package FS::cdr::Import; use strict; use Date::Format 'time2str'; use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup dbh); use FS::cdr; use FS::DBI; use Getopt::Std; use vars qw( $DEBUG ); $DEBUG = 0; =head1 NAME FS::cdr::Import - CDR importing =head1 SYNOPSIS use FS::cdr::Import; FS::cdr::Import->dbi_import( 'dbd' => 'Pg', #mysql, Sybase, etc. 'database' => 'DATABASE_NAME', 'table' => 'TABLE_NAME',, 'status_table' => 'STATUS_TABLE_NAME', # if using a table rather than field in main table 'primary_key' => 'BILLING_ID', 'primary_key_info' => 'BIGINT', # defaults to bigint 'status_column' => 'STATUS_COLUMN_NAME', # defaults to freesidestatus 'status_column_info' => 'varchar(32)', # defaults to varchar(32) 'column_map' => { #freeside => remote_db 'freeside_column' => 'remote_db_column', 'freeside_column' => sub { my $row = shift; $row->{remote_db_column}; }, }, 'batch_name' => 'batch_name', # cdr_batch name -import-date gets appended. ); =head1 DESCRIPTION CDR importing =head1 CLASS METHODS =item dbi_import =cut sub dbi_import { my $class = shift; my %args = @_; #args are specifed by the script using this sub my %opt; #opt is specified for each install / run of the script getopts('H:U:P:D:T:c:L:S:', \%opt); my $user = shift(@ARGV) or die $class->cli_usage; my $database = $opt{D} || $args{database}; my $table = $opt{T} || $args{table}; my $pkey = $args{primary_key}; my $pkey_info = $args{primary_key_info} ? $args{primary_key_info} : 'BIGINT'; my $status_table = $opt{S} || $args{status_table}; my $dbd_type = $args{'dbd'} ? $args{'dbd'} : 'Pg'; my $status_column = $args{status_column} ? $args{status_column} : 'freesidestatus'; my $status_column_info = $args{status_column_info} ? $args{status_column} : 'VARCHAR(32)'; my $st_sql; my $batch_name = $args{batch_name} ? $args{batch_name} : 'CDR_DB'; my $queries = get_queries({ 'dbd' => $dbd_type, 'host' => $opt{H}, 'table' => $table, 'status_column' => $status_column, 'status_column_info' => $status_column_info, 'status_table' => $status_table, 'primary_key' => $pkey, 'primary_key_info' => $pkey_info, }); my $dsn = 'dbi:'. $dbd_type . $queries->{connect_type}; $dsn .= ";database=$database" if $database; my $dbi = FS::DBI->connect($dsn, $opt{U}, $opt{P}) or die $FS::DBI::errstr; adminsuidsetup $user; ## check for status table if using. if not there create it. if ($status_table) { my $status = $dbi->selectall_arrayref( $queries->{check_statustable} ); if( ! @$status ) { print "Adding status table $status_table ...\n"; $dbi->do( $queries->{create_statustable} ) or die $dbi->errstr; } $st_sql = "INSERT INTO $status_table ( $pkey, $status_column ) VALUES ( ?, 'done' )"; } ## check for column freeside status if not using status table and create it if not there. else { my $status = $dbi->selectall_arrayref( $queries->{check_statuscolumn} ); if( ! @$status ) { print "Adding $status_column column...\n"; $dbi->do( $queries->{create_statuscolumn} ) or die $dbi->errstr; } $st_sql = "UPDATE $table SET $status_column = 'done' WHERE $pkey = ?"; } #my @cols = values %{ $args{column_map} }; my $sql = "SELECT $table.* FROM $table "; # join(',', @cols). " FROM $table ". $sql .= "LEFT JOIN $status_table ON ( $table.$pkey = $status_table.$pkey ) " if $status_table; $sql .= "WHERE $status_column IS NULL "; #$sql .= ' LIMIT '. $opt{L} if $opt{L}; my $sth = $dbi->prepare($sql); $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr. " executing $sql"; my $cdr_batch = new FS::cdr_batch({ 'cdrbatch' => $batch_name . '-import-'. time2str('%Y/%m/%d-%T',time), }); my $error = $cdr_batch->insert; die $error if $error; my $cdrbatchnum = $cdr_batch->cdrbatchnum; my $imported = 0; my $row; while ( $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { my %hash = ( 'cdrbatchnum' => $cdrbatchnum ); foreach my $field ( keys %{ $args{column_map} } ) { my $col_or_coderef = $args{column_map}->{$field}; if ( ref($col_or_coderef) eq 'CODE' ) { $hash{$field} = &{ $col_or_coderef }( $row ); } else { $hash{$field} = $row->{ $col_or_coderef }; } $hash{$field} = '' if $hash{$field} =~ /^\s+$/; #IVR (MSSQL?) bs } my $cdr = FS::cdr->new(\%hash); $cdr->cdrtypenum($opt{c}) if $opt{c}; my $pkey_value = $row->{$pkey}; #print "$pkey_value\n" if $opt{v}; my $error = $cdr->insert; if ($error) { #die "$pkey_value: failed import: $error\n"; print "$pkey_value: failed import: $error\n"; } else { $imported++; my $updated = $dbi->do($st_sql, undef, $pkey_value ); #$updates += $updated; die "failed to set status: ".$dbi->errstr."\n" unless $updated; } if ( $opt{L} && $imported >= $opt{L} ) { $sth->finish; last; } } print "Done.\n"; print "Imported $imported CDRs.\n" if $imported; $dbi->disconnect; } sub cli_usage { "Usage: \n $0\n\t-H hostname\n\t[ -D database ]\n\t-U user\n\t-P password\n\t[ -c cdrtypenum ]\n\t[ -L num_cdrs_limit ]\n\t[ -T table ]\n\t[ -S status table ]\n\tfreesideuser\n"; } sub get_queries { #my ($dbd, $host, $table, $column, $column_create_info, $status_table, $primary_key, $primary_key_info) = @_; my $info = shift; #get host and port information. my ($host, $port) = split /:/, $info->{host}; $host ||= 'localhost'; $port ||= '5000'; # check for pg default 5000 is sybase. my %dbi_connect_types = ( 'Sybase' => ':server='.$host.';port='.$port, 'Pg' => ':host='.$info->{host}, ); #Check for freeside status table my %dbi_check_statustable = ( 'Sybase' => "SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '$info->{status_table}'", 'Pg' => "SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = '$info->{status_table}' AND column_name = '$info->{status_column}'", ); #Create freeside status table my %dbi_create_statustable = ( 'Sybase' => "CREATE TABLE $info->{status_table} ( $info->{primary_key} $info->{primary_key_info}, $info->{status_column} $info->{status_column_info} )", 'Pg' => "CREATE TABLE $info->{status_table} ( $info->{primary_key} $info->{primary_key_info}, $info->{status_column} $info->{status_column_info} )", ); #Check for freeside status column my %dbi_check_statuscolumn = ( 'Sybase' => "SELECT FROM sysobjects JOIN syscolumns ON = WHERE LIKE '$info->{table}' AND = '$info->{status_column}'", 'Pg' => "SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = '$info->{table}' AND column_name = '$info->{status_column}' ", ); #Create freeside status column my %dbi_create_statuscolumn = ( 'Sybase' => "ALTER TABLE $info->{table} ADD $info->{status_column} $info->{status_column_info} NULL", 'Pg' => "ALTER TABLE $info->{table} ADD COLUMN $info->{status_column} $info->{status_column_info}", ); my $queries = { 'connect_type' => $dbi_connect_types{$info->{dbd}}, 'check_statustable' => $dbi_check_statustable{$info->{dbd}}, 'create_statustable' => $dbi_create_statustable{$info->{dbd}}, 'check_statuscolumn' => $dbi_check_statuscolumn{$info->{dbd}}, 'create_statuscolumn' => $dbi_create_statuscolumn{$info->{dbd}}, }; return $queries; } =head1 BUGS currently works with Pg(Postgresql) and Sybase(Sybase AES) Sparse documentation. =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut 1;