package FS::cdr::gsm_tap3_12; use base qw( FS::cdr ); use strict; use vars qw( %info %TZ ); use Time::Local; #use Data::Dumper; #false laziness w/ %TZ = ( '+0000' => 'XXX-0', '+0100' => 'XXX-1', '+0200' => 'XXX-2', '+0300' => 'XXX-3', '+0400' => 'XXX-4', '+0500' => 'XXX-5', '+0600' => 'XXX-6', '+0700' => 'XXX-7', '+0800' => 'XXX-8', '+0900' => 'XXX-9', '+1000' => 'XXX-10', '+1100' => 'XXX-11', '+1200' => 'XXX-12', '-0000' => 'XXX+0', '-0100' => 'XXX+1', '-0200' => 'XXX+2', '-0300' => 'XXX+3', '-0400' => 'XXX+4', '-0500' => 'XXX+5', '-0600' => 'XXX+6', '-0700' => 'XXX+7', '-0800' => 'XXX+8', '-0900' => 'XXX+9', '-1000' => 'XXX+10', '-1100' => 'XXX+11', '-1200' => 'XXX+12', ); %info = ( 'name' => 'GSM TAP3 release 12', 'weight' => 50, 'type' => 'asn.1', 'import_fields' => [], 'asn_format' => { 'spec' => _asn_spec(), 'macro' => 'TransferBatch', #XXX & skip the Notification ones? 'header_buffer' => sub { my $TransferBatch = shift; my $networkInfo = $TransferBatch->{networkInfo}; my $recEntityInfo = $networkInfo->{recEntityInfo}; my %recEntity = map { $_->{recEntityCode} => $_->{recEntityId} } @$recEntityInfo; my $utcTimeOffsetInfo = $networkInfo->{utcTimeOffsetInfo}; my %utcTimeOffset = map { $_->{utcTimeOffsetCode} => $_->{utcTimeOffset} } @$utcTimeOffsetInfo; { recEntity => \%recEntity, utcTimeOffset => \%utcTimeOffset, tapDecimalPlaces => $TransferBatch->{accountingInfo}{tapDecimalPlaces}, }; }, 'arrayref' => sub { shift->{'callEventDetails'}; }, 'map' => { 'startdate' => sub { my($row, $buffer) = @_; my $callinfo = $row->{mobileOriginatedCall}{basicCallInformation}; my $timestamp = $callinfo->{callEventStartTimeStamp}; my $localTimeStamp = $timestamp->{localTimeStamp}; $localTimeStamp =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/ or die "unparsable timestamp: $localTimeStamp\n"; #. Dumper($callinfo); my($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); my $utcTimeOffsetCode = $timestamp->{utcTimeOffsetCode}; my $utcTimeOffset = $buffer->{utcTimeOffset}{ $utcTimeOffsetCode }; local($ENV{TZ}) = $TZ{ $utcTimeOffset }; timelocal($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon-1, $year); }, 'duration' => sub { shift->{mobileOriginatedCall}{basicCallInformation}{totalCallEventDuration} }, 'billsec' => sub { shift->{mobileOriginatedCall}{basicCallInformation}{totalCallEventDuration} }, #same.. 'src' => sub { shift->{mobileOriginatedCall}{basicCallInformation}{chargeableSubscriber}{simChargeableSubscriber}{msisdn} }, 'charged_party_imsi' => sub { shift->{mobileOriginatedCall}{basicCallInformation}{chargeableSubscriber}{simChargeableSubscriber}{imsi} }, 'dst' => sub { shift->{mobileOriginatedCall}{basicCallInformation}{destination}{calledNumber} }, #dialledDigits? 'carrierid' => sub { my( $row, $buffer ) = @_; my $recEntityCode = $row->{mobileOriginatedCall}{locationInformation}{networkLocation}{recEntityCode}; $buffer->{recEntity}{ $recEntityCode }; }, 'userfield' => sub { shift->{mobileOriginatedCall}{operatorSpecInformation}[0] }, 'servicecode' => sub { shift->{mobileOriginatedCall}{basicServiceUsedList}[0]{basicService}{serviceCode}{teleServiceCode} }, 'upstream_price' => sub { my($row, $buffer) = @_; sprintf('%.'.$buffer->{tapDecimalPlaces}.'f', $row->{mobileOriginatedCall}{basicServiceUsedList}[0]{chargeInformationList}[0]{chargeDetailList}[0]{charge} / ( 10 ** $buffer->{tapDecimalPlaces} ) ) }, 'calltypenum' => sub { shift->{mobileOriginatedCall}{basicServiceUsedList}[0]{chargeInformationList}[0]{callTypeGroup}{callTypelevel1} }, 'quantity' => sub { shift->{mobileOriginatedCall}{basicServiceUsedList}[0]{chargeInformationList}[0]{chargedUnits} }, 'quantity_able' => sub { shift->{mobileOriginatedCall}{basicServiceUsedList}[0]{chargeInformationList}[0]{chargeableUnits} }, }, }, ); #accepts qsearch parameters as a hash or list of name/value pairs, but not #old-style qsearch('cdr', { field=>'value' }) use Date::Format; use FS::Conf; sub tap3_12_export { my %qsearch = (); if ( ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ) { %qsearch = %{ $_[0] }; } else { %qsearch = @_; } #if these get huge we might need to get a count and do a paged search my @cdrs = qsearch({ 'table'=>'cdr', %qsearch, 'order_by'=>'calldate ASC' }); my $conf = new FS::Conf; eval "use Convert::ASN1"; die $@ if $@; my $asn = Convert::ASN1->new; $asn->prepare( _asn_spec() ) or die $asn->error; my $TransferBatch = $asn->find('TransferBatch') or die $asn->error; my %hash = _TransferBatch(); #static information etc. my $now = time; my $utcTimeOffset = time2str('%z', $now); ### # accountingInfo ### #mandatory $hash{localCurrency} = $conf->config('currency') || 'USD'; ### # batchControlInfo ### #optional $hash{batchControlInfo}->{fileCreationTimeStamp} = { 'localTimeStamp' => time2str('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $now), 'utcTimeOffset' => $utcTimeOffset, }; #The timestamp used to select calls for transfer. All call records available prior to the timestamp are transferred. # This gives an indication to the HPMN as to how ‘up-to-date’ the information is. $hash{batchControlInfo}->{transferCutOffTimeStamp} = { 'localTimeStamp' => time2str('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $cdrs[-1]->calldate_unix ), 'utcTimeOffset' => $utcTimeOffset, }; #The date and time at which the file was made available to the Recipient PMN. # Physically this will normally be the timestamp when the file transfer # commenced to the Recipient PMN, i.e. start of push, however on some systems # this will be the timestamp when the file was made available to be pulled. $hash{batchControlInfo}->{fileAvailableTimeStamp} = { 'localTimeStamp' => time2str('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $now), 'utcTimeOffset' => $utcTimeOffset, }; # A unique identifier used to determine the network which is the Sender of the data. # The full list of codes in use is given in TADIG PRD TD.13: PMN Naming Conventions. $hash{batchControlInfo}->{sender} = $conf->config('cdr-gsm_tap3-sender') || 'ZZZZZ'; #reserved: Y*, ZO-ZZ #XXX customer or agent field of some sort # A unique identifier used to determine which network the data is being sent to, # i.e. the Recipient. # Derivation: GSM Association PRD TD.13: PMN Naming Conventions. $hash{batchControlInfo}->{recipient} = 'GNQHT'; #XXX #A unique reference which identifies each TAP Data Interchange sent by one PMN to another, specific, PMN. # The sequence commences at 1 and is incremented by one for each subsequent TAP Data Interchange sent by the Sender PMN to a particular Recipient PMN. # Separate sequence numbering must be used for Test Data and Chargeable Data. Having reached the maximum value (99999) the number must recycle to 1. $hash{batchControlInfo}->{fileSequenceNumber} = '00178'; ### # networkInfo ### $hash{networkInfo}->{utcTimeOffsetInfo}[0]{utcTimeOffset} = $utcTimeOffset; #XXX recording entity IDs, referenced by recEntityCode #$hash->{networkInfo}->{recEntityInfo}[0]{recEntityId} = '340010100'; #$hash->{networkInfo}->{recEntityInfo}[1]{recEntityId} = '240556000000'; ### # auditControlInfo ### #mandatory $hash{auditControlInfo}->{callEventDetailsCount} = scalar(@cdrs); #these two are optional $hash{auditControlInfo}->{earliestCallTimeStamp} = { 'localTimeStamp' => time2str('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $cdrs[0]->calldate_unix), 'utcTimeOffset' => $utcTimeOffset, }; $hash{auditControlInfo}->{latestCallTimeStamp} = { 'localTimeStamp' => time2str('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $cdrs[-1]->calldate_unix), 'utcTimeOffset' => $utcTimeOffset, }; #mandatory my $totalCharge = 0; $totalCharge += $_->rated_price foreach @cdrs; $hash{totalCharge} = sprintf('%.5f', $totalCharge); ### # callEventDetails ### $hash{callEventDetails} = [ map tap3_12_export_cdr($_), @cdrs ]; ### $TransferBatch->encode( \%hash ); } sub _TransferBatch { #accounting related information 'accountingInfo' => { #mandatory #'localCurrency' => 'USD', 'tapDecimalPlaces' => 5, 'currencyConversionInfo' => [ { 'numberOfDecimalPlaces' => 5, 'exchangeRate' => 152549, #XXX ??? "exchange rate +VAT" ? 'exchangeRateCode' => 1 } ], #optional: may conditionally include taxation and discounting tables, and, optionally, TAP currency }, 'batchControlInfo' => { #mandatory 'specificationVersionNumber' => 3, 'releaseVersionNumber' => 12, #'sender' => 'MDGTM', #'recipient' => 'GNQHT', #'fileSequenceNumber' => '00178', #'transferCutOffTimeStamp' => { # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121230050222', # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300' # }, #'fileAvailableTimeStamp' => { # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121230035052', # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0100' # } #optional #'fileCreationTimeStamp' => { # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121230050222', # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300' # }, #optional: file type indicator which will only be present where the file represents test data #optional: RAP File Sequence Number (used where the batch has previously been returned with a fatal error and is now being resubmitted) (not fileSequenceNumber?) #optional: beyond the scope of TAP and has been bilaterally agreed #'operatorSpecInformation' => [ # '', # '|File proc MTH LUXMA: 1285348027|' Operator Specific Information # # probably just leave out # ], }, #Network Information is a group of related information which pertains to the Sender PMN 'networkInfo' => { #must be present where Recording Entity Codes are present within the TAP file 'recEntityInfo' => [ { 'recEntityCode' => 1, 'recEntityType' => 1, #MSC #'recEntityId' => '340010100', }, { 'recEntityCode' => 2, 'recEntityType' => 2, #SMSC #'recEntityId' => '240556000000', }, ], #mandatory 'utcTimeOffsetInfo' => [ { 'utcTimeOffsetCode' => 1, #'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300', } ] }, #identifies the end of the Transfer Batch 'auditControlInfo' => { #mandatory #'callEventDetailsCount' => 4, 'totalTaxValue' => 0, 'totalDiscountValue' => 0, #'totalCharge' => 50474, #these two are optional #'earliestCallTimeStamp' => { # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121229102501', # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300' # }, #'latestCallTimeStamp' => { # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121229102807', # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300' # } #optional: beyond the scope of TAP and has been bilaterally agreed #'operatorSpecInformation' => [ # '', # ], }, } sub tap3_12_export_cdr { my $self = shift; #one of Mobile Originated Call, Mobile Terminated Call, Mobile Session, Messaging Event, Supplementary Service Event, Service Centre Usage, GPRS Call, Content Transaction or Location Service # Each occurrence must have no more than one of these present { #either tele or bearer service usage originated by the mobile subscription (others?) 'mobileOriginatedCall' => { #identifies the Network Location, which includes the MSC responsible for handling # the call and, where appropriate, the Geographical Location of the mobile 'locationInformation' => { 'networkLocation' => { 'recEntityCode' => $self->carrierid, #XXX Recording Entity (per 2.5, from "Reference Tables") } }, #Operator Specific Information: beyond the scope of TAP and has been bilaterally agreed 'operatorSpecInformation' => [ $self->userfield, ##'|Seq: 178 Loc: 1|' ], #The type of service used together with all related charging information 'basicServiceUsedList' => [ { #identifies the actual Basic Service used 'basicService' => { #one of Teleservice Code or Bearer Service Code as determined by the service type used 'serviceCode' => { #XXX #00 All teleservices #10 All Speech transmission services #11 Telephony #12 Emergency calls #20 All SMS Services #21 Short Message MT/PP #22 Short Message MO/PP #60 All Fax Services #61 Facsimile Group 3 & alternative speech #62 Automatic Facsimile Group 3 #63 Automatic Facsimile Group 4 #70 All data teleservices (compound) #80 All teleservices except SMS (compound) #90 All voice group call services #91 Voice group call #92 Voice broadcast call 'teleServiceCode' => $self->servicecode, #'11' #Bearer Service Code # Must be present within group Service Code where the type of service used # was a bearer service. Must not be present when the type of service used # was a tele service and, therefore, Teleservice Code is present. # Group Bearer Codes, identifiable by the description ‘All’, should only # be used where details of the specific services affected are not # available from the network. #00 All Bearer Services #20 All Data Circuit Asynchronous Services #21 Duplex Asynch. 300bps data circuit #22 Duplex Asynch. 1200bps data circuit #23 Duplex Asynch. 1200/75bps data circuit #24 Duplex Asynch. 2400bps data circuit #25 Duplex Asynch. 4800bps data circuit #26 Duplex Asynch. 9600bps data circuit #27 General Data Circuit Asynchronous Service #30 All Data Circuit Synchronous Services #32 Duplex Synch. 1200bps data circuit #34 Duplex Synch. 2400bps data circuit #35 Duplex Synch. 4800bps data circuit #36 Duplex Synch. 9600bps data circuit #37 General Data Circuit Synchronous Service #40 All Dedicated PAD Access Services #41 Duplex Asynch. 300bps PAD access #42 Duplex Asynch. 1200bps PAD access #43 Duplex Asynch. 1200/75bps PAD access #44 Duplex Asynch. 2400bps PAD access #45 Duplex Asynch. 4800bps PAD access #46 Duplex Asynch. 9600bps PAD access #47 General PAD Access Service #50 All Dedicated Packet Access Services #54 Duplex Synch. 2400bps PAD access #55 Duplex Synch. 4800bps PAD access #56 Duplex Synch. 9600bps PAD access #57 General Packet Access Service #60 All Alternat Speech/Asynchronous Services #70 All Alternate Speech/Synchronous Services #80 All Speech followed by Data Asynchronous Services #90 All Speech followed by Data Synchronous Services #A0 All Data Circuit Asynchronous Services (compound) #B0 All Data Circuit Synchronous Services (compound) #C0 All Asynchronous Services (compound) } #conditionally also contain the following for UMTS: Transparency Indicator, Fixed Network User # Rate, User Protocol Indicator, Guaranteed Bit Rate and Maximum Bit Rate }, #Charge information is provided for all chargeable elements except within Messaging Event and Mobile Session call events # must contain Charged Item and at least one occurrence of Charge Detail 'chargeInformationList' => [ { #XXX #mandatory # the charging principle applied and the unitisation of Chargeable Units. It # is not intended to identify the service used. #A: Call set up attempt #C: Content #D: Duration based charge #E: Event based charge #F: Fixed (one-off) charge #L: Calendar (for example daily usage charge) #V: Volume (outgoing) based charge #W: Volume (incoming) based charge #X: Volume (total volume) based charge #(?? fields to be used as a basis for the calculation of the correct Charge # A: Chargeable Units (if present) # D,V,W,X: Chargeable Units # C: Depends on the content # E: Not Applicable # F: Not Applicable # L: Call Event Start Timestamp) 'chargedItem' => 'D', # the IOT used by the VPMN to price the call 'callTypeGroup' => { #The highest category call type in respect of the destination of the call #0: Unknown/Not Applicable #1: National #2: International #10: HGGSN/HP-GW #11: VGGSN/VP-GW #12: Other GGSN/Other P-GW #100: WLAN 'callTypeLevel1' => $self->calltypenum, #the sub category of Call Type Level 1 #0: Unknown/Not Applicable #1: Mobile #2: PSTN #3: Non Geographic #4: Premium Rate #5: Satellite destination #6: Forwarded call #7: Non forwarded call #10: Broadband #11: Narrowband #12: Conversational #13: Streaming #14: Interactive #15: Background 'callTypeLevel2' => 0, #the sub category of Call Type Level 2 'callTypeLevel3' => 0, }, #mandatory, at least one occurence must be present #A repeating group detailing the Charge and/or charge element # Note that, where a Charge has been levied, even where that Charge is zero, # there must be one occurance, and only one, with a Charge Type of '00' 'chargeDetailList' => [ { #mandatory # after discounts have been deducted but before any tax is added 'charge' => $self->rated_price * 100000, #XXX numberOfDecimalPlaces #mandatory # the type of charge represented #00: Total charge for Charge Information (the invoiceable value) #01: Airtime charge #02: reserved #03: Toll charge #04: Directory assistance #05–20: reserved #21: VPMN surcharge #50: Total charge for Charge Information according to the published IOT # Note that the use of value 50 is only for use by bilateral agreement, use without # bilateral agreement can be treated as per reserved values, that is ‘out of range’ #69–99: reserved 'chargeType' => '00', #conditional # the number of units which are chargeable within the Charge Detail, this may not # correspond to the number of rounded units charged. # The item Charged Item defines what the units represent. 'chargeableUnits' => $self->quantity_able, #optional # the rounded number of units which are actually charged for 'chargedUnits' => $self->quantity, } ], 'exchangeRateCode' => 1, #from header } ] } ], #MO Basic Call Information provides the basic detail of who made the call and where to in respect of mobile originated traffic. 'basicCallInformation' => { #mandatory # the identification of the chargeable subscriber. # The group must contain either the IMSI or the MIN of the Chargeable Subscriber, but not both. 'chargeableSubscriber' => { 'simChargeableSubscriber' => { 'msisdn' => $self->charged_party, #src 'imsi' => $self->charged_party_imsi, } }, # the start of the call event 'callEventStartTimeStamp' => { 'localTimeStamp' => time2str('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $self->startdate), 'utcTimeOffsetCode' => 1 }, # the actual total duration of a call event as a number of seconds 'totalCallEventDuration' => $self->duration, #conditional # the number dialled by the subscriber (Called Number) # or the SMSC Address in case of SMS usage or in cases involving supplementary services # such as call forwarding or transfer etc., the number to which the call is routed 'destination' => { #the international representation of the destination 'calledNumber' => $self->dst, #the actual digits as dialled by the subscriber, i.e. unmodified, in establishing a call # This will contain ‘+’ and ‘#’ where appropriate. #'dialledDigits' => '322221350' }, } } }; } sub _asn_spec { <<'END'; -- -- -- The following ASN.1 specification defines the abstract syntax for -- -- Data Record Format Version 03 -- Release 12 -- -- The specification is structured as follows: -- (1) structure of the Tap batch -- (2) definition of the individual Tap ‘records’ -- (3) Tap data items and groups of data items used within (2) -- (4) Common, non-Tap data types -- (5) Tap data items for content charging -- -- It is mainly a translation from the logical structure -- diagrams. Where appropriate, names used within the -- logical structure diagrams have been shortened. -- For repeating data items the name as used within the logical -- structure have been extended by adding ‘list’ or ‘table’ -- (in some instances). -- -- TAP-0312 DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= -- BEGIN -- -- Structure of a Tap batch -- DataInterChange ::= CHOICE { transferBatch TransferBatch, notification Notification, ... } -- Batch Control Information must always, both logically and physically, -- be the first group/item within Transfer Batch – this ensures that the -- TAP release version can be readily identified. Any new groups/items -- required may be inserted at any point after Batch Control Information TransferBatch ::= [APPLICATION 1] SEQUENCE { batchControlInfo BatchControlInfo OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. accountingInfo AccountingInfo OPTIONAL, networkInfo NetworkInfo OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. messageDescriptionInfo MessageDescriptionInfoList OPTIONAL, callEventDetails CallEventDetailList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. auditControlInfo AuditControlInfo OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } Notification ::= [APPLICATION 2] SEQUENCE { sender Sender OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. recipient Recipient OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. fileSequenceNumber FileSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. rapFileSequenceNumber RapFileSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, fileCreationTimeStamp FileCreationTimeStamp OPTIONAL, fileAvailableTimeStamp FileAvailableTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. transferCutOffTimeStamp TransferCutOffTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. specificationVersionNumber SpecificationVersionNumber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. releaseVersionNumber ReleaseVersionNumber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. fileTypeIndicator FileTypeIndicator OPTIONAL, operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList OPTIONAL, ... } CallEventDetailList ::= [APPLICATION 3] SEQUENCE OF CallEventDetail CallEventDetail ::= CHOICE { mobileOriginatedCall MobileOriginatedCall, mobileTerminatedCall MobileTerminatedCall, supplServiceEvent SupplServiceEvent, serviceCentreUsage ServiceCentreUsage, gprsCall GprsCall, contentTransaction ContentTransaction, locationService LocationService, messagingEvent MessagingEvent, mobileSession MobileSession, ... } -- -- Structure of the individual Tap records -- BatchControlInfo ::= [APPLICATION 4] SEQUENCE { sender Sender OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. recipient Recipient OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. fileSequenceNumber FileSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. fileCreationTimeStamp FileCreationTimeStamp OPTIONAL, transferCutOffTimeStamp TransferCutOffTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. fileAvailableTimeStamp FileAvailableTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. specificationVersionNumber SpecificationVersionNumber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. releaseVersionNumber ReleaseVersionNumber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. fileTypeIndicator FileTypeIndicator OPTIONAL, rapFileSequenceNumber RapFileSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList OPTIONAL, ... } AccountingInfo ::= [APPLICATION 5] SEQUENCE { taxation TaxationList OPTIONAL, discounting DiscountingList OPTIONAL, localCurrency LocalCurrency OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. tapCurrency TapCurrency OPTIONAL, currencyConversionInfo CurrencyConversionList OPTIONAL, tapDecimalPlaces TapDecimalPlaces OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } NetworkInfo ::= [APPLICATION 6] SEQUENCE { utcTimeOffsetInfo UtcTimeOffsetInfoList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. recEntityInfo RecEntityInfoList OPTIONAL, ... } MessageDescriptionInfoList ::= [APPLICATION 8] SEQUENCE OF MessageDescriptionInformation MobileOriginatedCall ::= [APPLICATION 9] SEQUENCE { basicCallInformation MoBasicCallInformation OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. locationInformation LocationInformation OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. equipmentIdentifier ImeiOrEsn OPTIONAL, basicServiceUsedList BasicServiceUsedList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. supplServiceCode SupplServiceCode OPTIONAL, thirdPartyInformation ThirdPartyInformation OPTIONAL, camelServiceUsed CamelServiceUsed OPTIONAL, operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList OPTIONAL, ... } MobileTerminatedCall ::= [APPLICATION 10] SEQUENCE { basicCallInformation MtBasicCallInformation OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. locationInformation LocationInformation OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. equipmentIdentifier ImeiOrEsn OPTIONAL, basicServiceUsedList BasicServiceUsedList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. camelServiceUsed CamelServiceUsed OPTIONAL, operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList OPTIONAL, ... } SupplServiceEvent ::= [APPLICATION 11] SEQUENCE { chargeableSubscriber ChargeableSubscriber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. rapFileSequenceNumber RapFileSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, locationInformation LocationInformation OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. equipmentIdentifier ImeiOrEsn OPTIONAL, supplServiceUsed SupplServiceUsed OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList OPTIONAL, ... } ServiceCentreUsage ::= [APPLICATION 12] SEQUENCE { basicInformation ScuBasicInformation OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. rapFileSequenceNumber RapFileSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, servingNetwork ServingNetwork OPTIONAL, recEntityCode RecEntityCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. chargeInformation ChargeInformation OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. scuChargeType ScuChargeType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. scuTimeStamps ScuTimeStamps OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList OPTIONAL, ... } GprsCall ::= [APPLICATION 14] SEQUENCE { gprsBasicCallInformation GprsBasicCallInformation OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. gprsLocationInformation GprsLocationInformation OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. equipmentIdentifier ImeiOrEsn OPTIONAL, gprsServiceUsed GprsServiceUsed OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. camelServiceUsed CamelServiceUsed OPTIONAL, operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList OPTIONAL, ... } ContentTransaction ::= [APPLICATION 17] SEQUENCE { contentTransactionBasicInfo ContentTransactionBasicInfo OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. chargedPartyInformation ChargedPartyInformation OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. servingPartiesInformation ServingPartiesInformation OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. contentServiceUsed ContentServiceUsedList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList OPTIONAL, ... } LocationService ::= [APPLICATION 297] SEQUENCE { rapFileSequenceNumber RapFileSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recEntityCode RecEntityCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. callReference CallReference OPTIONAL, trackingCustomerInformation TrackingCustomerInformation OPTIONAL, lCSSPInformation LCSSPInformation OPTIONAL, trackedCustomerInformation TrackedCustomerInformation OPTIONAL, locationServiceUsage LocationServiceUsage OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList OPTIONAL, ... } MessagingEvent ::= [APPLICATION 433] SEQUENCE { messagingEventService MessagingEventService OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. chargedParty ChargedParty OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. rapFileSequenceNumber RapFileSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, simToolkitIndicator SimToolkitIndicator OPTIONAL, geographicalLocation GeographicalLocation OPTIONAL, eventReference EventReference OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. recEntityCodeList RecEntityCodeList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. networkElementList NetworkElementList OPTIONAL, locationArea LocationArea OPTIONAL, cellId CellId OPTIONAL, serviceStartTimestamp ServiceStartTimestamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. nonChargedParty NonChargedParty OPTIONAL, exchangeRateCode ExchangeRateCode OPTIONAL, callTypeGroup CallTypeGroup OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. charge Charge OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. taxInformationList TaxInformationList OPTIONAL, operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList OPTIONAL, ... } MobileSession ::= [APPLICATION 434] SEQUENCE { mobileSessionService MobileSessionService OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. chargedParty ChargedParty OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. rapFileSequenceNumber RapFileSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, simToolkitIndicator SimToolkitIndicator OPTIONAL, geographicalLocation GeographicalLocation OPTIONAL, locationArea LocationArea OPTIONAL, cellId CellId OPTIONAL, eventReference EventReference OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. recEntityCodeList RecEntityCodeList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. serviceStartTimestamp ServiceStartTimestamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. causeForTerm CauseForTerm OPTIONAL, totalCallEventDuration TotalCallEventDuration OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. nonChargedParty NonChargedParty OPTIONAL, sessionChargeInfoList SessionChargeInfoList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList OPTIONAL, ... } AuditControlInfo ::= [APPLICATION 15] SEQUENCE { earliestCallTimeStamp EarliestCallTimeStamp OPTIONAL, latestCallTimeStamp LatestCallTimeStamp OPTIONAL, totalCharge TotalCharge OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. totalChargeRefund TotalChargeRefund OPTIONAL, totalTaxRefund TotalTaxRefund OPTIONAL, totalTaxValue TotalTaxValue OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. totalDiscountValue TotalDiscountValue OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. totalDiscountRefund TotalDiscountRefund OPTIONAL, totalAdvisedChargeValueList TotalAdvisedChargeValueList OPTIONAL, callEventDetailsCount CallEventDetailsCount OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList OPTIONAL, ... } -- -- Tap data items and groups of data items -- AccessPointNameNI ::= [APPLICATION 261] AsciiString --(SIZE(1..63)) AccessPointNameOI ::= [APPLICATION 262] AsciiString --(SIZE(1..37)) ActualDeliveryTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 302] DateTime AddressStringDigits ::= BCDString AdvisedCharge ::= [APPLICATION 349] Charge AdvisedChargeCurrency ::= [APPLICATION 348] Currency AdvisedChargeInformation ::= [APPLICATION 351] SEQUENCE { paidIndicator PaidIndicator OPTIONAL, paymentMethod PaymentMethod OPTIONAL, advisedChargeCurrency AdvisedChargeCurrency OPTIONAL, advisedCharge AdvisedCharge OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. commission Commission OPTIONAL, ... } AgeOfLocation ::= [APPLICATION 396] INTEGER BasicService ::= [APPLICATION 36] SEQUENCE { serviceCode BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. transparencyIndicator TransparencyIndicator OPTIONAL, fnur Fnur OPTIONAL, userProtocolIndicator UserProtocolIndicator OPTIONAL, guaranteedBitRate GuaranteedBitRate OPTIONAL, maximumBitRate MaximumBitRate OPTIONAL, ... } BasicServiceCode ::= [APPLICATION 426] CHOICE { teleServiceCode TeleServiceCode, bearerServiceCode BearerServiceCode, ... } BasicServiceCodeList ::= [APPLICATION 37] SEQUENCE OF BasicServiceCode BasicServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 39] SEQUENCE { basicService BasicService OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. chargingTimeStamp ChargingTimeStamp OPTIONAL, chargeInformationList ChargeInformationList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. hSCSDIndicator HSCSDIndicator OPTIONAL, ... } BasicServiceUsedList ::= [APPLICATION 38] SEQUENCE OF BasicServiceUsed BearerServiceCode ::= [APPLICATION 40] HexString --(SIZE(2)) EventReference ::= [APPLICATION 435] AsciiString CalledNumber ::= [APPLICATION 407] AddressStringDigits CalledPlace ::= [APPLICATION 42] AsciiString CalledRegion ::= [APPLICATION 46] AsciiString CallEventDetailsCount ::= [APPLICATION 43] INTEGER CallEventStartTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 44] DateTime CallingNumber ::= [APPLICATION 405] AddressStringDigits CallOriginator ::= [APPLICATION 41] SEQUENCE { callingNumber CallingNumber OPTIONAL, clirIndicator ClirIndicator OPTIONAL, sMSOriginator SMSOriginator OPTIONAL, ... } CallReference ::= [APPLICATION 45] OCTET STRING --(SIZE(1..8)) CallTypeGroup ::= [APPLICATION 258] SEQUENCE { callTypeLevel1 CallTypeLevel1 OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. callTypeLevel2 CallTypeLevel2 OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. callTypeLevel3 CallTypeLevel3 OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } CallTypeLevel1 ::= [APPLICATION 259] INTEGER CallTypeLevel2 ::= [APPLICATION 255] INTEGER CallTypeLevel3 ::= [APPLICATION 256] INTEGER CamelDestinationNumber ::= [APPLICATION 404] AddressStringDigits CamelInvocationFee ::= [APPLICATION 422] AbsoluteAmount CamelServiceKey ::= [APPLICATION 55] INTEGER CamelServiceLevel ::= [APPLICATION 56] INTEGER CamelServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 57] SEQUENCE { camelServiceLevel CamelServiceLevel OPTIONAL, camelServiceKey CamelServiceKey OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. defaultCallHandling DefaultCallHandlingIndicator OPTIONAL, exchangeRateCode ExchangeRateCode OPTIONAL, taxInformation TaxInformationList OPTIONAL, discountInformation DiscountInformation OPTIONAL, camelInvocationFee CamelInvocationFee OPTIONAL, threeGcamelDestination ThreeGcamelDestination OPTIONAL, cseInformation CseInformation OPTIONAL, ... } CauseForTerm ::= [APPLICATION 58] INTEGER CellId ::= [APPLICATION 59] INTEGER Charge ::= [APPLICATION 62] AbsoluteAmount ChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 427] CHOICE { simChargeableSubscriber SimChargeableSubscriber, minChargeableSubscriber MinChargeableSubscriber, ... } ChargeableUnits ::= [APPLICATION 65] INTEGER ChargeDetail ::= [APPLICATION 63] SEQUENCE { chargeType ChargeType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. charge Charge OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. chargeableUnits ChargeableUnits OPTIONAL, chargedUnits ChargedUnits OPTIONAL, chargeDetailTimeStamp ChargeDetailTimeStamp OPTIONAL, ... } ChargeDetailList ::= [APPLICATION 64] SEQUENCE OF ChargeDetail ChargeDetailTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 410] ChargingTimeStamp ChargedItem ::= [APPLICATION 66] AsciiString --(SIZE(1)) ChargedParty ::= [APPLICATION 436] SEQUENCE { imsi Imsi OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. msisdn Msisdn OPTIONAL, publicUserId PublicUserId OPTIONAL, homeBid HomeBid OPTIONAL, homeLocationDescription HomeLocationDescription OPTIONAL, imei Imei OPTIONAL, ... } ChargedPartyEquipment ::= [APPLICATION 323] SEQUENCE { equipmentIdType EquipmentIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. equipmentId EquipmentId OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } ChargedPartyHomeIdentification ::= [APPLICATION 313] SEQUENCE { homeIdType HomeIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. homeIdentifier HomeIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } ChargedPartyHomeIdList ::= [APPLICATION 314] SEQUENCE OF ChargedPartyHomeIdentification ChargedPartyIdentification ::= [APPLICATION 309] SEQUENCE { chargedPartyIdType ChargedPartyIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. chargedPartyIdentifier ChargedPartyIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } ChargedPartyIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 287] AsciiString ChargedPartyIdList ::= [APPLICATION 310] SEQUENCE OF ChargedPartyIdentification ChargedPartyIdType ::= [APPLICATION 305] INTEGER ChargedPartyInformation ::= [APPLICATION 324] SEQUENCE { chargedPartyIdList ChargedPartyIdList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. chargedPartyHomeIdList ChargedPartyHomeIdList OPTIONAL, chargedPartyLocationList ChargedPartyLocationList OPTIONAL, chargedPartyEquipment ChargedPartyEquipment OPTIONAL, ... } ChargedPartyLocation ::= [APPLICATION 320] SEQUENCE { locationIdType LocationIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. locationIdentifier LocationIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } ChargedPartyLocationList ::= [APPLICATION 321] SEQUENCE OF ChargedPartyLocation ChargedPartyStatus ::= [APPLICATION 67] INTEGER ChargedUnits ::= [APPLICATION 68] INTEGER ChargeInformation ::= [APPLICATION 69] SEQUENCE { chargedItem ChargedItem OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. exchangeRateCode ExchangeRateCode OPTIONAL, callTypeGroup CallTypeGroup OPTIONAL, chargeDetailList ChargeDetailList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. taxInformation TaxInformationList OPTIONAL, discountInformation DiscountInformation OPTIONAL, ... } ChargeInformationList ::= [APPLICATION 70] SEQUENCE OF ChargeInformation ChargeRefundIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 344] INTEGER ChargeType ::= [APPLICATION 71] NumberString --(SIZE(2..3)) ChargingId ::= [APPLICATION 72] INTEGER ChargingPoint ::= [APPLICATION 73] AsciiString --(SIZE(1)) ChargingTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 74] DateTime ClirIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 75] INTEGER Commission ::= [APPLICATION 350] Charge CompletionTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 76] DateTime ContentChargingPoint ::= [APPLICATION 345] INTEGER ContentProvider ::= [APPLICATION 327] SEQUENCE { contentProviderIdType ContentProviderIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. contentProviderIdentifier ContentProviderIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } ContentProviderIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 292] AsciiString ContentProviderIdList ::= [APPLICATION 328] SEQUENCE OF ContentProvider ContentProviderIdType ::= [APPLICATION 291] INTEGER ContentProviderName ::= [APPLICATION 334] AsciiString ContentServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 352] SEQUENCE { contentTransactionCode ContentTransactionCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. contentTransactionType ContentTransactionType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. objectType ObjectType OPTIONAL, transactionDescriptionSupp TransactionDescriptionSupp OPTIONAL, transactionShortDescription TransactionShortDescription OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. transactionDetailDescription TransactionDetailDescription OPTIONAL, transactionIdentifier TransactionIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. transactionAuthCode TransactionAuthCode OPTIONAL, dataVolumeIncoming DataVolumeIncoming OPTIONAL, dataVolumeOutgoing DataVolumeOutgoing OPTIONAL, totalDataVolume TotalDataVolume OPTIONAL, chargeRefundIndicator ChargeRefundIndicator OPTIONAL, contentChargingPoint ContentChargingPoint OPTIONAL, chargeInformationList ChargeInformationList OPTIONAL, advisedChargeInformation AdvisedChargeInformation OPTIONAL, ... } ContentServiceUsedList ::= [APPLICATION 285] SEQUENCE OF ContentServiceUsed ContentTransactionBasicInfo ::= [APPLICATION 304] SEQUENCE { rapFileSequenceNumber RapFileSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, orderPlacedTimeStamp OrderPlacedTimeStamp OPTIONAL, requestedDeliveryTimeStamp RequestedDeliveryTimeStamp OPTIONAL, actualDeliveryTimeStamp ActualDeliveryTimeStamp OPTIONAL, totalTransactionDuration TotalTransactionDuration OPTIONAL, transactionStatus TransactionStatus OPTIONAL, ... } ContentTransactionCode ::= [APPLICATION 336] INTEGER ContentTransactionType ::= [APPLICATION 337] INTEGER CseInformation ::= [APPLICATION 79] OCTET STRING --(SIZE(1..40)) CurrencyConversion ::= [APPLICATION 106] SEQUENCE { exchangeRateCode ExchangeRateCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. numberOfDecimalPlaces NumberOfDecimalPlaces OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. exchangeRate ExchangeRate OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } CurrencyConversionList ::= [APPLICATION 80] SEQUENCE OF CurrencyConversion CustomerIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 364] AsciiString CustomerIdType ::= [APPLICATION 363] INTEGER DataVolume ::= INTEGER DataVolumeIncoming ::= [APPLICATION 250] DataVolume DataVolumeOutgoing ::= [APPLICATION 251] DataVolume -- -- The following datatypes are used to denote timestamps. -- Each timestamp consists of a local timestamp and a -- corresponding UTC time offset. -- Except for the timestamps used within the Batch Control -- Information and the Audit Control Information -- the UTC time offset is identified by a code referencing -- the UtcTimeOffsetInfo. -- -- -- We start with the “short” datatype referencing the -- UtcTimeOffsetInfo. -- DateTime ::= SEQUENCE { -- -- Local timestamps are noted in the format -- -- CCYYMMDDhhmmss -- -- where CC = century (‘19’, ‘20’,...) -- YY = year (‘00’ – ‘99’) -- MM = month (‘01’, ‘02’, ... , ‘12’) -- DD = day (‘01’, ‘02’, ... , ‘31’) -- hh = hour (‘00’, ‘01’, ... , ‘23’) -- mm = minutes (‘00’, ‘01’, ... , ‘59’) -- ss = seconds (‘00’, ‘01’, ... , ‘59’) -- localTimeStamp LocalTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. utcTimeOffsetCode UtcTimeOffsetCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } -- -- The following version is the “long” datatype -- containing the UTC time offset directly. -- DateTimeLong ::= SEQUENCE { localTimeStamp LocalTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. utcTimeOffset UtcTimeOffset OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } DefaultCallHandlingIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 87] INTEGER DepositTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 88] DateTime Destination ::= [APPLICATION 89] SEQUENCE { calledNumber CalledNumber OPTIONAL, dialledDigits DialledDigits OPTIONAL, calledPlace CalledPlace OPTIONAL, calledRegion CalledRegion OPTIONAL, sMSDestinationNumber SMSDestinationNumber OPTIONAL, ... } DestinationNetwork ::= [APPLICATION 90] NetworkId DialledDigits ::= [APPLICATION 279] AsciiString Discount ::= [APPLICATION 412] DiscountValue DiscountableAmount ::= [APPLICATION 423] AbsoluteAmount DiscountApplied ::= [APPLICATION 428] CHOICE { fixedDiscountValue FixedDiscountValue, discountRate DiscountRate, ... } DiscountCode ::= [APPLICATION 91] INTEGER DiscountInformation ::= [APPLICATION 96] SEQUENCE { discountCode DiscountCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. discount Discount OPTIONAL, discountableAmount DiscountableAmount OPTIONAL, ... } Discounting ::= [APPLICATION 94] SEQUENCE { discountCode DiscountCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. discountApplied DiscountApplied OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } DiscountingList ::= [APPLICATION 95] SEQUENCE OF Discounting DiscountRate ::= [APPLICATION 92] PercentageRate DiscountValue ::= AbsoluteAmount DistanceChargeBandCode ::= [APPLICATION 98] AsciiString --(SIZE(1)) EarliestCallTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 101] DateTimeLong ElementId ::= [APPLICATION 437] AsciiString ElementType ::= [APPLICATION 438] INTEGER EquipmentId ::= [APPLICATION 290] AsciiString EquipmentIdType ::= [APPLICATION 322] INTEGER Esn ::= [APPLICATION 103] NumberString ExchangeRate ::= [APPLICATION 104] INTEGER ExchangeRateCode ::= [APPLICATION 105] Code FileAvailableTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 107] DateTimeLong FileCreationTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 108] DateTimeLong FileSequenceNumber ::= [APPLICATION 109] NumberString --(SIZE(5)) FileTypeIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 110] AsciiString --(SIZE(1)) FixedDiscountValue ::= [APPLICATION 411] DiscountValue Fnur ::= [APPLICATION 111] INTEGER GeographicalLocation ::= [APPLICATION 113] SEQUENCE { servingNetwork ServingNetwork OPTIONAL, servingBid ServingBid OPTIONAL, servingLocationDescription ServingLocationDescription OPTIONAL, ... } GprsBasicCallInformation ::= [APPLICATION 114] SEQUENCE { gprsChargeableSubscriber GprsChargeableSubscriber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. rapFileSequenceNumber RapFileSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, gprsDestination GprsDestination OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. callEventStartTimeStamp CallEventStartTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. totalCallEventDuration TotalCallEventDuration OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. causeForTerm CauseForTerm OPTIONAL, partialTypeIndicator PartialTypeIndicator OPTIONAL, pDPContextStartTimestamp PDPContextStartTimestamp OPTIONAL, networkInitPDPContext NetworkInitPDPContext OPTIONAL, chargingId ChargingId OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } GprsChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 115] SEQUENCE { chargeableSubscriber ChargeableSubscriber OPTIONAL, pdpAddress PdpAddress OPTIONAL, networkAccessIdentifier NetworkAccessIdentifier OPTIONAL, ... } GprsDestination ::= [APPLICATION 116] SEQUENCE { accessPointNameNI AccessPointNameNI OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. accessPointNameOI AccessPointNameOI OPTIONAL, ... } GprsLocationInformation ::= [APPLICATION 117] SEQUENCE { gprsNetworkLocation GprsNetworkLocation OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. homeLocationInformation HomeLocationInformation OPTIONAL, geographicalLocation GeographicalLocation OPTIONAL, ... } GprsNetworkLocation ::= [APPLICATION 118] SEQUENCE { recEntity RecEntityCodeList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. locationArea LocationArea OPTIONAL, cellId CellId OPTIONAL, ... } GprsServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 121] SEQUENCE { iMSSignallingContext IMSSignallingContext OPTIONAL, dataVolumeIncoming DataVolumeIncoming OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. dataVolumeOutgoing DataVolumeOutgoing OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. chargeInformationList ChargeInformationList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } GsmChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 286] SEQUENCE { imsi Imsi OPTIONAL, msisdn Msisdn OPTIONAL, ... } GuaranteedBitRate ::= [APPLICATION 420] OCTET STRING --(SIZE (1)) HomeBid ::= [APPLICATION 122] Bid HomeIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 288] AsciiString HomeIdType ::= [APPLICATION 311] INTEGER HomeLocationDescription ::= [APPLICATION 413] LocationDescription HomeLocationInformation ::= [APPLICATION 123] SEQUENCE { homeBid HomeBid OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. homeLocationDescription HomeLocationDescription OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } HorizontalAccuracyDelivered ::= [APPLICATION 392] INTEGER HorizontalAccuracyRequested ::= [APPLICATION 385] INTEGER HSCSDIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 424] AsciiString --(SIZE(1)) Imei ::= [APPLICATION 128] BCDString --(SIZE(7..8)) ImeiOrEsn ::= [APPLICATION 429] CHOICE { imei Imei, esn Esn, ... } Imsi ::= [APPLICATION 129] BCDString --(SIZE(3..8)) IMSSignallingContext ::= [APPLICATION 418] INTEGER InternetServiceProvider ::= [APPLICATION 329] SEQUENCE { ispIdType IspIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ispIdentifier IspIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } InternetServiceProviderIdList ::= [APPLICATION 330] SEQUENCE OF InternetServiceProvider IspIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 294] AsciiString IspIdType ::= [APPLICATION 293] INTEGER ISPList ::= [APPLICATION 378] SEQUENCE OF InternetServiceProvider NetworkIdType ::= [APPLICATION 331] INTEGER NetworkIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 295] AsciiString Network ::= [APPLICATION 332] SEQUENCE { networkIdType NetworkIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. networkIdentifier NetworkIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } NetworkList ::= [APPLICATION 333] SEQUENCE OF Network LatestCallTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 133] DateTimeLong LCSQosDelivered ::= [APPLICATION 390] SEQUENCE { lCSTransactionStatus LCSTransactionStatus OPTIONAL, horizontalAccuracyDelivered HorizontalAccuracyDelivered OPTIONAL, verticalAccuracyDelivered VerticalAccuracyDelivered OPTIONAL, responseTime ResponseTime OPTIONAL, positioningMethod PositioningMethod OPTIONAL, trackingPeriod TrackingPeriod OPTIONAL, trackingFrequency TrackingFrequency OPTIONAL, ageOfLocation AgeOfLocation OPTIONAL, ... } LCSQosRequested ::= [APPLICATION 383] SEQUENCE { lCSRequestTimestamp LCSRequestTimestamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. horizontalAccuracyRequested HorizontalAccuracyRequested OPTIONAL, verticalAccuracyRequested VerticalAccuracyRequested OPTIONAL, responseTimeCategory ResponseTimeCategory OPTIONAL, trackingPeriod TrackingPeriod OPTIONAL, trackingFrequency TrackingFrequency OPTIONAL, ... } LCSRequestTimestamp ::= [APPLICATION 384] DateTime LCSSPIdentification ::= [APPLICATION 375] SEQUENCE { contentProviderIdType ContentProviderIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. contentProviderIdentifier ContentProviderIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } LCSSPIdentificationList ::= [APPLICATION 374] SEQUENCE OF LCSSPIdentification LCSSPInformation ::= [APPLICATION 373] SEQUENCE { lCSSPIdentificationList LCSSPIdentificationList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. iSPList ISPList OPTIONAL, networkList NetworkList OPTIONAL, ... } LCSTransactionStatus ::= [APPLICATION 391] INTEGER LocalCurrency ::= [APPLICATION 135] Currency LocalTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 16] NumberString --(SIZE(14)) LocationArea ::= [APPLICATION 136] INTEGER LocationDescription ::= AsciiString LocationIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 289] AsciiString LocationIdType ::= [APPLICATION 315] INTEGER LocationInformation ::= [APPLICATION 138] SEQUENCE { networkLocation NetworkLocation OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. homeLocationInformation HomeLocationInformation OPTIONAL, geographicalLocation GeographicalLocation OPTIONAL, ... } LocationServiceUsage ::= [APPLICATION 382] SEQUENCE { lCSQosRequested LCSQosRequested OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. lCSQosDelivered LCSQosDelivered OPTIONAL, chargingTimeStamp ChargingTimeStamp OPTIONAL, chargeInformationList ChargeInformationList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } MaximumBitRate ::= [APPLICATION 421] OCTET STRING --(SIZE (1)) Mdn ::= [APPLICATION 253] NumberString MessageDescription ::= [APPLICATION 142] AsciiString MessageDescriptionCode ::= [APPLICATION 141] Code MessageDescriptionInformation ::= [APPLICATION 143] SEQUENCE { messageDescriptionCode MessageDescriptionCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. messageDescription MessageDescription OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } MessageStatus ::= [APPLICATION 144] INTEGER MessageType ::= [APPLICATION 145] INTEGER MessagingEventService ::= [APPLICATION 439] INTEGER Min ::= [APPLICATION 146] NumberString --(SIZE(2..15)) MinChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 254] SEQUENCE { min Min OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. mdn Mdn OPTIONAL, ... } MoBasicCallInformation ::= [APPLICATION 147] SEQUENCE { chargeableSubscriber ChargeableSubscriber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. rapFileSequenceNumber RapFileSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, destination Destination OPTIONAL, destinationNetwork DestinationNetwork OPTIONAL, callEventStartTimeStamp CallEventStartTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. totalCallEventDuration TotalCallEventDuration OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. simToolkitIndicator SimToolkitIndicator OPTIONAL, causeForTerm CauseForTerm OPTIONAL, ... } MobileSessionService ::= [APPLICATION 440] INTEGER Msisdn ::= [APPLICATION 152] BCDString --(SIZE(1..9)) MtBasicCallInformation ::= [APPLICATION 153] SEQUENCE { chargeableSubscriber ChargeableSubscriber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. rapFileSequenceNumber RapFileSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, callOriginator CallOriginator OPTIONAL, originatingNetwork OriginatingNetwork OPTIONAL, callEventStartTimeStamp CallEventStartTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. totalCallEventDuration TotalCallEventDuration OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. simToolkitIndicator SimToolkitIndicator OPTIONAL, causeForTerm CauseForTerm OPTIONAL, ... } NetworkAccessIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 417] AsciiString NetworkElement ::= [APPLICATION 441] SEQUENCE { elementType ElementType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. elementId ElementId OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } NetworkElementList ::= [APPLICATION 442] SEQUENCE OF NetworkElement NetworkId ::= AsciiString --(SIZE(1..6)) NetworkInitPDPContext ::= [APPLICATION 245] INTEGER NetworkLocation ::= [APPLICATION 156] SEQUENCE { recEntityCode RecEntityCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. callReference CallReference OPTIONAL, locationArea LocationArea OPTIONAL, cellId CellId OPTIONAL, ... } NonChargedNumber ::= [APPLICATION 402] AsciiString NonChargedParty ::= [APPLICATION 443] SEQUENCE { nonChargedPartyNumber NonChargedPartyNumber OPTIONAL, nonChargedPublicUserId NonChargedPublicUserId OPTIONAL, ... } NonChargedPartyNumber ::= [APPLICATION 444] AddressStringDigits NonChargedPublicUserId ::= [APPLICATION 445] AsciiString NumberOfDecimalPlaces ::= [APPLICATION 159] INTEGER ObjectType ::= [APPLICATION 281] INTEGER OperatorSpecInfoList ::= [APPLICATION 162] SEQUENCE OF OperatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInformation ::= [APPLICATION 163] AsciiString OrderPlacedTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 300] DateTime OriginatingNetwork ::= [APPLICATION 164] NetworkId PacketDataProtocolAddress ::= [APPLICATION 165] AsciiString PaidIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 346] INTEGER PartialTypeIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 166] AsciiString --(SIZE(1)) PaymentMethod ::= [APPLICATION 347] INTEGER PdpAddress ::= [APPLICATION 167] PacketDataProtocolAddress PDPContextStartTimestamp ::= [APPLICATION 260] DateTime PlmnId ::= [APPLICATION 169] AsciiString --(SIZE(5)) PositioningMethod ::= [APPLICATION 395] INTEGER PriorityCode ::= [APPLICATION 170] INTEGER PublicUserId ::= [APPLICATION 446] AsciiString RapFileSequenceNumber ::= [APPLICATION 181] FileSequenceNumber RecEntityCode ::= [APPLICATION 184] Code RecEntityCodeList ::= [APPLICATION 185] SEQUENCE OF RecEntityCode RecEntityId ::= [APPLICATION 400] AsciiString RecEntityInfoList ::= [APPLICATION 188] SEQUENCE OF RecEntityInformation RecEntityInformation ::= [APPLICATION 183] SEQUENCE { recEntityCode RecEntityCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. recEntityType RecEntityType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. recEntityId RecEntityId OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } RecEntityType ::= [APPLICATION 186] INTEGER Recipient ::= [APPLICATION 182] PlmnId ReleaseVersionNumber ::= [APPLICATION 189] INTEGER RequestedDeliveryTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 301] DateTime ResponseTime ::= [APPLICATION 394] INTEGER ResponseTimeCategory ::= [APPLICATION 387] INTEGER ScuBasicInformation ::= [APPLICATION 191] SEQUENCE { chargeableSubscriber ScuChargeableSubscriber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. chargedPartyStatus ChargedPartyStatus OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. nonChargedNumber NonChargedNumber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. clirIndicator ClirIndicator OPTIONAL, originatingNetwork OriginatingNetwork OPTIONAL, destinationNetwork DestinationNetwork OPTIONAL, ... } ScuChargeType ::= [APPLICATION 192] SEQUENCE { messageStatus MessageStatus OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. priorityCode PriorityCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. distanceChargeBandCode DistanceChargeBandCode OPTIONAL, messageType MessageType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. messageDescriptionCode MessageDescriptionCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } ScuTimeStamps ::= [APPLICATION 193] SEQUENCE { depositTimeStamp DepositTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. completionTimeStamp CompletionTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. chargingPoint ChargingPoint OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } ScuChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 430] CHOICE { gsmChargeableSubscriber GsmChargeableSubscriber, minChargeableSubscriber MinChargeableSubscriber, ... } Sender ::= [APPLICATION 196] PlmnId ServiceStartTimestamp ::= [APPLICATION 447] DateTime ServingBid ::= [APPLICATION 198] Bid ServingLocationDescription ::= [APPLICATION 414] LocationDescription ServingNetwork ::= [APPLICATION 195] AsciiString ServingPartiesInformation ::= [APPLICATION 335] SEQUENCE { contentProviderName ContentProviderName OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. contentProviderIdList ContentProviderIdList OPTIONAL, internetServiceProviderIdList InternetServiceProviderIdList OPTIONAL, networkList NetworkList OPTIONAL, ... } SessionChargeInfoList ::= [APPLICATION 448] SEQUENCE OF SessionChargeInformation SessionChargeInformation ::= [APPLICATION 449] SEQUENCE { chargedItem ChargedItem OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. exchangeRateCode ExchangeRateCode OPTIONAL, callTypeGroup CallTypeGroup OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. chargeDetailList ChargeDetailList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. taxInformationList TaxInformationList OPTIONAL, ... } SimChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 199] SEQUENCE { imsi Imsi OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. msisdn Msisdn OPTIONAL, ... } SimToolkitIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 200] AsciiString --(SIZE(1)) SMSDestinationNumber ::= [APPLICATION 419] AsciiString SMSOriginator ::= [APPLICATION 425] AsciiString SpecificationVersionNumber ::= [APPLICATION 201] INTEGER SsParameters ::= [APPLICATION 204] AsciiString --(SIZE(1..40)) SupplServiceActionCode ::= [APPLICATION 208] INTEGER SupplServiceCode ::= [APPLICATION 209] HexString --(SIZE(2)) SupplServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 206] SEQUENCE { supplServiceCode SupplServiceCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. supplServiceActionCode SupplServiceActionCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ssParameters SsParameters OPTIONAL, chargingTimeStamp ChargingTimeStamp OPTIONAL, chargeInformation ChargeInformation OPTIONAL, basicServiceCodeList BasicServiceCodeList OPTIONAL, ... } TapCurrency ::= [APPLICATION 210] Currency TapDecimalPlaces ::= [APPLICATION 244] INTEGER TaxableAmount ::= [APPLICATION 398] AbsoluteAmount Taxation ::= [APPLICATION 216] SEQUENCE { taxCode TaxCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. taxType TaxType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. taxRate TaxRate OPTIONAL, chargeType ChargeType OPTIONAL, taxIndicator TaxIndicator OPTIONAL, ... } TaxationList ::= [APPLICATION 211] SEQUENCE OF Taxation TaxCode ::= [APPLICATION 212] INTEGER TaxIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 432] AsciiString --(SIZE(1)) TaxInformation ::= [APPLICATION 213] SEQUENCE { taxCode TaxCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. taxValue TaxValue OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. taxableAmount TaxableAmount OPTIONAL, ... } TaxInformationList ::= [APPLICATION 214] SEQUENCE OF TaxInformation -- The TaxRate item is of a fixed length to ensure that the full 5 -- decimal places is provided. TaxRate ::= [APPLICATION 215] NumberString --(SIZE(7)) TaxType ::= [APPLICATION 217] AsciiString --(SIZE(2)) TaxValue ::= [APPLICATION 397] AbsoluteAmount TeleServiceCode ::= [APPLICATION 218] HexString --(SIZE(2)) ThirdPartyInformation ::= [APPLICATION 219] SEQUENCE { thirdPartyNumber ThirdPartyNumber OPTIONAL, clirIndicator ClirIndicator OPTIONAL, ... } ThirdPartyNumber ::= [APPLICATION 403] AddressStringDigits ThreeGcamelDestination ::= [APPLICATION 431] CHOICE { camelDestinationNumber CamelDestinationNumber, gprsDestination GprsDestination, ... } TotalAdvisedCharge ::= [APPLICATION 356] AbsoluteAmount TotalAdvisedChargeRefund ::= [APPLICATION 357] AbsoluteAmount TotalAdvisedChargeValue ::= [APPLICATION 360] SEQUENCE { advisedChargeCurrency AdvisedChargeCurrency OPTIONAL, totalAdvisedCharge TotalAdvisedCharge OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. totalAdvisedChargeRefund TotalAdvisedChargeRefund OPTIONAL, totalCommission TotalCommission OPTIONAL, totalCommissionRefund TotalCommissionRefund OPTIONAL, ... } TotalAdvisedChargeValueList ::= [APPLICATION 361] SEQUENCE OF TotalAdvisedChargeValue TotalCallEventDuration ::= [APPLICATION 223] INTEGER TotalCharge ::= [APPLICATION 415] AbsoluteAmount TotalChargeRefund ::= [APPLICATION 355] AbsoluteAmount TotalCommission ::= [APPLICATION 358] AbsoluteAmount TotalCommissionRefund ::= [APPLICATION 359] AbsoluteAmount TotalDataVolume ::= [APPLICATION 343] DataVolume TotalDiscountRefund ::= [APPLICATION 354] AbsoluteAmount TotalDiscountValue ::= [APPLICATION 225] AbsoluteAmount TotalTaxRefund ::= [APPLICATION 353] AbsoluteAmount TotalTaxValue ::= [APPLICATION 226] AbsoluteAmount TotalTransactionDuration ::= [APPLICATION 416] TotalCallEventDuration TrackedCustomerEquipment ::= [APPLICATION 381] SEQUENCE { equipmentIdType EquipmentIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. equipmentId EquipmentId OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } TrackedCustomerHomeId ::= [APPLICATION 377] SEQUENCE { homeIdType HomeIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. homeIdentifier HomeIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } TrackedCustomerHomeIdList ::= [APPLICATION 376] SEQUENCE OF TrackedCustomerHomeId TrackedCustomerIdentification ::= [APPLICATION 372] SEQUENCE { customerIdType CustomerIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. customerIdentifier CustomerIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } TrackedCustomerIdList ::= [APPLICATION 370] SEQUENCE OF TrackedCustomerIdentification TrackedCustomerInformation ::= [APPLICATION 367] SEQUENCE { trackedCustomerIdList TrackedCustomerIdList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. trackedCustomerHomeIdList TrackedCustomerHomeIdList OPTIONAL, trackedCustomerLocList TrackedCustomerLocList OPTIONAL, trackedCustomerEquipment TrackedCustomerEquipment OPTIONAL, ... } TrackedCustomerLocation ::= [APPLICATION 380] SEQUENCE { locationIdType LocationIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. locationIdentifier LocationIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } TrackedCustomerLocList ::= [APPLICATION 379] SEQUENCE OF TrackedCustomerLocation TrackingCustomerEquipment ::= [APPLICATION 371] SEQUENCE { equipmentIdType EquipmentIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. equipmentId EquipmentId OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } TrackingCustomerHomeId ::= [APPLICATION 366] SEQUENCE { homeIdType HomeIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. homeIdentifier HomeIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } TrackingCustomerHomeIdList ::= [APPLICATION 365] SEQUENCE OF TrackingCustomerHomeId TrackingCustomerIdentification ::= [APPLICATION 362] SEQUENCE { customerIdType CustomerIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. customerIdentifier CustomerIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } TrackingCustomerIdList ::= [APPLICATION 299] SEQUENCE OF TrackingCustomerIdentification TrackingCustomerInformation ::= [APPLICATION 298] SEQUENCE { trackingCustomerIdList TrackingCustomerIdList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. trackingCustomerHomeIdList TrackingCustomerHomeIdList OPTIONAL, trackingCustomerLocList TrackingCustomerLocList OPTIONAL, trackingCustomerEquipment TrackingCustomerEquipment OPTIONAL, ... } TrackingCustomerLocation ::= [APPLICATION 369] SEQUENCE { locationIdType LocationIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. locationIdentifier LocationIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } TrackingCustomerLocList ::= [APPLICATION 368] SEQUENCE OF TrackingCustomerLocation TrackingFrequency ::= [APPLICATION 389] INTEGER TrackingPeriod ::= [APPLICATION 388] INTEGER TransactionAuthCode ::= [APPLICATION 342] AsciiString TransactionDescriptionSupp ::= [APPLICATION 338] INTEGER TransactionDetailDescription ::= [APPLICATION 339] AsciiString TransactionIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 341] AsciiString TransactionShortDescription ::= [APPLICATION 340] AsciiString TransactionStatus ::= [APPLICATION 303] INTEGER TransferCutOffTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 227] DateTimeLong TransparencyIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 228] INTEGER UserProtocolIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 280] INTEGER UtcTimeOffset ::= [APPLICATION 231] AsciiString --(SIZE(5)) UtcTimeOffsetCode ::= [APPLICATION 232] Code UtcTimeOffsetInfo ::= [APPLICATION 233] SEQUENCE { utcTimeOffsetCode UtcTimeOffsetCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. utcTimeOffset UtcTimeOffset OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. ... } UtcTimeOffsetInfoList ::= [APPLICATION 234] SEQUENCE OF UtcTimeOffsetInfo VerticalAccuracyDelivered ::= [APPLICATION 393] INTEGER VerticalAccuracyRequested ::= [APPLICATION 386] INTEGER -- -- Tagged common data types -- -- -- The AbsoluteAmount data type is used to -- encode absolute revenue amounts. -- The accuracy of all absolute amount values is defined -- by the value of TapDecimalPlaces within the group -- AccountingInfo for the entire TAP batch. -- Note, that only amounts greater than or equal to zero are allowed. -- The decimal number representing the amount is -- derived from the encoded integer -- value by division by 10^TapDecimalPlaces. -- for example for TapDecimalPlaces = 3 the following values -- will be derived: -- 0 represents 0.000 -- 12 represents 0.012 -- 1234 represents 1.234 -- for TapDecimalPlaces = 5 the following values will be -- derived: -- 0 represents 0.00000 -- 1234 represents 0.01234 -- 123456 represents 1.23456 -- This data type is used to encode (total) -- charges, (total) discount values and -- (total) tax values. -- AbsoluteAmount ::= INTEGER Bid ::= AsciiString --(SIZE(5)) Code ::= INTEGER -- -- Non-tagged common data types -- -- -- Recommended common data types to be used for file encoding: -- -- The following definitions should be used for TAP file creation instead of -- the default specifications (OCTET STRING) -- -- AsciiString ::= VisibleString -- -- Currency ::= VisibleString -- -- HexString ::= VisibleString -- -- NumberString ::= NumericString -- -- AsciiString contains visible ISO 646 characters. -- Leading and trailing spaces must be discarded during processing. -- An AsciiString cannot contain only spaces. AsciiString ::= OCTET STRING -- -- The BCDString data type (Binary Coded Decimal String) is used to represent -- several digits from 0 through 9, a, b, c, d, e. -- Two digits are encoded per octet. The four leftmost bits of the octet represent -- the first digit while the four remaining bits represent the following digit. -- A single f must be used as a filler when the total number of digits to be -- encoded is odd. -- No other filler is allowed. BCDString ::= OCTET STRING -- -- The currency codes from ISO 4217 -- are used to identify a currency -- Currency ::= OCTET STRING -- -- HexString contains ISO 646 characters from 0 through 9, A, B, C, D, E, F. -- HexString ::= OCTET STRING -- -- NumberString contains ISO 646 characters from 0 through 9. -- NumberString ::= OCTET STRING -- -- The PercentageRate data type is used to -- encode percentage rates with an accuracy of 2 decimal places. -- This data type is used to encode discount rates. -- The decimal number representing the percentage -- rate is obtained by dividing the integer value by 100 -- Examples: -- -- 1500 represents 15.00 percent -- 1 represents 0.01 percent -- PercentageRate ::= INTEGER -- END END } 1;