package FS::part_export::grandstream; use base 'FS::part_export'; use vars qw($DEBUG $me %info $GAPSLITE_HOME $JAVA_HOME); use URI; use MIME::Base64; use Tie::IxHash; use IPC::Run qw(run); use FS::CGI qw(rooturl); $DEBUG = 0; $me = '[' . __PACKAGE__ . ']'; $GAPSLITE_HOME = '/usr/local/src/GS_CFG_GEN/'; my @java = qw( /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/ /usr/java/default/ /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/ /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-gcj-4.1- ); #add more common places distros and people put their JREs $JAVA_HOME = (grep { -e $_ } @java)[0]; tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash', 'upload' => { label=>'Enable upload to TFTP server via SSH', type=>'checkbox', }, 'user' => { label=>'User name for SSH to TFTP server' }, 'tftproot' => { label=>'Directory in which to upload configuration' }, 'java_home' => { label=>'Path to java to be used', default=>$JAVA_HOME, }, 'gapslite_home' => { label=>'Path to grandstream configuration tool', default=>$GAPSLITE_HOME, }, 'template' => { label=>'Configuration template', type=>'textarea', notes=>'Type or paste the configuration template here', }, ; %info = ( 'svc' => [ qw( part_device ) ], # svc_phone 'desc' => 'Provision phone numbers to Grandstream Networks phones/ATAs', 'options' => \%options, 'notes' => 'Provision phone numbers to Grandstream Networks phones/ATAs. Requires a Java runtime environment and the Grandstream configuration tool to be installed.', ); sub rebless { shift; } sub gs_create_config { my($self, $mac, %opt) = (@_); eval "use Net::SCP;"; die $@ if $@; warn "gs_create_config called with mac of $mac\n" if $DEBUG; $mac = sprintf('%012s', lc($mac)); my $dir = '%%%FREESIDE_CONF%%%/cache.'. $FS::UID::datasrc; my $fh = new File::Temp( TEMPLATE => "grandstream.$mac.XXXXXXXX", DIR => $dir, UNLINK => 0, ); my $filename = $fh->filename; #my $template = new Text::Template ( # TYPE => 'ARRAY', # SOURCE => $self->option('template'), # DELIMITERS => $delimiters, # OUTPUT => $fh, #); #$template->compile or die "Can't compile template: $Text::Template::ERROR\n"; #my $config = $template->fill_in( HASH => { mac_addr => $mac } ); print $fh $self->option('template') or die "print failed: $!"; close $fh; #system( "export GAPSLITE_HOME=$GAPSLITE_HOME; export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME; ". # "cd $dir; $GAPSLITE_HOME/bin/ $mac $filename $dir/cfg$mac" # ) == 0 # or die "grandstream encode failed: $!"; my $out_and_err = ''; my @cmd = ( "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java", '-classpath', "$GAPSLITE_HOME/lib/gapslite.jar:$GAPSLITE_HOME/lib/bcprov-jdk14-124.jar:$GAPSLITE_HOME/config", 'com.grandstream.cmd.TextEncoder', $mac, $filename, "$dir/cfg$mac", ); run \@cmd, '>&', \$out_and_err or die "grandstream encode failed: $out_and_err"; unlink $filename; open my $encoded, "$dir/cfg$mac" or die "open cfg$mac failed: $!"; my $content; if ($opt{upload}) { if ($self->option('upload')) { my $scp = new Net::SCP ( { 'host' => $self->machine, 'user' => $self->option('user'), 'cwd' => $self->option('tftproot'), } ); $scp->put( "$dir/cfg$mac" ) or die "upload failed: ". $scp->errstr; } } else { local $/; $content = <$encoded>; } close $encoded; unlink "$dir/cfg$mac"; $content; } sub gs_create { my($self, $mac) = (shift, shift); return unless $mac; # be more alarmed? Or check upstream? $self->gs_create_config($mac, 'upload' => 1); ''; } sub gs_delete { my($self, $mac) = (shift, shift); $mac = sprintf('%012s', lc($mac)); ssh_cmd( user => $self->option('user'), host => $self->machine, command => 'rm', args => [ '-f', $self->option('tftproot'). "/cfg$mac" ], ); ''; } sub ssh_cmd { #subroutine, not method use Net::SSH '0.08'; &Net::SSH::ssh_cmd( { @_ } ); } sub _export_insert { # my( $self, $svc_phone ) = (shift, shift); # $self->gs_create($svc_phone->mac_addr); ''; } sub _export_replace { # my( $self, $new_svc, $old_svc ) = (shift, shift, shift); # $self->gs_delete($old_svc->mac_addr); # $self->gs_create($new_svc->mac_addr); ''; } sub _export_delete { # my( $self, $svc_phone ) = (shift, shift); # $self->gs_delete($svc_phone->mac_addr); ''; } sub _export_suspend { ''; } sub _export_unsuspend { ''; } sub export_device_insert { my( $self, $svc_phone, $phone_device ) = (shift, shift, shift); $self->gs_create($phone_device->mac_addr); ''; } sub export_device_delete { my( $self, $svc_phone, $phone_device ) = (shift, shift, shift); $self->gs_delete($phone_device->mac_addr); ''; } sub export_device_config { my( $self, $svc_phone, $phone_device ) = (shift, shift, shift); my $mac; # if ($phone_device) { $mac = $phone_device->mac_addr; # } else { # $mac = $svc_phone->mac_addr; # } return '' unless $mac; # be more alarmed? Or check upstream? $self->gs_create_config($mac); } sub export_device_replace { my( $self, $svc_phone, $new_svc_or_device, $old_svc_or_device ) = (shift, shift, shift, shift); $self->gs_delete($old_svc_or_device->mac_addr); $self->gs_create($new_svc_or_device->mac_addr); ''; } # bad overloading? sub export_links { my($self, $svc_phone, $arrayref) = (shift, shift, shift); return; # remove if we actually support being an export for svc_phone; my @deviceparts = map { $_->devicepart } $self->export_device; my @devices = grep { my $part = $_->devicepart; scalar( grep { $_ == $part } @deviceparts ); } $svc_phone->phone_device; my $export = $self->exportnum; my $fsurl = rooturl(); if (@devices) { foreach my $device ( @devices ) { next unless $device->mac_addr; my $num = $device->devicenum; push @$arrayref, qq!!. qq! Phone config !; } } elsif ($svc_phone->mac_addr) { my $num = $svc_phone->svcnum; push @$arrayref, qq!!. qq! Phone config !; } #else ''; } sub export_device_links { my($self, $svc_phone, $device, $arrayref) = (shift, shift, shift, shift); warn "export_device_links $self $svc_phone $device $arrayref\n" if $DEBUG; return unless $device && $device->mac_addr; my $export = $self->exportnum; my $fsurl = rooturl(); my $num = $device->devicenum; push @$arrayref, qq!!. qq! Phone config !; ''; } 1;