package FS::msg_template::InitialData; sub _initial_data { [ { msgname => 'Password reset', msgclass => 'email', mime_type => 'text/html', #multipart/alternative with a text part? # cranky mutt/pine users like me are rare _conf => 'selfservice-password_reset_msgnum', _insert_args => [ subject => '{ $company_name } password reset', body => <<'END', To complete your { $company_name } password reset, please go to { $selfservice_server_base_url }/selfservice.cgi?action=process_forgot_password_session_{ $session_id }

This link will expire in 24 hours.

If you did not request this password reset, you may safely ignore and delete this message.

{ $company_name } Support END ], }, { msgname => 'Refund receipt', msgclass => 'email', mime_type => 'text/html', _conf => 'refund_receipt_msgnum', _insert_args => [ subject => '{ $company_name } refund receipt', body => <<'END', Dear {$first} {$last},

The following refund has been applied to your account.

Refund ID: {$refundnum}
Date: {$date}
Amount: {$refund}
END ], }, { msgname => 'System log', msgclass => 'email', mime_type => 'text/html', _upgrade_journal => 'system_log_email_template', _insert_args => [ subject => '{ $company_name } system log', body => <<'END', Level: {$loglevel}
Context: {$logcontext}

END ], }, ]; } 1;