package FS::part_export::cpanel; use vars qw(@ISA %info); use Tie::IxHash; use FS::part_export; @ISA = qw(FS::part_export); tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash', 'user' => { label=>'Remote access username' }, 'accesshash' => { label=>'Remote access key', type=>'textarea' }, 'debug' => { label=>'Enable debugging', type=>'checkbox' }, ; %info = ( 'svc' => 'svc_acct', 'desc' => 'Real-time export to Cpanel control panel.', 'options' => \%options, 'nodomain' => 'Y', 'notes' => 'Real time export to a the Cpanel control panel software. Service definition names are exported as Cpanel packages. Requires installation of the Cpanel::Accounting perl module distributed with Cpanel.', ); sub rebless { shift; } sub _export_insert { my($self, $svc_acct) = (shift, shift); $err_or_queue = $self->cpanel_queue( $svc_acct->svcnum, 'insert', $svc_acct->domain, $svc_acct->username, $svc_acct->_password, $svc_acct->cust_svc->part_svc->svc, ); ref($err_or_queue) ? '' : $err_or_queue; } sub _export_replace { my( $self, $new, $old ) = (shift, shift, shift); return "can't change username with cpanel" if $old->username ne $new->username; return "can't change password with cpanel" if $old->_passsword ne $new->_password; return "can't change domain with cpanel" if $old->domain ne $new->domain; ''; ##return '' unless $old->_password ne $new->_password; #$err_or_queue = $self->cpanel_queue( $new->svcnum, # 'replace', $new->username, $new->_password ); #ref($err_or_queue) ? '' : $err_or_queue; } sub _export_delete { my( $self, $svc_acct ) = (shift, shift); $err_or_queue = $self->cpanel_queue( $svc_acct->svcnum, 'delete', $svc_acct->username ); ref($err_or_queue) ? '' : $err_or_queue; } sub _export_suspend { my( $self, $svc_acct ) = (shift, shift); $err_or_queue = $self->cpanel_queue( $svc_acct->svcnum, 'suspend', $svc_acct->username ); ref($err_or_queue) ? '' : $err_or_queue; } sub _export_unsuspend { my( $self, $svc_acct ) = (shift, shift); $err_or_queue = $self->cpanel_queue( $svc_acct->svcnum, 'unsuspend', $svc_acct->username ); ref($err_or_queue) ? '' : $err_or_queue; } sub cpanel_queue { my( $self, $svcnum, $method ) = (shift, shift, shift); my $queue = new FS::queue { 'svcnum' => $svcnum, 'job' => "FS::part_export::cpanel::cpanel_$method", }; $queue->insert( $self->machine, $self->option('user'), $self->option('accesshash'), $self->option('debug'), @_ ) or $queue; } sub cpanel_insert { #subroutine, not method my( $machine, $user, $accesshash, $debug ) = splice(@_,0,4); # my $whm = cpanel_connect($machine, $user, $accesshash, $debug); # warn " cpanel->createacct ". join(', ', @_). "\n" # if $debug; # my $response = $whm->createacct(@_); # die $whm->{'error'} if $whm->{'error'}; # warn " cpanel response: $response\n" # if $debug; warn "cpanel_insert: attempting web interface to add POP" if $debug; my($domain, $username, $password, $svc) = @_; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); my $url = "http://$user:$accesshash\@$domain:2082/frontend/x/mail/addpop2.html"; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); #$req->authorization_basic($user, $accesshash); my $res = $ua->request( POST( $url, [ 'email' => $username, 'domain' => $domain, 'password' => $password, 'quota' => 10, #? ] ) ); die "Error submitting data to $url: ". $res->status_line unless $res->is_success; die "Username in use" if $res->content =~ /exists/; die "Account not created: ". $res->content if $res->content =~ /failure/; } #sub cpanel_replace { #subroutine, not method #} sub cpanel_delete { #subroutine, not method my( $machine, $user, $accesshash, $debug ) = splice(@_,0,4); my $whm = cpanel_connect($machine, $user, $accesshash, $debug); warn " cpanel->killacct ". join(', ', @_). "\n" if $debug; my $response = $whm->killacct(shift); die $whm->{'error'} if $whm->{'error'}; warn " cpanel response: $response\n" if $debug; } sub cpanel_suspend { #subroutine, not method my( $machine, $user, $accesshash, $debug ) = splice(@_,0,4); my $whm = cpanel_connect($machine, $user, $accesshash, $debug); warn " cpanel->suspend ". join(', ', @_). "\n" if $debug; my $response = $whm->suspend(shift); die $whm->{'error'} if $whm->{'error'}; warn " cpanel response: $response\n" if $debug; } sub cpanel_unsuspend { #subroutine, not method my( $machine, $user, $accesshash, $debug ) = splice(@_,0,4); my $whm = cpanel_connect($machine, $user, $accesshash, $debug); warn " cpanel->unsuspend ". join(', ', @_). "\n" if $debug; my $response = $whm->unsuspend(shift); die $whm->{'error'} if $whm->{'error'}; warn " cpanel response: $response\n" if $debug; } sub cpanel_connect { my( $host, $user, $accesshash, $debug ) = @_; eval "use Cpanel::Accounting;"; die $@ if $@; warn "creating new Cpanel::Accounting connection to $user@$host\n" if $debug; my $whm = new Cpanel::Accounting; $whm->{'host'} = $host; $whm->{'user'} = $user; $whm->{'accesshash'} = $accesshash; $whm->{'usessl'} = 1; $whm; }