package FS::part_export::ikano; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw(@ISA %info %loopType $me); use Tie::IxHash; use Date::Format qw( time2str ); use Date::Parse qw( str2time ); use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs dbh); use FS::part_export; use FS::svc_dsl; use Data::Dumper; @ISA = qw(FS::part_export); $me= '[' . __PACKAGE__ . ']'; tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash', 'keyid' => { label=>'Ikano keyid' }, 'username' => { label=>'Ikano username', default => 'admin', }, 'password' => { label=>'Ikano password' }, 'check_networks' => { label => 'Check Networks', default => 'ATT,BELLCA', }, 'debug' => { label => 'Debug Mode', type => 'checkbox' }, 'import' => { label => 'Import Mode', type => 'checkbox' }, ; %info = ( 'svc' => 'svc_dsl', 'desc' => 'Provision DSL to Ikano', 'options' => \%options, 'no_machine' => 1, 'notes' => <<'END' Requires installation of Net::Ikano from CPAN. END ); %loopType = ( '' => 'Line-share', '0' => 'Standalone' ); sub rebless { shift; } sub external_pkg_map { 1; } sub location_types { ( '' => '(None)', 'APT' => 'Apartment', 'BLDG' => 'Building', 'FLR' => 'Floor', 'LOT' => 'Lot', 'RM' => 'Room', 'SLIP' => 'Slip', 'SUIT' => 'Suite', 'TRLR' => 'Trailer', 'UNIT' => 'Unit', 'WING' => 'Wing', ); } sub location_types_parse { my $class = shift; my %t = $class->location_types; delete $t{''}; ( (map { $_ => $_ } keys %t), (reverse %t), 'STE' => 'SUIT', #USPS ); } sub import_mode { my $self = shift; $self->option('import'); } sub dsl_pull { # we distinguish between invalid new data (return error) versus data that # has legitimately changed (may eventually execute hooks; now just update) # if we do add hooks later, we should work on a copy of svc_dsl and pass # the old and new svc_dsl to the hooks so they know what changed # # current assumptions of what won't change (from their side): # vendor_order_id, vendor_qual_id, vendor_order_type, pushed, monitored, # last_pull, address (from qual), contact info, ProductCustomId my($self, $svc_dsl, $threshold, $import) = (shift, shift, shift, shift); return 'Invalid operation - Import Mode is enabled' if $self->import_mode && !$import; return 'invalid arguments' if $import && !$self->import_mode; warn "$me dsl_pull: import mode" if $self->option('debug'); unless ( $import ) { my $result = $self->valid_order($svc_dsl,'pull'); return $result unless $result eq ''; } my $now = time; if($now - $svc_dsl->last_pull < $threshold) { warn "$me skipping pull since threshold not reached (svcnum=" . $svc_dsl->svcnum . ",now=$now,threshold=$threshold,last_pull=" . $svc_dsl->last_pull .")" if $self->option('debug'); return ''; } my $result = $self->ikano_command('ORDERSTATUS', { OrderId => $svc_dsl->vendor_order_id } ); return $result unless ref($result); # scalar (string) is an error # now we're getting an OrderResponse which should have one Order in it warn "$me pull OrderResponse hash:\n".Dumper($result) if $self->option('debug'); return 'Invalid order response' unless defined $result->{'Order'}; $result = $result->{'Order'}; return 'No order id or status returned' unless defined $result->{'Status'} && defined $result->{'OrderId'}; local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; # 1. status my $order_status = grep($_ eq $result->{'Status'}, @Net::Ikano::orderStatus) ? $result->{'Status'} : ''; return 'Invalid new status' if $order_status eq ''; $svc_dsl->vendor_order_status($order_status) if($svc_dsl->vendor_order_status ne $order_status); $svc_dsl->monitored('') if ($order_status eq 'CANCELLED' || $order_status eq 'COMPLETED'); # 2. fields we don't care much about my %justUpdate = ( 'first' => 'FirstName', 'last' => 'LastName', 'company' => 'CompanyName', 'username' => 'Username', 'password' => 'Password' ); my($fsf, $ikanof); while (($fsf, $ikanof) = each %justUpdate) { $svc_dsl->$fsf($result->{$ikanof}) if $result->{$ikanof} ne $svc_dsl->$fsf; } # let's look inside the response element my @product = $result->{'Product'}; return 'Invalid number of products on order' if scalar(@product) != 1; my $product = $result->{'Product'}[0]; $svc_dsl->vendor_order_type('NEW') if $import; # lame # 3. phonenum if ( $import ) { if ( $product->{'PhoneNumber'} eq 'STANDALONE' ) { $svc_dsl->phonenum($product->{'VirtualPhoneNumber'}); $svc_dsl->loop_type('0'); } else { $svc_dsl->phonenum($product->{'PhoneNumber'}); $svc_dsl->loop_type(''); } } elsif($svc_dsl->loop_type eq '') { # line-share # TN may change only if sub changes it and New or Change order in Completed status my $tn = $product->{'PhoneNumber'}; if($tn ne $svc_dsl->phonenum) { if( ($svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'NEW' || $svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'CHANGE') && $svc_dsl->vendor_order_status eq 'COMPLETED' ) { $svc_dsl->phonenum($tn); } else { return 'TN has changed in an invalid state'; } } } elsif($svc_dsl->loop_type eq '0') { # dry loop # TN may change only if it's assigned while a New or Change order is in progress return 'Invalid PhoneNumber value for a dry loop' if $product->{'PhoneNumber'} ne 'STANDALONE'; my $tn = $product->{'VirtualPhoneNumber'}; if($tn ne $svc_dsl->phonenum) { if( ($svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'NEW' || $svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'CHANGE') && $svc_dsl->vendor_order_status ne 'COMPLETED' && $svc_dsl->vendor_order_status ne 'CANCELLED') { $svc_dsl->phonenum($tn); } else { return 'TN has changed in an invalid state'; } } } # 4. desired_due_date - may change if manually changed if($svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'NEW' || $svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'CHANGE'){ my $f = str2time($product->{'DateToOrder'}); return 'Invalid DateToOrder' unless $f; $svc_dsl->desired_due_date($f) if $svc_dsl->desired_due_date ne $f; # XXX: optionally sync back to start_date or whatever... } elsif($svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'CANCEL'){ my $f = str2time($product->{'DateToDisconnect'}); return 'Invalid DateToDisconnect' unless $f; $svc_dsl->desired_due_date($f) if $svc_dsl->desired_due_date ne $f; # XXX: optionally sync back to expire or whatever... } # 5. due_date if($svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'NEW' || $svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'CHANGE') { my $f = str2time($product->{'ActivationDate'}); if($svc_dsl->vendor_order_status ne 'NEW' && $svc_dsl->vendor_order_status ne 'CANCELLED') { return 'Invalid ActivationDate' unless $f; $svc_dsl->due_date($f) if $svc_dsl->due_date ne $f; } } # Ikano API does not implement the proper disconnect date, # so we can't do anything about it # 6. staticips - for now just comma-separate them my $tstatics = $result->{'StaticIps'}; my @istatics = defined $tstatics ? @$tstatics : (); my $ostatics = $svc_dsl->staticips; my @ostatics = split(',',$ostatics); # more horrible search/sync code below... my $staticsChanged = 0; foreach my $istatic ( @istatics ) { # they have, we don't unless ( grep($_ eq $istatic, @ostatics) ) { push @ostatics, $istatic; $staticsChanged = 1; } } for(my $i=0; $i < scalar(@ostatics); $i++) { unless ( grep($_ eq $ostatics[$i], @istatics) ) { splice(@ostatics,$i,1); $i--; $staticsChanged = 1; } } $svc_dsl->staticips(join(',',@ostatics)) if $staticsChanged; # 7. notes - put them into the common format and compare my $tnotes = $result->{'OrderNotes'}; my @tnotes = defined $tnotes ? @$tnotes : (); my @inotes = (); # all Ikano OrderNotes as FS::dsl_note objects my $notesChanged = 0; foreach my $tnote ( @tnotes ) { my $inote = $self->ikano2fsnote($tnote,$svc_dsl->svcnum); return 'Cannot parse note' unless ref($inote); push @inotes, $inote; } my @onotes = $svc_dsl->notes; # assume notes we already have don't change & no notes added from our side # so using the horrible code below just find what we're missing and add it foreach my $inote ( @inotes ) { my $found = 0; foreach my $onote ( @onotes ) { if($onote->date == $inote->date && $onote->note eq $inote->note) { $found = 1; last; } } my $error = $inote->insert unless ( $found ); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "Cannot add note: $error"; } } $svc_dsl->last_pull((time)); local $FS::svc_Common::noexport_hack = 1; my $error = $svc_dsl->replace; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "Cannot update DSL data: $error"; } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; ''; } sub ikano2fsnote { my($self,$n,$svcnum) = (shift,shift,shift); my @ikanoRequired = qw( HighPriority StaffId Date Text CompanyStaffId ); return '' unless defined $n->{'HighPriority'} && defined $n->{'StaffId'} && defined $n->{'CompanyStaffId'} && defined $n->{'Date'} && defined $n->{'Text'} ; my $by = 'Unknown'; $by = "Ikano" if $n->{'CompanyStaffId'} == -1 && $n->{'StaffId'} != -1; $by = "Us" if $n->{'StaffId'} == -1 && $n->{'CompanyStaffId'} != -1; new FS::dsl_note( { 'svcnum' => $svcnum, 'author' => $by, 'priority' => $n->{'HighPriority'} eq 'false' ? 'N' : 'H', '_date' => int(str2time($n->{'Date'})), 'note' => $n->{'Text'}, } ); } # address always required for Ikano qual, TN optional (assume dry if not given) sub qual { my($self,$qual) = (shift,shift); return 'Invalid operation - Import Mode is enabled' if $self->import_mode; my %location_hash = $qual->location_hash; return 'No address provided' unless keys %location_hash; return 'Location kind is required' unless $location_hash{location_kind}; my $svctn = $qual->phonenum; my $zip = $location_hash{zip}; $zip =~ s/(\d{5})-\d{4}/$1/; my $result = $self->ikano_command('PREQUAL', { AddressLine1 => $location_hash{address1}, AddressUnitType => $location_hash{location_type}, AddressUnitValue => $location_hash{location_number}, AddressCity => $location_hash{city}, AddressState => $location_hash{state}, ZipCode => $zip, Country => $location_hash{country}, LocationType => $location_hash{location_kind}, PhoneNumber => length($svctn) > 1 ? $svctn : "STANDALONE", RequestClientIP => '', CheckNetworks => $self->option('check_networks'), } ); return $result unless ref($result); # error case return 'Invalid prequal response' unless defined $result->{'PrequalId'}; my $qoptions = {}; # lame data structure traversal... # don't spend much time here, just get TermsId and ProductCustomId my $networks = $result->{'Network'}; my @networks = defined $networks ? @$networks : (); my $netcount = 0; foreach my $network ( @networks ) { my $productgroups = $network->{'ProductGroup'}; my @productgroups = defined $productgroups ? @$productgroups : (); my $pgcount = 0; foreach my $productgroup ( @productgroups ) { my $prefix = "ikano_Network_$netcount"."_ProductGroup_$pgcount"."_"; $qoptions->{$prefix."TermsId"} = $productgroup->{'TermsId'}; my $products = $productgroup->{'Product'}; my @products = defined $products ? @$products : (); my $prodcount = 0; foreach my $product ( @products ) { $qoptions->{$prefix."Product_$prodcount"."_ProductCustomId"} = $product->{'ProductCustomId'}; $prodcount++; } $pgcount++; } $netcount++; } { 'vendor_qual_id' => $result->{'PrequalId'}, 'status' => scalar(@networks) ? 'Q' : 'D', 'options' => $qoptions, }; } sub qual_result { my($self,$qual) = (shift,shift); my %qual_options = $qual->options; my @externalids = (); my( $optionname, $optionvalue ); while (($optionname, $optionvalue) = each %qual_options) { push @externalids, $optionvalue if ( $optionname =~ /^ikano_Network_(\d+)_ProductGroup_(\d+)_Product_(\d+)_ProductCustomId$/ && $optionvalue ne '' ); } my %pkglist = (); my %found = (); my @part_pkgs = qsearch( 'part_pkg', { 'disabled' => '' } ); foreach my $part_pkg ( @part_pkgs ) { my %vendor_pkg_ids = $part_pkg->vendor_pkg_ids; my $externalid = $vendor_pkg_ids{$self->exportnum} if defined $vendor_pkg_ids{$self->exportnum}; if ( $externalid && grep { $_ eq $externalid } @externalids ) { $pkglist{$part_pkg->pkgpart} = $part_pkg->pkg_comment; $found{$externalid}++; } } my %not_avail = (); foreach my $externalid ( grep !$found{$_}, @externalids ) { $not_avail{$externalid} = $externalid; #a better label? } { 'pkglist' => \%pkglist, 'not_avail' => \%not_avail, }; } sub quals_by_cust_and_pkg { my($self, $custnum, $pkgpart) = (shift,shift,shift); die "invalid custnum or pkgpart" unless ($custnum =~ /^\d+$/ && $pkgpart =~ /^\d+$/); my $part_pkg = qsearchs('part_pkg', { 'pkgpart' => $pkgpart } ); die "no part_pkg found" unless $part_pkg; my %vendor_pkg_ids = $part_pkg->vendor_pkg_ids; my $external_id = $vendor_pkg_ids{$self->exportnum}; die "no vendor package id defined on this package" unless $external_id; my $extra_sql = "where custnum = $custnum or locationnum in (select " . "locationnum from cust_location where custnum = $custnum)"; my @quals = qsearch( { 'table' => 'qual', 'extra_sql' => $extra_sql, } ); my @filtered_quals; foreach my $qual ( @quals ) { my %qual_options = $qual->options; my( $optionname, $optionvalue ); while (($optionname, $optionvalue) = each %qual_options) { push @filtered_quals, $qual if ( $optionname =~ /^ikano_Network_(\d+)_ProductGroup_(\d+)_Product_(\d+)_ProductCustomId$/ && $optionvalue eq $external_id ); } } @filtered_quals; } sub loop_type_long { # sub, not a method my($svc_dsl) = (shift); return $loopType{$svc_dsl->loop_type}; } sub ikano_command { my( $self, $command, $args ) = @_; $self->loadmod; my $ikano = Net::Ikano->new( 'keyid' => $self->option('keyid'), 'username' => $self->option('username'), 'password' => $self->option('password'), 'debug' => $self->option('debug'), ); $ikano->$command($args); } sub loadmod { eval "use Net::Ikano;"; die $@ if $@; } sub valid_order { my( $self, $svc_dsl, $action ) = (shift, shift, shift); $self->loadmod; warn "$me valid_order action=$action svc_dsl:\n". Dumper($svc_dsl) if $self->option('debug'); # common to all order types/status/loop_type return 'No desired_due_date' unless $svc_dsl->desired_due_date; return 'Unknown vendor_order_type' unless grep $_ eq $svc_dsl->vendor_order_type, Net::Ikano->orderTypes; return 'No first name' unless $svc_dsl->first; return 'No last name' unless $svc_dsl->get('last'); return 'No loop type' unless defined $svc_dsl->loop_type; return 'No vendor_qual_id' unless $svc_dsl->vendor_qual_id; my %vendor_pkg_ids = $svc_dsl->cust_svc->cust_pkg->part_pkg->vendor_pkg_ids; return 'Package does not have an external id configured' unless defined $vendor_pkg_ids{$self->exportnum}; return 'No valid qualification for this order' unless qsearch( 'qual', { 'vendor_qual_id' => $svc_dsl->vendor_qual_id }); # now go by order type # weird ifs & long lines for readability and ease of understanding - don't change if($svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'NEW') { if($svc_dsl->pushed) { my $error = !( ($action eq 'pull' || $action eq 'statuschg' || $action eq 'delete' || $action eq 'expire') && length($svc_dsl->vendor_order_id) > 0 && length($svc_dsl->vendor_order_status) > 0 ); return 'Invalid order data' if $error; return 'Phone number required for status change' if ($action eq 'statuschg' && length($svc_dsl->phonenum) < 1); } else { # unpushed New order - cannot do anything other than push it my $error = !($action eq 'insert' && length($svc_dsl->vendor_order_id) < 1 && length($svc_dsl->vendor_order_status) < 1 && ( ($svc_dsl->phonenum eq '' && $svc_dsl->loop_type eq '0') # dry || ($svc_dsl->phonenum ne '' && $svc_dsl->loop_type eq '') # line-share ) ); return 'Invalid order data' if $error; } } elsif($svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'CANCEL') { } elsif($svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'CHANGE') { } ''; } sub qual2termsid { my ($self,$vendor_qual_id,$ProductCustomId) = (shift,shift,shift); my $qual = qsearchs( 'qual', { 'vendor_qual_id' => $vendor_qual_id }); return '' unless $qual; my %qual_options = $qual->options; my( $optionname, $optionvalue ); while (($optionname, $optionvalue) = each %qual_options) { if ( $optionname =~ /^ikano_Network_(\d+)_ProductGroup_(\d+)_Product_(\d+)_ProductCustomId$/ && $optionvalue eq $ProductCustomId ) { my $network = $1; my $productgroup = $2; return $qual->option("ikano_Network_".$network."_ProductGroup_".$productgroup."_TermsId"); } } ''; } sub _export_insert { my( $self, $svc_dsl ) = (shift, shift); if($self->import_mode) { warn "$me _export_insert: import mode" if $self->option('debug'); $svc_dsl->pushed((time)-2); $svc_dsl->last_pull((time)-1); return $self->dsl_pull($svc_dsl,0,1); } my $result = $self->valid_order($svc_dsl,'insert'); return $result unless $result eq ''; my $isp_chg = $svc_dsl->isp_chg eq 'Y' ? 'YES' : 'NO'; my $cust_main = $svc_dsl->cust_svc->cust_pkg->cust_main; my $contactTN = $cust_main->daytime || $cust_main->night || '5555555555'; $contactTN =~ s/[^0-9]//g; my %vendor_pkg_ids = $svc_dsl->cust_svc->cust_pkg->part_pkg->vendor_pkg_ids; my $ProductCustomId = $vendor_pkg_ids{$self->exportnum}; my $args = { orderType => 'NEW', ProductCustomId => $ProductCustomId, TermsId => $self->qual2termsid($svc_dsl->vendor_qual_id,$ProductCustomId), DSLPhoneNumber => $svc_dsl->loop_type eq '0' ? 'STANDALONE' : $svc_dsl->phonenum, Password => $svc_dsl->password, PrequalId => $svc_dsl->vendor_qual_id, CompanyName => $svc_dsl->company, FirstName => $svc_dsl->first, LastName => $svc_dsl->last, MiddleName => '', ContactMethod => 'PHONE', ContactPhoneNumber => $contactTN, ContactEmail => 'x@x.xx', ContactFax => '', DateToOrder => time2str("%Y-%m-%d",$svc_dsl->desired_due_date), RequestClientIP => '', IspChange => $isp_chg, IspPrevious => $isp_chg eq 'YES' ? $svc_dsl->isp_prev : '', CurrentProvider => $isp_chg eq 'NO' ? $svc_dsl->isp_prev : '', }; $result = $self->ikano_command('ORDER',$args); return $result unless ref($result); # scalar (string) is an error # now we're getting an OrderResponse which should have one Order in it warn "$me _export_insert OrderResponse hash:\n".Dumper($result) if $self->option('debug'); return 'Invalid order response' unless defined $result->{'Order'}; $result = $result->{'Order'}; return 'No/invalid order id or status returned' unless defined $result->{'Status'} && defined $result->{'OrderId'} && grep($_ eq $result->{'Status'}, @Net::Ikano::orderStatus); $svc_dsl->pushed(time); $svc_dsl->last_pull((time)+1); $svc_dsl->vendor_order_id($result->{'OrderId'}); $svc_dsl->vendor_order_status($result->{'Status'}); $svc_dsl->username($result->{'Username'}); local $FS::svc_Common::noexport_hack = 1; $result = $svc_dsl->replace; return "Error setting DSL fields: $result" if $result; ''; } sub _export_replace { my( $self, $new, $old ) = (shift, shift, shift); return 'Invalid operation - Import Mode is enabled' if $self->import_mode; # XXX only supports password changes now, but should return error if # another change is attempted? if($new->password ne $old->password) { my $result = $self->valid_order($new,'statuschg'); return $result unless $result eq ''; $result = $self->ikano_command('PASSWORDCHANGE', { DSLPhoneNumber => $new->phonenum, NewPassword => $new->password, } ); return $result unless ref($result); # scalar (string) is an error return 'Error changing password' unless defined $result->{'Password'} && $result->{'Password'} eq $new->password; } ''; } sub _export_delete { my( $self, $svc_dsl ) = (shift, shift); return 'Invalid operation - Import Mode is enabled' if $self->import_mode; my $result = $self->valid_order($svc_dsl,'delete'); return $result unless $result eq ''; # for now allow an immediate cancel only on New orders in New/Pending status #XXX: add support for Change and Cancel orders in New/Pending status later if($svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'NEW') { if($svc_dsl->vendor_order_status eq 'NEW' || $svc_dsl->vendor_order_status eq 'PENDING') { my $result = $self->ikano_command('CANCEL', { OrderId => $svc_dsl->vendor_order_id, } ); return $result unless ref($result); # scalar (string) is an error return 'Unable to cancel order' unless $result->{'Order'}; $result = $result->{'Order'}; return 'Invalid cancellation response' unless $result->{'Status'} eq 'CANCELLED' && $result->{'OrderId'} eq $svc_dsl->vendor_order_id; # we're supposed to do a pull, but it will break everything, so don't # this is very wrong... } else { return "Cannot cancel a NEW order unless it's in NEW or PENDING status"; } } elsif($svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'CANCEL') { return 'Cannot cancel a CANCEL order unless expire was set' unless $svc_dsl->cust_svc->cust_pkg->expire > 0; } else { return 'Canceling orders other than NEW orders is not currently implemented'; } ''; } sub export_expire { my($self, $svc_dsl, $date) = (shift, shift, shift); return 'Invalid operation - Import Mode is enabled' if $self->import_mode; my $result = $self->valid_order($svc_dsl,'expire'); return $result unless $result eq ''; # for now allow a proper cancel only on New orders in Completed status #XXX: add support for some other cases in future if($svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'NEW' && $svc_dsl->vendor_order_status eq 'COMPLETED') { my $contactTN = $svc_dsl->cust_svc->cust_pkg->cust_main->daytime; $contactTN =~ s/[^0-9]//g; my %vendor_pkg_ids = $svc_dsl->cust_svc->cust_pkg->part_pkg->vendor_pkg_ids; my $ProductCustomId = $vendor_pkg_ids{$self->exportnum}; # we are now a cancel order $svc_dsl->desired_due_date($date); $svc_dsl->vendor_order_type('CANCEL'); my $args = { orderType => 'CANCEL', ProductCustomId => $ProductCustomId, TermsId => $self->qual2termsid($svc_dsl->vendor_qual_id,$ProductCustomId), DSLPhoneNumber => $svc_dsl->loop_type eq '0' ? 'STANDALONE' : $svc_dsl->phonenum, Password => $svc_dsl->password, PrequalId => $svc_dsl->vendor_qual_id, CompanyName => $svc_dsl->company, FirstName => $svc_dsl->first, LastName => $svc_dsl->last, MiddleName => '', ContactMethod => 'PHONE', ContactPhoneNumber => $contactTN, ContactEmail => 'x@x.xx', ContactFax => '', DateToOrder => time2str("%Y-%m-%d",$date), RequestClientIP => '', IspChange => 'NO', IspPrevious => '', CurrentProvider => '', }; $args->{'VirtualPhoneNumber'} = $svc_dsl->phonenum if $svc_dsl->loop_type eq '0'; $result = $self->ikano_command('ORDER',$args); return $result unless ref($result); # scalar (string) is an error # now we're getting an OrderResponse which should have one Order in it warn "$me _export_insert OrderResponse hash:\n".Dumper($result) if $self->option('debug'); return 'Invalid order response' unless defined $result->{'Order'}; $result = $result->{'Order'}; return 'No/invalid order id or status returned' unless defined $result->{'Status'} && defined $result->{'OrderId'} && grep($_ eq $result->{'Status'}, @Net::Ikano::orderStatus); $svc_dsl->pushed(time); $svc_dsl->last_pull((time)+1); $svc_dsl->vendor_order_id($result->{'OrderId'}); $svc_dsl->vendor_order_status($result->{'Status'}); $svc_dsl->monitored('Y'); local $FS::svc_Common::noexport_hack = 1; $result = $svc_dsl->replace; return "Error setting DSL fields: $result" if $result; } else { return "Cancelling anything other than NEW orders in COMPLETED status is " . "not currently implemented"; } ''; } sub statuschg { my( $self, $svc_dsl, $type ) = (shift, shift, shift); return 'Invalid operation - Import Mode is enabled' if $self->import_mode; my $result = $self->valid_order($svc_dsl,'statuschg'); return $result unless $result eq ''; # get the DSLServiceId $result = $self->ikano_command('CUSTOMERLOOKUP', { PhoneNumber => $svc_dsl->phonenum } ); return $result unless ref($result); # scalar (string) is an error return 'No DSLServiceId found' unless defined $result->{'DSLServiceId'}; my $DSLServiceId = $result->{'DSLServiceId'}; $result = $self->ikano_command('ACCOUNTSTATUSCHANGE', { DSLPhoneNumber => $svc_dsl->phonenum, DSLServiceId => $DSLServiceId, type => $type, } ); return $result unless ref($result); # scalar (string) is an error ''; } sub _export_suspend { my( $self, $svc_dsl ) = (shift, shift); $self->statuschg($svc_dsl,"SUSPEND"); } sub _export_unsuspend { my( $self, $svc_dsl ) = (shift, shift); $self->statuschg($svc_dsl,"UNSUSPEND"); } 1;