package FS::cust_main::Location; use strict; use vars qw( $DEBUG $me @location_fields ); use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs); use FS::UID qw(dbh); use FS::cust_location; use Carp qw(carp); $DEBUG = 0; $me = '[FS::cust_main::Location]'; my $init = 0; BEGIN { # set up accessors for location fields if (!$init) { no strict 'refs'; @location_fields = qw( address1 address2 city county state zip country district latitude longitude coord_auto censustract censusyear geocode addr_clean ); foreach my $f (@location_fields) { *{"FS::cust_main::Location::$f"} = sub { carp "WARNING: tried to set cust_main.$f with accessor" if (@_ > 1); my $l = shift->bill_location; $l ? $l->$f : ''; }; *{"FS::cust_main::Location::ship_$f"} = sub { carp "WARNING: tried to set cust_main.ship_$f with accessor" if (@_ > 1); my $l = shift->ship_location; $l ? $l->$f : ''; }; } $init++; } } #debugging shim--probably a performance hit, so remove this at some point sub get { my $self = shift; my $field = shift; if ( $DEBUG and grep (/^(ship_)?($field)$/, @location_fields) ) { carp "WARNING: tried to get() location field $field"; $self->$field; } $self->FS::Record::get($field); } =head1 NAME FS::cust_main::Location - Location-related methods for cust_main =head1 DESCRIPTION These methods are available on FS::cust_main objects; =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item bill_location Returns an L object for the customer's billing address. =cut sub bill_location { my $self = shift; $self->hashref->{bill_location} ||= FS::cust_location->by_key($self->bill_locationnum); } =item ship_location Returns an L object for the customer's service address. =cut sub ship_location { my $self = shift; $self->hashref->{ship_location} ||= FS::cust_location->by_key($self->ship_locationnum); } =item location TYPE An alternative way of saying "bill_location or ship_location, depending on if TYPE is 'bill' or 'ship'". =cut sub location { my $self = shift; return $self->bill_location if $_[0] eq 'bill'; return $self->ship_location if $_[0] eq 'ship'; die "bad location type '$_[0]'"; } =back =head1 CLASS METHODS =over 4 =item location_fields Returns a list of fields found in the location objects. All of these fields can be read (but not written) by calling them as methods on the L object (prefixed with 'ship_' for the service address fields). =cut sub location_fields { @location_fields } sub _upgrade_data { my $class = shift; eval "use FS::contact; use FS::contact_class; use FS::contact_phone; use FS::phone_type"; local $FS::cust_location::import = 1; local $DEBUG = 0; my $error; my $tax_prefix = 'bill_'; if ( FS::Conf->new->exists('tax-ship_address') ) { $tax_prefix = 'ship_'; } # Step 0: set up contact classes and phone types my $service_contact_class = qsearchs('contact_class', { classname => 'Service'}) || new FS::contact_class { classname => 'Service'}; if ( !$service_contact_class->classnum ) { $error = $service_contact_class->insert; die "error creating contact class for Service: $error" if $error; } my %phone_type = ( # fudge slightly daytime => 'Work', night => 'Home', mobile => 'Mobile', fax => 'Fax' ); my $w = 10; foreach (keys %phone_type) { $phone_type{$_} = qsearchs('phone_type', { typename => $phone_type{$_}}) || new FS::phone_type { typename => $phone_type{$_}, weight => $w }; # just in case someone still doesn't have these if ( !$phone_type{$_}->phonetypenum ) { $error = $phone_type{$_}->insert; die "error creating phone type '$_': $error" if $error; } } foreach my $cust_main (qsearch('cust_main', { bill_locationnum => '', address1 => { op=>'!=', value=>'' }, })) { # Step 1: extract billing and service addresses into cust_location my $custnum = $cust_main->custnum; my $bill_location = FS::cust_location->new( { custnum => $custnum, map { $_ => $cust_main->get($_) } location_fields(), } ); $bill_location->set('censustract', ''); $bill_location->set('censusyear', ''); # properly goes with ship_location; if they're the same, will be set # on ship_location before inserting either one my $ship_location = $bill_location; # until proven otherwise if ( $cust_main->get('ship_address1') ) { # detect duplicates my $same = 1; foreach (location_fields()) { if ( length($cust_main->get("ship_$_")) and $cust_main->get($_) ne $cust_main->get("ship_$_") ) { $same = 0; } } if ( !$same ) { $ship_location = FS::cust_location->new( { custnum => $custnum, map { $_ => $cust_main->get("ship_$_") } location_fields() } ); } # else it stays equal to $bill_location # Step 2: Extract shipping address contact fields into contact my %unlike = map { $_ => 1 } grep { $cust_main->get($_) ne $cust_main->get("ship_$_") } qw( last first company daytime night fax mobile ); if ( %unlike ) { # then there IS a service contact my $contact = FS::contact->new({ 'custnum' => $custnum, 'classnum' => $service_contact_class->classnum, 'locationnum' => $ship_location->locationnum, 'last' => $cust_main->get('ship_last'), 'first' => $cust_main->get('ship_first'), }); if ( !$cust_main->get('ship_last') or !$cust_main->get('ship_first') ) { warn "customer $custnum has no service contact name; substituting ". "customer name\n"; $contact->set('last' => $cust_main->get('last')); $contact->set('first' => $cust_main->get('first')); } if ( $unlike{'company'} ) { # there's no field, but keep a record of it $contact->set(comment => 'Company: '.$cust_main->get('ship_company')); } $error = $contact->insert; die "error migrating service contact for customer $custnum: $error" if $error; foreach ( grep { $unlike{$_} } qw( daytime night fax mobile ) ) { my $phone = $cust_main->get("ship_$_"); next if !$phone; my $contact_phone = FS::contact_phone->new({ 'contactnum' => $contact->contactnum, 'phonetypenum' => $phone_type{$_}->phonetypenum, FS::contact::_parse_phonestring( $phone ) }); $error = $contact_phone->insert; # die "whose responsible this" die "error migrating service contact phone for customer $custnum: $error" if $error; $cust_main->set("ship_$_" => ''); } $cust_main->set("ship_$_" => '') foreach qw(last first company); } #if %unlike } #if ship_address1 # special case: should go with whichever location is used to calculate # taxes, because that's the one it originally came from if ( my $geocode = $cust_main->get('geocode') ) { $bill_location->set('geocode' => ''); $ship_location->set('geocode' => ''); if ( $tax_prefix eq 'bill_' ) { $bill_location->set('geocode', $geocode); } elsif ( $tax_prefix eq 'ship_' ) { $ship_location->set('geocode', $geocode); } } # this always goes with the ship_location (whether it's the same as # bill_location or not) $ship_location->set('censustract', $cust_main->get('censustract')); $ship_location->set('censusyear', $cust_main->get('censusyear')); $error = $bill_location->insert; die "error migrating billing address for customer $custnum: $error" if $error; $cust_main->set(bill_locationnum => $bill_location->locationnum); if (!$ship_location->locationnum) { $error = $ship_location->insert; die "error migrating service address for customer $custnum: $error" if $error; } $cust_main->set(ship_locationnum => $ship_location->locationnum); # Step 3: Wipe the migrated fields and update the cust_main $cust_main->set("ship_$_" => '') foreach location_fields(); $cust_main->set($_ => '') foreach location_fields(); $error = $cust_main->replace; die "error migrating addresses for customer $custnum: $error" if $error; # Step 4: set packages at the "default service location" to ship_location foreach my $cust_pkg ( qsearch('cust_pkg', { custnum => $custnum, locationnum => '' }) ) { # not a location change $cust_pkg->set('locationnum', $cust_main->ship_locationnum); $error = $cust_pkg->replace; die "error migrating package ".$cust_pkg->pkgnum.": $error" if $error; } } #foreach $cust_main # repair an error in earlier upgrades if (!FS::upgrade_journal->is_done('cust_location_censustract_repair') and FS::Conf->new->exists('cust_main-require_censustract') ) { foreach my $cust_location ( qsearch('cust_location', { 'censustract' => '' }) ) { my $custnum = $cust_location->custnum; next if !$custnum; # avoid doing this for prospect locations my $address1 = $cust_location->address1; # find the last history record that had that address my $last_h = qsearchs({ table => 'h_cust_main', extra_sql => " WHERE custnum = $custnum AND address1 = ". dbh->quote($address1) . " AND censustract IS NOT NULL", order_by => " ORDER BY history_date DESC LIMIT 1", }); if (!$last_h) { # this is normal; just means it never had a census tract before next; } $cust_location->set('censustract' => $last_h->get('censustract')); $cust_location->set('censusyear' => $last_h->get('censusyear')); my $error = $cust_location->replace; warn "Error setting census tract for customer #$custnum:\n $error\n" if $error; } # foreach $cust_location FS::upgrade_journal->set_done('cust_location_censustract_repair'); } } =back =cut 1;