' '. join(', ', $self->ns_parse_response( $ns->responseContent ) ); } ''; } sub ns_parse_response { my( $self, $content ) = ( shift, shift ); #try to screen-scrape something useful tie my %hash, Tie::IxHash; while ( $content =~ s/^.*?

\s*(.+?)<\/b>\s*(.+?)\s*<\/p>//is ) { ( $hash{$1} = $2 ) =~ s/^\s*<(\w+)>(.+?)<\/\1>/$2/is; } %hash; } sub _export_insert { my($self, $svc_phone) = (shift, shift); $self->ns_create_or_update($svc_phone); } sub _export_replace { my( $self, $new, $old ) = (shift, shift, shift); return "can't change phonenum with NetSapiens (unprovision and reprovision?)" if $old->phonenum ne $new->phonenum; $self->_export_insert($new); } sub _export_delete { my( $self, $svc_phone ) = (shift, shift); $self->ns_delete($svc_phone); } sub _export_suspend { my( $self, $svc_phone ) = (shift, shift); $self->ns_create_or_update($svc_phone, 'Deny'); } sub _export_unsuspend { my( $self, $svc_phone ) = (shift, shift); #$self->ns_create_or_update($svc_phone, 'Permit All'); $self->_export_insert($svc_phone); } sub export_device_insert { my( $self, $svc_phone, $phone_device ) = (shift, shift, shift); my $domain = $self->ns_domain($svc_phone); my $countrycode = $svc_phone->countrycode; my $phonenum = $svc_phone->phonenum; my $ns = $self->ns_device_command( 'PUT', $self->ns_device($svc_phone, $phone_device), 'line1_enable' => 'yes', 'device1' => $self->ns_devicename($svc_phone), 'line1_ext' => $phonenum, , #'line2_enable' => 'yes', #'device2' => #'line2_ext' => #'notes' => 'server' => 'SiPbx', 'domain' => $domain, 'brand' => $phone_device->part_device->devicename, ); if ( $ns->responseCode !~ /^2/ ) { return $ns->responseCode. ' '. join(', ', $self->ns_parse_response( $ns->responseContent ) ); } ''; } sub export_device_delete { my( $self, $svc_phone, $phone_device ) = (shift, shift, shift); my $ns = $self->ns_device_command( 'DELETE', $self->ns_device($svc_phone, $phone_device), ); if ( $ns->responseCode !~ /^2/ ) { return $ns->responseCode. ' '. join(', ', $self->ns_parse_response( $ns->responseContent ) ); } ''; } sub export_device_replace { my( $self, $svc_phone, $new_phone_device, $old_phone_device ) = (shift, shift, shift, shift); #? $self->export_device_insert( $svc_phone, $new_phone_device ); } sub export_links { my($self, $svc_phone, $arrayref) = (shift, shift, shift); #push @$arrayref, qq!!. $svc_phone->username. qq!!; ''; } sub options_named { my $self = shift; map { my $v = $self->option($_); length($v) ? ($_ => $v) : () } @_ } 1;