package FS::Report::Tax; use strict; use vars qw($DEBUG); use FS::Record qw(dbh qsearch qsearchs); use Date::Format qw( time2str ); use Data::Dumper; $DEBUG = 0; =item report_internal OPTIONS Constructor. Generates a tax report using the internal tax rate system (L). Required parameters: - beginning, ending: the date range as Unix timestamps. - taxname: the name of the tax (corresponds to C). - country: the country code. Optional parameters: - agentnum: limit to this agentnum.num. - breakdown: hashref of the fields to group by. Keys can be 'city', 'district', 'pkgclass', or 'taxclass'; values should be true. - debug: sets the debug level. 1 will warn the data collected for the report; 2 will also warn all of the SQL statements. =cut sub report_internal { my $class = shift; my %opt = @_; $DEBUG ||= $opt{debug}; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my($beginning, $ending) = @opt{'beginning', 'ending'}; my ($taxname, $country, %breakdown); if ( $opt{taxname} =~ /^([\w\s]+)$/ ) { $taxname = $1; } else { die "taxname required"; # UI prevents this } if ( $opt{country} =~ /^(\w\w)$/ ) { $country = $1; } else { die "country required"; } # %breakdown: short name => field identifier %breakdown = ( 'taxclass' => 'cust_main_county.taxclass', 'pkgclass' => 'part_pkg.classnum', 'city' => '', 'district' => 'cust_main_county.district', 'state' => 'cust_main_county.state', 'county' => 'cust_main_county.county', ); foreach (qw(taxclass pkgclass city district)) { delete $breakdown{$_} unless $opt{breakdown}->{$_}; } my $join_cust = ' JOIN cust_bill USING ( invnum ) LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) '; my $join_cust_pkg = $join_cust. ' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum ) LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart ) '; my $from_join_cust_pkg = " FROM cust_bill_pkg $join_cust_pkg "; # all queries MUST be linked to both cust_bill and cust_main_county # Either or both of these can be used to link cust_bill_pkg to # cust_main_county. This one links a taxed line item (billpkgnum) to a tax rate # (taxnum), and gives the amount of tax charged on that line item under that # rate (as tax_amount). my $pkg_tax = "SELECT SUM(amount) as tax_amount, taxnum, ". "taxable_billpkgnum AS billpkgnum ". "FROM cust_bill_pkg_tax_location JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum) ". "GROUP BY taxable_billpkgnum, taxnum"; # This one links a tax-exempted line item (billpkgnum) to a tax rate (taxnum), # and gives the amount of the tax exemption. EXEMPT_WHERE should be replaced # with a real WHERE clause to further limit the tax exemptions that will be # included. my $pkg_tax_exempt = "SELECT SUM(amount) AS exempt_charged, billpkgnum, taxnum ". "FROM cust_tax_exempt_pkg EXEMPT_WHERE GROUP BY billpkgnum, taxnum"; my $where = "WHERE cust_bill._date >= $beginning AND cust_bill._date <= $ending ". "AND COALESCE(cust_main_county.taxname,'Tax') = '$taxname' ". "AND = '$country'"; # SELECT/GROUP clauses for first-level queries my $select = "SELECT "; my $group = "GROUP BY "; foreach (qw(pkgclass taxclass state county city district)) { if ( $breakdown{$_} ) { $select .= "$breakdown{$_} AS $_, "; $group .= "$breakdown{$_}, "; } else { $select .= "NULL AS $_, "; } } $select .= "array_to_string(array_agg(DISTINCT(cust_main_county.taxnum)), ',') AS taxnums, "; $group =~ s/, $//; # SELECT/GROUP clauses for second-level (totals) queries # breakdown by package class only, if anything my $select_all = "SELECT NULL AS pkgclass, "; my $group_all = ""; if ( $breakdown{pkgclass} ) { $select_all = "SELECT $breakdown{pkgclass} AS pkgclass, "; $group_all = "GROUP BY $breakdown{pkgclass}"; } $select_all .= "array_to_string(array_agg(DISTINCT(cust_main_county.taxnum)), ',') AS taxnums, "; my $agentnum; if ( $opt{agentnum} and $opt{agentnum} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { $agentnum = $1; my $agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $agentnum } ); die "agent not found" unless $agent; $where .= " AND cust_main.agentnum = $agentnum"; } my $nottax = '(cust_bill_pkg.pkgnum != 0 OR cust_bill_pkg.feepart IS NOT NULL)'; # one query for each column of the report # plus separate queries for the totals row my (%sql, %all_sql); # SALES QUERIES (taxable sales, all types of exempt sales) # ------------- # general form my $exempt = "$select SUM(exempt_charged) FROM cust_main_county JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt USING (taxnum) JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum) $join_cust_pkg $where AND $nottax $group"; my $all_exempt = "$select_all SUM(exempt_charged) FROM cust_main_county JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt USING (taxnum) JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum) $join_cust_pkg $where AND $nottax $group_all"; # sales to tax-exempt customers $sql{exempt_cust} = $exempt; $sql{exempt_cust} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_cust = 'Y' OR exempt_cust_taxname = 'Y'/; $all_sql{exempt_cust} = $all_exempt; $all_sql{exempt_cust} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_cust = 'Y' OR exempt_cust_taxname = 'Y'/; # sales of tax-exempt packages $sql{exempt_pkg} = $exempt; $sql{exempt_pkg} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_setup = 'Y' OR exempt_recur = 'Y'/; $all_sql{exempt_pkg} = $all_exempt; $all_sql{exempt_pkg} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_setup = 'Y' OR exempt_recur = 'Y'/; # monthly per-customer exemptions $sql{exempt_monthly} = $exempt; $sql{exempt_monthly} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_monthly = 'Y'/; $all_sql{exempt_monthly} = $all_exempt; $all_sql{exempt_monthly} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_monthly = 'Y'/; # taxable sales $sql{taxable} = "$select SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup + cust_bill_pkg.recur - COALESCE(exempt_charged, 0)) FROM cust_main_county JOIN ($pkg_tax) AS pkg_tax USING (taxnum) JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum) LEFT JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt ON (pkg_tax_exempt.billpkgnum = cust_bill_pkg.billpkgnum AND pkg_tax_exempt.taxnum = cust_main_county.taxnum) $join_cust_pkg $where AND $nottax $group"; $all_sql{taxable} = "$select_all SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup + cust_bill_pkg.recur - COALESCE(exempt_charged, 0)) FROM cust_main_county JOIN ($pkg_tax) AS pkg_tax USING (taxnum) JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum) LEFT JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt ON (pkg_tax_exempt.billpkgnum = cust_bill_pkg.billpkgnum AND pkg_tax_exempt.taxnum = cust_main_county.taxnum) $join_cust_pkg $where AND $nottax $group_all"; $sql{taxable} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE//; # unrestricted $all_sql{taxable} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE//; # there isn't one for 'sales', because we calculate sales by adding up # the taxable and exempt columns. # TAX QUERIES (billed tax, credited tax) # ----------- # sum of billed tax: # join cust_bill_pkg to cust_main_county via cust_bill_pkg_tax_location my $taxfrom = " FROM cust_bill_pkg $join_cust LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pkg_tax_location USING ( billpkgnum ) LEFT JOIN cust_main_county USING ( taxnum )"; if ( $breakdown{pkgclass} ) { # If we're not grouping by package class, this is unnecessary, and # probably really expensive. $taxfrom .= " LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pkg AS taxable ON (cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.taxable_billpkgnum = taxable.billpkgnum) LEFT JOIN cust_pkg ON (taxable.pkgnum = cust_pkg.pkgnum) LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING (pkgpart)"; } my $istax = "cust_bill_pkg.pkgnum = 0"; $sql{tax} = "$select SUM(cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.amount) $taxfrom $where AND $istax $group"; $all_sql{tax} = "$select_all SUM(cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.amount) $taxfrom $where AND $istax $group_all"; # sum of credits applied against billed tax # ($creditfrom includes join of taxable item to part_pkg if with_pkgclass # is on) my $creditfrom = $taxfrom . ' JOIN cust_credit_bill_pkg USING (billpkgtaxlocationnum)' . ' JOIN cust_credit_bill USING (creditbillnum)'; my $creditwhere = $where . ' AND billpkgtaxratelocationnum IS NULL'; # if the credit_date option is set to application date, change # $creditwhere accordingly if ( $opt{credit_date} eq 'cust_credit_bill' ) { $creditwhere =~ s/cust_bill._date/cust_credit_bill._date/g; } $sql{credit} = "$select SUM(cust_credit_bill_pkg.amount) $creditfrom $creditwhere AND $istax $group"; $all_sql{credit} = "$select_all SUM(cust_credit_bill_pkg.amount) $creditfrom $creditwhere AND $istax $group_all"; my %data; my %total; foreach my $k (keys(%sql)) { my $stmt = $sql{$k}; warn "\n".uc($k).":\n".$stmt."\n" if $DEBUG; my $sth = dbh->prepare($stmt); # eight columns: pkgclass, taxclass, state, county, city, district # taxnums (comma separated), value $sth->execute or die "failed to execute $k query: ".$sth->errstr; while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) { my $bin = $data {$row->[0]} # pkgclass {$row->[1] # taxclass || ($breakdown{taxclass} ? 'Unclassified' : '')} {$row->[2]} # state {$row->[3] ? $row->[3] . ' County' : ''} # county {$row->[4]} # city {$row->[5]} # district ||= []; push @$bin, [ $k, $row->[6], $row->[7] ]; } } warn "DATA:\n".Dumper(\%data) if $DEBUG > 1; foreach my $k (keys %all_sql) { warn "\nTOTAL ".uc($k).":\n".$all_sql{$k}."\n" if $DEBUG; my $sth = dbh->prepare($all_sql{$k}); # three columns: pkgclass, taxnums (comma separated), value $sth->execute or die "failed to execute $k totals query: ".$sth->errstr; while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) { my $bin = $total{$row->[0]} ||= []; push @$bin, [ $k, $row->[1], $row->[2] ]; } } warn "TOTALS:\n".Dumper(\%total) if $DEBUG > 1; # $data{$pkgclass}{$taxclass}{$state}{$county}{$city}{$district} = [ # [ 'taxable', taxnums, amount ], # [ 'exempt_cust', taxnums, amount ], # ... # ] # non-requested grouping levels simply collapse into key = '' my %taxrates; foreach my $tax ( qsearch('cust_main_county', { country => $country, tax => { op => '>', value => 0 } }) ) { $taxrates{$tax->taxnum} = $tax->tax; } # return the data bless { 'opt' => \%opt, 'data' => \%data, 'total' => \%total, 'taxrates' => \%taxrates, }, $class; } sub opt { my $self = shift; $self->{opt}; } sub data { my $self = shift; $self->{data}; } # sub fetchall_array... sub table { my $self = shift; my @columns = (qw(pkgclass taxclass state county city district)); # taxnums, field headings, and amounts my @rows; my %row_template; # de-treeify this thing my $descend; $descend = sub { my ($tree, $level) = @_; if ( ref($tree) eq 'HASH' ) { foreach my $k ( sort { -1*($b eq '') # sort '' to the end or ($a eq '') # sort '' to the end or ($a <=> $b) # sort numbers as numbers or ($a cmp $b) # sort alphabetics as alphabetics } keys %$tree ) { $row_template{ $columns[$level] } = $k; &{ $descend }($tree->{$k}, $level + 1); if ( $level == 0 ) { # then insert the total row for the pkgclass $row_template{'total'} = 1; # flag it as a total &{ $descend }($self->{total}->{$k}, 1); $row_template{'total'} = 0; } } } elsif ( ref($tree) eq 'ARRAY' ) { # then we've reached the bottom; elements of this array are arrayrefs # of [ field, taxnums, amount ]. # start with the inherited location-element fields my %this_row = %row_template; my %taxnums; foreach my $x (@$tree) { # accumulate taxnums foreach (split(',', $x->[1])) { $taxnums{$_} = 1; } # and money values $this_row{ $x->[0] } = $x->[2]; } # store combined taxnums $this_row{taxnums} = join(',', sort { $a cmp $b } keys %taxnums); # and calculate row totals $this_row{sales} = sprintf('%.2f', $this_row{taxable} + $this_row{exempt_cust} + $this_row{exempt_pkg} + $this_row{exempt_monthly} ); # and give it a label if ( $this_row{total} ) { $this_row{label} = 'Total'; } else { $this_row{label} = join(', ', grep $_, $this_row{taxclass}, $this_row{state}, $this_row{county}, # already has ' County' suffix $this_row{city}, $this_row{district} ); } # and indicate the tax rate, if any my $rate; foreach (keys %taxnums) { $rate ||= $self->{taxrates}->{$_}; if ( $rate != $self->{taxrates}->{$_} ) { $rate = 'variable'; last; } } if ( $rate eq 'variable' ) { $this_row{rate} = 'variable'; } elsif ( $rate > 0 ) { $this_row{rate} = sprintf('%.2f', $rate); $this_row{estimated} = sprintf('%.2f', $this_row{taxable} * $rate / 100); } push @rows, \%this_row; } }; &{ $descend }($self->{data}, 0); warn "TABLE:\n".Dumper(\@rows) if $self->{opt}->{debug}; return @rows; } sub taxrates { my $self = shift; $self->{taxrates} } sub title { my $self = shift; my $string = ''; if ( $self->{opt}->{agentnum} ) { my $agent = qsearchs('agent', { agentnum => $self->{opt}->{agentnum} }); $string .= $agent->agent . ' '; warn $string; } $string .= 'Tax Report: '; # XXX localization if ( $self->{opt}->{beginning} ) { $string .= time2str('%h %o %Y ', $self->{opt}->{beginning}); } $string .= 'through '; if ( $self->{opt}->{ending} and $self->{opt}->{ending} < 4294967295 ) { $string .= time2str('%h %o %Y', $self->{opt}->{ending}); } else { $string .= 'now'; } $string .= ' - ' . $self->{opt}->{taxname}; return $string; } 1;