package FS::TicketSystem; use strict; use vars qw( $conf $system $AUTOLOAD ); use FS::Conf; use FS::UID qw( dbh driver_name ); use FS::Record qw( dbdef ); FS::UID->install_callback( sub { $conf = new FS::Conf; $system = $conf->config('ticket_system'); } ); sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my($sub)=$AUTOLOAD; $sub =~ s/.*://; my $conf = new FS::Conf; die "FS::TicketSystem::$AUTOLOAD called, but no ticket system configured\n" unless $system; eval "use FS::TicketSystem::$system;"; die $@ if $@; $self .= "::$system"; $self->$sub(@_); } # Our schema changes my %columns = ( Tickets => { WillResolve => { type => 'timestamp', null => 1, default => '', }, }, CustomFields => { Required => { type => 'integer', default => 0, null => 0 }, }, ); sub _upgrade_schema { my $system = FS::Conf->new->config('ticket_system'); return if !defined($system) || $system ne 'RT_Internal'; my ($class, %opts) = @_; my $dbh = dbh; my @sql; my $case = driver_name eq 'mysql' ? sub {@_} : sub {map lc, @_}; foreach my $tablename (keys %columns) { my $table = dbdef->table(&$case($tablename)); if ( !$table ) { warn "$tablename table does not exist. Your RT installation is incomplete.\n"; next; } foreach my $colname (keys %{ $columns{$tablename} }) { if ( !$table->column(&$case($colname)) ) { my $col = new DBIx::DBSchema::Column { table_obj => $table, name => &$case($colname), %{ $columns{$tablename}->{$colname} } }; $col->table_obj($table); my ($alter, $postalter) = $col->sql_add_column($dbh); foreach (@$alter) { push @sql, "ALTER TABLE $tablename $_;"; } push @sql, @$postalter; } } #foreach $colname } #foreach $tablename return if !@sql; warn "Upgrading RT schema:\n"; foreach my $statement (@sql) { warn "$statement\n"; $dbh->do( $statement ) or die "Error: ". $dbh->errstr. "\n executing: $statement"; } return; } sub _upgrade_data { return if !defined($system) || $system ne 'RT_Internal'; my ($class, %opts) = @_; # go ahead and use the RT API for this FS::TicketSystem->init; my $session = FS::TicketSystem->session(); # bypass RT ACLs--we're going to do lots of things my $CurrentUser = $RT::SystemUser; my $dbh = dbh; # selfservice and cron users foreach my $username ('%%%SELFSERVICE_USER%%%', 'fs_daily') { my $User = RT::User->new($CurrentUser); $User->Load($username); if (!defined($User->Id)) { my ($val, $msg) = $User->Create( 'Name' => $username, 'Gecos' => $username, 'Privileged' => 1, # any other fields needed? ); die $msg if !$val; } my $Principal = $User->PrincipalObj; # can this ever fail? my @rights = ( qw(ShowTicket SeeQueue ModifyTicket ReplyToTicket CreateTicket SeeCustomField) ); foreach (@rights) { next if $Principal->HasRight( 'Right' => $_, Object => $RT::System ); my ($val, $msg) = $Principal->GrantRight( 'Right' => $_, 'Object' => $RT::System, ); die $msg if !$val; } } #foreach $username # EscalateQueue custom field and friends my $CF = RT::CustomField->new($CurrentUser); $CF->Load('EscalateQueue'); if (!defined($CF->Id)) { my ($val, $msg) = $CF->Create( 'Name' => 'EscalateQueue', 'Type' => 'Select', 'MaxValues' => 1, 'LookupType' => 'RT::Queue', 'Description' => 'Escalate to Queue', 'ValuesClass' => 'RT::CustomFieldValues::Queues', #magic! ); die $msg if !$val; my $OCF = RT::ObjectCustomField->new($CurrentUser); ($val, $msg) = $OCF->Create( 'CustomField' => $CF->Id, 'ObjectId' => 0, ); die $msg if !$val; } # Load from RT data file our (@Groups, @Users, @ACL, @Queues, @ScripActions, @ScripConditions, @Templates, @CustomFields, @Scrips, @Attributes, @Initial, @Final, %Delete_Scrips); my $datafile = '%%%RT_PATH%%%/etc/initialdata'; eval { require $datafile }; if ( $@ ) { warn "Couldn't load RT data from '$datafile': $@\n(skipping)\n"; return; } # Cache existing ScripCondition, ScripAction, and Template IDs. # Complicated because we don't want to just step on multiple IDs # with the same name. my $cachify = sub { my ($class, $hash) = @_; my $search = $class->new($CurrentUser); $search->UnLimit; while ( my $item = $search->Next ) { my $ids = $hash->{lc($item->Name)} ||= []; if ( $item->Creator == 1 ) { # RT::SystemUser unshift @$ids, $item->Id; } else { push @$ids, $item->Id; } } }; my (%condition, %action, %template); &$cachify('RT::ScripConditions', \%condition); &$cachify('RT::ScripActions', \%action); &$cachify('RT::Templates', \%template); # $condition{name} = [ ids... ] # with the id of the system-created object first, if there is one # ScripConditions my $ScripCondition = RT::ScripCondition->new($CurrentUser); foreach my $sc (@ScripConditions) { # $sc: Name, Description, ApplicableTransTypes, ExecModule, Argument next if exists( $condition{ lc($sc->{Name}) } ); my ($val, $msg) = $ScripCondition->Create( %$sc ); die $msg if !$val; $condition{ lc($ScripCondition->Name) } = [ $ScripCondition->Id ]; } # ScripActions my $ScripAction = RT::ScripAction->new($CurrentUser); foreach my $sa (@ScripActions) { # $sa: Name, Description, ExecModule, Argument next if exists( $action{ lc($sa->{Name}) } ); my ($val, $msg) = $ScripAction->Create( %$sa ); die $msg if !$val; $action{ lc($ScripAction->Name) } = [ $ScripAction->Id ]; } # Templates my $Template = RT::Template->new($CurrentUser); foreach my $t (@Templates) { # $t: Queue, Name, Description, Content next if exists( $template{ lc($t->{Name}) } ); my ($val, $msg) = $Template->Create( %$t ); die $msg if !$val; $template{ lc($Template->Name) } = [ $Template->Id ]; } # Scrips my %scrip; # $scrips{condition}{action}{template} = id my $search = RT::Scrips->new($CurrentUser); $search->Limit(FIELD => 'Queue', VALUE => 0); while (my $item = $search->Next) { my ($c, $a, $t) = map {lc $item->$_->Name} ('ScripConditionObj', 'ScripActionObj', 'TemplateObj'); if ( exists $scrip{$c}{$a} and $item->Creator == 1 ) { warn "Deleting duplicate scrip $c $a [$t]\n"; my ($val, $msg) = $item->Delete; warn "error deleting scrip: $msg\n" if !$val; } elsif ( exists $Delete_Scrips{$c}{$a}{$t} and $item->Creator == 1 ) { warn "Deleting obsolete scrip $c $a [$t]\n"; my ($val, $msg) = $item->Delete; warn "error deleting scrip: $msg\n" if !$val; } else { $scrip{$c}{$a} = $item->id; } } my $Scrip = RT::Scrip->new($CurrentUser); foreach my $s ( @Scrips ) { my $desc = $s->{'Description'}; my ($c, $a, $t) = map lc, @{ $s }{'ScripCondition', 'ScripAction', 'Template'}; if ( exists($scrip{$c}{$a}) ) { $Scrip->Load( $scrip{$c}{$a} ); } else { # need to create it if ( !exists($condition{$c}) ) { warn "ScripCondition '$c' not found.\n"; next; } if ( !exists($action{$a}) ) { warn "ScripAction '$a' not found.\n"; next; } if ( !exists($template{$t}) ) { warn "Template '$t' not found.\n"; next; } my %new_param = ( ScripCondition => $condition{$c}->[0], ScripAction => $action{$a}->[0], Template => $template{$t}->[0], Queue => 0, Description => $desc, ); warn "Creating scrip: $c $a [$t]\n"; my ($val, $msg) = $Scrip->Create(%new_param); die $msg if !$val; } #if $scrip{...} # set the Immutable attribute on them if needed if ( !$Scrip->FirstAttribute('Immutable') ) { my ($val, $msg) = $Scrip->SetAttribute(Name => 'Immutable', Content => '1'); die $msg if !$val; } } #foreach (@Scrips) # one-time fix: accumulator fields (support time, etc.) that had values # entered on ticket creation need OCFV records attached to their Create # transactions my $sql = 'SELECT first_ocfv.ObjectId, first_ocfv.Created, Content '. 'FROM ObjectCustomFieldValues as first_ocfv '. 'JOIN ('. # subquery to get the first OCFV with a certain name for each ticket 'SELECT min(ObjectCustomFieldValues.Id) AS Id '. 'FROM ObjectCustomFieldValues '. 'JOIN CustomFields '. 'ON (ObjectCustomFieldValues.CustomField = CustomFields.Id) '. 'WHERE ObjectType = \'RT::Ticket\' '. 'AND CustomFields.Name = ? '. 'GROUP BY ObjectId'. ') AS first_ocfv_id USING (Id) '. 'JOIN ('. # subquery to get the first transaction date for each ticket # other than the Create 'SELECT ObjectId, min(Created) AS Created FROM Transactions '. 'WHERE ObjectType = \'RT::Ticket\' '. 'AND Type != \'Create\' '. 'GROUP BY ObjectId'. ') AS first_txn ON (first_ocfv.ObjectId = first_txn.ObjectId) '. # where the ticket custom field acquired a value before any transactions # on the ticket (i.e. it was set on ticket creation) 'WHERE first_ocfv.Created < first_txn.Created '. # and we haven't already fixed the ticket 'AND NOT EXISTS('. 'SELECT 1 FROM Transactions JOIN ObjectCustomFieldValues '. 'ON (Transactions.Id = ObjectCustomFieldValues.ObjectId) '. 'JOIN CustomFields '. 'ON (ObjectCustomFieldValues.CustomField = CustomFields.Id) '. 'WHERE ObjectCustomFieldValues.ObjectType = \'RT::Transaction\' '. 'AND CustomFields.Name = ? '. 'AND Transactions.Type = \'Create\''. 'AND Transactions.ObjectType = \'RT::Ticket\''. 'AND Transactions.ObjectId = first_ocfv.ObjectId'. ')'; #whew # prior to this fix, the only name an accumulate field could possibly have # was "Support time". my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute('Support time', 'Support time'); my $rows = $sth->rows; warn "Fixing support time on $rows rows...\n" if $rows > 0; while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) { my ($tid, $created, $content) = @$row; my $Txns = RT::Transactions->new($CurrentUser); $Txns->Limit(FIELD => 'ObjectId', VALUE => $tid); $Txns->Limit(FIELD => 'ObjectType', VALUE => 'RT::Ticket'); $Txns->Limit(FIELD => 'Type', VALUE => 'Create'); my $CreateTxn = $Txns->First; if ($CreateTxn) { my ($val, $msg) = $CreateTxn->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => 'Support time', Value => $content, RecordTransaction => 0, ); warn "Error setting transaction support time: $msg\n" unless $val; } else { warn "Create transaction not found for ticket $tid.\n"; } } my $cve_2013_3373_sql = ''; if ( driver_name =~ /^Pg/i ) { $cve_2013_3373_sql = q( UPDATE Tickets SET Subject = REPLACE(Subject,E'\n','') ); } elsif ( driver_name =~ /^mysql/i ) { $cve_2013_3373_sql = q( UPDATE Tickets SET Subject = REPLACE(Subject,'\n',''); ); } else { warn "WARNING: Don't know how to update RT Ticket Subjects for your database driver for CVE-2013-3373"; } if ( $cve_2013_3373_sql ) { my $cve_2013_3373_sth = $dbh->prepare($cve_2013_3373_sql) or die $dbh->errstr; $cve_2013_3373_sth->execute or die $cve_2013_3373_sth->errstr; } # Remove dangling customer links, if any my %target_pkey = ('cust_main' => 'custnum', 'cust_svc' => 'svcnum'); for my $table (keys %target_pkey) { my $pkey = $target_pkey{$table}; my $rows = $dbh->do( "DELETE FROM Links WHERE id IN( SELECT id FROM ( SELECT FROM Links LEFT JOIN $table ON (Links.Target = 'freeside://freeside/$table/' || $table.$pkey) WHERE Links.Target like 'freeside://freeside/$table/%' AND $table.$pkey IS NULL ) AS x )" ) or die $dbh->errstr; warn "Removed $rows dangling ticket-$table links\n" if $rows > 0; } # Fix ticket transactions on the Time* fields where the NewValue (or # OldValue, though this is not known to happen) is an empty string foreach (qw(newvalue oldvalue)) { my $rows = $dbh->do( "UPDATE Transactions SET $_ = '0' WHERE ObjectType='RT::Ticket' AND ". "Field IN ('TimeWorked', 'TimeEstimated', 'TimeLeft') AND $_ = ''" ) or die $dbh->errstr; warn "Fixed $rows transactions with empty time values\n" if $rows > 0; } return; } 1;