package FS::TicketSystem::RT_Internal; use strict; use vars qw( @ISA $DEBUG $me ); use Data::Dumper; use MIME::Entity; use FS::UID qw(dbh); use FS::CGI qw(popurl); use FS::TicketSystem::RT_Libs; @ISA = qw( FS::TicketSystem::RT_Libs ); $DEBUG = 0; $me = '[FS::TicketSystem::RT_Internal]'; sub sql_num_customer_tickets { "( select count(*) from Tickets join Links on ( = Links.LocalBase ) where ( Status = 'new' or Status = 'open' or Status = 'stalled' ) and Target = 'freeside://freeside/cust_main/' || custnum )"; } sub baseurl { #my $self = shift; if ( $RT::URI::freeside::URL ) { $RT::URI::freeside::URL. '/rt/'; } else { ''; } } #mapping/genericize?? #ShowConfigTab ModifySelf sub access_right { my( $self, $session, $right ) = @_; #return '' unless $conf->config('ticket_system'); return '' unless FS::Conf->new->config('ticket_system'); $session = $self->session($session); #warn "$me access_right: CurrentUser ". $session->{'CurrentUser'}. ":\n". # ( $DEBUG>1 ? Dumper($session->{'CurrentUser'}) : '' ) # if $DEBUG > 1; $session->{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => $right, Object => $RT::System ); } sub session { my( $self, $session ) = @_; if ( $session && $session->{'Current_User'} ) { warn "$me session: using existing session and CurrentUser: \n". Dumper($session->{'CurrentUser'}) if $DEBUG; } else { warn "$me session: loading session and CurrentUser\n" if $DEBUG > 1; $session = $self->_web_external_auth($session); } $session; } sub init { my $self = shift; warn "$me init: loading RT libraries\n" if $DEBUG; eval ' use lib ( "/opt/rt3/local/lib", "/opt/rt3/lib" ); use RT; #it looks like the rest are taken care of these days in RT::InitClasses #use RT::Ticket; #use RT::Transactions; #use RT::Users; #use RT::CurrentUser; #use RT::Templates; #use RT::Queues; #use RT::ScripActions; #use RT::ScripConditions; #use RT::Scrips; #use RT::Groups; #use RT::GroupMembers; #use RT::CustomFields; #use RT::CustomFieldValues; #use RT::ObjectCustomFieldValues; #for web external auth... use RT::Interface::Web; '; die $@ if $@; warn "$me init: loading RT config\n" if $DEBUG; { local $SIG{__DIE__}; eval 'RT::LoadConfig();'; } die $@ if $@; warn "$me init: initializing RT\n" if $DEBUG; { local $SIG{__DIE__}; eval 'RT::Init("NoSignalHandlers"=>1);'; } die $@ if $@; warn "$me init: complete" if $DEBUG; } =item create_ticket SESSION_HASHREF, OPTION => VALUE ... Class method. Creates a ticket. If there is an error, returns the scalar error, otherwise returns the newly created RT::Ticket object. Accepts the following options: =over 4 =item queue Queue name or Id =item subject Ticket subject =item requestor Requestor email address or arrayref of addresses =item cc Cc: email address or arrayref of addresses =item message Ticket message =item mime_type MIME type to use for message. Defaults to text/plain. Specifying text/html can be useful to use HTML markup in message. =item custnum Customer number (see L) to associate with ticket. =item svcnum Service number (see L) to associate with ticket. Will also associate the customer who has this service (unless the service is unlinked). =back =cut sub create_ticket { my($self, $session, %param) = @_; $session = $self->session($session); my $Queue = RT::Queue->new($session->{'CurrentUser'}); $Queue->Load( $param{'queue'} ); my $req = ref($param{'requestor'}) ? $param{'requestor'} : ( $param{'requestor'} ? [ $param{'requestor'} ] : [] ); my $cc = ref($param{'cc'}) ? $param{'cc'} : ( $param{'cc'} ? [ $param{'cc'} ] : [] ); my $mimeobj = MIME::Entity->build( 'Data' => $param{'message'}, 'Type' => ( $param{'mime_type'} || 'text/plain' ), ); my %ticket = ( 'Queue' => $Queue->Id, 'Subject' => $param{'subject'}, 'Requestor' => $req, 'Cc' => $cc, 'MIMEObj' => $mimeobj, ); warn Dumper(\%ticket) if $DEBUG > 1; my $Ticket = RT::Ticket->new($session->{'CurrentUser'}); my( $id, $Transaction, $ErrStr ); { local $SIG{__DIE__}; ( $id, $Transaction, $ErrStr ) = $Ticket->Create( %ticket ); } return $ErrStr if $id == 0; warn "ticket got id $id\n" if $DEBUG; #XXX check errors adding custnum/svcnum links (put it in a transaction)... # but we do already know they're good if ( $param{'custnum'} ) { my( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->_AddLink( 'Type' => 'MemberOf', 'Target' => 'freeside://freeside/cust_main/'. $param{'custnum'}, ); } if ( $param{'svcnum'} ) { my( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->_AddLink( 'Type' => 'MemberOf', 'Target' => 'freeside://freeside/cust_svc/'. $param{'svcnum'}, ); } $Ticket; } =item get_ticket SESSION_HASHREF, OPTION => VALUE ... Class method. Retrieves a ticket. If there is an error, returns the scalar error. Otherwise, currently returns a slightly tricky data structure containing a list of the linked customers and each transaction's content, description, and create time. Accepts the following options: =over 4 =item ticket_id The ticket id =back =cut sub get_ticket { my($self, $session, %param) = @_; $session = $self->session($session); my $Ticket = RT::Ticket->new($session->{'CurrentUser'}); my $ticketid = $Ticket->Load( $param{'ticket_id'} ); return 'Could not load ticket' unless $ticketid; my @custs = (); foreach my $link ( @{ $Ticket->Customers->ItemsArrayRef } ) { my $cust = $link->Target; push @custs, $1 if $cust =~ /\/(\d+)$/; } my @txns = (); my $transactions = $Ticket->Transactions; while ( my $transaction = $transactions->Next ) { my $t = { created => $transaction->Created, content => $transaction->Content, description => $transaction->Description, type => $transaction->Type, }; push @txns, $t; } { txns => [ @txns ], custs => [ @custs ], }; } =item correspond_ticket SESSION_HASHREF, OPTION => VALUE ... Class method. Correspond on a ticket. If there is an error, returns the scalar error. Otherwise, returns the transaction id, error message, and RT::Transaction object. Accepts the following options: =over 4 =item ticket_id The ticket id =item content Correspondence content =back =cut sub correspond_ticket { my($self, $session, %param) = @_; $session = $self->session($session); my $Ticket = RT::Ticket->new($session->{'CurrentUser'}); my $ticketid = $Ticket->Load( $param{'ticket_id'} ); return 'Could not load ticket' unless $ticketid; return 'No content' unless $param{'content'}; $Ticket->Correspond( Content => $param{'content'} ); } =item queues SESSION_HASHREF [, ACL ] Retrieve a list of queues. Pass the name of an RT access control right, such as 'CreateTicket', to return only queues on which the current user has that right. Otherwise this will return all queues with the 'SeeQueue' right. =cut sub queues { my( $self, $session, $acl ) = @_; $session = $self->session($session); my $showall = $acl ? 0 : 1; my @result = (); my $q = new RT::Queues($session->{'CurrentUser'}); $q->UnLimit; while (my $queue = $q->Next) { if ($showall || $queue->CurrentUserHasRight($acl)) { push @result, { Id => $queue->Id, Name => $queue->Name, Description => $queue->Description, }; } } return map { $_->{Id} => $_->{Name} } @result; } #shameless false laziness w/RT::Interface::Web::AttemptExternalAuth # to get logged into RT from afar sub _web_external_auth { my( $self, $session ) = @_; my $user = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->username; eval 'use RT::CurrentUser;'; die $@ if $@; $session ||= {}; $session->{'CurrentUser'} = RT::CurrentUser->new(); warn "$me _web_external_auth loading RT user for $user\n" if $DEBUG > 1; $session->{'CurrentUser'}->Load($user); if ( ! $session->{'CurrentUser'}->Id() ) { # Create users on-the-fly warn "can't load RT user for $user; auto-creating\n" if $DEBUG; my $UserObj = RT::User->new( RT::CurrentUser->new('RT_System') ); my ( $val, $msg ) = $UserObj->Create( %{ ref($RT::AutoCreate) ? $RT::AutoCreate : {} }, Name => $user, Gecos => $user, ); if ($val) { # now get user specific information, to better create our user. my $new_user_info = RT::Interface::Web::WebExternalAutoInfo($user); # set the attributes that have been defined. # FIXME: this is a horrible kludge. I'm sure there's something cleaner foreach my $attribute ( 'Name', 'Comments', 'Signature', 'EmailAddress', 'PagerEmailAddress', 'FreeformContactInfo', 'Organization', 'Disabled', 'Privileged', 'RealName', 'NickName', 'Lang', 'EmailEncoding', 'WebEncoding', 'ExternalContactInfoId', 'ContactInfoSystem', 'ExternalAuthId', 'Gecos', 'HomePhone', 'WorkPhone', 'MobilePhone', 'PagerPhone', 'Address1', 'Address2', 'City', 'State', 'Zip', 'Country' ) { #uhh, wrong root #$m->comp( '/Elements/Callback', %ARGS, # _CallbackName => 'NewUser' ); my $method = "Set$attribute"; $UserObj->$method( $new_user_info->{$attribute} ) if ( defined $new_user_info->{$attribute} ); } $session->{'CurrentUser'}->Load($user); } else { # we failed to successfully create the user. abort abort abort. delete $session->{'CurrentUser'}; die "can't auto-create RT user"; #an error message would be nice :/ #$m->abort() unless $RT::WebFallbackToInternalAuth; #$m->comp( '/Elements/Login', %ARGS, # Error => loc( 'Cannot create user: [_1]', $msg ) ); } } unless ( $session->{'CurrentUser'}->Id() ) { delete $session->{'CurrentUser'}; die "can't auto-create RT user"; #$user = $orig_user; # #if ($RT::WebExternalOnly) { # $m->comp( '/Elements/Login', %ARGS, # Error => loc('You are not an authorized user') ); # $m->abort(); #} } $session; } 1;