package FS::cust_bill_void; use base qw( FS::Template_Mixin FS::cust_main_Mixin FS::otaker_Mixin FS::reason_Mixin FS::Record ); use strict; use vars qw( $me $DEBUG ); use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs dbh fields ); use FS::cust_statement; use FS::access_user; use FS::cust_bill_pkg_void; use FS::cust_bill; $me = '[ FS::cust_bill_void ]'; $DEBUG = 0; =head1 NAME FS::cust_bill_void - Object methods for cust_bill_void records =head1 SYNOPSIS use FS::cust_bill_void; $record = new FS::cust_bill_void \%hash; $record = new FS::cust_bill_void { 'column' => 'value' }; $error = $record->insert; $error = $new_record->replace($old_record); $error = $record->delete; $error = $record->check; =head1 DESCRIPTION An FS::cust_bill_void object represents a voided invoice. FS::cust_bill_void inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported: =over 4 =item invnum primary key =item custnum custnum =item _date _date =item charged charged =item invoice_terms invoice_terms =item previous_balance previous_balance =item billing_balance billing_balance =item closed closed =item statementnum statementnum =item agent_invid agent_invid =item promised_date promised_date =item void_date void_date =item reason freeform string (deprecated) =item reasonnum reason for voiding the payment (see L) =item void_usernum void_usernum =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new HASHREF Creates a new voided invoice. To add the voided invoice to the database, see L<"insert">. Note that this stores the hash reference, not a distinct copy of the hash it points to. You can ask the object for a copy with the I method. =cut sub table { 'cust_bill_void'; } sub notice_name { 'VOIDED Invoice'; } sub template_conf { 'invoice_'; } sub has_sections { my $self = shift; my $agentnum = $self->cust_main->agentnum; my $tc = $self->template_conf; $self->conf->exists($tc.'sections', $agentnum) || $self->conf->exists($tc.'sections_by_location', $agentnum); } =item insert Adds this record to the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =cut =item unvoid "Un-void"s this invoice: Deletes the voided invoice from the database and adds back a normal invoice (and related tables). =cut sub unvoid { my $self = shift; local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $cust_bill = new FS::cust_bill ( { map { $_ => $self->get($_) } fields('cust_bill') } ); my $error = $cust_bill->insert; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } foreach my $cust_bill_pkg_void ( $self->cust_bill_pkg ) { my $error = $cust_bill_pkg_void->unvoid; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } } $error = $self->delete; if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return $error; } $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit; ''; } =item delete Delete this record from the database. =cut =item replace OLD_RECORD Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. =cut =item check Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid voided invoice. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert and replace methods. =cut sub check { my $self = shift; my $error = $self->ut_number('invnum') || $self->ut_foreign_key('custnum', 'cust_main', 'custnum' ) || $self->ut_numbern('_date') || $self->ut_money('charged') || $self->ut_textn('invoice_terms') || $self->ut_moneyn('previous_balance') || $self->ut_moneyn('billing_balance') || $self->ut_enum('closed', [ '', 'Y' ]) || $self->ut_foreign_keyn('statementnum', 'cust_statement', 'statementnum') || $self->ut_numbern('agent_invid') || $self->ut_numbern('promised_date') || $self->ut_numbern('void_date') || $self->ut_textn('reason') || $self->ut_numbern('void_usernum') || $self->ut_foreign_keyn('reasonnum', 'reason', 'reasonnum') ; return $error if $error; $self->void_date(time) unless $self->void_date; $self->void_usernum($FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->usernum) unless $self->void_usernum; $self->SUPER::check; } =item display_invnum Returns the displayed invoice number for this invoice: agent_invid if cust_bill-default_agent_invid is set and it has a value, invnum otherwise. =cut sub display_invnum { my $self = shift; my $conf = $self->conf; if ( $conf->exists('cust_bill-default_agent_invid') && $self->agent_invid ){ return $self->agent_invid; } else { return $self->invnum; } } =item void_access_user Returns the voiding employee object (see L). =cut sub void_access_user { my $self = shift; qsearchs('access_user', { 'usernum' => $self->void_usernum } ); } =item cust_main =item cust_bill_pkg =item reason Returns the text of the associated void reason (see L) for this. =cut sub cust_bill_pkg { #actually cust_bill_pkg_void objects my $self = shift; qsearch('cust_bill_pkg_void', { invnum=>$self->invnum }); } =back =item cust_pkg Returns the packages (see L) corresponding to the line items for this invoice. =cut sub cust_pkg { my $self = shift; my @cust_pkg = map { $_->pkgnum > 0 ? $_->cust_pkg : () } $self->cust_bill_pkg; my %saw = (); grep { ! $saw{$_->pkgnum}++ } @cust_pkg; } =item search_sql_where HASHREF Class method which returns an SQL WHERE fragment to search for parameters specified in HASHREF. Accepts the following parameters for L: C<_date>, C, C, C, C, C, C. Also accepts the following: =over 4 =item void_date Arrayref of start and end date to find invoices voided in a date range. =item void_usernum User identifier (L key) that voided the invoice. =back =cut sub search_sql_where { my($class, $param) = @_; my $cust_bill_param = { map { $_ => $param->{$_} } grep { exists($param->{$_}) } qw( _date invnum_min invnum_max agentnum custnum cust_classnum refnum ) }; my $search_sql = FS::cust_bill->search_sql_where($cust_bill_param); $search_sql =~ s/cust_bill/cust_bill_void/g; my @search = ($search_sql); if ( $param->{void_date} ) { my($beginning, $ending) = @{$param->{void_date}}; push @search, "cust_bill_void.void_date >= $beginning", "cust_bill_void.void_date < $ending"; } if ( $param->{void_usernum} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { my $usernum = $1; push @search, "cust_bill_void.void_usernum = $1"; } join(" AND ", @search); } =item enable_previous =cut sub enable_previous { 0 } # _upgrade_data # # Used by FS::Upgrade to migrate to a new database. sub _upgrade_data { # class method my ($class, %opts) = @_; warn "$me upgrading $class\n" if $DEBUG; $class->_upgrade_reasonnum(%opts); } =back =head1 BUGS =head1 SEE ALSO L, schema.html from the base documentation. =cut 1;