package FS::cust_pkg::Search; use strict; use FS::CurrentUser; use FS::UI::Web; use FS::cust_main; use FS::cust_pkg; =item search HASHREF (Class method) Returns a qsearch hash expression to search for parameters specified in HASHREF. Valid parameters are =over 4 =item agentnum =item status on hold, active, inactive (or one-time charge), suspended, canceled (or cancelled) =item magic Equivalent to "status", except that "canceled"/"cancelled" will exclude packages that were changed into a new package with the same pkgpart (i.e. location or quantity changes). =item custom boolean selects custom packages =item classnum =item pkgpart pkgpart or arrayref or hashref of pkgparts =item setup arrayref of beginning and ending epoch date =item last_bill arrayref of beginning and ending epoch date =item bill arrayref of beginning and ending epoch date =item adjourn arrayref of beginning and ending epoch date =item susp arrayref of beginning and ending epoch date =item expire arrayref of beginning and ending epoch date =item cancel arrayref of beginning and ending epoch date =item query pkgnum or APKG_pkgnum =item cust_fields a value suited to passing to FS::UI::Web::cust_header =item CurrentUser specifies the user for agent virtualization =item fcc_line boolean; if true, returns only packages with more than 0 FCC phone lines. =item state, country Limit to packages with a service location in the specified state and country. For FCC 477 reporting, mostly. =item location_cust Limit to packages whose service locations are the same as the customer's default service location. =item location_nocust Limit to packages whose service locations are not the customer's default service location. =item location_census Limit to packages whose service locations have census tracts. =item location_nocensus Limit to packages whose service locations do not have a census tract. =item location_geocode Limit to packages whose locations have geocodes. =item location_geocode Limit to packages whose locations do not have geocodes. =item towernum Limit to packages associated with a svc_broadband, associated with a sector, associated with this towernum (or any of these, if it's an arrayref) (or NO towernum, if it's zero). This is an extreme niche case. =item 477part, 477rownum, date Limit to packages included in a specific row of one of the FCC 477 reports. '477part' is the section name (see L methods), 'date' is the report as-of date (completely unrelated to the package setup/bill/ other date fields), and '477rownum' is the row number of the report starting with zero. Row numbers have no inherent meaning, so this is useful only for explaining a 477 report you've already run. =back =cut sub search { my ($class, $params) = @_; my @where = (); ## # parse agent ## if ( $params->{'agentnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $1 ) { push @where, "cust_main.agentnum = $1"; } ## # parse cust_status ## if ( $params->{'cust_status'} =~ /^([a-z]+)$/ ) { push @where, FS::cust_main->cust_status_sql . " = '$1' "; } ## # parse customer sales person ## if ( $params->{'cust_main_salesnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { push @where, ($1 > 0) ? "cust_main.salesnum = $1" : 'cust_main.salesnum IS NULL'; } ## # parse sales person ## if ( $params->{'salesnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { push @where, ($1 > 0) ? "cust_pkg.salesnum = $1" : 'cust_pkg.salesnum IS NULL'; } ## # parse custnum ## if ( $params->{'custnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $1 ) { push @where, "cust_pkg.custnum = $1"; } ## # custbatch ## if ( $params->{'pkgbatch'} =~ /^([\w\/\-\:\.]+)$/ and $1 ) { push @where, "cust_pkg.pkgbatch = '$1'"; } ## # parse status ## if ( $params->{'magic'} eq 'active' || $params->{'status'} eq 'active' ) { push @where, FS::cust_pkg->active_sql(); } elsif ( $params->{'magic'} =~ /^not[ _]yet[ _]billed$/ || $params->{'status'} =~ /^not[ _]yet[ _]billed$/ ) { push @where, FS::cust_pkg->not_yet_billed_sql(); } elsif ( $params->{'magic'} =~ /^(one-time charge|inactive)/ || $params->{'status'} =~ /^(one-time charge|inactive)/ ) { push @where, FS::cust_pkg->inactive_sql(); } elsif ( $params->{'magic'} =~ /^on[ _]hold$/ || $params->{'status'} =~ /^on[ _]hold$/ ) { push @where, FS::cust_pkg->on_hold_sql(); } elsif ( $params->{'magic'} eq 'suspended' || $params->{'status'} eq 'suspended' ) { push @where, FS::cust_pkg->suspended_sql(); } elsif ( $params->{'magic'} =~ /^cancell?ed$/ || $params->{'status'} =~ /^cancell?ed$/ ) { push @where, FS::cust_pkg->cancelled_sql(); } ### special case: "magic" is used in detail links from browse/part_pkg, # where "cancelled" has the restriction "and not replaced with a package # of the same pkgpart". Be consistent with that. ### if ( $params->{'magic'} =~ /^cancell?ed$/ ) { my $new_pkgpart = "SELECT pkgpart FROM cust_pkg AS cust_pkg_next ". "WHERE cust_pkg_next.change_pkgnum = cust_pkg.pkgnum"; # ...may not exist, if this was just canceled and not changed; in that # case give it a "new pkgpart" that never equals the old pkgpart push @where, "COALESCE(($new_pkgpart), 0) != cust_pkg.pkgpart"; } ### # parse package class ### if ( exists($params->{'classnum'}) ) { my @classnum = (); if ( ref($params->{'classnum'}) ) { if ( ref($params->{'classnum'}) eq 'HASH' ) { @classnum = grep $params->{'classnum'}{$_}, keys %{ $params->{'classnum'} }; } elsif ( ref($params->{'classnum'}) eq 'ARRAY' ) { @classnum = @{ $params->{'classnum'} }; } else { die 'unhandled classnum ref '. $params->{'classnum'}; } } elsif ( $params->{'classnum'} =~ /^(\d*)$/ && $1 ne '0' ) { @classnum = ( $1 ); } if ( @classnum ) { my @c_where = (); my @nums = grep $_, @classnum; push @c_where, 'part_pkg.classnum IN ('. join(',',@nums). ')' if @nums; my $null = scalar( grep { $_ eq '' } @classnum ); push @c_where, 'part_pkg.classnum IS NULL' if $null; if ( scalar(@c_where) == 1 ) { push @where, @c_where; } elsif ( @c_where ) { push @where, ' ( '. join(' OR ', @c_where). ' ) '; } } } ### # parse package report options ### my @report_option = (); if ( exists($params->{'report_option'}) ) { if ( ref($params->{'report_option'}) eq 'ARRAY' ) { @report_option = @{ $params->{'report_option'} }; } elsif ( $params->{'report_option'} =~ /^([,\d]*)$/ ) { @report_option = split(',', $1); } } if (@report_option) { # this will result in the empty set for the dangling comma case as it should push @where, map{ "0 < ( SELECT count(*) FROM part_pkg_option WHERE part_pkg_option.pkgpart = part_pkg.pkgpart AND optionname = 'report_option_$_' AND optionvalue = '1' )" } @report_option; } foreach my $any ( grep /^report_option_any/, keys %$params ) { my @report_option_any = (); if ( ref($params->{$any}) eq 'ARRAY' ) { @report_option_any = @{ $params->{$any} }; } elsif ( $params->{$any} =~ /^([,\d]*)$/ ) { @report_option_any = split(',', $1); } if (@report_option_any) { # this will result in the empty set for the dangling comma case as it should push @where, ' ( '. join(' OR ', map{ "0 < ( SELECT count(*) FROM part_pkg_option WHERE part_pkg_option.pkgpart = part_pkg.pkgpart AND optionname = 'report_option_$_' AND optionvalue = '1' )" } @report_option_any ). ' ) '; } } ### # parse custom ### push @where, "part_pkg.custom = 'Y'" if $params->{custom}; ### # parse fcc_line ### push @where, "(part_pkg.fcc_ds0s > 0 OR pkg_class.fcc_ds0s > 0)" if $params->{fcc_line}; ### # parse censustract ### if ( exists($params->{'censustract'}) ) { $params->{'censustract'} =~ /^([.\d]*)$/; my $censustract = "cust_location.censustract = '$1'"; $censustract .= ' OR cust_location.censustract is NULL' unless $1; push @where, "( $censustract )"; } ### # parse censustract2 ### if ( exists($params->{'censustract2'}) && $params->{'censustract2'} =~ /^(\d*)$/ ) { if ($1) { push @where, "cust_location.censustract LIKE '$1%'"; } else { push @where, "( cust_location.censustract = '' OR cust_location.censustract IS NULL )"; } } ### # parse country/state/zip ### for (qw(state country)) { # parsing rules are the same for these if ( exists($params->{$_}) && uc($params->{$_}) =~ /^([A-Z]{2})$/ ) { # XXX post-2.3 only--before that, state/country may be in cust_main push @where, "cust_location.$_ = '$1'"; } } if ( exists($params->{zip}) ) { push @where, " = " . dbh->quote($params->{zip}); } ### # location_* flags ### if ( $params->{location_cust} xor $params->{location_nocust} ) { my $op = $params->{location_cust} ? '=' : '!='; push @where, "cust_location.locationnum $op cust_main.ship_locationnum"; } if ( $params->{location_census} xor $params->{location_nocensus} ) { my $op = $params->{location_census} ? "IS NOT NULL" : "IS NULL"; push @where, "cust_location.censustract $op"; } if ( $params->{location_geocode} xor $params->{location_nogeocode} ) { my $op = $params->{location_geocode} ? "IS NOT NULL" : "IS NULL"; push @where, "cust_location.geocode $op"; } ### # parse part_pkg ### if ( ref($params->{'pkgpart'}) ) { my @pkgpart = (); if ( ref($params->{'pkgpart'}) eq 'HASH' ) { @pkgpart = grep $params->{'pkgpart'}{$_}, keys %{ $params->{'pkgpart'} }; } elsif ( ref($params->{'pkgpart'}) eq 'ARRAY' ) { @pkgpart = @{ $params->{'pkgpart'} }; } else { die 'unhandled pkgpart ref '. $params->{'pkgpart'}; } @pkgpart = grep /^(\d+)$/, @pkgpart; push @where, 'pkgpart IN ('. join(',', @pkgpart). ')' if scalar(@pkgpart); } elsif ( $params->{'pkgpart'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { push @where, "pkgpart = $1"; } ### # parse dates ### my $orderby = ''; #false laziness w/report_cust_pkg.html my %disable = ( 'all' => {}, 'one-time charge' => { 'last_bill'=>1, 'bill'=>1, 'adjourn'=>1, 'susp'=>1, 'expire'=>1, 'cancel'=>1, }, 'active' => { 'susp'=>1, 'cancel'=>1 }, 'suspended' => { 'cancel' => 1 }, 'cancelled' => {}, '' => {}, ); if( exists($params->{'active'} ) ) { # This overrides all the other date-related fields, and includes packages # that were active at some time during the interval. It excludes: # - packages that were set up after the end of the interval # - packages that were canceled before the start of the interval # - packages that were suspended before the start of the interval # and are still suspended now my($beginning, $ending) = @{$params->{'active'}}; push @where, "cust_pkg.setup IS NOT NULL", "cust_pkg.setup <= $ending", "(cust_pkg.cancel IS NULL OR cust_pkg.cancel >= $beginning )", "(cust_pkg.susp IS NULL OR cust_pkg.susp >= $beginning )", "NOT (".FS::cust_pkg->onetime_sql . ")"; } else { my $exclude_change_from = 0; my $exclude_change_to = 0; foreach my $field (qw( setup last_bill bill adjourn susp expire contract_end change_date cancel )) { next unless exists($params->{$field}); my($beginning, $ending) = @{$params->{$field}}; next if $beginning == 0 && $ending == 4294967295; push @where, "cust_pkg.$field IS NOT NULL", "cust_pkg.$field >= $beginning", "cust_pkg.$field <= $ending"; $orderby ||= "ORDER BY cust_pkg.$field"; if ( $field eq 'setup' ) { $exclude_change_from = 1; } elsif ( $field eq 'cancel' ) { $exclude_change_to = 1; } elsif ( $field eq 'change_date' ) { # if we are given setup and change_date ranges, and the setup date # falls in _both_ ranges, then include the package whether it was # a change or not $exclude_change_from = 0; } } if ($exclude_change_from) { push @where, "change_pkgnum IS NULL"; } if ($exclude_change_to) { # a join might be more efficient here push @where, "NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM cust_pkg AS changed_to_pkg WHERE cust_pkg.pkgnum = changed_to_pkg.change_pkgnum )"; } } $orderby ||= 'ORDER BY bill'; ### # parse magic, legacy, etc. ### if ( $params->{'magic'} && $params->{'magic'} =~ /^(active|inactive|suspended|cancell?ed)$/ ) { $orderby = 'ORDER BY pkgnum'; if ( $params->{'pkgpart'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { push @where, "pkgpart = $1"; } } elsif ( $params->{'query'} eq 'pkgnum' ) { $orderby = 'ORDER BY pkgnum'; } elsif ( $params->{'query'} eq 'APKG_pkgnum' ) { $orderby = 'ORDER BY pkgnum'; push @where, '0 < ( SELECT count(*) FROM pkg_svc WHERE pkg_svc.pkgpart = cust_pkg.pkgpart AND pkg_svc.quantity > ( SELECT count(*) FROM cust_svc WHERE cust_svc.pkgnum = cust_pkg.pkgnum AND cust_svc.svcpart = pkg_svc.svcpart ) )'; } ## # parse the extremely weird 'towernum' param ## if ($params->{towernum}) { my $towernum = $params->{towernum}; $towernum = [ $towernum ] if !ref($towernum); my $in = join(',', grep /^\d+$/, @$towernum); if (length $in) { # inefficient, but this is an obscure feature eval "use FS::Report::Table"; FS::Report::Table->_init_tower_pkg_cache; # probably does nothing push @where, "EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM tower_pkg_cache WHERE tower_pkg_cache.pkgnum = cust_pkg.pkgnum AND tower_pkg_cache.towernum IN ($in) )" } } ## # parse the 477 report drill-down options ## if ($params->{'477part'} =~ /^([a-z]+)$/) { my $section = $1; my ($date, $rownum, $agentnum); if ($params->{'date'} =~ /^(\d+)$/) { $date = $1; } if ($params->{'477rownum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/) { $rownum = $1; } if ($params->{'agentnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/) { $agentnum = $1; } if ($date and defined($rownum)) { my $report = FS::Report::FCC_477->report($section, 'date' => $date, 'agentnum' => $agentnum, 'detail' => 1 ); my $row = $report->[$rownum] or die "row $rownum is past the end of the report"; my $pkgnums = $row->[-1] || '0'; # '0' so that if there are no pkgnums (empty string) it will create # a valid query that returns nothing warn "PKGNUMS:\n$pkgnums\n\n"; # XXX debug # and this overrides everything @where = ( "cust_pkg.pkgnum IN($pkgnums)" ); } # else we're missing some params, ignore the whole business } ## # setup queries, links, subs, etc. for the search ## # here is the agent virtualization if ($params->{CurrentUser}) { my $access_user = qsearchs('access_user', { username => $params->{CurrentUser} }); if ($access_user) { push @where, $access_user->agentnums_sql('table'=>'cust_main'); } else { push @where, "1=0"; } } else { push @where, $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql('table'=>'cust_main'); } my $extra_sql = scalar(@where) ? ' WHERE '. join(' AND ', @where) : ''; my $addl_from = 'LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart ) '. 'LEFT JOIN pkg_class ON ( part_pkg.classnum = pkg_class.classnum ) '. 'LEFT JOIN cust_location USING ( locationnum ) '. FS::UI::Web::join_cust_main('cust_pkg', 'cust_pkg'); my $select; my $count_query; if ( $params->{'select_zip5'} ) { my $zip = ''; $select = "DISTINCT substr($zip,1,5) as zip"; $orderby = "ORDER BY substr($zip,1,5)"; $count_query = "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT substr($zip,1,5) )"; } else { $select = join(', ', 'cust_pkg.*', ( map "part_pkg.$_", qw( pkg freq ) ), 'pkg_class.classname', 'cust_main.custnum AS cust_main_custnum', FS::UI::Web::cust_sql_fields( $params->{'cust_fields'} ), ); $count_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*)'; } $count_query .= " FROM cust_pkg $addl_from $extra_sql"; my $sql_query = { 'table' => 'cust_pkg', 'hashref' => {}, 'select' => $select, 'extra_sql' => $extra_sql, 'order_by' => $orderby, 'addl_from' => $addl_from, 'count_query' => $count_query, }; } 1;