package FS::part_export; use base qw( FS::option_Common FS::m2m_Common ); use strict; use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT_OK $DEBUG %exports ); use Exporter; use Tie::IxHash; use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs dbh ); use FS::part_svc; use FS::part_export_option; use FS::part_export_machine; use FS::svc_export_machine; #for export modules, though they should probably just use it themselves use FS::queue; @EXPORT_OK = qw(export_info); $DEBUG = 0; =head1 NAME FS::part_export - Object methods for part_export records =head1 SYNOPSIS use FS::part_export; $record = new FS::part_export \%hash; $record = new FS::part_export { 'column' => 'value' }; #($new_record, $options) = $template_recored->clone( $svcpart ); $error = $record->insert( { 'option' => 'value' } ); $error = $record->insert( \%options ); $error = $new_record->replace($old_record); $error = $record->delete; $error = $record->check; =head1 DESCRIPTION An FS::part_export object represents an export of Freeside data to an external provisioning system. FS::part_export inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported: =over 4 =item exportnum - primary key =item exportname - Descriptive name =item machine - Machine name =item exporttype - Export type =item nodomain - blank or "Y" : usernames are exported to this service with no domain =item default_machine - For exports that require a machine to be selected for each service (see L), the one to use as the default. =item no_suspend - Don't export service suspensions. In the future there may be "no_*" options for the other service actions. =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new HASHREF Creates a new export. To add the export to the database, see L<"insert">. Note that this stores the hash reference, not a distinct copy of the hash it points to. You can ask the object for a copy with the I method. =cut # the new method can be inherited from FS::Record, if a table method is defined sub table { 'part_export'; } =cut #=item clone SVCPART # #An alternate constructor. Creates a new export by duplicating an existing #export. The given svcpart is assigned to the new export. # #Returns a list consisting of the new export object and a hashref of options. # #=cut # #sub clone { # my $self = shift; # my $class = ref($self); # my %hash = $self->hash; # $hash{'exportnum'} = ''; # $hash{'svcpart'} = shift; # ( $class->new( \%hash ), # { map { $_->optionname => $_->optionvalue } # qsearch('part_export_option', { 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum } ) # } # ); #} =item insert HASHREF Adds this record to the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. If a hash reference of options is supplied, part_export_option records are created (see L). =cut sub insert { my $self = shift; local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $error = $self->SUPER::insert(@_) || $self->replace; # use replace to do all the part_export_machine and default_machine stuff if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; ''; } =item delete Delete this record from the database. =cut #foreign keys would make this much less tedious... grr dumb mysql sub delete { my $self = shift; local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; # clean up export_nas records my $error = $self->process_m2m( 'link_table' => 'export_nas', 'target_table' => 'nas', 'params' => [], ) || $self->process_m2m( 'link_table' => 'export_svc', 'target_table' => 'part_svc', 'params' => [], ) || $self->SUPER::delete; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } foreach my $export_svc ( $self->export_svc ) { my $error = $export_svc->delete; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } foreach my $part_export_machine ( $self->part_export_machine ) { my $error = $part_export_machine->delete; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; ''; } =item replace [ OLD_RECORD ] [ HASHREF | OPTION => VALUE ... ] Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. If a list or hash reference of options is supplied, option records are created or modified. =cut sub replace { my $self = shift; my $old = $self->replace_old; local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $error; if ( $self->part_export_machine_textarea ) { my %part_export_machine = map { $_->machine => $_ } $self->part_export_machine; my @machines = map { $_ =~ s/^\s+//; $_ =~ s/\s+$//; $_ } grep /\S/, split /[\n\r]{1,2}/, $self->part_export_machine_textarea; foreach my $machine ( @machines ) { if ( $part_export_machine{$machine} ) { if ( $part_export_machine{$machine}->disabled eq 'Y' ) { $part_export_machine{$machine}->disabled(''); $error = $part_export_machine{$machine}->replace; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } if ( $self->default_machine_name eq $machine ) { $self->default_machine( $part_export_machine{$machine}->machinenum ); } delete $part_export_machine{$machine}; #so we don't disable it below } else { my $part_export_machine = new FS::part_export_machine { 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum, 'machine' => $machine }; $error = $part_export_machine->insert; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } if ( $self->default_machine_name eq $machine ) { $self->default_machine( $part_export_machine->machinenum ); } } } foreach my $part_export_machine ( values %part_export_machine ) { $part_export_machine->disabled('Y'); $error = $part_export_machine->replace; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } if ( $old->machine ne '_SVC_MACHINE' ) { # then set up the default for any already-attached export_svcs foreach my $export_svc ( $self->export_svc ) { my @svcs = qsearch('cust_svc', { 'svcpart' => $export_svc->svcpart }); foreach my $cust_svc ( @svcs ) { my $svc_export_machine = FS::svc_export_machine->new({ 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum, 'svcnum' => $cust_svc->svcnum, 'machinenum' => $self->default_machine, }); $error ||= $svc_export_machine->insert; } } if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } # if switching to selectable hosts } elsif ( $old->machine eq '_SVC_MACHINE' ) { # then we're switching from selectable to non-selectable foreach my $svc_export_machine ( qsearch('svc_export_machine', { 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum }) ) { $error ||= $svc_export_machine->delete; } if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } $error = $self->SUPER::replace(@_); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } if ( $self->machine eq '_SVC_MACHINE' and ! $self->default_machine ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "no default export host selected"; } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; ''; } =item check Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid export. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert and replace methods. =cut sub check { my $self = shift; my $error = $self->ut_numbern('exportnum') || $self->ut_textn('exportname') || $self->ut_domainn('machine') || $self->ut_alpha('exporttype') || $self->ut_flag('no_suspend') ; if ( $self->machine eq '_SVC_MACHINE' ) { $error ||= $self->ut_numbern('default_machine') } else { $self->set('default_machine', ''); } return $error if $error; $self->nodomain =~ /^(Y?)$/ or return "Illegal nodomain: ". $self->nodomain; $self->nodomain($1); $self->deprecated(1); #BLAH #check exporttype? $self->SUPER::check; } =item label Returns a label for this export, "exportname||exportype (machine)". =cut sub label { my $self = shift; ($self->exportname || $self->exporttype ). ' ('. $self->machine. ')'; } =item label_html Returns a label for this export, "exportname: exporttype to machine". =cut sub label_html { my $self = shift; my $label = $self->exportname ? ''. $self->exportname. ': ' #
'. : ''; $label .= $self->exporttype; $label .= ' to '. ( $self->machine eq '_SVC_MACHINE' ? 'per-service hostname' : $self->machine ) if $self->machine; $label; } #=item part_svc # #Returns the service definition (see L) for this export. # #=cut # #sub part_svc { # my $self = shift; # qsearchs('part_svc', { svcpart => $self->svcpart } ); #} sub part_svc { use Carp; croak "FS::part_export::part_svc deprecated"; #confess "FS::part_export::part_svc deprecated"; } =item svc_x Returns a list of associated FS::svc_* records. =cut sub svc_x { my $self = shift; map { $_->svc_x } $self->cust_svc; } =item cust_svc Returns a list of associated FS::cust_svc records. =cut sub cust_svc { my $self = shift; map { qsearch('cust_svc', { 'svcpart' => $_->svcpart } ) } grep { qsearch('cust_svc', { 'svcpart' => $_->svcpart } ) } $self->export_svc; } =item part_export_machine Returns all machines as FS::part_export_machine objects (see L). =cut sub part_export_machine { my $self = shift; map { $_ } #behavior of sort undefined in scalar context sort { $a->machine cmp $b->machine } qsearch('part_export_machine', { 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum } ); } =item export_svc Returns a list of associated FS::export_svc records. =item export_device Returns a list of associated FS::export_device records. =item part_export_option Returns all options as FS::part_export_option objects (see L). =cut sub part_export_option { my $self = shift; $self->option_objects; } =item options Returns a list of option names and values suitable for assigning to a hash. =item option OPTIONNAME Returns the option value for the given name, or the empty string. =item _rebless Reblesses the object into the FS::part_export::EXPORTTYPE class, where EXPORTTYPE is the object's I field. There should be better docs on how to create new exports, but until then, see L. =cut sub _rebless { my $self = shift; my $exporttype = $self->exporttype; my $class = ref($self). "::$exporttype"; eval "use $class;"; #die $@ if $@; bless($self, $class) unless $@; $self; } =item svc_machine SVC_X Return the export hostname for SVC_X. =cut sub svc_machine { my( $self, $svc_x ) = @_; return $self->machine unless $self->machine eq '_SVC_MACHINE'; my $svc_export_machine = qsearchs('svc_export_machine', { 'svcnum' => $svc_x->svcnum, 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum, }); if (!$svc_export_machine) { warn "No hostname selected for ".($self->exportname || $self->exporttype); return $self->default_export_machine->machine; } return $svc_export_machine->part_export_machine->machine; } =item default_export_machine Return the default export hostname for this export. =cut sub default_export_machine { my $self = shift; my $machinenum = $self->default_machine; if ( $machinenum ) { my $default_machine = FS::part_export_machine->by_key($machinenum); return $default_machine->machine if $default_machine; } # this should not happen die "no default export hostname for export ".$self->exportnum; } #these should probably all go away, just let the subclasses define em =item export_insert SVC_OBJECT =cut sub export_insert { my $self = shift; #$self->rebless; $self->_export_insert(@_); } #sub AUTOLOAD { # my $self = shift; # $self->rebless; # my $method = $AUTOLOAD; # #$method =~ s/::(\w+)$/::_$1/; #infinite loop prevention # $method =~ s/::(\w+)$/_$1/; #infinite loop prevention # $self->$method(@_); #} =item export_replace NEW OLD =cut sub export_replace { my $self = shift; #$self->rebless; $self->_export_replace(@_); } =item export_delete =cut sub export_delete { my $self = shift; #$self->rebless; $self->_export_delete(@_); } =item export_suspend =cut sub export_suspend { my $self = shift; #$self->rebless; $self->_export_suspend(@_); } =item export_unsuspend =cut sub export_unsuspend { my $self = shift; #$self->rebless; $self->_export_unsuspend(@_); } #fallbacks providing useful error messages intead of infinite loops sub _export_insert { my $self = shift; return "_export_insert: unknown export type ". $self->exporttype; } sub _export_replace { my $self = shift; return "_export_replace: unknown export type ". $self->exporttype; } sub _export_delete { my $self = shift; return "_export_delete: unknown export type ". $self->exporttype; } #call svcdb-specific fallbacks sub _export_suspend { my $self = shift; #warn "warning: _export_suspened unimplemented for". ref($self); my $svc_x = shift; my $new = $svc_x->clone_suspended; $self->_export_replace( $new, $svc_x ); } sub _export_unsuspend { my $self = shift; #warn "warning: _export_unsuspend unimplemented for ". ref($self); my $svc_x = shift; my $old = $svc_x->clone_kludge_unsuspend; $self->_export_replace( $svc_x, $old ); } =item export_links SVC_OBJECT ARRAYREF Adds a list of web elements to ARRAYREF specific to this export and SVC_OBJECT. The elements are displayed in the UI to lead the the operator to external configuration, monitoring, and similar tools. =item export_getsettings SVC_OBJECT SETTINGS_HASHREF DEFAUTS_HASHREF Adds a hashref of settings to SETTINGSREF specific to this export and SVC_OBJECT. The elements can be displayed in the UI on the service view. DEFAULTSREF is a hashref with the same keys where true values indicate the setting is a default (and thus can be displayed in the UI with less emphasis, or hidden by default). =item actions Adds one or more "action" links to the export's display in browse/part_export.cgi. Should return pairs of values. The first is the link label; the second is the Mason path to a document to load. The document will show in a popup. =cut sub actions { } =cut =item weight Returns the 'weight' element from the export's %info hash, or 0 if there is no weight defined. =cut sub weight { my $self = shift; export_info()->{$self->exporttype}->{'weight'} || 0; } =item info Returns a reference to (a copy of) the export's %info hash. =cut sub info { my $self = shift; $self->{_info} ||= { %{ export_info()->{$self->exporttype} } }; } =item get_dids SELECTION Does several things, which is unfortunate. DID phone numbers are organized in a sort-of hierarchy: state, areacode, exchange, number. Or, for some vendors: state, region, number. But not always that, either. SELECTION is one or more field/value pairs specifying parts of the hierarchy that have already been selected. C will then return an arrayref of the possible values for the next selection level. Note that these are not actual DIDs except at the lowest level. Generally, 'state' alone will return an array of area codes or region names in the state. 'state' and 'areacode' together will return an array of either: - exchange strings of the form "New York (212-555-XXXX)" - ratecenter names of the form "New York, NY" These strings are sent back to the UI and offered as options so that the user can choose the local calling area they like. 'areacode' and 'exchange', or 'state' and 'ratecenter', or 'region' by itself will return an array of actual DID numbers. Passing 'tollfree' with a true value will override the whole hierarchy and return an array of tollfree numbers. =cut # no stub; can('get_dids') should return false by default #default fallbacks... FS::part_export::DID_Common ? sub can_get_dids { 0; } sub get_dids_can_tollfree { 0; } sub get_dids_can_manual { 0; } sub get_dids_can_edit { 0; } #don't use without can_manual, otherwise the # DID selector provisions a new number from # inventory each edit sub get_dids_npa_select { 1; } # get_dids_npa_select: if true, then prompt to select state, then area code, # then city/exchange, then phone number. # if false, then prompt to select state (actually province), then "region", # then phone number. # # get_dids_can_manual: if true, then there will be a radio button to enter # a phone number manually. # # get_dids_can_tollfree: if true, then the user will be prompted to choose # both a regular and a toll-free number. The export can have a # 'restrict_selection' option to enable only one or the other of those. See # part_export/ for an example. # # get_dids_can_edit: if true, then the user can use the selector again to # change the phone number for a service. if false, then they can't (have to # reprovision completely). =item svc_role SVC Returns the role that SVC occupies with respect to this export, if any. This is part of the part_svc's export configuration. =cut sub svc_role { my $self = shift; my $svc_x = shift; my $cust_svc = $svc_x->cust_svc or return ''; my $export_svc = qsearchs('export_svc', { exportnum => $self->exportnum, svcpart => $cust_svc->svcpart }) or return ''; $export_svc->role; } =item svc_with_role { SVC | PKGNUM }, ROLE Given a svc_* object SVC or pkgnum PKG, and a role name ROLE, finds the service(s) in the same package that are linked to this export with ROLE. =cut sub svc_with_role { my $self = shift; my $svc_or_pkgnum = shift; my $role = shift; my $pkgnum; if ( ref $svc_or_pkgnum ) { $pkgnum = $svc_or_pkgnum->cust_svc->pkgnum or return ''; } else { $pkgnum = $svc_or_pkgnum; } my $role_info = $self->info->{roles}->{$role} or die "role '$role' does not exist for export '".$self->exporttype."'\n"; my $svcdb = $role_info->{svcdb}; my @svcs = qsearch({ 'table' => $svcdb, 'addl_from' => ' JOIN cust_svc USING (svcnum)' . ' JOIN export_svc USING (svcpart)', 'extra_sql' => " WHERE cust_svc.pkgnum = $pkgnum" . " AND export_svc.exportnum = ".$self->exportnum . " AND export_svc.role = '$role'", }); if ( $role_info->{multiple} ) { return @svcs; } else { if ( @svcs > 1 ) { warn "multiple $role services in pkgnum $pkgnum; returning the first one.\n"; } return $svcs[0]; } } =back =head1 SUBROUTINES =over 4 =item export_info [ SVCDB ] Returns a hash reference of the exports for the given I, or if no I is specified, for all exports. The keys of the hash are Is and the values are again hash references containing information on the export: 'desc' => 'Description', 'options' => { 'option' => { label=>'Option Label' }, 'option2' => { label=>'Another label' }, }, 'nodomain' => 'Y', #or '' 'notes' => 'Additional notes', =cut sub export_info { #warn $_[0]; return $exports{$_[0]} || {} if @_; #{ map { %{$exports{$_}} } keys %exports }; my $r = { map { %{$exports{$_}} } keys %exports }; } sub _upgrade_data { #class method my ($class, %opts) = @_; my @part_export_option = qsearch('part_export_option', { 'optionname' => 'overlimit_groups' }); foreach my $opt ( @part_export_option ) { next if $opt->optionvalue =~ /^[\d\s]+$/ || !$opt->optionvalue; my @groupnames = split(' ',$opt->optionvalue); my @groupnums; my $error = ''; foreach my $groupname ( @groupnames ) { my $g = qsearchs('radius_group', { 'groupname' => $groupname } ); unless ( $g ) { $g = new FS::radius_group { 'groupname' => $groupname, 'description' => $groupname, }; $error = $g->insert; die $error if $error; } push @groupnums, $g->groupnum; } $opt->optionvalue(join(' ',@groupnums)); $error = $opt->replace; die $error if $error; } # for exports that have selectable hostnames, make sure all services # have a hostname selected foreach my $part_export ( qsearch('part_export', { 'machine' => '_SVC_MACHINE' }) ) { my $exportnum = $part_export->exportnum; my $machinenum = $part_export->default_machine; if (!$machinenum) { my ($first) = $part_export->part_export_machine; if (!$first) { # user intervention really is required. die "Export $exportnum has no hostname options defined.\n". "You must correct this before upgrading.\n"; } # warn about this, because we might not choose the right one warn "Export $exportnum (". $part_export->exporttype. ") has no default hostname. Setting to ".$first->machine."\n"; $machinenum = $first->machinenum; $part_export->set('default_machine', $machinenum); my $error = $part_export->replace; die $error if $error; } # the service belongs to a service def that uses this export # and there is not a hostname selected for this export for that service my $join = ' JOIN export_svc USING ( svcpart )'. ' LEFT JOIN svc_export_machine'. ' ON ( cust_svc.svcnum = svc_export_machine.svcnum'. ' AND export_svc.exportnum = svc_export_machine.exportnum )'; my @svcs = qsearch( { 'select' => 'cust_svc.*', 'table' => 'cust_svc', 'addl_from' => $join, 'extra_sql' => ' WHERE svcexportmachinenum IS NULL'. ' AND export_svc.exportnum = '.$part_export->exportnum, } ); foreach my $cust_svc (@svcs) { my $svc_export_machine = FS::svc_export_machine->new({ 'exportnum' => $exportnum, 'machinenum' => $machinenum, 'svcnum' => $cust_svc->svcnum, }); my $error = $svc_export_machine->insert; die $error if $error; } } # pass downstream my %exports_in_use; $exports_in_use{ref $_} = 1 foreach qsearch('part_export', {}); foreach (keys(%exports_in_use)) { $_->_upgrade_exporttype(%opts) if $_->can('_upgrade_exporttype'); } } #=item exporttype2svcdb EXPORTTYPE # #Returns the applicable I for an I. # #=cut # #sub exporttype2svcdb { # my $exporttype = $_[0]; # foreach my $svcdb ( keys %exports ) { # return $svcdb if grep { $exporttype eq $_ } keys %{$exports{$svcdb}}; # } # ''; #} #false laziness w/part_pkg & cdr foreach my $INC ( @INC ) { foreach my $file ( glob("$INC/FS/part_export/*.pm") ) { warn "attempting to load export info from $file\n" if $DEBUG; $file =~ /\/(\w+)\.pm$/ or do { warn "unrecognized file in $INC/FS/part_export/: $file\n"; next; }; my $mod = $1; my $info = eval "use FS::part_export::$mod; ". "\\%FS::part_export::$mod\::info;"; if ( $@ ) { die "error using FS::part_export::$mod (skipping): $@\n" if $@; next; } unless ( keys %$info ) { warn "no %info hash found in FS::part_export::$mod, skipping\n" unless $mod =~ /^(passwdfile|null|.+_Common)$/; #hack but what the heck next; } warn "got export info from FS::part_export::$mod: $info\n" if $DEBUG; no strict 'refs'; foreach my $svc ( ref($info->{'svc'}) ? @{$info->{'svc'}} : $info->{'svc'} ) { unless ( $svc ) { warn "blank svc for FS::part_export::$mod (skipping)\n"; next; } $exports{$svc}->{$mod} = $info; } } } =back =head1 NEW EXPORT CLASSES A module should be added in FS/FS/part_export/ (an example may be found in eg/ =head1 BUGS Hmm... cust_export class (not necessarily a database table...) ... ? deprecated column... =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L, schema.html from the base documentation. =cut 1;