package FS::cust_pkg_reason; use strict; use vars qw( $ignore_empty_action ); use base qw( FS::otaker_Mixin FS::Record ); use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs ); $ignore_empty_action = 0; =head1 NAME FS::cust_pkg_reason - Object methods for cust_pkg_reason records =head1 SYNOPSIS use FS::cust_pkg_reason; $record = new FS::cust_pkg_reason \%hash; $record = new FS::cust_pkg_reason { 'column' => 'value' }; $error = $record->insert; $error = $new_record->replace($old_record); $error = $record->delete; $error = $record->check; =head1 DESCRIPTION An FS::cust_pkg_reason object represents a relationship between a cust_pkg and a reason, for example cancellation or suspension reasons. FS::cust_pkg_reason inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported: =over 4 =item num primary key =item pkgnum =item reasonnum =item usernum =item date =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new HASHREF Creates a new cust_pkg_reason. To add the example to the database, see L<"insert">. Note that this stores the hash reference, not a distinct copy of the hash it points to. You can ask the object for a copy with the I method. =cut sub table { 'cust_pkg_reason'; } =item insert Adds this record to the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =cut =item delete Delete this record from the database. =cut =item replace OLD_RECORD Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =cut =item check Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid cust_pkg_reason. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert and replace methods. =cut sub check { my $self = shift; my @actions = ( 'A', 'C', 'E', 'S' ); push @actions, '' if $ignore_empty_action; my $error = $self->ut_numbern('num') || $self->ut_number('pkgnum') || $self->ut_number('reasonnum') || $self->ut_enum('action', \@actions) || $self->ut_alphan('otaker') || $self->ut_numbern('date') ; return $error if $error; $self->SUPER::check; } =item reason Returns the reason (see L) associated with this cust_pkg_reason. =cut sub reason { my $self = shift; qsearchs( 'reason', { 'reasonnum' => $self->reasonnum } ); } =item reasontext Returns the text of the reason (see L) associated with this cust_pkg_reason. =cut sub reasontext { my $reason = shift->reason; $reason ? $reason->reason : ''; } # _upgrade_data # # Used by FS::Upgrade to migrate to a new database. use FS::h_cust_pkg; use FS::h_cust_pkg_reason; sub _upgrade_data { # class method my ($class, %opts) = @_; my $action_replace = " AND ( history_action = 'replace_old' OR history_action = 'replace_new' )"; my $count = 0; my @unmigrated = qsearch('cust_pkg_reason', { 'action' => '' } ); foreach ( @unmigrated ) { my @history_cust_pkg_reason = qsearch( 'h_cust_pkg_reason', { $_->hash } ); next unless scalar(@history_cust_pkg_reason) == 1; my $hashref = { pkgnum => $_->pkgnum, history_date => $history_cust_pkg_reason[0]->history_date, }; my @history = qsearch({ table => 'h_cust_pkg', hashref => $hashref, extra_sql => $action_replace, order_by => 'ORDER BY history_action', }); my $fuzz = 0; while (scalar(@history) < 2 && $fuzz < 3) { $hashref->{history_date}++; $fuzz++; push @history, qsearch({ table => 'h_cust_pkg', hashref => $hashref, extra_sql => $action_replace, order_by => 'ORDER BY history_action', }); } next unless scalar(@history) == 2; my @new = grep { $_->history_action eq 'replace_new' } @history; my @old = grep { $_->history_action eq 'replace_old' } @history; next if (scalar(@new) == 2 || scalar(@old) == 2); if ( !$old[0]->get('cancel') && $new[0]->get('cancel') ) { $_->action('C'); }elsif( !$old[0]->susp && $new[0]->susp ){ $_->action('S'); }elsif( $new[0]->expire && (!$old[0]->expire || !$old[0]->expire != $new[0]->expire ) ){ $_->action('E'); $_->date($new[0]->expire); }elsif( $new[0]->adjourn && (!$old[0]->adjourn || $old[0]->adjourn != $new[0]->adjourn ) ){ $_->action('A'); $_->date($new[0]->adjourn); } my $error = $_->replace if $_->modified; die $error if $error; $count++; } #remove nullability if scalar(@migrated) - $count == 0 && ->column('action'); #seek expirations/adjourns without reason foreach my $field (qw( expire adjourn cancel susp )) { my $addl_from = "LEFT JOIN h_cust_pkg ON ". "(cust_pkg_reason.pkgnum = h_cust_pkg.pkgnum AND". " = h_cust_pkg.$field AND". " history_action = 'replace_new')"; my $extra_sql = 'AND h_cust_pkg.pkgnum IS NULL'; my @unmigrated = qsearch({ table => 'cust_pkg_reason', hashref => { action => uc(substr($field,0,1)) }, addl_from => $addl_from, select => 'cust_pkg_reason.*', extra_sql => $extra_sql, }); foreach ( @unmigrated ) { my $hashref = { pkgnum => $_->pkgnum, history_date => $_->date, }; my @history = qsearch({ table => 'h_cust_pkg', hashref => $hashref, extra_sql => $action_replace, order_by => 'ORDER BY history_action', }); my $fuzz = 0; while (scalar(@history) < 2 && $fuzz < 3) { $hashref->{history_date}++; $fuzz++; push @history, qsearch({ table => 'h_cust_pkg', hashref => $hashref, extra_sql => $action_replace, order_by => 'ORDER BY history_action', }); } next unless scalar(@history) == 2; my @new = grep { $_->history_action eq 'replace_new' } @history; my @old = grep { $_->history_action eq 'replace_old' } @history; next if (scalar(@new) == 2 || scalar(@old) == 2); $_->date($new[0]->get($field)) if ( $new[0]->get($field) && ( !$old[0]->get($field) || $old[0]->get($field) != $new[0]->get($field) ) ); my $error = $_->replace if $_->modified; die $error if $error; } } #seek cancels/suspends without reason, but with expire/adjourn reason foreach my $field (qw( cancel susp )) { my %precursor_map = ( 'cancel' => 'expire', 'susp' => 'adjourn' ); my $precursor = $precursor_map{$field}; my $preaction = uc(substr($precursor,0,1)); my $action = uc(substr($field,0,1)); my $addl_from = "LEFT JOIN cust_pkg_reason ON ". "(cust_pkg.pkgnum = cust_pkg_reason.pkgnum AND". " cust_pkg.$precursor = AND". " cust_pkg_reason.action = '$preaction') ". "LEFT JOIN cust_pkg_reason AS target ON ". "(cust_pkg.pkgnum = target.pkgnum AND". " cust_pkg.$field = AND". " target.action = '$action')" ; my $extra_sql = "WHERE target.pkgnum IS NULL AND ". "cust_pkg.$field IS NOT NULL AND ". "cust_pkg.$field < cust_pkg.$precursor + 86400 AND ". "cust_pkg_reason.action = '$preaction'"; my @unmigrated = qsearch({ table => 'cust_pkg', hashref => { }, select => 'cust_pkg.*', addl_from => $addl_from, extra_sql => $extra_sql, }); foreach ( @unmigrated ) { my $cpr = new FS::cust_pkg_reason { $_->last_cust_pkg_reason($precursor)->hash, 'num' => '' }; $cpr->date($_->get($field)); $cpr->action($action); my $error = $cpr->insert; die $error if $error; } } #still can't fill in an action? don't abort the upgrade local($ignore_empty_action) = 1; $class->_upgrade_otaker(%opts); } =back =head1 BUGS =head1 SEE ALSO L, schema.html from the base documentation. =cut 1;