package FS::part_export::internal_diddb; use vars qw(@ISA %info); use Tie::IxHash; use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs); use FS::part_export; use FS::phone_avail; @ISA = qw(FS::part_export); tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash', 'countrycode' => { label => 'Country code', 'default' => '1', }, ; %info = ( 'svc' => 'svc_phone', 'desc' => 'Provision phone numbers from the internal DID database', 'notes' => 'After adding the export, DIDs may be imported under Tools -> Importing -> Import phone numbers (DIDs)', 'options' => \%options, ); sub rebless { shift; } sub get_dids { my $self = shift; my %opt = ref($_[0]) ? %{$_[0]} : @_; my %hash = ( 'countrycode' => ( $self->option('countrycode') || '1' ), 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum, 'svcnum' => '', ); if ( $opt{'areacode'} && $opt{'exchange'} ) { #return numbers $hash{npa} = $opt{areacode}; $hash{nxx} = $opt{exchange}; return [ map { $_->npa. '-'. $_->nxx. '-'. $_->station } qsearch({ 'table' => 'phone_avail', 'hashref' => \%hash, 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY station', }) ]; } elsif ( $opt{'areacode'} ) { #return city (npa-nxx-XXXX) $hash{npa} = $opt{areacode}; return [ map { '('. $_->npa. '-'. $_->nxx. '-XXXX)' } qsearch({ 'select' => 'DISTINCT npa, nxx', 'table' => 'phone_avail', 'hashref' => \%hash, 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY nxx', }) ]; } elsif ( $opt{'state'} ) { #return aracodes $hash{state} = $opt{state}; return [ map { $_->npa } qsearch({ 'select' => 'DISTINCT npa', 'table' => 'phone_avail', 'hashref' => \%hash, 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY npa', }) ]; } else { die "FS::part_export::internal_diddb::get_dids called without options\n"; } } sub _export_insert { #link phone_avail to svcnum my( $self, $svc_phone ) = (shift, shift); $svc_phone->phonenum =~ /^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d+)$/ or return "unparsable phone number: ". $svc_phone->phonenum; my( $npa, $nxx, $station ) = ($1, $2, $3); my $phone_avail = qsearchs('phone_avail', { 'countrycode' => ( $self->option('countrycode') || '1' ), 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum, 'svcnum' => '', 'npa' => $npa, 'nxx' => $nxx, 'station' => $station, }); return "number not available: ". $svc_phone->phonenum unless $phone_avail; $phone_avail->svcnum($svc_phone->svcnum); $phone_avail->replace; } sub _export_delete { #unlink phone_avail from svcnum my( $self, $svc_phone ) = (shift, shift); $svc_phone->phonenum =~ /^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d+)$/ or return "unparsable phone number: ". $svc_phone->phonenum; my( $npa, $nxx, $station ) = ($1, $2, $3); my $phone_avail = qsearchs('phone_avail', { 'countrycode' => ( $self->option('countrycode') || '1'), 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum, 'svcnum' => $svc_phone->svcnum, #these too? 'npa' => $npa, 'nxx' => $nxx, 'station' => $station, }); unless ( $phone_avail ) { warn "WARNING: can't find number to return to availability: ". $svc_phone->phonenum; return; } $phone_avail->svcnum(''); $phone_avail->replace; } sub _export_replace { ''; } sub _export_suspend { ''; } sub _export_unsuspend { ''; } 1;