package FS::cust_main::API; use strict; use FS::Conf; use FS::part_tag; =item API_getinfo FIELD => VALUE, ... =cut #some false laziness w/ClientAPI::Myaccount customer_info/customer_info_short use vars qw( @cust_main_addl_fields @cust_main_editable_fields @location_editable_fields ); @cust_main_addl_fields = qw( agentnum salesnum refnum classnum usernum referral_custnum ); @cust_main_editable_fields = qw( first last company daytime night fax mobile ); # locale # payby payinfo payname paystart_month paystart_year payissue payip # ss paytype paystate stateid stateid_state @location_editable_fields = qw( address1 address2 city county state zip country ); sub API_getinfo { my( $self, %opt ) = @_; my %return = ( 'error' => '', 'display_custnum' => $self->display_custnum, 'name' => $self->first. ' '. $self->get('last'), 'balance' => $self->balance, 'status' => $self->status, 'statuscolor' => $self->statuscolor, ); $return{$_} = $self->get($_) foreach @cust_main_editable_fields; unless ( $opt{'selfservice'} ) { $return{$_} = $self->get($_) foreach @cust_main_addl_fields; } for (@location_editable_fields) { $return{$_} = $self->bill_location->get($_) if $self->bill_locationnum; $return{'ship_'.$_} = $self->ship_location->get($_) if $self->ship_locationnum; } my @invoicing_list = $self->invoicing_list; $return{'invoicing_list'} = join(', ', grep { $_ !~ /^(POST|FAX)$/ } @invoicing_list ); $return{'postal_invoicing'} = 0 < ( grep { $_ eq 'POST' } @invoicing_list ); #generally, the more useful data from the cust_main record the better. # well, tell me what you want return \%return; } #or maybe all docs go in FS::API ? argh =item API_insert Class method (constructor). Example: use FS::cust_main; FS::cust_main->API_insert( 'agentnum' => 1, 'refnum' => 1, 'first' => 'Harvey', 'last' => 'Black', 'address1' => '5354 Pink Rabbit Lane', 'city' => 'Farscape', 'state' => 'CA', 'zip' => '54144', 'invoicing_list' => '', ); =cut #certainly false laziness w/ClientAPI::Signup new_customer/new_customer_minimal # but approaching this from a clean start / back-office perspective # i.e. no package/service, no immediate credit card run, etc. sub API_insert { my( $class, %opt ) = @_; my $conf = new FS::Conf; #default agentnum like signup_server-default_agentnum? #same for refnum like signup_server-default_refnum? my $cust_main = new FS::cust_main ( { # $class->new( { 'payby' => 'BILL', 'tagnum' => [ FS::part_tag->default_tags ], map { $_ => $opt{$_} } qw( agentnum refnum agent_custid referral_custnum last first company daytime night fax mobile payby payinfo paydate paycvv payname ), } ); my @invoicing_list = $opt{'invoicing_list'} ? split( /\s*\,\s*/, $opt{'invoicing_list'} ) : (); push @invoicing_list, 'POST' if $opt{'postal_invoicing'}; my ($bill_hash, $ship_hash); foreach my $f (FS::cust_main->location_fields) { # avoid having to change this in front-end code $bill_hash->{$f} = $opt{"bill_$f"} || $opt{$f}; $ship_hash->{$f} = $opt{"ship_$f"}; } my $bill_location = FS::cust_location->new($bill_hash); my $ship_location; # we don't have an equivalent of the "same" checkbox in selfservice^Wthis API # so is there a ship address, and if so, is it different from the billing # address? if ( length($ship_hash->{address1}) > 0 and grep { $bill_hash->{$_} ne $ship_hash->{$_} } keys(%$ship_hash) ) { $ship_location = FS::cust_location->new( $ship_hash ); } else { $ship_location = $bill_location; } $cust_main->set('bill_location' => $bill_location); $cust_main->set('ship_location' => $ship_location); my $error = $cust_main->insert( {}, \@invoicing_list ); return { 'error' => $error } if $error; return { 'error' => '', 'custnum' => $cust_main->custnum, }; } 1;