package FS::part_event::Condition::cust_payments_pkg; use strict; use base qw( FS::part_event::Condition ); sub description { 'Customer total payments (multiplier of package)'; } sub eventtable_hashref { { 'cust_pkg' => 1 }; } sub option_fields { ( 'over_times' => { 'label' => 'Customer total payments as least', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => '1', #default }, 'what' => { 'label' => 'Times', 'type' => 'select', #also add some way to specify in the package def, no? 'options' => [ qw( base_recur_permonth ) ], 'labels' => { 'base_recur_permonth' => 'Base monthly fee', }, }, ); } sub condition { my($self, $cust_pkg) = @_; my $cust_main = $self->cust_main($cust_pkg); my $part_pkg = $cust_pkg->part_pkg; my $over_times = $self->option('over_times'); $over_times = 0 unless length($over_times); my $what = $self->option('what'); #false laziness w/Condition/ if ( $what eq 'base_recur_permonth' ) { #huh. yuck. if ( $part_pkg->freq !~ /^\d+$/ ) { die 'WARNING: Not crediting customer '. $cust_main->referral_custnum. ' for package '. $cust_pkg->pkgnum. ' ( customer '. $cust_pkg->custnum. ')'. ' - Referral credits not (yet) available for '. ' packages with '. $part_pkg->freq_pretty. ' frequency'; } } $cust_main->total_paid >= $over_times * $part_pkg->$what($cust_pkg); } #XXX add for efficiency. could use cust_main::total_paid_sql #use FS::cust_main; #sub condition_sql { # my( $class, $table ) = @_; # # my $over = $class->condition_sql_option('balance'); # # my $balance_sql = FS::cust_main->balance_sql; # # "$balance_sql > $over"; # #} 1;