package FS::detail_format; use strict; use vars qw( $DEBUG ); use FS::Conf; use FS::cdr; use FS::cust_bill_pkg_detail; use FS::L10N; use Date::Language; use Text::CSV_XS; my $me = '[FS::detail_format]'; =head1 NAME FS::detail_format - invoice detail formatter =head1 DESCRIPTION An FS::detail_format object is a converter to create invoice details (L) from call detail records (L) or other usage information. FS::detail_format inherits from nothing. Subclasses of FS::detail_format represent specific detail formats. =head1 CLASS METHODS =over 4 =item new FORMAT, OPTIONS Returns a new detail formatter. The FORMAT argument is the name of a subclass. OPTIONS may contain: - buffer: an arrayref to store details into. This may avoid the need for a large copy operation at the end of processing. However, since summary formats will produce nothing until the end of processing, C must be called after all CDRs have been appended. - inbound: a flag telling the formatter to format CDRs for display to the receiving party, rather than the originator. In this case, the L object will be fetched and its values used for rated_price, rated_seconds, rated_minutes, and svcnum. This can be changed with the C method. - locale: a locale string to use for static text and date formats. This is optional. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; if ( $class eq 'FS::detail_format' ) { my $format = shift or die "$me format name required"; $class = "FS::detail_format::$format" unless $format =~ /^FS::detail_format::/; } eval "use $class"; die "$me error loading $class: $@" if $@; my %opt = @_; my $locale = $opt{'locale'} || ''; my $conf = FS::Conf->new({ locale => $locale }); $locale ||= $conf->config('locale') || 'en_US'; my %locale_info = FS::Locales->locale_info($locale); my $language_name = $locale_info{'name'}; my $self = { conf => FS::Conf->new({ locale => $locale }), csv => Text::CSV_XS->new({ binary => 1 }), inbound => ($opt{'inbound'} ? 1 : 0), buffer => ($opt{'buffer'} || []), _lh => FS::L10N->get_handle($locale), _dh => eval { Date::Language->new($language_name) } || Date::Language->new() }; bless $self, $class; } =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item inbound VALUE Set/get the 'inbound' flag. =cut sub inbound { my $self = shift; $self->{inbound} = ($_[0] > 0) if (@_); $self->{inbound}; } =item phonenum VALUE Set/get the locally meaningful phone number. This is used to tag call details for presentation on certain kinds of invoices. =cut sub phonenum { my $self = shift; $self->{phonenum} = shift if @_; $self->{phonenum}; } =item append CDRS Takes any number of call detail records (as L objects), formats them, and appends them to the internal buffer. By default, this simply calls C on each CDR in the set. Subclasses should override C and maybe C if they do not produce detail lines from CDRs in a 1:1 fashion. The 'billpkgnum', 'invnum', 'pkgnum', and 'phonenum' fields will be set later. =cut sub append { my $self = shift; foreach (@_) { push @{ $self->{buffer} }, $self->single_detail($_); } } =item details Returns all invoice detail records in the buffer. This will perform a C first. Subclasses generally shouldn't override this. =cut sub details { my $self = shift; $self->finish; @{ $self->{buffer} } } =item finish Ensures that all invoice details are generated given the CDRs that have been appended. By default, this does nothing. =cut sub finish {} =item header Returns a header row for the format, as an L object. By default this has 'format' = 'C', 'detail' = the value returned by C, and all other fields empty. This is called after C, so it can use information from the CDRs. =cut sub header { my $self = shift; FS::cust_bill_pkg_detail->new( { 'format' => 'C', 'detail' => $self->mt($self->header_detail) } ) } =item single_detail CDR Takes a single CDR and returns an invoice detail to describe it. By default, this maps the following fields from the CDR: rated_price => amount rated_classnum => classnum rated_seconds => duration rated_regionname => regionname accountcode => accountcode startdate => startdate 'phonenum' is set to the internal C value set on the formatter object. It then calls C on the CDR to obtain a list of detail columns, formats them as a CSV string, and stores that in the 'detail' field. =cut sub single_detail { my $self = shift; my $cdr = shift; my @columns = $self->columns($cdr); my $status = $self->csv->combine(@columns); die "$me error combining ".$self->csv->error_input."\n" if !$status; my $object = $self->{inbound} ? $cdr->cdr_termination(1) : $cdr; my $price = $object->rated_price if $object; $price = 0 if $cdr->freesidestatus eq 'no-charge'; FS::cust_bill_pkg_detail->new( { 'amount' => $price, 'classnum' => $cdr->rated_classnum, 'duration' => $cdr->rated_seconds, 'regionname' => $cdr->rated_regionname, 'accountcode' => $cdr->accountcode, 'startdate' => $cdr->startdate, 'format' => 'C', 'detail' => $self->csv->string, 'phonenum' => $self->phonenum, }); } =item columns CDR Returns a list of CSV columns (to be shown on the invoice) for the CDR. This is the method most subclasses should override. =cut sub columns { my $self = shift; die "$me no columns method in ".ref($self); } =item header_detail Returns the 'detail' field for the header row. This should probably be a CSV string of column headers for the values returned by C. =cut sub header_detail { my $self = shift; die "$me no header_detail method in ".ref($self); } # convenience methods for subclasses sub conf { $_[0]->{conf} } sub csv { $_[0]->{csv} } sub date_format { my $self = shift; $self->{date_format} ||= ($self->conf->config('date_format') || '%m/%d/%Y'); } sub money_char { my $self = shift; $self->{money_char} ||= ($self->conf->config('money_char') || '$'); } # localization methods sub time2str_local { my $self = shift; $self->{_dh}->time2str(@_); } sub mt { my $self = shift; $self->{_lh}->maketext(@_); } #imitate previous behavior for now sub duration { my $self = shift; my $cdr = shift; my $object = $self->{inbound} ? $cdr->cdr_termination(1) : $cdr; my $sec = $object->rated_seconds if $object; $sec ||= 0; # XXX termination objects don't have rated_granularity so this may # result in inbound CDRs being displayed as min/sec when they shouldn't. # Should probably fix this. if ( $cdr->rated_granularity eq '0' ) { '1 call'; } elsif ( $cdr->rated_granularity eq '60' ) { sprintf('%dm', ($sec + 59)/60); } else { sprintf('%dm %ds', $sec / 60, $sec % 60); } } sub price { my $self = shift; my $cdr = shift; my $object = $self->{inbound} ? $cdr->cdr_termination(1) : $cdr; my $price = $object->rated_price if $object; $price = '0.00' if $object->freesidestatus eq 'no-charge'; length($price) ? $self->money_char . $price : ''; } 1;