package FS::part_export::cacti; =pod =head1 NAME FS::part_export::cacti =head1 SYNOPSIS Cacti integration for Freeside =head1 DESCRIPTION This module in particular handles FS::part_export object creation for Cacti integration; consult any existing L documentation for details on how that works. =cut use strict; use base qw( FS::part_export ); use FS::Record qw( qsearchs qsearch ); use FS::UID qw( dbh ); use FS::cacti_page; use File::Rsync; use File::Slurp qw( slurp ); use File::stat; use MIME::Base64 qw( encode_base64 ); use vars qw( %info ); my $php = 'php -q '; tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash', 'user' => { label => 'User Name', default => 'freeside' }, 'script_path' => { label => 'Script Path', default => '/usr/share/cacti/cli/' }, 'template_id' => { label => 'Host Template ID', default => '' }, 'tree_id' => { label => 'Graph Tree ID (optional)', default => '' }, 'description' => { label => 'Description (can use tokens $contact, $ip_addr and $description)', default => 'Freeside $contact $description $ip_addr' }, 'graphs_path' => { label => 'Graph Export Directory (user@host:/path/to/graphs/)', default => '' }, 'import_freq' => { label => 'Minimum minutes between graph imports', default => '5' }, 'max_graph_size' => { label => 'Maximum size per graph (MB)', default => '5' }, 'delete_graphs' => { label => 'Delete associated graphs and data sources when unprovisioning', type => 'checkbox', }, 'include_path' => { label => 'Path to cacti include dir (relative to script_path)', default => '../site/include/' }, 'cacti_graph_template_id' => { 'label' => 'Graph Template', 'type' => 'custom', 'multiple' => 1, }, 'cacti_snmp_query_id' => { 'label' => 'SNMP Query ID', 'type' => 'custom', 'multiple' => 1, }, 'cacti_snmp_query_type_id' => { 'label' => 'SNMP Query Type ID', 'type' => 'custom', 'multiple' => 1, }, 'cacti_snmp_field' => { 'label' => 'SNMP Field', 'type' => 'custom', 'multiple' => 1, }, 'cacti_snmp_value' => { 'label' => 'SNMP Value', 'type' => 'custom', 'multiple' => 1, }, ; %info = ( 'svc' => 'svc_broadband', 'desc' => 'Export service to cacti server, for svc_broadband services', 'post_config_element' => '/edit/elements/part_export/cacti.html', 'options' => \%options, 'notes' => <<'END', Add service to cacti upon provisioning, for broadband services.
See documentation for details. END ); # standard hooks for provisioning/unprovisioning service sub _export_insert { my ($self, $svc_broadband) = @_; my ($q,$error) = _insert_queue($self, $svc_broadband); return $error; } sub _export_delete { my ($self, $svc_broadband) = @_; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; foreach my $page (qsearch('cacti_page',{ svcnum => $svc_broadband->svcnum })) { my $error = $page->delete; if ($error) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } my ($q,$error) = _delete_queue($self, $svc_broadband); if ($error) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; return ''; } sub _export_replace { my($self, $new, $old) = @_; return '' if $new->ip_addr eq $old->ip_addr; #important part didn't change #delete old then insert new, with second job dependant on the first my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my ($dq, $iq, $error); ($dq,$error) = _delete_queue($self,$old); if ($error) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } ($iq,$error) = _insert_queue($self,$new); if ($error) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } $error = $iq->depend_insert($dq->jobnum); if ($error) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; return ''; } sub _export_suspend { return ''; } sub _export_unsuspend { return ''; } # create queued jobs sub _insert_queue { my ($self, $svc_broadband) = @_; my $queue = new FS::queue { 'svcnum' => $svc_broadband->svcnum, 'job' => "FS::part_export::cacti::ssh_insert", }; my $error = $queue->insert( 'host' => $self->machine, 'user' => $self->option('user'), 'hostname' => $svc_broadband->ip_addr, 'script_path' => $self->option('script_path'), 'template_id' => $self->option('template_id'), 'tree_id' => $self->option('tree_id'), 'description' => $self->option('description'), 'svc_desc' => $svc_broadband->description, 'contact' => $svc_broadband->cust_main->contact, 'svcnum' => $svc_broadband->svcnum, 'self' => $self ); return ($queue,$error); } sub _delete_queue { my ($self, $svc_broadband) = @_; my $queue = new FS::queue { 'svcnum' => $svc_broadband->svcnum, 'job' => "FS::part_export::cacti::ssh_delete", }; my $error = $queue->insert( 'host' => $self->machine, 'user' => $self->option('user'), 'hostname' => $svc_broadband->ip_addr, 'script_path' => $self->option('script_path'), 'delete_graphs' => $self->option('delete_graphs'), 'include_path' => $self->option('include_path'), ); return ($queue,$error); } # routines run by queued jobs sub ssh_insert { my %opt = @_; my $self = $opt{'self'}; # Option validation die "Non-numerical Host Template ID, check export configuration\n" unless $opt{'template_id'} =~ /^\d+$/; die "Non-numerical Graph Tree ID, check export configuration\n" unless $opt{'tree_id'} =~ /^\d*$/; # Add host to cacti my $desc = $opt{'description'}; $desc =~ s/\$ip_addr/$opt{'hostname'}/g; $desc =~ s/\$description/$opt{'svc_desc'}/g; $desc =~ s/\$contact/$opt{'contact'}/g; #for some reason, device names with apostrophes fail to export graphs in Cacti #just removing them for now, someday maybe dig to figure out why # $desc =~ s/'/'\\''/g; $desc =~ s/'//g; my $cmd = $php . trailslash($opt{'script_path'}) . q(add_device.php --description=') . $desc . q(' --ip=') . $opt{'hostname'} . q(' --template=) . $opt{'template_id'}; my $response = ssh_cmd(%opt, 'command' => $cmd); unless ( $response =~ /Success - new device-id: \((\d+)\)/ ) { die "Error adding device: $response"; } my $id = $1; # Add host to tree if ($opt{'tree_id'}) { $cmd = $php . trailslash($opt{'script_path'}) . q(add_tree.php --type=node --node-type=host --tree-id=) . $opt{'tree_id'} . q( --host-id=) . $id; $response = ssh_cmd(%opt, 'command' => $cmd); unless ( $response =~ /Added Node node-id: \((\d+)\)/ ) { die "Host added, but error adding host to tree: $response"; } } # Get list of graph templates for new id $cmd = $php . trailslash($opt{'script_path'}) . q(freeside_cacti.php --get-graph-templates --host-template=) . $opt{'template_id'}; $cmd .= q( --include-path=') . $self->option('include_path') . q(') if $self->option('include_path'); my $ginfo = { map { $_ ? ($_ => undef) : () } split(/\n/,ssh_cmd(%opt, 'command' => $cmd)) }; # Add extra config info my @xtragid = split("\n", $self->option('cacti_graph_template_id')); my @query_id = split("\n", $self->option('cacti_snmp_query_id')); my @query_type_id = split("\n", $self->option('cacti_snmp_query_type_id')); my @snmp_field = split("\n", $self->option('cacti_snmp_field')); my @snmp_value = split("\n", $self->option('cacti_snmp_value')); for (my $i = 0; $i < @xtragid; $i++) { my $gtid = $xtragid[$i]; $ginfo->{$gtid} ||= []; push(@{$ginfo->{$gtid}},{ 'gtid' => $gtid, 'query_id' => $query_id[$i], 'query_type_id' => $query_type_id[$i], 'snmp_field' => $snmp_field[$i], 'snmp_value' => $snmp_value[$i], }); } my @gdefs = map { ref($ginfo->{$_}) ? @{$ginfo->{$_}} : {'gtid' => $_} } keys %$ginfo; warn "Host ".$opt{'hostname'}." exported to cacti, but no graphs configured" unless @gdefs; # Create graphs my $gerror = ''; foreach my $gdef (@gdefs) { # validate graph info my $gtid = $gdef->{'gtid'}; next unless $gtid; $gerror .= " Bad graph template: $gtid" unless $gtid =~ /^\d+$/; my $isds = $gdef->{'query_id'} || $gdef->{'query_type_id'} || $gdef->{'snmp_field'} || $gdef->{'snmp_value'}; if ($isds) { $gerror .= " Bad SNMP Query Id: " . $gdef->{'query_id'} unless $gdef->{'query_id'} =~ /^\d+$/; $gerror .= " Bad SNMP Query Type Id: " . $gdef->{'query_type_id'} unless $gdef->{'query_type_id'} =~ /^\d+$/; $gerror .= " SNMP Field cannot contain apostrophe" if $gdef->{'snmp_field'} =~ /'/; $gerror .= " SNMP Value cannot contain apostrophe" if $gdef->{'snmp_value'} =~ /'/; } next if $gerror; # create the graph $cmd = $php . trailslash($opt{'script_path'}) . q(add_graphs.php --graph-type=) . ($isds ? 'ds' : 'cg') . q( --graph-template-id=) . $gtid . q( --host-id=) . $id; if ($isds) { $cmd .= q( --snmp-query-id=) . $gdef->{'query_id'} . q( --snmp-query-type-id=) . $gdef->{'query_type_id'} . q( --snmp-field=') . $gdef->{'snmp_field'} . q(' --snmp-value=') . $gdef->{'snmp_value'} . q('); } $response = ssh_cmd(%opt, 'command' => $cmd); #might be more than one graph added, just testing success $gerror .= "Error creating graph $gtid: $response" unless $response =~ /Graph Added - graph-id: \((\d+)\)/; } #foreach $gtid # job fails, but partial export may have occurred die $gerror . " Partial export occurred\n" if $gerror; return ''; } sub ssh_delete { my %opt = @_; my $cmd = $php . trailslash($opt{'script_path'}) . q(freeside_cacti.php --drop-device --ip=') . $opt{'hostname'} . q('); $cmd .= q( --delete-graphs) if $opt{'delete_graphs'}; $cmd .= q( --include-path=') . $opt{'include_path'} . q(') if $opt{'include_path'}; my $response = ssh_cmd(%opt, 'command' => $cmd); die "Error removing from cacti: " . $response if $response; return ''; } =head1 SUBROUTINES =over 4 =item process_graphs JOB PARAM Intended to be run as an FS::queue job. Copies graphs for a single service from Cacti export directory to FS cache, generates basic html pages for this service with base64-encoded graphs embedded, and stores the generated pages in the database. =back =cut sub process_graphs { my ($job,$param) = @_; $job->update_statustext(10); my $cachedir = trailslash($FS::UID::cache_dir,'cache.'.$FS::UID::datasrc,'cacti-graphs'); # load the service my $svcnum = $param->{'svcnum'} || die "No svcnum specified"; my $svc = qsearchs({ 'table' => 'svc_broadband', 'hashref' => { 'svcnum' => $svcnum }, }) || die "Could not load svcnum $svcnum"; # load relevant FS::part_export::cacti object my ($self) = $svc->cust_svc->part_svc->part_export('cacti'); $job->update_statustext(20); my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; # check for existing pages my $now = time; my @oldpages = qsearch({ 'table' => 'cacti_page', 'hashref' => { 'svcnum' => $svcnum, 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum }, 'select' => 'cacti_pagenum, exportnum, svcnum, graphnum, imported', #no need to load old content 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY graphnum', }); if (@oldpages) { #if pages are recent enough, do nothing and return if ($oldpages[0]->imported > $self->exptime($now)) { $job->update_statustext(100); return ''; } #delete old pages foreach my $oldpage (@oldpages) { my $error = $oldpage->delete; if ($error) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; die $error; } } } $job->update_statustext(30); # get list of graphs for this svc from cacti server my $cmd = $php . trailslash($self->option('script_path')) . q(freeside_cacti.php --get-graphs --ip=') . $svc->ip_addr . q('); $cmd .= q( --include-path=') . $self->option('include_path') . q(') if $self->option('include_path'); my @graphs = map { [ split(/\t/,$_) ] } split(/\n/, ssh_cmd( 'host' => $self->machine, 'user' => $self->option('user'), 'command' => $cmd )); $job->update_statustext(40); # copy graphs from cacti server to cache # requires version 2.6.4 of rsync, released March 2005 my $rsync = File::Rsync->new({ 'rsh' => 'ssh', 'verbose' => 1, 'recursive' => 1, 'quote-src' => 1, 'quote-dst' => 1, 'source' => trailslash($self->option('graphs_path')), 'dest' => $cachedir, 'include' => [ (map { q('**graph_).${$_}[0].q(*.png') } @graphs), (map { q('**thumb_).${$_}[0].q(.png') } @graphs), q('*/'), q('- *'), ], }); #don't know why a regular $rsync->exec isn't doing includes right, but this does my $rscmd = join(' ',@{$rsync->getcmd()}); my $error = system($rscmd); die "rsync ($rscmd) failed with exit status $error" if $error; $job->update_statustext(50); # create html file contents my $svchead = q() . '

Service #' . $svcnum . '

' . q(

Last updated ) . scalar(localtime($now)) . q(

); my $svchtml = $svchead; my $maxgraph = 1024 * 1024 * ($self->options('max_graph_size') || 5); my $nographs = 1; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#graphs; $i++) { my $graph = $graphs[$i]; my $thumbfile = $cachedir . 'graphs/thumb_' . $$graph[0] . '.png'; if (-e $thumbfile) { if ( stat($thumbfile)->size() < $maxgraph ) { $nographs = 0; # add graph to main file my $graphhead = q(

) . $$graph[1] . q(

); $svchtml .= $graphhead; $svchtml .= anchor_tag( $svcnum, $$graph[0], img_tag($thumbfile) ); # create graph details file my $graphhtml = $svchead . $graphhead; my $nodetail = 1; my $j = 1; while (-e (my $graphfile = $cachedir.'graphs/graph_'.$$graph[0].'_'.$j.'.png')) { if ( stat($graphfile)->size() < $maxgraph ) { $nodetail = 0; $graphhtml .= img_tag($graphfile); } unlink($graphfile); $j++; } $graphhtml .= '

No detail graphs to display for this graph

' if $nodetail; my $newobj = new FS::cacti_page { 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum, 'svcnum' => $svcnum, 'graphnum' => $$graph[0], 'imported' => $now, 'content' => $graphhtml, }; $error = $newobj->insert; if ($error) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; die $error; } } else { $svchtml .= qq(

File $thumbfile is too large, skipping

); } unlink($thumbfile); } else { $svchtml .= qq(

Error loading graph: $$graph[0]

); } $job->update_statustext(49 + int($i / @graphs) * 50); } $svchtml .= '

No graphs to display for this service

' if $nographs; my $newobj = new FS::cacti_page { 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum, 'svcnum' => $svcnum, 'graphnum' => '', 'imported' => $now, 'content' => $svchtml, }; $error = $newobj->insert; if ($error) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; die $error; } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; $job->update_statustext(100); return ''; } sub img_tag { my $somefile = shift; return q(
); } sub anchor_tag { my ($svcnum, $graphnum, $contents) = @_; return q() . $contents . q(); } #this gets used by everything else #fake false laziness, other ssh_cmds handle error/output differently sub ssh_cmd { use Net::OpenSSH; my $opt = { @_ }; my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new($opt->{'user'}.'@'.$opt->{'host'}); die "Couldn't establish SSH connection: ". $ssh->error if $ssh->error; my ($output, $errput) = $ssh->capture2($opt->{'command'}); die "Error running SSH command: ". $opt->{'command'}. ' ERROR: ' . $ssh->error if $ssh->error; die $errput if $errput; return $output; } #there's probably a better place to put this? #makes sure there's a trailing slash between/after input #doesn't add leading slashes sub trailslash { my @paths = @_; my $out = ''; foreach my $path (@paths) { $out .= $path; $out .= '/' unless $out =~ /\/$/; } return $out; } =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item cleanup Removes all expired graphs for this export from the database. =cut sub cleanup { my $self = shift; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM cacti_page WHERE exportnum = ? and imported <= ?') or do { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $dbh->errstr; }; $sth->execute($self->exportnum,$self->exptime) or do { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $dbh->errstr; }; $dbh->commit or return $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; return ''; } =item exptime [ TIME ] Accepts optional current time, defaults to actual current time. Returns timestamp for the oldest possible non-expired graph import, based on the import_freq option. =cut sub exptime { my $self = shift; my $now = shift || time; return $now - 60 * ($self->option('import_freq') || 5); } =back =head1 AUTHOR Jonathan Prykop =cut 1;