package FS::cust_main::Billing_Batch; use strict; use vars qw( $conf ); use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs dbh ); use FS::pay_batch; use FS::cust_pay_batch; use FS::cust_bill_pay_batch; install_callback FS::UID sub { $conf = new FS::Conf; #yes, need it for stuff below (prolly should be cached) }; =item batch_card OPTION => VALUE... Adds a payment for this invoice to the pending credit card batch (see L), or, if the B option is set to a true value, runs the payment using a realtime gateway. Options may include: B: the amount to be paid; defaults to the customer's balance minus any payments in transit. B: runs this as a realtime payment instead of adding it to a batch. Deprecated. B: sets cust_pay_batch.invnum. B, B, B, B, B, B: sets the billing address for the payment; defaults to the customer's billing location. B, B, B, B: sets the payment method, payment account, expiration date, and name; defaults to those fields in cust_main. =cut sub batch_card { my ($self, %options) = @_; my $amount; if (exists($options{amount})) { $amount = $options{amount}; }else{ $amount = sprintf("%.2f", $self->balance - $self->in_transit_payments); } if ($amount <= 0) { warn(sprintf("Customer balance %.2f - in transit amount %.2f is <= 0.\n", $self->balance, $self->in_transit_payments )); return; } #my $invnum = delete $options{invnum}; my $invnum = $options{invnum}; #pay fields should all come from either cust_payby or options, not both # in theory, could just pass payby, and use it to select cust_payby, # but nothing currently needs that, so not implementing it now die "Incomplete payment details" if ($options{payby} || $options{payinfo} || $options{paydate} || $options{payname}) && !($options{payby} && $options{payinfo} && $options{paydate} && $options{payname}); #false laziness with Billing_Realtime my @cust_payby = $self->cust_payby('CARD','CHEK'); # batch can't try out every one like realtime, just use first one my $cust_payby = $cust_payby[0]; die "No customer payment info found" unless $options{payinfo} || $cust_payby; my $payby = $options{payby} || $cust_payby->payby; if ($options{'realtime'}) { return $self->realtime_bop( FS::payby->payby2bop($payby), $amount, %options, ); } my $paycode= $options{paycode} || ''; my $batch_type = "DEBIT"; $batch_type = "CREDIT" if $paycode eq 'C'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; #this needs to handle mysql as well as Pg, like #(make it into a common function if folks need to do batching with mysql) $dbh->do("LOCK TABLE pay_batch IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE") or die "Cannot lock pay_batch: " . $dbh->errstr; my %pay_batch = ( 'status' => 'O', 'payby' => FS::payby->payby2payment($payby), 'type' => $batch_type, ); $pay_batch{agentnum} = $self->agentnum if $conf->exists('batch-spoolagent'); my $pay_batch = qsearchs( 'pay_batch', \%pay_batch ); unless ( $pay_batch ) { $pay_batch = new FS::pay_batch \%pay_batch; my $error = $pay_batch->insert; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; die "error creating new batch: $error\n"; } } my $old_cust_pay_batch = qsearchs('cust_pay_batch', { 'batchnum' => $pay_batch->batchnum, 'custnum' => $self->custnum, } ); foreach (qw( address1 address2 city state zip country latitude longitude payby payinfo paydate payname paycode paytype )) { $options{$_} = '' unless exists($options{$_}); } my $loc = $self->bill_location; my $cust_pay_batch = new FS::cust_pay_batch ( { 'batchnum' => $pay_batch->batchnum, 'invnum' => $invnum || 0, # is there a better value? # this field should be # removed... # cust_bill_pay_batch now 'custnum' => $self->custnum, 'last' => $self->getfield('last'), 'first' => $self->getfield('first'), 'address1' => $options{address1} || $loc->address1, 'address2' => $options{address2} || $loc->address2, 'city' => $options{city} || $loc->city, 'state' => $options{state} || $loc->state, 'zip' => $options{zip} || $loc->zip, 'country' => $options{country} || $loc->country, 'payby' => $options{payby} || $cust_payby->payby, 'payinfo' => $options{payinfo} || $cust_payby->payinfo, 'exp' => $options{paydate} || $cust_payby->paydate, 'payname' => $options{payname} || $cust_payby->payname, 'paytype' => $options{paytype} || $cust_payby->{'Hash'}->{'paytype'}, 'amount' => $amount, # consolidating 'paycode' => $options{paycode} || '', } ); $cust_pay_batch->paybatchnum($old_cust_pay_batch->paybatchnum) if $old_cust_pay_batch; my $error; if ($old_cust_pay_batch) { $error = $cust_pay_batch->replace($old_cust_pay_batch) } else { $error = $cust_pay_batch->insert; } if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; #die $error; return $error; # e.g. "Illegal zip" ala RT#75998 } if ($options{'processing-fee'} > 0) { my $pf_cust_pkg; my $processing_fee_text = 'Payment Processing Fee'; unless ( $invnum ) { # probably from a payment screen # do we have any open invoices? pick earliest # uses the fact that cust_main->cust_bill sorts by date ascending my @open = $self->open_cust_bill; $invnum = $open[0]->invnum if scalar(@open); } unless ( $invnum ) { # still nothing? pick last closed invoice # again uses fact that cust_main->cust_bill sorts by date ascending my @closed = $self->cust_bill; $invnum = $closed[$#closed]->invnum if scalar(@closed); } unless ( $invnum ) { # XXX: unlikely case - pre-paying before any invoices generated # what it should do is create a new invoice and pick it warn '\PROCESS FEE AND NO INVOICES PICKED TO APPLY IT!'; return ''; } my $pf_change_error = $self->charge({ 'amount' => $options{'processing-fee'}, 'pkg' => $processing_fee_text, 'setuptax' => 'Y', 'cust_pkg_ref' => \$pf_cust_pkg, }); if($pf_change_error) { warn 'Unable to add payment processing fee'; return ''; } $pf_cust_pkg->setup(time); my $pf_error = $pf_cust_pkg->replace; if($pf_error) { warn 'Unable to set setup time on cust_pkg for processing fee'; # but keep going... } my $cust_bill = qsearchs('cust_bill', { 'invnum' => $invnum }); unless ( $cust_bill ) { warn "race condition + invoice deletion just happened"; return ''; } my $grand_pf_error = $cust_bill->add_cc_surcharge($pf_cust_pkg->pkgnum,$options{'processing-fee'}); warn "cannot add Processing fee to invoice #$invnum: $grand_pf_error" if $grand_pf_error; } my $unapplied = $self->total_unapplied_credits + $self->total_unapplied_payments + $self->in_transit_payments; foreach my $cust_bill ($self->open_cust_bill) { #$dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; my $cust_bill_pay_batch = new FS::cust_bill_pay_batch { 'invnum' => $cust_bill->invnum, 'paybatchnum' => $cust_pay_batch->paybatchnum, 'amount' => $cust_bill->owed, '_date' => time, }; if ($unapplied >= $cust_bill_pay_batch->amount){ $unapplied -= $cust_bill_pay_batch->amount; next; }else{ $cust_bill_pay_batch->amount(sprintf ( "%.2f", $cust_bill_pay_batch->amount - $unapplied )); $unapplied = 0; } $error = $cust_bill_pay_batch->insert; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; die $error; } } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; ''; } =item cust_pay_batch [ OPTION => VALUE... | EXTRA_QSEARCH_PARAMS_HASHREF ] Returns all batched payments (see L) for this customer. Optionally, a list or hashref of additional arguments to the qsearch call can be passed. =cut sub cust_pay_batch { my $self = shift; my $opt = ref($_[0]) ? shift : { @_ }; #return $self->num_cust_statement unless wantarray || keys %$opt; $opt->{'table'} = 'cust_pay_batch'; $opt->{'hashref'} ||= {}; #i guess it would autovivify anyway... $opt->{'hashref'}{'custnum'} = $self->custnum; $opt->{'order_by'} ||= 'ORDER BY paybatchnum ASC'; map { $_ } #behavior of sort undefined in scalar context sort { $a->paybatchnum <=> $b->paybatchnum } qsearch($opt); } =item in_transit_payments Returns the total of requests for payments for this customer pending in batches in transit to the bank. See L and L =cut sub in_transit_payments { my $self = shift; my $in_transit_payments = 0; foreach my $pay_batch ( qsearch('pay_batch', { 'status' => 'I', } ) ) { foreach my $cust_pay_batch ( qsearch('cust_pay_batch', { 'batchnum' => $pay_batch->batchnum, 'custnum' => $self->custnum, 'status' => '', } ) ) { $in_transit_payments += $cust_pay_batch->amount; } } sprintf( "%.2f", $in_transit_payments ); } 1;